Barairo no Senkai [Sengoku Basara Modern AU] ~1x1 Jikkah/DarkMudkip~

Ren moved over to the desk in the corner where Nana's bloody clothes where sealed into a back. "It wasn't a robbery, they didn't touch her wallet... And they didn't.. Ya know..." She glanced at him. "She's still yours Cap'n.. They didn't violate her." She said, handing Motochika the bag, but something caught the mans eye. Sticking out of the coat pocket was a blue piece of fabric, something completely out of place.
The pice of fabric was stained with blood, but the crest was still legible. It was the Date crest, clear as day.
Motochika's eye widened and he crumpled the crest in his hand. "So, Ryuu-oniisama, I know not what I did to cause you to attack something so precious of mine. But I promise...I will return your kindness with a kindness of my own." He hissed venomously
Ren bowed to Motochika before leaving to give him time with Nana, closing the door behind her. Nana's heart monitor picked up and she shifted a muffled groan coming from her as her swollen eyes opened slightly.
"Nana.." Motochika moved over and dared not touch her, even though he wanted to hold her hand. "Nana, I need you to tell me who did this. I'll make them pay for doing this to you."
Nana made another muffled noise, unable to talk due to the tube down her throat that kept her lungs working. Tears started to fall from her eyes and down her swollen cheeks, reaching a shaky hand out, her only good one, though it was still bruised.
Nana's hand groped for the pen before picking it up and beginning to write. Her characters were sloppy and her hand was shaking badly, but she managed to write something: Date. Her hand twitched once and fell still, eyes closed again. She was unconscious.
Motochika's rage flew over the handle and he clenched his fist. "Rest assured, my sweet Siren...I'll skewer the Dragon for what he's done." He said softly before heading out, "I'll start with his Dragon Priestess."
Megohime walked beside Masmaune, a soft frown on her face. "So how'd your date with Sanada go?"
((This is the morning, right? Cuz I don't think Mego and Masamune would be walking around at three in the morning... ヽ( ̄д ̄; )ノ ))

"Kinda bad...poor kid ran out crying..." Masamune answered, kicking a rock
((Yes! It's morning~))

Megohime shifted her bookbag, glancing at him. "Why didn't you just tell him straight out? I mean, you're mean, but that was just cruel." She said, waiting for the crosswalk sign to turn green.
Megohime glared at him before taking a step forward into the road, the light turning green. "Shut up." She said, walking ahead of him.
Masamune snorted at her, "I don't get you sometimes, Mego." He hissed. He took a step forward but stopped when he heard the sound of a powerful engine. He looked and he saw Motochika's Hudson gunning it towards Megohime. Masamune's eye widened and he reached out to grab her, "Mego, move!!"
Megohime barely even had time to register what Masamune had said before the purple Hudson plowed into Megohime, hitting the windshield and cracking it before rolling over the top of the car and landing behind the car, groaning weakly. Blood gushed from her nose and the gash on her forehead, weakly trying to get out of the street, but she couldn't get to her feet, both legs broken.
The window rolled down and Motochika looked back, "Oh, she's still moving." He noted. He shifted gears and drove in reverse, running her over quickly and moving the car to be closer to Masamune. The Azure Dragon was in a state of shock and disbelief as Motochika glared, "I'll send ye the bill for my windshield." He said and drove off. "Megohime!!" Masamune rushed over and dropped beside her, afraid to touch her, "Sh-Shit, babe, say somethin', please!"
Megohime was unmoving on the ground, both mouth and nose gushing blood, face down with her eyes staring off at the curb. Tire marks covered both her legs and arms and the back of her shirt was torn and bloodied. A wet gurgling noise came from her mouth, eyes glassy.

Jingu was making breakfast for herself and Kojurou, something she had taken up doing for a while since she had gotten her license and was now able to drive. "It'll be done in but a moment, Kojurou-senpai!" She called from the kitchen, using Masamune's stove.
Masamune quickly called 911, panicking as he tried to gingerly check to see if she was still alive, "C-Come on, babe, stay with me!" He demanded.

Kojurou smiled softly and looked toward the kitchen, "Are you sure you don't need my help?"
"Hai!" She said, finishing up their food and serving it on two plates, heading out to the living room.

It seemed like the ambulance took forever, but when it did arrive, Megohime was as pale as snow and unmoving, the paramedics quickly going to work on loading her I got he ambulance and getting her somewhat stable. "We're taking her to the hospital, you can't ride with us but you can meet us there." One said before closing the door and the car speeding off.
That's when the door was kicked open and Motochika stood with his gun pointed at Kojurou. He fired off a round into Kojurou's shoulder, making the Right Eye cry out and hold the wound. Motochika prepared to fire again, pulling back the hammer
Jingu was standing in the doorway of the kitchen, holding both plates of food when Chosokabe gunned down Kojurou, standing there in shock before she dropped the plates and rushed toward Kojurou, standing in front of him, even though she looked so scared she might drop to the floor at any second. "Please! I don't know what qualms you have with Katakura, but please! Do not kill him!" She begged, entire body trembling, unable to even meet Chosokabe's eye.
Motochika stopped, a little taken aback by this new presence. Kojurou took hold of Jingu's wrist gently, "Get out of here, Jingu-dono...hayaku!"
"Onegai!" She ignored Kojurou, standing her ground between the Ogre and the Right Eye. "I beg you, please! Please don't hurt him anymore!"
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