Barairo no Senkai [Sengoku Basara Modern AU] ~1x1 Jikkah/DarkMudkip~

Sasuke choked on his food and hit his chest to dislodge the rice stuck in his lungs, "Wh-What...!? N-No, you can't work at Katty's! That is the worst idea in the world, don't you dare apply there!"
Yukimura didn't budge. "I-I've already sent in a request for a job opening." He said, cheeks flushed.
"Danna!" Sasuke snapped, furious beyond belief, "Why would you do something so stupid!? That isn't a job for you! I won't let you subject yourself to that kind of Hell!"
"But Sasuke! I can't just condemn you to work their either!" He protested, grinding his teeth. "It's my fault you have to work there!"
"I was the one who always got you fired from all of your other jobs as well as banned from the shopping center..!" He said.
"Sasuke please!" He begged. "Please let me make up your humiliation with humiliation of my own!"
"Dammit, danna! No! I don't want you ruining your life like I already ruined mine!" Sasuke shouted. He cleanched his fists and glared at the ground, "Please, danna...I promised your brother and father I would protect you after you moved out...let me keep my promise."
"What else am I supposed to do then?" He asked quietly, clearly upset about what Sasuke was doitn for a living.
"Focus on your schooling, for one. Two, let me worry about income. I'm this close to a new job, danna, I can feel it. Don't worry about me, ok? Focus on you." He told him
Yukimura nodded. "Promise me as soon as you can, you quit that place." He said, looking up at Sasuke.
"Oh, do you? Did you ever figure out if she really fell down the stairs the other day?" He asked, "Cuz, I've fallen down a ton of stairs and didn't get bruises that looked like that..."
He frowned heavily. "No.. She wouldn't tell me.." He said softly. "But I do not think the stairs were the cause of them either."
Yukimura made a face. "Megohime-dono?" He inquired, knowing she had never really liked Akihime.
"It couldn't be Mitsunari... Sure he has a bad temper, but I don't think he'd hit her.." He mused.
Sasuke half shrugged, "You never know...anyway...I'm gonna try and get my last paycheck tonight and find employment elsewhere after school...that way you can be alone with your lady friend~"
Sasuke chuckled, "Hai-hai.." He muttered. He knew that they both liked each other, they were just shy. Maybe he should give them a little push
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