Barairo no Senkai [Sengoku Basara Modern AU] ~1x1 Jikkah/DarkMudkip~

Motochika lowered his gun before putting it away, "My apologizes, milady...I wished for no other to see this both will understand soon enough." He said and left
Jingu waited for Chosokabe to leave before turned around and cupping Kojurou's cheek. "D-Daijoubu?" She asked, shaking so hard she had to kneel on the ground.
"Daijoubu da..." He answered, pulling his hand away. Blood coated his hand heavily and he actually looked a little surprised, "Maybe not so much...I should go to the hospital.." He maintained his usual calm composure, mostly for Jingu's sake
Jingu nodded and stood. "I'll drive you there." She said, staring at the blood on his hand before hurrying to get her car keys.
He stood, keeping pressure on the wound as he followed her to the car.

Masamune was pacing the lobby, running his fingers through his hair. Motochika was refusing his calls and ignoring his texts demanding an explanation. He waited impatiently on word about Megohime, body shaking hard
Jingu got him to the hospital as quickly as she could, bringing Kojurou into the ER. "Excuse me..! Please help him, he was shot..!" She said, a few nurses springing into action and taking Kojurou away. Megohime had been in surgery for only an hour, but one of the nurses who took pity on him approached Masamune. "Do you want anything to drink?" The pink haired boy asked him, frowning softly.
Kojurou kept calm as they carted him away, giving Jingu a reassuring smile before he disappeared. Masamune looked and nodded, "Somethin' stiff would be great but I'll settle with water." He tried to joke, but it was bitter
He nodded and bowed, going to fetch him some bottled water. "She probably won't be out of surgery for some time," Ren said, handing him the water. "There are some cots you can crash in if you want?" "Masamune-senpai?" Jingu had moved to the waiting room, looking paler than a sheet. "Why are you here?"
Masamune took the water gratefully and was going to agree to a cot when he heard Jingu. He looked over and frowned faintly, "Hey...did Kojurou bring you here thinkin' you were gonna die again?"
Jingu's lower lip quivered and tears welled in her eyes. "I'm so sorry, I didn't know what else to do, there was so much blood and Chosok-" She shut her mouth, knowing the consequences of ratting on a Yakuza. "I... I accidentally shot him." She said numbly.
Masamune's eye widened, "Chosokabe shot Kojurou!? Is he ok!?" He asked, advancing on her. It wasn't threatening, it was just instinct; he was angry and stressed and confused
Jingu shook her head. "It only hit his shoulder.. I-I'm so sorry..!" She said, taking a step back.
Masamune clenched and unclenched his fists repeatedly. "Its alright. I'm not mad at you. But I'm gonna rip Chosokabe's throat out!"
Jingu stared at him for a moment. "Ne... Why are you here?" She questioned, half of her not wanting to know the answer.
Jingu drew in a breath, shocked into silence. "Gomenasai.." She said, after what seemed like ages.
"He didn't tell either of us why he shot Kojurou as well.." She said softly. "But he wasn't out to kill just anyone, he didn't shoot me when I talked him down."
"He's doing this to get at me. First Mego, now Kojurou. I need to find him and have a word with him." He said. He rubbed his head, "I think one of his members works here...wonder if he's on shift right now." He muttered to himself before moving to the desk, "Yo, is Ren working right now? Red hair, kinda small for his age."
The young woman looked up. "Yes, Ren's up in the ICU, he should be checking in on the patients now, so he might be a while."
"Certainly, I'll send him a page right away." She said, leaving the front desk for a while before returning. It took just under an hour before Ren showed up, short hair as wispy as always, but his chest was unbound this time, showing her rather supple breasts. "Masamune-senpai? What can I do for ya?"
Masamune turned when he heard Ren's voice, "Ren! Great! I need you-'re a girl? Huh...anyway, I need to ask you about Chosokabe." He dropped the awkward subject as quickly as he picked it up, returning to the task at hand
"Um, yeah I have boobs, and what about him? How's he holding up? After what happened to Nana though, I can't imagine well." She said.
Masamune blinked, "Nana? What happened to Nana?" He asked, "He got a text from her saying she was staying at her place last night and that was that."
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