Barairo no Senkai [Sengoku Basara Modern AU] ~1x1 Jikkah/DarkMudkip~

"Ya mean ya don't know? Nana's up in the ICU in a coma!" Ren said. "Someone beat the holy hell out of her, and Chosokabe was itchin' to find who it was."
"What, really? Then why would he attack- son of a bitch thinks I did it!!" Masamune yelled, "That asshole thinks I would screw over a friend like that!? I'll crack his skull with my bat!"
Ren winced and rubbed his head. "Well... He thinks that's what you did to Nana... She's in real bad shape. Someone attacked her with a bat, that's all we know."
"I could give it a shot, but I don't even know where he is right now.. I'll see what I can do." He said, nodding his head.
Ren blinked and smiled, cheeks dusted red. "Thanks Date, but a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do..!" She said, waving to him before leaving to resume her work.
Jingu was sitting in the chairs, waiting for word on Kojurou. It was six hours before they got word on Kojurou first, then Megohime. The nurse reporting in shifted as he went through the file. "Tamura Megohime is in critical condition and is not taking any visitors except for immediate family, as for. Katakura Kojorou, you may see him, the bullet was a through and through and his shoulder was patched up without any complications."
"Not until her condition is stable. We've notified the police about the hit and run and we were wondering if we could get Tamura's parents number. She's had quite a bit extensive internal damage and to be honest..." He sighed. "It isn't looking good for her." Jingu sat quietly, letting everything sink in.
Masamune's heart sank into his stomach. He felt sick. "'s mom..." He stopped and covered his mouth to keep from vomitting, fishing for his phone and just handing it over, refusing to talk in fear of loosing what little he had in his stomach
"I'll give you a moment, thank you." The nurse said, moving a trash can in front of Masamune before going to contact Megohime's mother. "You should go talk to Kojurou.." Jingu said softly, standing. "That's were I'm going."
She nodded, rubbing his back before leaving to check on Kojurou. After a little while, a police officer came to question Masamune, Megohime's mother already on her way up to the hospital. "Date Masamune? What is your relation to Tamura Megohime?" The woman officer asked.
Mamamune looked up from his new best friend, Mr Trash Can, looking sick and uncomfortable. "She's my girlfriend." He answered, "And before you say anything; no, I didn't put her here."
"Don't worry, I know that's not what happened, but what I do know is she was run over, did you see who hit her? Was it someone you know? Do you think they will come back and try to finish the job?" She asked. "I'm sorry for all of the questions, but as for now, we're ruling it an attempted homicide." "Mego!! Megohime!?" Kiyoaki rushed inside, eyes frantic and makeup running down her cheeks. "Where's my Mego!?"
Masamune shook his head, "I didn't get a good look at the driver...but all I know is the car was a black Dodge Ram...ironic, huh...?" He answered and looked when Kiyoaki rushed in, "Obaa-san...!"
Kiyoaki ran to Masamune. "M-Mego... Is she... She isn't-" She choked back a sob. "Oh my baby.." She sunk to the floor, then glared up at Masamune. "Why didn't you protect her!?" "I'll give you two some time.." The officer said before leaving.
Kiyoaki wailed, hugging herself, seeming to forget Masamune was even there. "My baby... My poor baby..." Sobs shook her frail body, black hair falling in front of her face. Anyone could've easily mistaken her for Megohime, except for the couple gray streaks in the woman's long hair.
Masamune carefully moved over and sat by her, "Obaa-san, I'm sorry..." He said desperately, "I don't want her in here either, believe me...! I tried...!"
Kiyoaki latched into Masamune, holding him tightly. "What if she doesn't make it?" She whispered, trembling hard.
Another six hours went by and Jingu had crashed on the chair in Kojurou's room, Kiyoaki having cried herself to sleep in the waiting room next to Masamune. A nurse came out, clipboard in hand. "Tamura Kiyoaki, Date Masamune?"
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