Barairo no Senkai [Sengoku Basara Modern AU] ~1x1 Jikkah/DarkMudkip~

Yukimura stared back at Masamune. "A surprise? How generous of you, Chosokabe-dono, Masamune-dono!"
A wicked grin split Motochika's face, "Its no trouble, Yukimura." He said before pulling up to Katty's. "We're here!" Masamune said
Yukimura stared at the sign of Katty's, where is had a very lewd logo of a man, cheeks flushing. "A-Ano... What is this?"
"I-I don't feel comfortable going in there.." He said, but got out of the car anyway, sputtering as he followed Masamune and Chosokabe inside.
"Relax, Sanada." Masamune said, dragging the poor guy inside. Motochika made Yukimura sit down a a table as Masamune plopped next to him. "We brought you here to show you something kinda important." Masamune said. Motochika gestured to one of the dancers, who was already shirtless and slowly undoig the buttons of his camo colored pants. His ginger hair was pulled back in a ponytail and his eyes gazed about the women in the front.
Yukimura's eyes widened and he sat there stunned for a moment before he jumped to his feet. "I will not watch this!"
Mtochika took a firm hold of Yukimura's shoulder and forced him back down, "You have to, lad." He stated. Sasuke glanced at the sudden exclaimation and his eyes widened slightly. Oh God, no. He stared right at Yukimura before forcing himself to continue, looking away. His chest tightened with shame. Of all people to be there today, it had to be his danna.
Yukimura's cheeks were a deep red color, fists clenched as he cast his gaze down. "Why.. Why Sasuke?" He clenched his teeth. "No.. This is my fault you're here!"
"Mine, too.." Masamune stated, "But now you know where Sarutobi works..." "Man's brave, I'll give him that. To stand up there like a slab of meat for a huge wad of yen...not even i would do such a thing." Motochika said before signalling a waitress to bring him a drink
Yukimura got out of his seat and left quickly, feeling like if he stayed there any longer he'd lose his lunch. Rushing outside he started out into the night at a full sprint, tears blinding him as he ran to anywhere but there.
Masamune and Motochika looked at each other before frowning, "He had to know." "There was no point in lyin' to the lad any longer."
Motochika's phone buzzed in his pocket, a text message from Nana. "Sleeping at my place tonight, see you tomorrow. <3" Was what it read.

The man flipped closed Nana's phone, dropping it beside her unmoving body before crushing it with his boot. "She dead?" He kicked her in the side with his foot, waiting for a response, but when he got none, he grunted and hefted the bloody bat over his shoulder. "What ever you did to piss boss off, you won't ever do it again." He muttered before taking a step, then stopping, something catching his eye. Around her neck glittered a small golden anchor, a gift Motochika had given her. He whistled softly before leaning down to yank it off from around her neck, leaving the bloodied and broken girl alone in the alleyway to die.
Motochika checked his phone and frowned softly, "Guess my bed will be cold when I return to the estate." "Nana stayin' at her place for once?" Masamune asked. Motochika waved him off, "You say that as if she lives with me." "She kinda does." "Hush up. I'm gonna head home before the men destroy something. ...Again. Need a ride?" "Yeah, thanks." They stood and headed out.

((He gon' be so happy~~ ε-(´∀` ) ))

At around three in the morning, Motochika's phone rang for the third time in five minutes, Ren's number flashing on the screen.
Motochika growled and snatched his phone, checking the number before answered, "Ren, ya crusty little barnackle, this better be important."
"It is! I wouldn't have called ya so early if it wasn't, but, Cap'n it's Nana she-" She sounded like she was choking back tears. "She's here in the hospital and it looks real bad Cap'n..! She's in a coma and just got out of surgery!"
Motochika nearly dropped his phone. "Wh...What...?" He asked softly, "N-Nana's...b-but I..." He nearly crushed his phone as he ground his teeth, "Give me ten minutes." He seethed before hanging up and throwing on his pants and coat, not caring for his tank top or wrappings. He grabbed his keys and moved down to the garage, hopping into his Hudson and breaking the speed limit to get to the hospital
As soon as Motochika pulled up, Ren waved him over to the back side of the hospital to get him in through the back. "I'll take ya to her.. But she's in the ICU and they don't allow visitors." She said with a frown.
"Is she ok, at least...?" Motochika asked, voice shaking. He was so worried and so angry, he wanted to throw things and scream and curse
Ren glanced back at Motochika, his face grim. "... She's alive." Was all that the young woman would say, leading Chosokabe up to Nana's room. Nana lay in her bed, 50% of her body in bandages and casts. A tube ran into her mouth and down her throat, a machine synced with her lungs movements and keeping them going. A bandage ran over her nose and her head was wrapped up heavily, both eyes swollen shut. Her lip was split and her right arm was in a cast, but that wasn't the end of her injuries. Ren picked up the clip board and started to read Chosokabe the entirety of her damage. "Fractured skill, hairline fracture on her jaw, broken nose, her right arm was broken in three places, six broken ribs, her stomach was ruptured, both lungs collapsed and..." Ren hesitated. "Her pelvis was crushed." She said softly, putting the clipboard back.
Motochika clenched his fists tight, "Do you have any idea who could have done this so I may RIP THEIR LIMPS FROM THEIR BODIES!?" Motochika's voice elevated until he was shouting, body quaking with rage and grief
Ren shook his head, shifting uncomfortably. "No... I don't know who found her and brought her in, I think a squatter, but it was done with a wooden bat, they found a few splinters embedded in her skin." Ren cast her gaze down. "I have her belongings if you would like them?" She spoke softly, like a mother trying to calm her child.
"A wooden bat?" Motochika muttered. An image of Masamune popped into his mind. His friend was head of the baseball club after all. He ground his teeth but nodded to Ren, "I would like her things, yes.."
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