Barairo no Senkai [Sengoku Basara Modern AU] ~1x1 Jikkah/DarkMudkip~

"Obaa-san, calm down..." Masamune chuckled faintly, "I gotta go deliever Kojurou his work anyway...I'll be back later." He said. He kissed Megohime gently, "I love you." He said gently
Masamune headed out and headed home, smirking at the pouty looking Kojurou. "Got your work today~" "Shut up, Masamune." "Your teacher was real disappointed~" "Shut up, Masamune." "They all hope you learned a valuable lesson~" "Shut up, Masamune."
Jingu had sent plenty of texts to Kojurou, begging him to forgive her, to please respond, and how sorry she was.
Masamune saw Kojurou's phone buzz and grabbed it, flipping it open and reading the texts. "Why won't you talk to her?" "I'm pissed off." Kojurou answered, "I'd rather not speak to her right now."
Jingu had tried for a week straight to get Kojurou to talk to her, completely crushed that he was ignoring her. Sitting in her apartment she sat on the couch, tears falling down her face as a cigarette hung from her lips, the end glowing as she puffed on it half-heartedly, giving up on trying to contact Kojurou.
Kojurou was finally able to return to school, his suspension over. He made his way to her apartment, feeling a little bad for treating her so poorly
Jingu hadn't gone to school all while Kojurou hadn't, staying home and sitting on her couch, smoking nearly a pack a day again.
There was a soft click as the door was unlocked before opening a crack, the heavy smell of cigarette smoke hitting Kojurou like a wall. Jingu looked terrible, her eyes puffy and red and she looked as though she hadn't slept in days. When she saw it was Kojurou, she nearly broke down sobbing, moving to close the door.
The door opened slowly, but once it did, Jingu was on the ground, head pressed to the floor as she bowed to him. "Gomenasai! Gomenasai!" She sobbed. "I led you on! I'm a terrible whore who just led you on and hurt your feelings! I don't deserve your forgiveness!" Her sobs racked her body. "Gomenasai..!"
Kojurou averted his gaze, "You are not a whore. But I am a fool for believing that maybe I had a chance with you. But, I was clearly wrong and I apologize for ruining the...intimate moment you were sharing with the school nurse. I do still desire to be friends, if that is acceptable."
Jingu nodded, wiping away her tears. "H-Hai.." She said. "I-I would enjoy it very much if we could still be friends.."
((Even more friendzoned!))

Kojurou didn't even bat an eye; he only nodded. "Also." He held out his hand, "I want all of your cigarettes. And if I ever catch you smoking or smell it on your clothes or breath, I will very upset."
((Well, she doesn't wanna push her luck!))

Jingu nodded and handed him her remaining pack, keeping her gaze on the ground. "Hai..."
She nodded. "I would be honored." She said, bowing deeply at the waist to him. "If you'd still accept it... I'd like to help you in your garden..?"
"I could help you fix it up, if you'd like?" She offered, rubbing her arm, already missing her cigarettes.
She nodded and grabbed her shoes before locking up, walking with Kojurou back to his apartment.
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