The Key to Going Green(Avengers)Lady/Moon

“really?That would be awesome.”She smiled happy with the idea of not showing up her breakfast before laughing, nodding a little.”He did. He’s around here somewhere. You know Clint, he’s probably up a tree or something.”She paused thinking that over. “Or he invited his boyfriend along. Who I want to know. I sorta wanna look around for him now....”She said sounding thoughtful before nodding. “Yea. Every time they got on the damned thing. Listening to james tell it, sounds like Steve made him jump on a moving train in revenge for it. He howls over it every once in awhile. It’s quite amusing.”Clint snickered before smirking as she looked him over, sipping her lemonade. “Not JUST because of the brains. It just helps. The fact that I’m sure you wont drive me nearly as insane as Barnes does, well that’s just a bonus.”She snickered a little biting her lip resisting the urge to lean over to kiss him. Clearing her throat a little looking away. “You said something about a teddy bear?”

“Totally. I’ll even call Erin on speaker phone and freak her out thinking we can’t figure out how to turn it off. It’ll be amusing.”he grinned before rolling his eyes. “You’re not that much bigger then me these days. I can think of one way I shall always be bigger.”He said leering a little at the taller and broader man, it was a fact of life, he just wasn’t as tall or broad through the shoulders as the good captain. Stumbling himself as he got off the ride he started laughing as steve threw up, grinning at him.”Thank god its not on my shoes this time.”He smirked.”Hungry?”
he smiled and nodded. "i'll get you the medication right away tomorrow morning then. it's too late to get it now. i don't have it on hand." he admitted. "never really thought i'd need it to be honest. can you see Natasha pregnant?" he asked, looking amused. "you know, i wouldn't doubt that Clint's off somewhere with his tongue crammed down the poor guy's throat, whoever he is... i wonder if they know that Clint is an Avenger?" he mused. "we could sneak a few peaks." he agreed with a smirk. " i recall, they went on that moving train to catch a target?" he asked, sounding like he wanted to laugh at poor James and didn't dare in case the man was listening in. "well, i'm not the most annoying person on the planet." he agreed with a chuckle. "if people around me are annoyed it tends to affect my... you know." he muttered sheepishly, as if suddenly remembering why he wasn't safe to be around her. he wasn't too worried though, Hulk liked her, and he knew she was carrying 'tiny puny human' inside of her. Hulk adored children, he'd never hurt one. "yes! a Teddy. find one you like and i'll do anything i can to win it for you." he promised with a smile. and ten minutes later, after three tries, there was a teddy in her arms.

he smirked. "that would be awesome. maybe we'll not even realize we called her and we could pretend to argue about how to start the call." he decided with a snicker before he glared at the other. "even as puny wimp, i was still bigger where it counted Brat." nothing got Steve's ire up faster than a slight to his genitals. "ugh." he groaned as he puked into the can. "...shut up. i can't beleive i got sick. i never get sick anymore." he grumbled. "yes. i am hungry. go get me a soda and a hotdog." he ordered.
“Well, I wouldn’t expect you to have it on hand.tomorrow’s fine.”She smiled a little before laughing shuddering a little.”Thanks a frightening, horrible thought. Natasha pregnant.”She shuddered at the idea before pouting. “Probably. Hopefully. I mean, if I’m not allowed knowing who it is it’s probably a agent or something.”She sulked put out that she still had no idea who it was. Nodding at his words.”They were. James is convinced it was still punishment though for making him throw up on the tilt-a-whirl.”she snickered a little before nodding. “It’s okay. You like with Stark and Loki. Together. If you’re not constantly the other guy I’m fairly certain I’m safe in your company.”She reasoned smiling at him. Before grinning widely, happily as he won the teddy. “That was awesome.Thanks.”She smiled petting the soft black haired bear softly, looking amused.

“We should.”Bucky grinned at the idea of prank calling Erin. Before smirking slightly, blushing ever so slightly as he considered that. Cause steve always had been bigger then him, and yes, despite the dangers to his sanity in seeing him naked, they had compared before and after the serum....the fact that it had added up to his wanking fantasies ever since well...that wasn’t his fault. Swallowing hard as he considered that he smirked. “I’ll be right back.”He said walking away before he gave into the desire to jump the other man returning in a few minutes with a hot dog and soda.”Here.”He said holding them out with a smile.
he smiled a little. "you really need to take it in the mornings anyway." he admitted. "yes, very frightening." he admitted with a snort. "we'd all be dead." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "Hormonal Natasha is terrible enough, pregnant Natasha is just scary." he admitted with a grin. "it has to be an Agent, your right, i hadn't thought about that. maybe it's Hill?... no she's a girl.." he cocked his head. "...i don't know other Agents. i tend to avoid them as much as i can." he admitted with a shrug. "i probobly don't know his Boyfriend." he admitted before he smiled at her, looking rather thankful. "yes well. there's a difference between Tony and Loki annoyed and other people annoyed." he admitted. "thank you." he muttered shyly, smiling at her as he walked around with her, chatting about anything she wanted to chat about. he did snag a Cotton candy for himself, and a few times he did make a few comments about the Hulk, as if testing her with the knowladge. as if trying to decide if she could be trusted with it without freaking out.

he smiled at Bucky as the hotdog and soda was brought over, rinsing his mouth out with the soda before taking a few long drinks and devoured the hotdog before he grinned at Bucky. "wanna go again?" he teased, because he knew Bucky would say no, simply to save his own stomach and his shoes. "come on. let's go see the maze of mirrors." he ordered, simply because he liked to watch Bucky run into the mirrors. not like he didn't do the same thing, but that was besides the point.
“It really is. Now when I see her next, I’m not going to be able to think of anything else. Thanks.”She snickered a little before nodding, tilting her head. “...She is a girl, and I don’t want to consider her having sex. That’s scarring.”She shuddered a little.”You know fury, and coulson.”She snickered pointing it out because she could before smiling a little. “I’m actually laying money on it being Coulson, Stark says its insane to think about ‘Agent’ having sex, but it would make sense if they didn’t want to tell us.”She shrugged a little sulking because she really did want to know who clint was dating, and not about to admit that she was actually hurt that he hadn’t told her. “You’re welcome.”She smiled as they walked, content to just walk around and lok at things, feeling a little sick herself as she watched the tilt a whirl spin, before glancing over at him. “ there something you want to tell me?”She said gently when she realized he was talking about the big guy like he expected something more from her, looking vaguely confused, but not freaking out. Simply curious and slightly worried for him.

Bucky made a face,”Not now.I’m to old to go spinning on that thing for more then once at a time.”He snickered a little before sulking slightly. “You just like watching me run into the mirrors.”he pouted a little even as he followed him to the house of mirrors, paying to get in. Moving slowly holding a hand out a little bit to keep from walking face first into them at least, the further they got in tensing. Having not considered that being surrounded by so many distorted ‘people’, just reflections of him and steve since they were the only ones in here at the moment, would send him nearly into a panic. “Punk?”He called out, looking around him with that quiet nervousness that said he was so not as relaxed as he looked.
he chuckled a little and shook his head. "honestly? thinking about her having sex is a bit like imagining Fury having sex. just makes you want to gag." he admitted with a snicker. "and it's not like i want to know Fury or Coulson, they just won't leave me alone." he admitted with a shake of his head. "Coulson? you think Coulson has sex? don't be silly. i'm not even sure he's human. android maybe." he stated with a smirk. but she knew Coulson better than anyone, he had trained her himself in the beginning before Bucky had taken over. Natasha had helped, but mostly it had been Coulson. "..." Bruce hessitated as he licked on an Ice-cream cone and then looked at her. "The Big Guy wants to meet you." he finally admitted, sounding a bit concerned. "he doesn't like having a stranger so close to me." he admitted, fidgeting. "you make him nervous because he can't smell you when he's sleeping inside..." he admitted softly, well aware she was going to freak out now.

Steve chuckled a little at the excuse and shook his head a little. "i do like watching you run into the mirrors." he admitted with a smile as he entered the maze, enjoying walking around and seeing all the different thems. "...James?" he asked, gently catching the others elbow. "you arlght? come on, lets get out of here." he ordered, leading Bucky, without falter into the exit. just like he'd always done. let Bucky falter for a while and then lead him out, because Steve knew a trick others didn't about maneuvering in a mirror Maze. "here, sit down." he ordered once they where outside, running off to get Bucky something to drink and something to eat. just like he always did when Bucky was flustered or upset. "you alright?"
“...urgh. I so don’t want to picture fury...wait!it’s worse thinking about Hill and Fury having sex together.”She said giggling at the idea before laughing. “Well, maybe he’s Tony’s newest version of LMD, I could see it.”She said laughing before shrugging she knew better. Better then almost anyone but clint actually, that coulson was human. “Finding out who Clint’s dating is going to be fun.”She grinned before pausing, staring at him her mouth hanging open a little, while there was slight panic and fear showing in her eyes, the fact that she didn’t run screaming at the idea of meeting him showed just how committed she was to being around him, being friends, not realizing she wanted more. “O-okay. I think...that would be okay.”She swallowed nervously. “when...?Back at the tower?”She asked looking nervous.

“Y-yea.I’m here.”JAmes said twisting to look at the other, jumping a little as Steve caught his elbow, turning to look up at him, panic in those grey eyes even if it wasn’t showing anywhere else. Stumbling slightly as he let Steve drag him out, he made a face.”You always knew how to get out of here.”he sulked a little before sitting down on the bench, slumping over, bracing himself on his knees, letting his head hang down as he tried not to panic. “I-I’m okay.”He said panting ever so slightly.”It was...surrounded. Seemed like enemies...”he said explaining quietly looking torn even as he took the soda, sipping it slowly. He’d come a long way really, when Erin first found him, something like this would have left him confused and out of sorts for days, but already he was finding his feet again.
Bruce looked a bit horrified by the idea. "i'm going to be sick!" he complained, looking amused. "you're just not nice. so gross." he complained with a chuckle. "i wouldn't be surprised if he is one of Tony's escaped creations." he admitted with a grin and a shake of his head. "it is going to be fun." he agreed with a grin before he winced at the fear he could see in her face. still, she wasn't running away screaming. that was better than most people. better even than Loki had done the first time. "...oh. uh. no, there's protocols we have to put in place." he admitted. "we'll have to do it tomorrow." he admitted. "Hulk has his own room, i can let him go in there, and Loki or Tony will invite you in once we're sure the Big Guy is as calm as possible." he admitted. "then they'll introduce you through the door." he admitted. "he'll be able to smell you that way, but he won't be able to hit you if he gets scared, or if you get scared." he admitted. "you won't meet him within touching capabilities until i'm sure he won't see you as a threat." he admitted. "you won't be at risk." he promised. "it's best to do it in a controlled setting, rather than me to hulk out at random because he's nervous."

Steve's lip twitched with a grin. "it's a secrete." he admitted with a chuckle as he always did. it wasn't exactly something that was supposed to be spread around after all. Clint probobly knew the secrete too. "...sorry, i never thought about that. we won't go in the mirror house again." he promised. "just take a moment to calm down." he ordered as he let the other drink, sitting there silent but close, offering Bucky reassurance before he blinked. " that Clint? whose that with him?" he demanded suddenly, trying to peer through the crowds. too late, they where gone. "damn. he must be here with his secrete man. he's been teasing us with his boyfriend for a while now. wanna go spy him out?"
"..I really wouldn't be surprised if it was one of tony's creations.I could see him putting a ai in a bofy jusy to have sex."she shook her head just thinking about it before swallowing hard nodding slowly relaxing at the idea she had a little timr to come to terms with meeting the hulk.she knew logically he wouldn't hurt her,ptobably,but it was still nerve wracking."okay.tomorrow.its a date."she smiled a little,though it looked a little shaky,"I'm not afraid of you,bruce.its just...hes so big.he makes me as nervous as I probably make him."she said wuietly wonfering if she'd hurt his feelings reacting like she had before nodding."much better then a random change I agree."she smiled a little wider.

"Fi.ekeep your secrets then."he sulked a little before making a face taking comfort in the others presence and thr fact that none of the 'enemies' had followed them out of the mirtor house."don't feel.bad,I hadn't considered it either."he shrugged sipping his pop starting to calm before perking up tilting his head as he looked around."I think it was...and yes.erin's been trying to find out who hes seeing for months.if I find out before she does it'll be awesome."he grinned his near panic attack forgotten for a moment as he concentrated on spying on clint,just fun instead of the dark and bloody past threatening to drag him down.
Bruce snorted. "i think he's been working on giving Jarvis a body you know." he admitted, sounding amused before he offered her a smile. "don't worry. Loki and Tony will be there. Hulk listens to them." most of the time. "Hulk is dangerous." he admitted. "he is like a small child with a way to hurt people. make him scared, make him angry and he'll use that weapon to drive the fear or the anger away. it's just that he's so much bigger than a child could ever be." he admitted. "he's not scared of you though, not yet. you've never tried to hurt me, or him, he's just uncertain." he admitted. "just, one thing?... never lie to him. he can smell it. it will make him angry." he admitted before he paused. "there's Steve and James." he stated, sounding smug. "looks like the plan is working, look how cozy they are together."

Steve smirked a little, pleased with himself for distracting Bucky as he followed the others lead. Steve was skilled in the art of sneaking, but not tracking. Bucky had always been the sneak and the tracker. it wasn't hard to find Clint though, as he had ducked into a small alcove and was kissing someone quite furiously. "God. it's been too long. let's ditch the others and go have sex." Clint ordered before pausing as he turned to look at Bucky and Steve, Coulson standing there, looking very, very amused. "now look what you've done." Coulson chastised. "if they tell, we'll both get fired." "oh, no, it's not a problem anymore." Clint admitted with a smirk. "i quite, last night. i'm not a shield member anymore. just an Avenger." Coulson looked more than a little stunned by that. "....i think i need to go scrub my eyes." Steve admitted.
"That doesn't surprise me...though that'll be really cool actually."erin said looking amused at that before nodding a little."I'm trying to be calm about this.."she smiled and she was indeed doing well being calm. "That makes sense really. A child doesn't understand why he shouldn't do it,only that he wants something to stop."she looked thoughtful the psychologist in her utterly fascinated with the idea before nodding."I won't lie to him...only thing I've ever hidden from you was who james really is....and everything he told me. Because that's not my stuff to tell you guys about shield,and I don't know enough about it all to explain.james will tell you when hrs ready."she smiled at him,tilting her head."I try really hard to not lie to people I care about,unless I absolutely have to."she reassured before snickering."it is working.they look like they're having fun."she grinned pleased it was working before frowning."hat are they doing?they're just standing there."she said watching the two near the alcove.

"...Ineed tony to invent a brain scrubber so I can unsee this."james snickered a little looking curious with the idea that clint had shield,knowing he needed to tell them about hydra,but things had been happening to fast in the last week to really talk about shield and everything that's happened."besides the only people I'd think to tell is the rest of the avengers,and I think I'm going to enjoy watching you two trying to explain to natasha and erin why we knew before they did."
he smiled a little. "you are being calm, i have to admit, i'm fairly impressed. Loki screamed like a little girl and hid in a closet for three days when i told him Hulk wanted to meet him." he admitted with a chuckle before he smiled at her. "i knew if anyone would understand, it would be you." he admitted. "if the meeting goes well, maybe i might even trust you with a few secretes." he admitted. he wouldn't admit it, but he really wanted to be able to trust her. he wanted to tell her things. "it wasn't your secrete to tell." he pointed out. "he needs your trust more than anyone." he admitted before he examined the two super soldiers. "facing down a bully maybe? come on, we better go check up on them." he ordered as he led the way. "oh. they're talking to Clint and Coulson."

Steve huffed. "considering it's Tony, the brain scrubber would probobly erase all of your memories." he pointed out before he stared at Clint. "but Shield was the only thing you knew. the only thing you had..." "well, i have you guys now. i don't need Shield." he pointed out. "besides, i don't think we can trust all of Shield anymore." he admitted. "besides, i'll just tell the truth, you spied on me like the sneaky sneak you are. then you'll be the one in trouble." he teased with a smirk. "why don't you two go be cute somewhere else so me and Phil can have sex." "Gross! Clint, that's disgusting!" Steve complained with a huff. "you should talk about... bedroom activities like that! it's impolite and there are children...." "Mommy what's Sex?!" "....oops." Clint muttered, mildly abashed.
“And Tony walked in and talked thermal-nuclear physics and pokes you with a electric prod on your first meeting. I think it’s safe to say, of the two, I’m being fairly reasonable.”She snickered a little before nodding. “I would like that.”She smiled, liking the idea of being trusted before nodding. “He does. And well, James is weird about some things. Like he didn’t want Steve to know who he was, which I thought was stupid, but he didn’t want to see him.”she made a face at that before snickering, eyeing the two super soldiers.”I really wouldn’t be surprised if they were.”She said following him before frowning. “Damn. I was hoping for something exciting.”She pouted a little, “We should go shoo them away, so they get back to their date though.”She muttered quietly so the two super soliders couldn’t hear as tehy walked closer.

“...You know, that’s very true. Probably shouldn’t trust tony’s thing then.”he snickered at the idea even as he shied away from the memory, ice and cold, of weeks of not knowing who he was, years really. Swallowing thickly he stared at Clint, tilting his head a little. “...”He stared wanting to really ask if Erin told him, some. She’d asked if she could, but no one had given the appearance of knowing exactly what he’d been doing for 70 years beyond the assassinations, so he’d assumed she hadn’t said anything about shield and hydra being one and the same. But if Clint was backing out she must have at least hinted. Which meant he really did have to tell. Them, soon.Smirking he nodded.”You really can’t. You might consider getting out yourself, punk.”James said nudging Steve a little before smiling at clint “Oh, she’d never believe that. I’m to innocent and pure-” “...Are you pretending to be steve again?Innocent doesn’t work for you, James.”Erin said from over James’ shoulder as they got closer, before looking at the child, grinning at the sight before raising her eyebrow at the archer and agent, looking curious.
he snorted. "first meeting? no. he still does that." he admitted with a snort. "one of these days i'm going to let the Hulk out when he does that." he admitted with a sly grin. "see what happens." he admitted with a chuckle as he smiled at her. "well, considering what the poor man has been through, can you blame him for being a little weird?" he asked with a smile and a cock of his head. "considering he's worried about Steve rejecting him on top of that, i would have been afraid to face people again too." he admitted with a smile before he sighed. "yeah, me too." he agreed before he paused and took a closer look. "...uh. Erin?... is it just me, or does Coulson have a hickey?"

Steve nodded. "never trust Tony's technology until someone else tests it first." he warned with a smile. "Tony's a genius, but sometimes his genius is a little mad." he admitted before examining Clint. "is this about..." he tilted his head at James and Clint nodded. "did a bit of digging." Clint admitted. "i'll tell you what i found later." he promised. "i was never 'in'. i am an Army boy, not a Shield Agent. my primary task is to aid and defend the Avengers." Steve admitted. "technically, i'm not even an Army brat anymore." he admitted. "i was considered MIA and was deleted from their rosters. they cannot re-add me to them without my permission and my signature." he admitted. "so really, my only 'job' is the Avengers." he admitted. "...James. i think you need to check the Dictionary. Innocent and Pure is not the same thing as a 'sarcastic asshole'." he teased with a grin, not stepping on the 'man whore' the way he might have before being frozen. "oh, hey Erin, Bruce. you guys having fun?" Steve asked with a chuckle as he watched Bruche chomping on a bag of deep fried doughnuts. "sweet tooth kicking in?" "yeah, Hulk is antsy." Bruce admitted.
“If you do, you’re going to have to get Jarvis to record it, because I’m going to be laughing to hard to be watching his face.”She giggled a little at the idea before making a face. “I know, and I really can’t, not after 70 years of...that. He’s just, does he have to be so weird about everything? I have a feeling I’m going to be eating russian sweets and being carried places for the next nine months if he starts thinking about me being knocked up harder then he already is....I wont be allowed to do anything, bruce, and you know it.”She whined good naturedly, before smirking. “Very true. They’re both stupid then, considering I assumed they were together before hand. I mean, read any book on them before, I figured their relationship hjust hadn’t been talked about. It was only after meeting James I realized they both were-are totally utterly being stupid about it.”Erin snickered a little before staring. “Uh...I...I think you’re right.”She stared a little.

“Ahh one lab accident away from being a mad scientist. I got it.”Bucky snickered at the thought of that before wrinkling his nose a little, a lifelong habit when he was thinking hard before nodding. “We’ll compare notes later. Maybe between the two of us, we’ll have a complete picture.”James said a little having a feeling that clint would have found different things then he knew, since his sources and looking places would have been different then what he looked in. “Good.”James said looking utterly pleased with the idea of steve not being controlled or tied to the army or shield before smirking at Steve. “Yes it is. I’m sure if I used your phone, my picture would come up under the definition of innocent.”James snickered a little, looking vaguely bemused that steve wasn’t making fun of the man whore as much as he would have once. “We are.”Erin smiled as she nibbled on the cotton candy she’d gotten to settle her stomach. “...That’s almost all sugar. Should-” “See?What did I tell you, bruce?Nine months of this. He’s going to be lucky I don’t kill him.”Erin snickered, her complaint coming out more good natured and amused, before looking at coulson and clint. "And speaking of killing people, why do you both have hickeys? Ones you didn't have this morning."
he laughed and nodded. "too true!" he agreed with a smirk. "Hulk would get a pretty damn big kick out of it too." he agreed. "he loves to pull pranks on Tony... of course, his pranks usually consist of leaving holes in odd places. but that's besides the point." he stated with a chuckle. "well. considering the time he came from, if you really think about it Steve's pretty weird about a lot of things too. Natasha nearly beat him up because he holds doors open for her, stands up when she walks into the room, and even pulls her chair out for her." he admitted. "she thought he was flirting with her." he admitted, sounding amused. "besides, as your doctor, i won't allow him to mollycoddle you until your third trimester at the earliest. it is good for you to stay active." he admitted. "besides, you know Steve's only denying the attraction because he's still under the assumption that he's 'sick'. he doesn't realize it's okay to be gay and he doesn't realize that James is just as 'sick' as he is." he admitted. "....Clint's boning Coulson. i think i need to go get drunk now." he admitted. "or get a concussion. anything to pretend i never knew that." he admitted.

he snorted. "oh no. one lab accident away from crossing the mad scientist line." he admitted. "he's three times more brilliant than Howard ever was. and a lot less annoying too." he admitted before he nodded as Coulson looked a bit worried. "Clint? is there something i need to know?" he asked, looking a bit upset that they where accusing Shield of something. what, he didn't know, but Coulson was very loyal to Fury. "i'm not sure yet." Clint admitted. "give me a few more days and then i'll tell you everything i know. i need to be sure first." he admitted to Coulson who hesitated before nodding. "...i don't know how to use my phone..." Steve admitted sheepishly. " there a dictionary on my phone?" he asked, pulling it out before groaning. "never mind, it's gone all dark again." he admitted, shaking it a little, looking all the world like an idiot. "Sugar is fine for her." Bruce interrupted with a chuckle. "honestly James. i AM a doctor, and i did take my child and Natal courses." he admitted. "do you really think i would let her eat or do something that's bad for her? she's not even through her first month, she could even go on rides if she wanted to." he admitted. "they'd probobly make her pretty sick though." "hickey?" Clint asked, looking startled before he flushed as Coulson spoke up. "i was attacked by a raving Fan-girl. apparently my identity was somehow leaked onto Twitter and now i have a following." Coulson admitted, sounding deeply annoyed as Clint scowled. "...a girl touched you?" "she did. up until i broke her wrist when she failed to step away from my person after the second verbal warning." he admitted, Bruce leaning over to Erin. ""
“Yea I know, I just like making fun of him. And he doesn’t mind. Says it makes him feel normal....and did Steve really?I’m surprised she hasn’t beaten him up.”She snickered at the idea amused before smirking. “He’s not. James does the same thing if he’s not really paying attention.”she snickered because he’d been awake, and the habits had been mostly trained out but if he was tired and not paying attention, he reverted to 1940s way of treating women. Before laughing a little. “Good. And I know it is but you know he’s not going to like it.”she said knowing James would want to mollycoddle her only because he was worried, and she knew it, but it wouldn’t stop it from being annoying. “I know, I know. I’m seriously considering locking them in a room just till they get ‘sick’ together.”She grumbled before staring, “...I...dammit. I knew it.”She growled sounding annoyed, hating that they hadn’t told her, feeling a little hurt actually.

“You’re right. He is less annoying.”He snickered a little before looking at Coulson nodding a little. “It’s not fury. It’s...other things, but he came after me, because Fury’s one of the good guys.”James reassured, picking up on what Coulson was worried about, and even knowing that they couldn’t talk about it here, but he could at least offer that. “Yes there is. And don’t do that. It’s not charged, you punk. You really need to figure out how to use that thing.”James said smirking inwardly, for all the world looking innocent in a way no one would ever believe before sulking making a face at Bruce. “Okay, fine. I’ll not fuss.”James said grinding his teeth a little, because it was going to be hard for him to not to. “Yea. Hickey.”He said tilting his head a little before staring at Coulson, before looking at Bruce.”I agree. Android who can’t even admit Clint’s the fangirl who attacked him. I think I’m going to go ride something now.”Erin said turning away, “Come on.”she said ignoring the look she was getting from james as she nudged bruce. Trying really hard to not be upset.
he smiled a little. "it's not really all that hard to make fun of him." he pointed out. "and he did, really. the only reason he's still allowed to do it is because Steve does it for Clint and Tony too. which really begs the question, does Steve really not know they're gay or does he just think they're feminine?" he asked with a grin. "and i am well aware of how James is going to act. that's what high grade tranquilizers are for. and Tazers." he admitted with a grin. "Steve wants you to carry one at all time. apparently it was the only way he could get James to calm down." he admitted. "remind me to get it for you." he ordered before he studied Coulson. "no wonder they had to keep it a secrete. dating someone from Shield, when you are Shield could see one, or both in prison for up to five years." he admitted. "they take that sort of thing seriously." he admitted. "i'll help you punish him for not telling you if you want. both of them."

"a lot less annoying." Steve agreed with a chuckle and a shake of his head before studying Coulson who relaxed at the promise that Fury wasn't in trouble or danger. Fury had practically raised Coulson after finding the man after his orphanage burned down. " know how to work this thing?" Steve asked, offering it to James. "good, you can show me how later. Tony's tried and tried but he uses smart people words like charger and app." he admitted, wrinkling his nose as Clint and Coulson both choked a little, fighting not to laugh. Coulson much more capable at it than Clint was, who was nearly turning purple. "oh. you can fuss." Bruce promised. "you'll just have to suffer the consequences when you annoy her too much." he admitted with a smirk before he turned and followed Erin, Clint grimacing. "...i wanted to tell her myself." he admitted with a sigh. "she's going to be pissed with me for weeks now." he admitted as he watched her leave with Bruce. "well. at least our plan is working. she's getting pretty cozy with Bruce." Steve admitted, looking smug as Clint had to struggle not to laugh again.
“It’s really not. And he’s probably responding to them because they’re gay, but subconsciously treating them like that because of it. Because if he knew for sure, I’m fairly certain he would have had a meltdown by now.”She pointed out snickering a little before frowning, looking worried because she had known James wouldn’t handle this well, but she hadn’t considered that. Nodding a little.”We’ll get it when we get home.”She smiled a little before frowning, nodding a little. “I know they do.”she muttered before grinning. “we’ll punish them.”she agreed.

“I do. I’ll teach you whatever you want.”He said offering a perverted little smirk, flirting like he always did, because it was him, James Barnes was incapable of not flirting with everything that moved, even more when he was attracted to the person. The fact that he wanted steve and had no idea how to handle it when steve didn’t want him, meant he flirted more just to let off some stress. Shuddering a little he smiled kissing Erin’s cheek as she left.”I can deal with the annoyed kitten that happens.” “Screw you, B-James.”Erin whined making a face as she left. “Yes, yes she is. I see painful payback. And even more so when she tells Tasha.”James pointed out smirking at Clint before grinning at Steve, looking equally smug. “It is. I told you setting them up on a group date would work.”He said stealing the phone, playing with it. “Come on. We’ll give them a little more time, then head home.”James said, not about to admit he wanted to make Erin rest, because he’d get yelled at for being fussy and mollycoddling. But for the moment, he needed to be able to fuss over her, at least until he came to terms that she was going to be okay being pregnant.
he smiled. "he might very well understand that they are gay, but is refusing to acknowledge it because he doesn't want James to hate him." he admitted. "we'll have to overcome that before anything else." he admitted with a smirk. "we could always get Clint to kiss him. that would get Steve's dander up." he admitted with a laugh. "plus then Steve will hit him, and that will punish him."

Steve stared at Bucky rather blankly for a moment, as if he wass sure there was a joke there but he wasn't getting it. "do you always call her Kitten?" Steve asked with a smirk as Clint snickered. "i started that back when Nat helped train her." Clint admitted. "that's when i met her actually. i told her she was a 'cute little kitten assassin' and she proceeded to kick my ass for it. well, she tried anyway." he admitted with a snicker as he watched her leave. "i'm really going to pay for this." "she'll understand. someday." Coulson admitted. "by the way, i'm going on a mission to Timbuktu." "you liar! you just don't want to be here while she's on a rampage!" Clint complained, sulking as Coulson just gave that invisible smirk of his. "i'm not staying around when she's going to have both herself and Natasha after me." he pointed out. "i'm sue your teammates will protect you." "yeah, no. not getting in the way of two angry women. i know better." Steve admitted with a smirk. "come on James, let's go ride the Ferris wheel." he ordered.
“Hmmm, definitely making Clint kiss him. I like it.”Erin snickered a little.

“Yea. After a rather bad fight when we first met I told her she looked like ‘a angry kitten, all fluffy and soft and bristling with anger’ it sorta stuck. Then I found out clint called her that and...well, she’s adorable. A kitten really.”Bucky snickered because he knew Erin’d kill him sometime for it, but these days she really didn’t get overly annoyed at being called kitten. Indulgently annoyed more like it. “Yes, but he’s the agent in charge. He gets to make calls like that. Even if he’s a liar who’s pants on fire about a mission.”Bucky snickered as he watched Coulson leave, “Definitely not getting in the way of those two. I’ll video record it. And so will tony.He’ll call it avengers foreplay or something ridiculous and sell it as porn.”Bucky snickered before nodding. “Let’s.”he said following after steve, quite willing to follow orders.

“So, how does this work again?I mean, it says her name, but is she actually there?I can’t tell. There’s a speaker, but should we just start talking and hope we can get them to head for the car?”Bucky smirked as he held Steve’s phone, grinning as he heard Erin and Bruce trying to get their attention as they ‘tried’ to use steve’s phone, smirking at his best friend as they headed back towards the car. Nudging steve a little as he nodded towards the couple already sitting on the hood, wondering if Tony and Loki had even bothered to venture away from the car to have sex...then again, it was tony, he wouldn't be surprised if they had sex in public other places.
Steve snorted. "she does kind of make me think of a kitten." he agreed with a smile. "she is a Kitten." Clint admitted with a smirk. "she's getting used to it." he admitted. "she didn't even hit me the last time i called her that." he admitted with a snicker before he smirked at Coulson. "just make sure to cover up that hickey Agent!" he warned with a laugh, both Coulson and Clint covering their necks with their hands in almost perfect unison. it was kind of creepy. "yeah no. i'm not going the same way they are. gross. Agent shouldn't be intimate like that. it's wrong, i'm not entirely sure he's human." Steve admitted, though he made no mention of the man on man thing. so either he was still in denial or he just didn't care so long as Bucky wasn't pitching a fit. "we are not selling porn James." Steve complained with a huff. "i'm trying to be cute and innocent... actually i could always claim i didn't know what you where talking about. they would probobly believe me if i told them i didn't know what Porn was."

"i don't know! i thought you said you knew how to use this thing?" Steve complained, sulking as he shook the phone again. "it's not working! i think Tony made me a broken one just to annoy me!" he complained, sulking as he winked at Bucky, looking wickedly delighted as he studied the phone. "hey! there's Tony! i'll make HIM call them!" he decided. "stupid phone anyway. hey, do you think it worked?" here he smirked viciously. just because he couldn't set someone up without telling them after, it was too fun. "Bruce and Erin did look very comfortable with each other, i bet they've kissed already! i'm told it's a [opular thing now, to kiss before marriage. and have" he feigned a stutter. "and they talk about it too! it's traumatizing." he admitted, winking at James before he reached Tony's line of sight. the man probobly wouldn't be able to hear them yet. "TONY! make it work!" Steve demanded, shoving the phone into Tony's hands. "we want to call Erin and tell her to come to the car. Jame's having issues with the crowds." he lied, mostly to annoy James.
"I still have no idea how tou convinced them your innocent, but they probably would believe it."he snickered shaking his head in amusement.punking the others was going to be great.

"I thought I did! This thing is just being stupid. Its stark's creation,no wonder its being stupid."bucky whined biting his lip to keep a wicked smirk from curling his lips.this was more fun then he thought it was."probably.though I doubt they innocent,those two."bucky snivkered listening to the small squeak of surprise over the phone grinning at steve.this was just to much fun."you're only traumatized because you don't know how amazing sex is. You should try it sometime,punk before you complain about it."bucky snickered as tony stared at them taking the phone."okay i-oh.youre already talking to her.."tony twitched a little looking annoyed with them for not being able to figure it out taking erin off speaker phone and talking before hanging up."they're on their way." "Crowds don't bother just want to see if shes still annoyed with clint.don't blame me."james grumbled rolling his eyes a little. Tony raised his eyebrows looking interested."what did clint do?"

Erin stared at bruce,having had the super soldiers on speaker phone so bruce could hear them fumbling with the phone,cause that was just amusing.staring at the good soctor she blushed slightly looking bemused."did...we...uh just get set up by the two that we set up on a date?"she said sounding surprised and startled as she headed for the car, eating a bag of popcorn with her teddy bear tucked in her arm.
"well clearly you just don't know anything." Steve teased, fighting back the urge to just start laughing. with Bucky, things like this where twice as fun. "Hey, i've never been kissed either you know." he pointed out. "maybe they just want to be certain they have the right partner." he pointed out. "besides, i don't see why everyone's all hung up on it can't be that great." he scoffed, even if he knew differently. if masturbation felt that good, what would sex feel like? "....oops..." Steve muttered as he 'realized' she had heard everything. "i do want to see if she's still annoyed with Clint. i'm not about to risk my own skin, she won't get mad if she thinks we're leaving because your not feeling well." he admitted. "oh, we stalked him and found out who he was dating and she's angry because he didn't tell her." Steve admitted as he watched Tony with the phone, Loki blinking.

Bruce looked amused. "i think so." he admitted with a chuckle as he ate a deep fried snickers. he had confessed to her that sugar tended to calm The Hulk when one, or both of them was feeling anxious. which was why he kept eating sweets and junk food. "at least we had fun, right?" he asked with a smile. "i could do this again if you want." he admitted, a little embarrassed to admit that he liked her.
“Clearly. But at least I can dial it, which was more then I can say for you.”Bucky huffed avoiding looking at steve, cause otherwise he was going to bust out laughing. “You, you so need to be laid.”Bucky said swallowing hard to resist the urge to just kiss the other. Even if he hadn’t freaked out seeing clint and coulson kissing, bucky knew his friend was straight and knew better then to ask for kisses. “...Oh my god. You did not just say sex wasn’t great. We’re going to go pick up someone for you. I’m serious. There’s plenty of girls who’d want to sleep with you, we’ll find someone.”Bucky said though he sounded a little choked at the idea of helping steve get laid by someone else when he wanted him. Snickering a little before nodding. “True.” “...Who is he dating then?”tony asked after he hung up, smirking a little, glad that their plan to set up the super soldiers was working so well.

“...That’s great. Amusing really. At least with them distracted with us they wont wonder about how they just were on a date themselves.”She snickered a little looking amused and vaguely disgusted at his treat, the deep fried stuff making her stomach roll, but she wasn’t about to tell him he couldn’t have it. “We did.”She smiled shyly at him, before flushing tilting her head as she considered that before nodding a little, “I would like long as you’ll forgive me for not being able to ride rides, or might get sick at the drop of a hat or yell...”She teased a little blushing more as they got to the car, realizing they were all watching them approach.
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