The Key to Going Green(Avengers)Lady/Moon

Steve chuckled a little. "yeah. funny..." he agreed weakly, shaking his head before he glared at Tony. "Peggy Carter was a very handsome woman and you would do well to keep your mouth off her!" Steve hissed, startling Clint and Bruce alike. they'd never heard him use that kind of tone before. "it wasn't hard to guess." Clint agreed, Bruce nodding. "even Hill and Coulson know. not to mention Natasha." Bruce admitted. "we all knew when Steve freaked out that he was Barnes." Bruce admitted.

Steve shook his head. "oh no. not when you grin at me like that! the last time you smiled at me like that three kids ended up in a hospital because they where picking on me." he pointed out with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "oh Buck." Steve sighed and shook his head as he headed over to the other, setting his hands on Bucky's shoulders. "look at me. look. okay now, deep breath. hold it. and release. another big breath, there you go, keep breathing. good. Now. do you really think that i would ever let you hurt her or the baby?" he demanded. "you still can't beat me up Bucky Barnes." he warned. "not to mention we have two Demi-Gods, a green skinned shapeshifter, a man who wields metal and two assassins here. you really think Hydra is going to be able to do a single thing?" he asked with a smirk. "we're all here Bucky, every last one of us. no one is going to hurt Erin or the baby, least of all you."
Tony stared at the other man, startled a little at steve’s reaction, but not saying anything, because well, he had no idea what to think about steve hissing at him. “I told him it wouldn’t work. Even without Howard having pictures somewhere, I knew you’d figure out who he was....he was just enjoying not being known. It’s been...hard for him, to not know who he was...I don’t know if he actually thought you’d all be fooled by it or not, but he was enjoying pretending not being himself.”Erin smiled a little shrugging, smiling sadly. Upset and worried about bucky, but knowing she wasn’t the one who could do anything for bucky right now, she knew if she tried, she’d upset him more.

“They deserved it. You were like, 4 foot tall. You didn’t need picked on.”Bucky grumbled, jumping a little as the other touched him, his head handing between his knees as he curled up on himself, turning his head a little, resting his temple against steve’s forearm, trembling ever so slightly, before raising his head to look at him, sucking in a breath, trying to follow directions though it took a few times for him to get control. “N-no. No you wouldn’t.”He said and the utter relief in his face at that idea said how much he’d been worried on the fact of hurting Erin. “...I you guys.To help.”He said sounding so surprised at the idea, that it was obvious it had been a really long time since he’d had more then just erin to trust, actually so long that the last people he’d had, was the howling commandos.
Bruce chuckled a little. "we can let him have the delusion if you want." he admitted. "it's not hard to pretend he's not who he is considering we always knew and never treated him any differently." he admitted with a smile. "he doesn't have to be himself." he admitted with a smile. "he can be whoever he wants to be now."

Steve chuckled a little and shook his head. "like a knight in shining armor." he agreed with a smile before he worked on calming Bucky down. reminiscing on when Bucky had used to do this for him. "that's right. i wouldn't. We wouldn't." he promised with a smile. "we're here for you, and for Erin too. you're one of us now Buck." he admitted. "and we protect our own. even from ourselves." he admitted as he sat next to his best freind. "sucks though, i just lost a fifty buck bet with Stark. i was so sure Erin and Bruce had the hots for each other." he admitted with a sigh. "Tony's going to be intolerable now. the smug bastard."
“Let him. It’s what he wants for now. He might eventually tell you but...”She shrugged before making a face. “He wants to be someone Steve wont let him be, his boyfriend. But since that’s not happening anytime soon, he’ll just have to settle for being a expectant father.”She said with a scowl, annoyed with steve for acting like he did, and hating that bucky was perfectly aware of what steve thought about being gay, so the man had never said anything, even if it was obvious to anyone else that the two were absolutely were in love with each other. How bucky had managed to never realize steve was at least bisexual absolutely confused her, but he was functioning under the delusion that this somewhat awkward, bromance he had going on with steve was better then ruining everything. “We could just lock them in a closet together. They might make out.”Tony said after a moment tilting his head a little.

Bucky swallowed hard as he calmed slowly, closing his eyes as he panted quietly, relaxing a little. “...Good. Cause she’s going to need protecting. She’ll be defenseless. I mean...she’s so small as it easily hurt....”Bucky shuddered a little because he knew just how capable he was of hurting her, shuddering harder as past missions fluttered before his eyes, shoving them away as he thought on his next words. Forgetting the pain and death as he considered steve and tony betting. “No you didn’t. She does have the hots for Banner. You heard her. This changes nothing. She doesn’t want married, the only thing that could stop them eventually, is if banner refuses to accept that she’s pregnant with my kid. Though I don’t think he’s that cruel, not when it’s obvious to everyone....well, maybe not him, but everyone else knows he’s sweet on her.”he snickered a little.
Bruce nodded. "that's easily done." he promised with a smile and a shake of his head. "Steve will cave. i've never seen someone more gay than him." he admitted with a smirk. "and this is talking about Loki and Tony too." he teased with a smirk as Loki snickered. "just because i routinely become a woman for Tony's pleasure, does not make me anymore gay than anyone else." he complained with a grin. "i'm sure we could manipulate them into a romantic setting a few times." Loki admitted with a grin. "you know, set them up on dates with each other even though they don't know they're on dates or something."

he smiled at Bucky and nodded. "she's not that fragile you know. you have been teaching her to fight, and i know Clint's been teaching her to fight too." he admitted as he smiled at him. "plus i'm giving her a high powered Tazer. it works on me even." he admitted with a smirk. "if you ever loose it, she can drop you in a second." he admitted with a smile before he blinked. "that's right. people have sex just to have sex now." he muttered. "i keep forgetting that." he admitted with a smile. "makes me fear for my virginity." he admitted with a chuckle. "no. Bruce can't have kids. the Serum he was injected with made him sterile." he admitted. "he'd be delighted to be a stepfather." he admitted. "though he's going to have his own panic attacks. he's not exactly safe around children himself." he admitted with a shake of his head. "he is, but he doesn't believe that."
“I know, eventually it will happen. They’re both just dragging their feet.And it’s stupid, I tell you. I keep telling James just to kiss him.”She grumbled before looking at loki with wide eyes, before looking at tony. “Hey. It’s fun. And I’m not gayer then anyone else, Banner, just because I enjoy having my nails done doesn’t mean anything.”Tony huffed simply trying to make Erin smile, looking amused. Because while he did sometimes, most of the time he spent to much time in the lab to have a manicure be worth it, he was just to hard on his hands. “We could. I like it. Let’s do that. Sneak dating.”She grinned at the idea, looking amused as she relaxed trying not to worry.

“I know. But she’s going to be. I mean, pregnant women are clumsy and big right?She wont be able to fight.”He muttered protesting simply because he could before relaxing even more at the idea of her having a weapon, something that would drop him quickly. “Good.”He muttered before frowning, bristling a little. “I always had sex for the sake of sex, you know.”he muttered, even as he bristled a little, sounding vaguely annoyed. Because it hadn’t just been sex, it had been a lifeline, a hold on the present, and the first human connection he’d had in years, but he wasn't about to try and explain just how precious those minutes had been, when he could forget. Not when he wished desperately, to have those moments with the man sitting with him."...we don’t love each other like that, and like you said, we’re part of the team now. No reason to marry her like in our time, she can take care of herself, and the other’s will help to....besides, you heard her. If I offered she’ll do me bodily harm.”Bucky said with a strained snicker before raising a eyebrow, staring at the other. Trying really hard to not let his thoughts of steve and his virginity show on his face. “You need laid, seriously. It’ll do you wonders.”He teased trying not to react and offer to take care of that for him. “Well, I’m fairly certain all of us are going to have our own panic attacks. If you haven’t noticed, none of the team are quite child safe.”he pointed out.
Loki snickered a little at that and then grinned at her astonished look as he took his female form, having forgotten that she hadn't seen him do that yet. he made as gorgeous a woman as he did a man. "you like having your nails done?" Loki asked, looking surprised before he smirked. "oh goody." he flounced off and came back with a small case, which turned out to be a home manicure kit. proving that Loki did indeed do his own nails. "sneak dating, always fun." Loki agreed with a smirk as he took Tony's hand and examined them, a wave of magic and the cuticles where perfect and the nails healthy once more. "there, much better." he chirped happily as he started to shape Tony's nails even as Bruce snickered.

Steve frowned a little. "you know, i'm not sure." he admitted. "i've never seen a pregnant dame before." he admitted. "in any case i'll make sure she carries the Tazer everywhere." he promised with a smile before he snorted at Bucky. "no you didn't." he scoffed. "you liked every last one of those girls on an emotional level. no matter what you think, it wasn't just one night stands. you kept the same girl for weeks, they where the ones to break it off or worse, tried to trap you." he stated. "you think i didn't know?" he asked with a smirk. "you had sex with Erin because you liked her, and it's good of you to let her go." he admitted as he offered Bucky a smile. "now. how are we going to get her and Bruce together? we'll have to be sneaky about it of course." he admitted before he smirked. "i'm child safe. and so is Nat and Clint. and i'm sure you are too, you just don't want to admit it because you don't want to learn how to change diapers." Steve, astonishingly enough, was actually very good with babies. he'd often looked after the brats in their apartment complex for extra money. sometimes three or more of them at the same time. plus he volunteered at the hospitals now, for the children's sakes.
“ can’t stay as a girl. You make me feel ugly.”Erin sulked looking at the female loki,looking amused that tony really had found the perfect boyfriend, one who could give him the best of both sexes when he wanted, it really was perfect together“I do.”Tony said looking at Loki, looking bemused as he left before staring at his hands as loki started to work. Snickering a little. “You do realize this is hopeless, as I’m going to be soldering something later. Messes them up....and you stop snickering, Banner. Otherwise we’ll give the hulk a pedicure.”Tony said even though he didn’t make the other stop doing his nails. “we’ll have to set them up on something they’d do normally.....maybe we all could go to coney Island?I mean, if we all go, its not a date date, and they could still spend time together doing something they did when they were younger.”Erin said looking amused.

“Me either, but I’m sure they do.Though we can’t tell her she’s getting big. She’ll punch us.”Bucky said, well at least he was well aware of the emotional moods. Making a face at the other he looked amused that steve had always known he’d had a emotional connection to them, even if it hadn’t lasted long. “Well, you’re smarter then you look, punk.”He teased a little before grinning. “Of course...maybe a group thing?I mean, a date without it appearing to be a date. They already spend alot of time here. We’ll have to get them to go somewhere.”Bucky looked thoughtful before snickering, “I see you didn’t add the other purely human teammate to the list. Tony not child safe?”Bucky snickered at the idea, because he knew the genius would be okay, if a little manic. Before grinning, “Why should I?I mean, you already have enough experience for the two of us. You can change diapers."
Loki smirked as he shifted back into his male form and resumed working on Tony's nails. "i can be any sort of man or woman i want to be. what's really fun is when Tony and i go out and he has to guess which person is me and then take me home." he smirked. "sometimes he doesn't get it right and i get to punish him for 'sleeping around'. it's fun." yeah, Tony and Loki where perfect for each other. "he's horrifically good at figuring out when i'm me though. i'm convinced he's cheating somehow." he admitted as Bruce chuckled. "Hulk would probobly enjoy it Stark." Bruce admitted with a smile. "i'll give you a manicure everyday then." Loki teased. "or at least before you have to look pretty for a party or a conference." Loki decided. "what's Coney Island?" he asked, looking a bit confused. Loki didn't go 'out' much. seeing the destruction he had caused made him feel pretty lousy. he'd only go out if someone was with him, so he wasn't sure about many of the more popular locations.

he snorted. "that's true of any woman Bucky." he pointed out. "of course i'm smart. don't i beat you at Chess every time we play?" he asked with a smirk. "i also beat every one of your scores in school and i outranked you in the military after a half a year. i'm a veritable genius." he admitted with a smirk. "hey i know! lets go to Coney Island!" he decided. "everyone loves Coney Island! we can pay the guy who runs the Ferris wheel to get them stuck at the top for a while." he decided with a grin. "it will be awesome!" he decided. "plus, i can win you a teddy bear." he teased with a snicker. "Tony is not child safe." Steve scoffed, looking amused. "he can't even handle himself Bucky." he pointed out. "he'll need lessons in child management first." he admitted with a scowl at the other. "it's your baby, you have to help take care of it. and i charge per diaper, not per hour." he warned, looking smug.
Tony sniclered at the look erin was giving him."hey, I don't comment on your swx life with world renowned assassins now ddo I?" "No you don't.I was just thinking you found the perfect person for you,you man whore."she said her tone light and teasing,enough to tell tony she was just giving him a hard time and didn't mean anything by it."I'm going to do it next time hes out then.It would confuse supervillians everywhere to see hulk getting a manicure."tony snickered leaning over to kiss loki's cheek."just on days I have to go somewhere.thanks."he smiled pleased with the idea. "Its a amusement park. With rides and'd enjoy it."erin smiled knowing why loki didn't go out.'its out tlby the ocean,away from here." And away from everything that was still being rebuilt.

"Well ig you're so smart shouldn't you be talking to stark or banner instead of me?I mean I'm a few brain cells short of being intelligent."bucky grumbled sounding vaguely annoyed. And he always had. Even as small steve, steve had always managed to make him feel stupid sometimes,iyd only gotten worse when he became the captain and even more of a tactical genius."now that,sounds like a plan. Lets go tell them. We'll play it off as them taking us to see stuff we used to'll be fun. And if anyone's winning a shooting game, its me.remember who's the shooting expert here."bucky snickered getting up,relaxing as he headed for the door before grinning."that's true. We'll have to get him a manual or something. Hes bound to treat a kid like a robot."bucky snivkered at that mrntal image before sulking."hey.fine.I'll learn how to change diapers."noy that he'd planned on actually not helping but diapers were gross.he could sulk over it.
Loki chuckled a little. "that's because both she and the winter soldier scare you." he pointed out. "and if he's a man whore what does that make me? i mean, i've had three times the amount of sex Tony has." he pointed out. though, Loki was also very much older and ran on different rules than most humans did. "i think Hulk would love to be doted on." Loki admitted with a chuckle, Bruce shrugging. "He's a bit like a small child, yeah." Bruce admitted. "he loves any attention he can get, even bad attention. which is why he breaks so many things." "he's easily frightened too. that's why we never pull a gun on Bruce." "....can't tamp down that response yet." Bruce explained to Erin. "Aim a gun at me and Hulk reacts with or without me." he paused. "Funnily enough, he is smart enough to tell the difference between a real gun and a toy gun. thank god or that nerf war would have been a disaster." Bruce admitted. "Tony and Loki both kept diving out of hiding and shooting me with nerf bullets thinking i was them. the first time they did it i pretending to start hulking out and they totally went spastic. it was hilarious." Bruce admitted as if he was citing the weather. proving that he did, in fact, have a sense of humor after all. just a well hidden one. "Rides? like horse riding?" Loki asked, looking eager. "i didn't know humans knew how to ride horses."

he snorted. "please. as if i can understand a word they say." he scoffed with a smile. "besides, you had a kind of intelligence i never did." he pointed out. "you could do almost anything. my books didn't do me any good when we had to hunt for food or steal a car after all." he admitted as he smiled. "we made a great pair." he muttered. "i did the tactical and you did everything else. kind of miss that." he admitted. "life was so much more simple then." he admitted with a sigh. "there is no way you're beating me at skeeball. i ALWAYS win at Skeeball." he scoffed as he leaped to his feat and stretched. "i don't think a manual is going to help Tony." he admitted with a chuckle. "babies don't work on manuals." he admitted with a shake of his head. "you better. because i will charge you six dollars a diaper." he warned with a grin.
“Not the only reason, but some.”Tony said making a face. “Yes, but you’re older then him, and not human. Sorta not the same.”Erin teased looking amused. “we’ll dote on him, it’s fun.”Erin said looking interested in the idea, before wincing before starting to laugh, shaking her head at the idea. “Oh man, that’s awesome. I would love to see that.” “I can show you Erin. It’s all on video.” “Traitor!My AI is betraying me!”Tony whined making a face even though he was laughing before growing serious. “You know, they might.”Tony said, despite living in new york, he’d never gone to coney island. “Rides, like mechanical rorller coasters and just....”Erin shrugged.”It’s hard to explain, but I think you’ll like it. You like new things.”She smiled at loki.

Bucky made a face at that before shrugging. “I guess. Stealing a car wasn’t that fun. It took me forever to figure out how to not burn my hands when hotwiring it.”He said making a face but relaxing, the sing not hurting as much before laughing. “Well, you better get used to it again. I plan on sticking around this time....besides, you else is going to know your a sarcastic little bastard?I doubt your new team knows that.”he snickered remembering the times he’d simply sat back and watched Steve’s inner sass goddess tear bullies...soldiers...generals...enemies to shreds. It was a thing of beauty to witness really. “It was simplier, but we do have lives now. And that new life includes a get included on this, uncle steve, don’t make me threaten you. I mean, you have to have a simple life for a kid. Someone has to teach him to behave.”Bucky snickered because he knew that he needed steve in his life, even if everything else went to hell, as long as steve was around, it would be okay. “No, but they make parenting books right?I mean, he said everything has a book these days. I’m sure there’s something.”Bucky snickered before walking into the kitchen, raising a eyebrow at the sight of them all, looking worried. “You okay?”He muttered looking down at erin, ruffling her hair as she looked up at him. “Fine. We were trying to decide what we wanted to do today.”
Loki chuckled a little at Tony's complaint and shook his head. "it is the same. simply because we show our affection through physical means does not mean that we are sluts." he teased with a grin, laughing as Jarvis 'betrayed' them. Bruce just rolled his eyes and took another long drink of his coffee. "as long as i have fun i won't hold you dragging me out of the house against you." Loki promised, looking amused.

he snickered. "well. i had fun." he admitted with a laugh before he smiled at Bucky. "i'm glad your staying." he admitted softly. "i have to admit, i didn't take it well when you died." he admitted softly. "i think Tony's beginning to suspect that i'm a sassy bitch." he admitted with a chuckle. "i haven't had much cause to rip apart someone verbally, so they haven't seen it yet." he admitted. "oh, i fully intend to help with the babe." he admitted with a grin. "lord knows your going to have a heart attack when she goes into labor. one of us needs to be sane and stable while your freaking about burping bibs and diaper tables." he teased with a snigger. "i can't wait until th kid pukes on you the first time. i can just picture the look on your face." he admitted, looking wickedly delighted. "well, i think so?" he muttered, uncertain. "we'll hit up a bookstore with one of Tony's money cards." he decided before blinking at the assembled group, his head tilted. "me and buck where thinking of seeing if Coney island was still the same." he admitted. "wanna come with?"
“Well, I didn’t take to well to it either.”Bucky muttered wincing a little at the idea of steve not handling it well before snickering. “Tony would. I so sort of want you to get in trouble now, just to watch you rip them apart. It really is a thing of beauty to watch you work.”Bucky snickered before grinning, “I will not be freaking out. I’m a world class assassin, I take a little stress of labor and wondering about burping bibs.”He frowned looking amused though despite the complaining before making a face. “My child would never be so rude as to puke on me. It’ll puke on you. Or stark. Not me. Or erin.”Bucky snickered before nodding. “We will.”He agreed, liking the idea of going to the bookstore starting at the group. “What?Really?”Erin sputtered looking surprised that they were making this easy to get them to do. Had they been listening? “Of course. Never been to coney island. Lets go.”Tony said grinning like a little kid, because he was going to enjoy this, and not simply because he wanted steve and bucky happy, but because it would do him good to go. He’d not gone because it was one of those father/son trips that howard had skipped out on, it seemed appropriate to be going with steve, since it was steve howard was always skipping out on tony with, even if steve wasn’t aware of just how much time the billionaire’s father had abandoned him in favor of searching for steve, he knew steve had guessed just how obsessed howard had been, ignoring his son in favor of looking for steve. “yea, loki needs to go out anyways. It’ll do him good go get out of here.”Erin smiled smirking a little.
Steve smiled at him and nodded. "i imagine so." he agreed. "oh, i'm sure i'll go Sassy Mcassypants on someone sooner or later." he promised with a smile. "you will be freaking out. you used to freak out every time i got so much as a nosebleed." he teased with a chuckle. "all babies puke, they can't help themselves." he admitted. "just never hold their faces in a direct line to yours and you'll be fine. that way they won't puke on your face." he admitted. "yeah, really. why?" he asked, giving them a baffled look. did she suspect? "'ve never been to Coney Island!?" Steve demanded, horrified for Tony. "i was too poor to buy food and i've been to Coney Island!" he admitted with a shake of his head. "we are going, right now." he ordered. "go get ready and give me your money card, i want to buy some books on our way back." "nerd." "don't make me hit you Clint Barton." "....nerd, OW! he Hit me!" Clint protested, rubbing his arm and pouting as Bruce snickered. "i'm assuming now would be a bad time to admit i've never been to Coney Island either?" Bruce asked with a small grin.
“I did not. And you had help getting nosebleeds most of the time. There was a good reason to freak out.”Bucky sulked making a face at the other before snickering. “I’ll remember that.”He snickered shuddering at the idea of getting a faceful of puke before staring at the others as they looked at them. “We were just discussing going. We thought you guys might like to see how much it changed.Which isn’t really that much.”Erin grinned at the two super soldiers. Bucky frowned a little at her, looking slightly baffled, wondering what she was planning, but having no idea what it could be. “What?Never?!”Bucky sputtered staring at the billionaire, wondering how in the world that had happened. “No, I haven’t. And uh, you didn’t have babysitters that wouldn’t take you.”Tony twitched a little, not about to admit that by the time he was old enough to go, he hadn’t wanted to, because it had had bitter memories of begging his dad to take a day off, to go with him. “Books?” “Uh-huh. Baby books. Now go get ready.”Bucky said snickering as they shooed the other’s towards the door, shaking his head a little. “It’s disturbing you guys have never gone before.”He said watching them go get ready to leave.

By the time they actually got to the island, tony was acting like a kid on a sugar high, twisting this way and that, trying to see everything at once. Erin snickered quietly as she walked with bruce, ignoring her rolling stomach that protested the smell of fair food and cotton candy. “Should we be worried about how excited he is?He’s enjoying this more then the two super soldiers are.”She snickered quietly watching steve and bucky look around themselves, though she had a feeling they were just as excited, but more restrained then the billionaire.
he snorted. "i was fine. you just kept getting in the way." he teased with a smile. "you better, there's nothing worse than a baby puking on your face. ugh." he admitted as he headed up before he grinned at Erin. "well, great minds and all that." he agreed, pleased that she didn't suspect a thing. "well, your babysitters are taking you now." Steve sassed. "come along, go get dressed, wash your face and for gods sake go to the bathroom before we leave because we're not stopping on the way!" Steve ordered, sounding so much like a mother Clint had to stuff his fist into his mouth to keep from laughing. "i couldn't go before. too noisy, too many people." Bruce admitted. "i didn't grow up here. i don't even know what Coney Island is." Clint admitted with a shrug. "alien." was Loki's excuse. Steve just huffed at them and made them go get ready as well and smirked at Bucky. "you notice not one of them noticed i was being sassy?" he asked with a snicker. "it's awesome. none of them even realize i'm punking them." he admitted. "i figured out how to use my phone and the TV months ago." he admitted. "and yet Tony keeps trying to teach me." Steve was a wicked little shit head sometimes.

"i'm not too worried." Bruce admitted. "Tony never had a chance to be a kid as a child, so he makes up for it when he can." Bruce admitted as he bought a snack. "let him have his fun. so long as he doesn't strip, have sex, get drunk or start bitching at people we'll be fine." he promised as he bit into his funnel cake. "Hey! James! check it out!" Steve declared suddenly, smirking at the basketball game. "let's see whose the better shot now that i can actually throw the damn ball." he flashed the other a smirk as he issued the challenge. he knew Bucky would probobly win, but at least he might score more than three points this time around.
“I am not a child!I don’t need a babysitter now.”Tony sputtered staring at his captain, “But I don’t have to go to the bathroom!”The billionaire whined as he left the room, though the sound was filled with laughter. “...You all depress me. Really.”Bucky declared looking at the three men who were left, shaking his head a little before snickering as he watched them leave the room.”Nope. Not a one. This is going to be’ve been... Punking them. You are such a little shit.”He snickered shaking his head he was so going to enjoy the next tech teaching moment, having every intention of joining him in the sassy punking later.

Elena smiled a little as she got a hot pretzel, nibbling on it a little before smiling quietly. “ do realize this is tony. He’s liable to do any of those, at a drop of a hat.”she snickered looking amused as she watched tony showing loki around. “Huh?”Bucky’s head snapped up, looking around for the danger that the shout entailed before realizing what steve was pointing out, smirking as he looked at the game. Passing over the money as he took the basket ball.”I’m still better, but at least it’ll be a challenge this time.”He snickered as he shot, looking pleased as he sank four out of the five. It’d been years since he’d played the game, but it was fun anyways, made him think of the last time he’d done something like this, with steve, when steve was a lot shorter. This was like a serious step into the past for the assassin, and for once, that was a good thing.
Steve snorted. "you do need a babysitter! and i don't care! go pee anyway!" he demanded of Tony before he rolled his eyes at Bucky's declaration, watching them leave before smirking at his freind. "admit it, this is hilarious." he teased. "they have no idea. it's hilarious. most of them don't even realize i swear like a sailor." he admitted. he grew up in the great depression and had practically been a street rat. then he'd been in the war, of course he swore! "are we ready to go?" he asked with a smile, adopting his 'i am a innocent boyscout' face.

Bruce smirked a little. "yes he is, normally anyway. Loki keeps a good handle on him though, those two are really good for each other." he admitted. "it was extremely weird seeing them interact the first time though. i didn't realize Loki was here until a month after the fact, so he and Tony had a good chance to get to know each other. Loki was still as mad as a hatter though, and way to obsessed with all the technology." he admitted with a chuckle. "i can't wait until Tony realizes he's actually dating Loki."

Steve grinned a little. he had gotten better too. he played Basketball as often as he could, simply because it was something familiar and something he enjoyed. he usually played one on one with Clint or Coulson so he was quite pleased when he tied up with Bucky at four out of five. "better huh?" he asked with a smirk as he picked out a stuffed raccoon for himself. "wanna go on the whirl a twirl? i promise not to get sick on your shoes this time."
“It is hilarious. And when they beat you up for punking them, I want a front row seat.”he smirked looking amused before shaking hsi head.”I have no idea how you pulled that one off. You swear worse then I do half the time.”He pointed out before smirking as the others came back, looking his best to look innocent, though it just made him look like he was up to something. He was never as good at innocent as Steve was. “Yea. We’re ready.”Tony said eyeing Bucky, trying to figure out if the two supersoldiers knew what they were up to, but figured since tehy werent getting yelled at, the two couldn’t know about it yet.

“They are good. Almost as good as the two supersoldiers.”She smiled just relaxed and happy to be with him, not realizing that they were being set up as much as they were setting up the other two. “Well, Tony’s not overly what you’d call...a normal picture of mental health. He’s just as much of a mad hatter as with his projects.”She smiled before laughing. “It’s going to be apocalyptic. We’re going to have to get Jarvis to record it so we can watch.”She looked amused because she knew it was going to be a horrible meltdown when Tony figured that out.

Bucky grinned, looking amused that the other was doing so good, snickering at the raccoon. “Much better. Last time you could barely pick up a basketball.”he pointed out before pausing, tilting his head as he considered it, teasing out a memory, before smirking. “As long as you don’t make me go jumping off any mountains in revenge for it, yes let’s go.” He smiled as they headed for the tilt-a-whirl, quiet as he went over the memories he was getting, whispy and almost there, some memories were crystal clear, others were foggy and half missing, and sometimes he just wanted to beat his head in for it.he so desperately wanted to remember
he smirked. "they can't beat me up." he admitted with a snort. "i'm a super-soldier." he pointed out with a smirk. "it's not hard to control my language when i want or need to." he admitted with a chuckle. "or did you think i cussed like that in front of kids?" he asked with a smirk before he beamed at Tony. "Great! lets go, i want some cotton Candy, i bet Loki would love that. and doughnuts too of course." "Doughnuts?!" Loki demanded, ready to go in an instant as soon as he heard the magic word. doughnuts where second only to ice-cream in Loki's opinion.

"they are adorably oblivious aren't they? i'm a bit worried about how mischievous James looked before we left. i think he's up to something." he admitted, looking a bit concerned before he snorted. "Tony's a genius. they're supposed to be a bit mad." he pointed out. "Loki was more than mad. he held complete conversations with forks." he admitted. "and Tony hasn't gotten around to.... adapting, the forks yet." he admitted. "and Tony's mostly sane, he's just lacking in some social skills. he's getting better." he admitted with a smile. "yeah, we'll watch it, and then live through it when he wonders why we didn't TELL him." he pointed out, looking amused. "of course, we'll have to post the whole thing to Twitter." he admitted with a chuckle before he paused and looked around. "...i think we've been abandoned..." he admitted, realizing that Loki had dragged Tony off and Bucky and James where headed off in another direction.

Steve sulked and stuck his tongue out at Bucky. "shut up." he complained with a chuckle. "and they do have this thing where you jump out of perfectly good planes for fun, or off bridges with a stretchy rope attached to your feet. it's insane." he admitted as he bumped shoulders with the other and headed off, forgetting completely that they where trying to set up Erin and Bruce.
“Um, considering I’ve heard some of your team cussing like sailors on mission reports, I’m actually surprised you don’t curse at them in front of everyone really.”Bucky smirked a little before grinning at loki’s reaction. “Oh god, Rogers, I’m going to kill you.”Tony whined though he looked to amused at the idea of feeding loki cotton candy to be really upset.”And yes, Doughnuts. Lots of different kinds.”he said sounding indulgent.

“James is always up to something. I try not to worry about it to much because if I do, I’d never do anything else, and I’m already feeling sick enough without concerning myself with what he’s doing.”Erin snickered a little at the idea before pausing, thinking about that. “...I can’t decide what’s worse. Loki having conversations with forks, or that it’s not totally out of the realm of possibility that Tony would put a AI in a fork.”Erin snickered. “He’s going to whine, forever, because he didn’t tell him. In 20 years, we’ll still be hearing about it.”he said before pausing to, tilting his head a little. “Well...Loki’s going to get doughnuts, and it looks like bucky and steve are going for the tilt-a-whirl. Want to join them or just walk around?”

Bucky snickered at that shuddering at that, while he wasn’t overly bothered by heights, he liked shooting from them after all, it’s when he risked the chance of falling that he had sort of a panic attack about it.”Stupid people.”he said laughing as he bumped shoulders with steve, taking off with the other smirking as they stepped into line with steve for the ride, craning his head around to look around. “We forgot our set-upee’s. How are we supposed to know how the dates going if we don’t keep them in sight?”He said though he was more enjoying his time with steve, then really worrying about what erin and bruce were doing, trusting the two to just get along. They’d figure it out something to do.
he smirked. "it's very hard to pretend to be annoyed with them when i want to kiss too. but i can feign it well enough." he admitted with a snicker before he pretended to be baffled at Tony. "why? Loki can't get any more hyper than he already is." he pointed out. which was true. Sugar did little to make Loki more hyper.

he chuckled a little and shook his head. "good point. are you feeling unwell? do you need to go sit down for a bit?" he asked, looking a bit worried. "want me to go get you something to drink?" he offered, indicating a drink stand before he smirked. "oh he was completely convinced they where talking to him. apparently it was one of those 'he hears voices that aren't real' things that was leftover from where the tesseract fucked with his head. Clint went through it for a bit too, though his wasn't as bad as Loki's was." he admitted. "and your right of course, Tony would put AI in the forks. i can hear it now. 'please hold me properly. please don't chew in my tines. it hurts when you stab me into the steak. scrape me against the plate one more time and i shall disintegrate you' riveting conversation really." he stated with a lopsided grin before he blinked. "i am not following Loki and Tony, they do disgusting things when they think no one is watching. and we should give the two super soldiers some romantic privacy." he agreed offering her a smile. "would you mind hanging out with me?" he offered. "i'll buy you an ice-cream and win you a teddy."

Steve snorted and nodded. "very stupid." he agreed with a shake of his head before he paused. "oh. i forgot all about it." he admitted as he looked around. "...well, considering i'm pretty sure Loki and Tony are off doing gross things, and we're here, Bruce and her have no choice but to hang out, so we're winning. we can catch up to them later. i have my cellphone and pretend you used it." he promised with a grin as he handed over the tickets and grinned as he settled into place, snickering as he chose the outside. something he'd never been able to do before because Bucky would have crushed him otherwise.
“no worse then I have been. It’s just....a queasy feeling sometimes.”Erin smiled a little waving off the concern.”I promise it’s nothing like this mornings. It seems worse when I first get up.”she said before her eyes found the lemonade stand perking up a little.”But lemonade would be amazing.”She said sounding pleased with that, as she followed him, biting her lip. Wondering if she should buy it herself, before deciding to let him get it before nodding a little. “Makes sense.Clint’s was a few days. From what I understand, loki was with...the tesseract for months.”She made a face a little before starting to laugh. “And it’d be in a snooty high class british voice, worse then jarvis’, and it’d sound like a deportment teacher.”She snickered at the idea before wincing. “Oh gods. Let’s hope they don’t discover the hall of mirrors. I enjoy that. I don’t want to consider them having sex in it.”She whined a little before snickering. “They should get some romantic privacy. Though if Steve throws up on James again, it’s his own fault.”She giggled a little watching them get on the ride before smiling, “Of course not, Bruce. Intelligent company and bribes of sweets and children’s toys.I like it.”She smiled happily, content to just walk around with him.

“...We’re winning. I like the sound of it. We’ll just call them later.”he grinned pleased that their plan of setting up the other two was going well, his worry and fear of the pregnancy forgotten for awhile. Grinning as he settled in the seat next to steve he smirked as he glanced at the other. “So, how’s it feel to be on the outside for once?”He teased as he braced his feet as the ride started to go slowly, not wanting to go sliding all over. Steve might be bigger, but the habit of trying to keep from smashing into him was long established, that not even years as a hydra assassin could break
he pondered that and then. "i have some medicine you can take for that." he promised with a smile. "i'll get you a prescription tomorrow. it won't hurt the child so you don't have to worry." he promised. "it should help with the morning sickness." he promised as he smiled at her. "Loki was affected by the Tesseract for almost a year." he said softly. "he doesn't remember much of what happened." he admitted. "i know he was tortured, the scars prove it, but he doesn't remember that either." he admitted. "Clint doesn't remember much of his own time under the tesseract either from what i understand... hey, where is Clint? he came with us didn't he?" must have slipped off to his boyfriend or something. "nah, they'll steal off to somewhere that kids won't stumble across them." he admitted with a smile. "like the bathroom in a bar or something." he admitted with a snicker as he paid for the Lemonade and handed it to her while he took up a slushy. "Steve threw up on him?" he asked, looking amused. "that's hilarious." he admitted with a laugh before he smirked at her. "oh i see, you just like me because of my brains. i see how it is." he teased her with a lopsided grin, his lips rather blue from the slushy.

Steve nodded with a grin. "precisely." he agreed. "and we can punk the others again too. make them think you used my phone because i can't figure out how to." he admitted with a grin. "it feels pretty damn good." he admitted smirking. "knowing that i'm so much bigger than you now." he teased with a laugh as he settled into place, bracing himself as he always did so he wouldn't get flung all over the place. when he got off, he staggered three steps to the garbage can and threw up. well, at least it wasn't on the others shoes. "ugh."
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