Barairo no Senkai [Sengoku Basara Modern AU] ~1x1 Jikkah/DarkMudkip~

Kiyoaki sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes, fixing her hair. "Megohime is out of surgery and is currently resting in the ICU, she's stable for now, but she suffered quite a bit of internal damage. She's been sedated for the time being, so please don't try to wake her and don't expect her to wake. She's in room I4." He said before leaving. "Oh Mego..." Kiyoaki's lower lip trembled and she got up, hurrying off down the hall to see her daughter.
Masamune stood and went to follow, wanting to see how Megohime was. He'll check on Mego and then go confront Chosokabe, he told himself, no matter how bad it'll get.

Kojurou awoke with a groan, the sedative they gave him from surgery wearing off. He looked around and saw Jingu, smiling faintly, "Jingu-dono...?" He called gently, shaking her softly
Megohime was in terrible condition, on full life support and nearly wrapped from head to toe. A tube went down her throat and many more tubes stuck out from under the blanket, leading to her torso. A stitched up gash ran over her forehead, just above her brow, both of her legs in casts, as well as her left arm. Kiyoaki moved over to Megohime, taking her daughters hand gently. "Mego..

Jingu slowly opened her eyes and groaned softly. "Kojurou-senpai..?" She asked, rubbing her eyes.
Masamune felt his heart sink into his stomach again. He moved over slowly and looked her over. She didn't deserve to be here, she didn't deserve to be nearly crushed under Motochika's car. He clenched his fist tight. He'll make Motochika pay for this.

Kojurou smiled faintly, "Good morning." He greeted, "I hope you weren't here long."
Behind Masamune another heart monitor beeped, and a familiar face lay in the bed, though bruised, it was clear who it was. Nana and Megohime where both in the same room.

((So when are we gonna have this manly smack down~?))

Jingu shook her head and sat up more. "No, don't worry about me, how are you doing?" She asked.
Masamune looked and his eye widened, "Holy shit." He muttered and moved over to Nana. "Damn, Ren wasn't kidding..."

"My shoulder is very sore." He said with a small chuckle, "But, I'll be alright.."
Kiyoaki sat beside Megohime, holding her hand and staring numbly at the bed. "She looks like she jumped in front of a train..." She muttered weakly.

"I'm glad." She said, suppressing a cough. "You should get some rest, I can go and grab you some food if you'd like?"
Kiyoaki sat with Megohime, not having left her side since yesterday, stomach growling as she stared at her unconscious daughter. "Why hasn't she woken up..?"
"She's comatose,'ll take her a while." He said. He touched her arm, "Why don't you go get something to eat? I'll stay with Mego. You see?"
She hesitated before nodded, kissing Megohime's hand before standing and leaving the room numbly, heading down to the cafeteria.
Masamune sighed softly and sat with Megohime. He didn't turn when the door opened, "Forget somethin', Obaa-san?" "What are you doing here? Come to finish the job?" Masamune turned quickly to see a furious Motochika. Masamune shot up, glaring, "You got a lot of explaining to do, Chosokabe!" "I have nothing to say to you, Date Masamune! An eye for an eye!" Motochika growled. Masamune clenched his fist, "You stupid son of a bitch!!" He yelled and punched Motochika hard, "You honestly think I would do that to Nana!?" "Your crest was on her person!" Motochika upper cutted Masamune and the Azure Dragon hissed, biting his tongue from the impact.
All of the commotion caused Nana's eyes to open, coughing heavily at the uncomfortable tube down her throat, weakly trying to pull it out, fully awake now.
Nana took a minute to calm herself, but even then the tube was rather uncomfortable. Her eyes met Chosokabe's face and she saw his swelling cheek, then her eyes fell on Masamune, blood trickling down his lip and everything clicked. She motioned to Masamune before pointing to the desk with paper and pens.
Masamune moved and grabbed a pen and paper, careful not to get his blood on it. He placed it next to her so she could write before grabbing some cotton balls to shove in his mouth
Nana grabbed the pen and quickly began to write; her characters were still a little wobbily, but it was clear as day what she wrote: Not Date.
Motochika's eye widened, "What!? Are you certain!?" "I think the woman would know who beat the fuck out of her!" Masamune growled, though it was muffled by the cotton.
Nana nodded, and started to write again: "Mouri's man." She scribbled, gagging on the tube.
Motochika trembled hard, "Mouri? That dastardly piece of-!" "Hey!" He looked back at Masamune, "You owe my girl and Kojurou an apology." He hissed. Motochika lowered his gaze, "Forgive me, Ryuu-oniisama. I was wrong to accuse you without hearing your side of the tale." "Damn right."
Nana got a quizzical look on her face before something out of the corner of her eye caught her attention. Looking at Megohime, her eyes widened in shock and she looked to Chosokabe before writing: Get the nurse in here.
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