The Key to Going Green(Avengers)Lady/Moon

he chuckled a little. "he just likes to bitch." he corrected. "besides, i've always been younger than him." he admitted with a smile as he shook his head. "i have to apologize because he never will." he admitted with a smile and a shake of his head. he didn't draw any attention to anything as he simply started making some mushrooms and caramelized onions to go on top of the steaks. he savored his meal, studying Bucky when no one else was watching him and he smiled a little. "He's probobly still too jittery to eat." Steve commented simply. "too much adrenaline. i used to get the same way." he knew that wasn't true, but he didn't want anyone looking too close at Bucky. "if your not feeling well, i can put it in the oven to keep warm for you?" he offered, indicating Bucky's plate. "i'm finished too, i can show you tot he room that Jarvis got ready for you too if you'd like." "it's a floor." Loki corrected and Steve shrugged, feeling a bit anxious. "i know, but i feel weird about having an entire floor to myself." he admitted, making Loki snort. "...thing?" Steve asked, looking a bit annoyed. if they hadn't known better, it would almost have looked as if he was jealous, but that was silly. it wasn't as if Steve knew the Winter Soldier after all, right?
Bucky nodded a little,pushing his plate away despite thr order to eat, he wasn't. He'd just have to eat later,despite having a super soldier's metabolism that msde him eat more,he just didn't want to."thanks.that'd be nice."he said before frowning."floor?"he said looking confused having not realized it was going to be away from either steve or erin."don't worry. You have the floor abovr mine,and under the good captain's. You won't have to worry about tony ot clint randomly.showing up with us as neighbors."erin said teasing a little,knoeing that wasn't what he wanted to knoe,but its what he got."uh-huh. The man can sing. I make him sing when hrs overly emotional."she said unaware of bucky avoiding steve's eyes, because bucky knew what steve would figure out even if erin wasn't aware of it. Bucky had only ever sang for the girls he really liked,and kept around as both girlfriend and lover.though in erin's case,it was more friend and sometimes lover when the nightmares needed something so far removed from blood and gore to forget for a few moments, a urge to know that one person cared for him. So he sang when she asked."then why noy day that?"tony asked watching steve,rowning ever so slightly, hearing the emotions but not understanfing."because he blushes.I have to harass him over something,and just asking him to sing isn't nearly as entertaining."
Steve smiled a little and took the plate and wrapped it up in tinfoil. "yeah, Tony goes a little overboard sometimes." Steve admitted. "as big as the tower is, and as much as he likes us, he insists on all of us having our own floor." he admitted. "i'm not sure how yours is decorated, but mine looks like my old Apartment." he admitted, offering Bucky a smile. they had shared that apartment for years. it was Steve's silent promise to let Bucky be whoever he wanted to be. if he didn't want to be Bucky Barnes anymore, then Steve wouldn't make him. "..." it took a lot of effort not to say anything when he realized that Bucky sang for Erin, jealousy eating at him. he was fucking Erin then. that was okay, Steve had known his best freind was straight and a bit of a man whore. and Erin deserved the chance to be happy with Bucky. Bucky needed some good in his life. "so. anyone wanna play a board game?" Loki asked hopefully and Clint said nothing, he just ran away. Loki was horrible with board games. he always made everything into a conspiracy somehow.
“That’s...alot of space.”Bucky said looking a little shell shocked at the idea of that much space, before smiling quietly, enjoying that. Maybe he’d get to spend time in steve’s apartment? Offering a hesitating smile, not sure if he was reading the promise right, but knowing it was there. Tilting his head a little he winced as he met steve’s eyes, looking away. “Steve?Since your done, show me around?Since Erin seems intent on eating as much as possible.”Bucky teased a little as he got up. “Yea...I’ll play.”Erin said smiling slightly at loki, even if she was watching the two super soldiers as she finished eating, nervous but if bucky wanted to be alone, she’d let him. "You know I'll play whatever you want, babe."Tony smirked a little looking at loki, amused that clint just ran away.
Steve smiled. "there's a Stairwell between our rooms as well." Steve admitted. "so if you ever need anything just come get me." he promised. "i think there's a stairwell between you and Erin too but i'm not sure on that." he admitted. "sure. i'm done." Steve agreed. "here, i'll bring your food down to your stove and you can eat it after you've calmed down a bit. battle makes me skittery too." he admitted. "i desire to play the game called Clue." Loki demanded.

Steve just chuckled, shook his head and led Bucky down to his floor. commenting on the way. "this is Clint's floor, he's up highest because he's an insane madman who likes heights. this is Natasha's floor because Clint is completely dependent on her. you'll see him with Erin a lot too, he's a bit of an affectionate sort but from what i understand he's practically adopted them as his sisters." he admitted. "this is Bruce's floor, never go in there without him or the beasts attack you, and they might be tiny but damn they hurt. this is my floor, i have these new paints and they got everywhere so now everything is all stained." he admitted sheepishly. "this is your floor, you get in either through the Elevator, which Jarvis controls and won't let anyone in without your permission, or through the two doors, both stairwells." he admitted. "which you can lock... although, i think Natasha can pick locks." he admitted as he opened the door and stepped inside and glanced around. "Tony will help you renovate to however you like it." he promised Bucky with a smile that had gone strained. "it's very hard, not hugging you right now." he admitted softly, swallowing thickly. "god... i thought you where dead... i never looked, i should have. i never. i'm so sorry."
“There is.”Tony said smiling slightly. “Thanks.”Bucky smiled a little as Steve got his food, sighing quietly. “Clue.It’s been forever since I played.”Erin grinned looking amused as Jarvis brought up a hologram version of the star trek version of clue-because tony was a geek like that- and settling in to play.

“Hey, you might remember I enjoy heights to.”Bucky pointed out quietly, sounding a little anxious but hiding it well, before smiling slightly. “I’ve heard alot about Clint. It’s good to see that most of the stories are true.”Bucky snickered before nodding. “I know. They are. He’s been adopted as a brother to.”He said quietly looking around, frowning slightly as he considered what he was seeing, snickering. “Same old Steve. Getting paints everywhere.”Bucky said, though he sounded unsure, like he almost remembered the memory, but it was sort of hazy some. Looking around him he nodded slightly, looking pleased with the security even if natasha could pick the lock and following steve inside, looking around. “Did Erin tell you not to hug me?Cause that’s only for surprising me. You can hug me.”Bucky said though he looked a little twitchy and worried with the idea of hugging, since he’d only hugged Erin since he’d started remembering things, but he wanted to know. Shaking his head a little. “From what I remember, that fall should have killed me. There was no reason to believe that I would.”
"good." Loki stated, looking delighted as he settled into place as he examined the screen. "i get to be Spock!" Loki ordered. he was utterly fascinated by the Vulcan race, and nothing anyone said could convince Loki that Star Trek wasn't real.

"Steve chuckled a little. "i know. if your nice, Clint might let you share the ventilation system." he teased with a smile. "oh, yes. Clint's a bit of an idiot." he agreed. "but he's amusing so we keep him around." he admitted with a smile. "yeah.. i was six. you can't bring that up anymore!" he complained sulking because he knew he had been much older than that and had happened only weeks after he'd met Bucky for the first time. he'd been trying to get his own passive aggressive revenge using paints and strings and all he managed was to get paint all over everything. "no. she told me not to touch you without letting you know it was me. i just don't think i can hug you without bursting into tears." he admitted as he ran his shaking fingers through his hair. "...come on, eat your dinner." Steve ordered as he moved into the kitchen. "what do you remember? i had a lot of memory gaps when i first woke up." he admitted. "i can't imagine your memories are doing much better. i can fill you in a little bit." he promised.
"I'm always nice.besides I'm fairly certain Erin would kill me if I wasn't nice,and let barton win some shooting challenges sometimes."bucky snickered looking relaxed and easy,but it was a mask, he wasn't as good at hiding from steve as he was from.anyone else.steve just knew him to well,even 70 years apart couldn't change that."uh huh.if you say so."he snickered shaking his head some before laughing quietly as he went to the window to look out over the city,needing a few moments of not staring at steve to keep his control."oh...well in that case.yea don't hug me.I don't need young get snot all over me punk."bucky said before frowning a little."I remember..bits and pieces.its like...the training and my real memories are all jumbled togeter like two different puzzles tossed in the same box...sometimes their hazy and not really there,but I've also learned that if somethings mentioned,I can sometimes remember everything that went with that moment...I think its why they sent erin after me. Besides you, because of her research she was the one most likely to be able to help me remember....granted I'd already started remembering before I found her,but its been...not easier...but less stressful this last year with her help."and not just because of the help remembering,but because she could help deal with the trauma of remembering.
Steve snorted. "Clint never wins at Count the Kills. i'm too fast at ripping off robot heads." he admitted. "he's going to sulk for months now." he admitted with a laugh before he smiled a little at the other. "i won't get snot on you." he complained, rolling his eyes before he sobered and studied the other. "it sounds hard." he admitted as he gently slipped his fingers into Bucky's, holding the others hand as they had used to as children, facing a thunderstorm together. "i'll give you any help you need and you know Erin won't let you face this alone." he promised Bucky. "we'll be in this together. i promise." he reassured Bucky with a smile. "i'll even call you James in front of others so no one knows who you are. Erin said you don't like to be called Bucky anymore, but i'm still calling you that when we're in private because i'm an asshole." he admitted with a smile.
"Well, feel a little better now. He really is going to sulk,especially if he ever realizes we have a unfair advantage.I mean,2 super soldiers are just no competition really."bucky snickered before making a face."I don't believe always got snot on me when you cried."he whined a little."it'm still not...all together. But I'm better most days."he shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal even as he closed his fingers around steve's savoruing the touch as he watched the sunset."at least this will be better with you were...I mean,erin's awesome but there's only so much she can tell me for sure didn't'll be able to pull apart the fake memoties better I think..."he muttered before always were a asshole.I'm not quite sure how you got a reputation for being a nive guy. You bleed sarcasm,rogers."he teased before growing serious." appriciate it. It probably won't last long,if howard's son is anything like his father he'll figure it out but I'll enjoy it while I can."he shrugged."its...bucky was a part of mr that I can never fully go back to. Innocent,I guess...its.."he stopped unable to explain."bucky barnes died on a train...we just happen to share a body and memories."
he snickered a little. "yes well, Clint should be used to disappointments by now." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "i did not!" he complained, sulking because he knew it was true. "you don't have to be perfect Buck." he promised the other. "you don't even have to be the same as you where. it's impossible to think you could be the person you where before the war." he admitted. "you need to find a new balance is all, and you won't be alone when finding it." he promised. "Erin is pretty cool." he agreed, fighting to keep the jealousy out of his voice. "she's been helping Loki a lot...." he wanted to shudder. Loki had a 'snap' just the day before and he'd clawed Natasha up pretty good before they managed to get Loki restrained. the godling had been raving, incoherent, and frightening. when he finally calmed down he just sat there and cried for over an hour and didn't seam to realize anyone else was even there. "Tony will keep it a secrete if i ask him to." Steve admitted. "i understand." he promised the other with a smile. "you're not who you where. but no matter the changes, you will always be James Buchanan Barnes. my best freind." he promised.
"I know. But it still doesn't keep me from expecting myself to be better."bucky made a face before studying the other man,trying to decide if he meant what he said about erin, even if he didn't love her the way she deserved,he was still protective."yea she is. Even if she sucks at chess."bucky smiled sudying the other."you still play don't you?"he said before looking thoughful.maybe he wasn't the only person falling apart...maybe he wasn't as much of a mess as he thought. "...we are never.ever. telling erin she was right in making me come back.ever. I'll kill you before you tell she was right, steve."the man threatened though there was laughter rather then a threat in his eyes.
he smiled a little. "yeah she told me about that." he admitted with a laugh. "your so mean to her Bucky, you could at least refrain from teasing her after you beat her in three moves." he admitted with a chuckle. "she's been playing Bruce a lot, they're about equal. Loki is a hell of a challenge, you'd like playing him. i only win about two thirds of the time." he admitted with a smirk. "he's refusing to play with me anymore because he hates loosing." he smiled. "yeah i still play, mostly i draw though." he admitted. "oh, i won't tell her. she already knows." he admitted with a chuckle as he pulled the other into a tight hug. "i'm so, so glad to have you home Buck." he whispered before he shoved the other towards the table. "now eat your dinner you old man." he ordered. "i'll make cookies." he decided as he headed to Bucky's fridge. "you still like that nasty butterscotch crap right?" he asked, wrinkling his nose as he planned on making peanut butter, butterscotch chip cookies just for Bucky.
“It’s not my fault she’s utterly hopeless at playing. She deserves to be teased.”Bucky snickered before looking interested.”I’ll have to ask him to play then.”He said before making a face.”Just because she already knows doesn’t mean that we have to tell her.”He sulked a little before tensing at the hug, before relaxing and hugging the other back.”I’m glad to be back.”He muttered before yelping, stumbling towards the kitchen. “I’m not that old!Stop it.”He sulked as he settled in to eat, even as he watched steve, content to just be in his presence, even if he wanted more. “it’s not nasty, and yes I do.”

Upstairs Erin yawned tiredly, slouching a little and resting her head on bruce’s shoulder, sleepily watching the other’s play clue. “ know, this is supposed to be fun, not a grand conspiracy dreamed up for loki to screw around with.”She muttered tired and feeling sick, but not willing to give up the entertainment of watching the men and natasha play.
he snickered a little. "she is pretty bad, but not everyone can be good at Chess." he pointed out. "she's pretty darn good at Scrabble." he admitted. "...although, i'm pretty sure some of the words she uses isn't really words." he admitted before he hugged the other. "you are old. so old." he teased with a chuckle as he started gathering up all the ingredients he needed for Bucky's nasty cookies. "it is nasty." Steve scoffed.

Bruce was proving that he did mostly trust her now simply by letting her snuggle against him as he worked on figuring out who killed who with what weapon. "no. it's a conspiracy! Tony is most certainly trying to kill Mr. Green, who i'm still certain is really Bruce, who is clearly an insane mass murderer and not a private investigator as he claimed. i'm certain that we are all going to die." he admitted as he prodded his piece into the Kitchen. "well. now we know why Clint won't play with Tony anymore..." Bruce muttered dryly.
“She’s a doctor. Medical school.I’ve learned she uses medical words for scrabble.”Bucky snickered a little before making a face.”So are you. Just because I’m 96, doesn’t mean you’re that much younger. You’re what,94?”He grumbled even as he ate, before twitching. “Is not. Quit complaining. I can make them myself if you really don’t want to make them.”The brunette said rolling his eyes a little, finally relaxing enough to eat the warmed food.

“...Bruce, are you a mass murderer?I mean, I can totally see the private investigator being up to no good...”Erin said simply egging him on before nodding, smirking tiredly at Bruce.”I think I can to. But this is amusing.”she muttered back to him. “Loki, are you really this insane, or are you just jerking our chains with the conspiracies?”Tony said looking amused, not sure if he was believing his lover was this paranoid or not.
he huffed. "that's cheating." he grumbled as he shook his head and shook his head. "i'm only twenty." he teased with a smirk, "i'm actually the youngest person in the tower." he admitted with a chuckle. "it was funny as hell when the others realized how old i was when i joined the Army." he admitted. "apparently they have rules about how old you have to be before your allowed to enter the army now." he admitted. "apparently you can actually get arrested for lying on your enlistment papers these days." he admitted. "i would never have been allowed to enter the army at sixteen." he admitted with a smile. because he had only been sixteen when he'd joined the Army, he'd had a birthday and then undergone the procedure at seventeen, and then almost two years later he was frozen at the age of nineteen. woken a year and a half ago, he was now just brushing the age of twenty one. technically he wasn't even legal to drink yet. being that Bucky had been two years older than him when the train incident occurred, and being that he had been awake for a few years, Bucky was around 27 while Steve was just touching 21. not that you could tell.

Bruce rolled his eyes. "i assure you i'm not. i have goons for that sort of work." "i knew it!" Loki gasped. "you are a Crime lord!" he stated, wide eyed and almost looking innocent which made Bruce laugh. "it is amusing." Bruce agreed with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "i think it was Mrs. White, in the parlor, with the Candlestick." Bruce declared, handing Erin the small packet so he could see if he was right. "now your accusing ME!?" Loki demanded, horrified before he offered tony a sly smirk that said 'oh, you'll never know'.
“Hm, just tell her no medical words next time. She’ll lose more.”Bucky snickered before rolling his eyes. “Well, even in our day, you weren’t supposed to join at 16, punk. I had to wait till 18.”He pointed out looking amused, because despite the nearly 6 years between them now instead of two, there wasn’t any true wear and tear to Bucky, he looked nearly as young as Steve did. Though he was rougher, his features not as soft as they once had been, worn down. “...this is weird. I mean...we’re falling easily back into things.”Bucky said swallowing hard, because if it was this easy to be with steve, he was going to fuck up. He was so, totally going to fuck up badly and show the other just how much he loved him. Even if he had memories, almost there, almost real, he didn’t know if his love for the other was a creation of his fantasy, or a desperate true longing. That was the man problem, his fantasies of being with steve were messed up with the reality where he watched from afar, so he was lost and shaken.

“Ahhhh.Wait. Does that mean you’ve teamed up with Stark? I mean, he’s rich enough to have goons.”Erin said in wide eyed wonder, looking as comical as loki as she took the packet to open it, grinning. “Good job, Doctor. It seems you know our good little godling, better then the rest of us.”She said giggling.
he smirked a little. "well it's not like you tried that hard to stop me." he teased with a chuckle. "besides, you actually had parents who cared and controlled you." he admitted with a snicker. "i just had you." he admitted. "how is it weird? it's only been two years for me." he admitted. "...i think, the math throws me a bit." he admitted. "i can't imagine it's been more than a few years for you either, it's not like we had a big fight before all this happened. we'll always be best freinds and habits die hard, even after two or four years." he admitted as he started plopping the cookies down onto the tray to go into the oven. "i'm sure we'll run into some hitches, but it's not like we're strangers, we grew up together. even with everything that's changed, we still know each other and know how to read each other." he admitted with a smile.

Bruce smirked. "no. i'm siphoning off his money. he's going to wake up next month and find out his bank accounts are completely empty." Bruce teased, making Loki sulk. "you better not! i need that money for Ice-Cream!" he complained. "besides! Mr. Boddy was asking for it!" Loki complained. "he was robbing me!" Loki complained, sulking because he'd lost.
Well, I tried. I never thought they’d actually accept!You were all of 98 pounds. I could bench press you one handed.”Bucky snickered a little, though he looked a little sad, because he’d not looked for his family, hadn’t been ready to know that besides Steve, had outlived everyone he’d known. “No...given how much time I was awake, it was about four years total...its just...”He sighed quietly. “to me, it seems like I should be feeling weird, but its not. It’s just normal.”he shrugged a little grinning as he watched the cookies hit the tray, finishing his food he smiled slightly. “So we do.”He smiled a little because he was trying really hard to not think about ‘knowing’ steve in every way. Yawning as he leaned back in his seat, rubbing a hand over his face.

”Ahh, you really are the criminal mastermind.”Erin snickered a little. “No!I need money. Loki’ll stop sleeping with me if I can’t buy ice cream!”Tony whined dramatically, laughing a little as he stretched, ruffling loki’s hair as his hand past behind the man’s head. “come on, godling. I should get some sleep. I have meetings in the morning.”
he chuckled a little. "i think the only reason why i got in was because Dr. Erskine saw 'i had a good heart'. it was him who accepted me really, not the Army." he admitted with a smile and a shake of his head. "i know. it is a bit weird." he agreed. "but it ended up good." he admitted with a smile as he shook his head. "well. it does feel a bit odd i guess, but like i said, we know each other too well to be really very disturbed by this." he admitted with a smile. "your exaughsted huh? why don't you go in and get some sleep?" he suggested. "i'll finish up the cookies and head up to my floor so you can get some privacy." he promised, well aware that Bucky hated having people around while he was helpless and sleeping. he had trusted the Commandos but Steve wasn't sure how long that trust had lasted after so long on the ice.

Loki scoffed. "no. i started sleeping with you because of Ice-Cream. now i stick around because the sex is amazing." he corrected. "the Ice-cream is just a bonus, but i can steal money from banks for that if i have to." he admitted with a nod before he pouted at Tony. "can i have sex first?" he asked hopefully as he skipped after Tony.
“If I was going to keep being disturbed by you, it would have been when you showed up a foot taller to drag me out of austria. I quit truly finding things weird after that.”Bucly snickered a little frowning a little. “No. I’m okay.”he said, because he was so didn’t want to consider going to sleep, despite nearly being up 56 hours, he hadn’t really been sleeping since Erin left, and he was still on edge. Yawning again he winced as his jaw cracked, nodding as he stumbled to his feet. “Okay. I’m going to go lay down. See you in the morning.”He smiled slightly as he stumbled out of the room, to tired to be really protesting it, and did trust Steve, no matter how strained things were, he trusted him. Hitting the bed moments later, fast asleep within moments.

“Hm, the sex is amazing isn’t it?”Tony snickered before smirking “You can. If you beg nicely.”Tony said as he called over his shoulder. “...that is one couple that I can’t figure out if they’re actually dating, or if they really believe they’re just friends with benefits.”Erin snickered tiredly as she stretched, moving to get up, but not able to convince herself to get moving yet.
he smirked a little. "yeah, that was pretty fun." he admitted with a chuckle. "i thought the general was going to shit himself when i appeared with all of those survivors." he admitted with a smile. "it was a good day." he admitted as he gave Bucky a stern look. "sleep. now." he ordered. when Bucky woke up, there was a plate of cookies with lukewarm milk waiting for him on the bedside table and no Steve to be seen. though at that time of day, Steve was probobly working out somewhere.

"oh, Loki's in a relationship, Tony's got a freind with benefits." Bruce stated simply. "Loki understands that Tony has relationship problems and commitment issues so he's been easing Tony into the knowladge that he's in a committed relationship." Bruce admitted with a chuckle. "it's cute really." he admitted as he studied her. "are you alright? you're pale."
“It was. Hiking that whole way was interesting.”Bucky snickered at the fuzzy memory, now that steve had mentioned it, it was coming through clearer on what he remembered from there. “I’m going.”Bucky muttered tiredly at the order. Staring at the cookies for a long moment when he woke he grinned before downing the cookies as he searched the drawers, amused to find workout pants and a t-shirt waiting for him, along with a wardrobe worth of clothes of every sort. Snickering as he paused, glancing at the clock he smirked, knowing Erin was probably still asleep....not that that had ever stopped him from waking her up, but he’d be nice. He had other, more superpowered people to bother now, one in particular who needed about as little sleep as he did. “You know, it’s like 3 am. Normal people sleep this time of day.”Bucky pointed out as he walked into the gym, jarvis having been so helpful in helping him find Steve, smirking as he wrapped his hands in tape, having every intention of joining the Captain in his workout.

“Ahhh. Okay, that makes sense.”Erin said smiling slightly,”You’re right. It is cute, and he’s going to smack us all for not telling him he was in a relationship when he realizes it, I hope you know that.”She pointed out before nodding, indeed looking a little wane and tired. “Fine. I think. Just getting sick. I don’t feel so great. Haven’t been sleeping well either.”
he smiled a little. "what was more interesting was the way that one fellow kept pausing to kiss every woman he saw. he got clocked at least fifteen times." he admitted with a chuckle. "yeah well... i don't sleep anymore." Steve admitted. "i catch an hour or two here and there but for the most part i just sort of doze." he admitted. "did you sleep well?" he asked, examining the crumbs sticking to Bucky's chin. "Cookies are not very good for breakfast you know." he pointed out with a chuckle and a shake of his head as he shook his hands out. "check it out. Tony made it, i've been doing everything i can to destroy it, just to wipe that smug ass look off his face, but it hasn't been working." he admitted with a shake of his head.

Bruce snorted. "he'll smack you. he won't dare hit me." he admitted with a grin because he knew it was untrue. Tony was one of the few people honestly unafraid of the Hulk. "go to bed. if you're not feeling better by this time tomorrow come and get me and i'll give you a checkup." he promised. "i spent a good chunk of my schooling in the medical aspects, so i'm quite proficient in diagnostics." he assured her.
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