The Key to Going Green(Avengers)Lady/Moon

he huffed right back. "you just got lucky! don't try to claim you can do something when you clearly can't!" he complained. "i don't need to get laid!" he complained. "i'm just fine thank you." he growled, sulking as he looked away. he wouldn't be able to 'get it up' anyway. it wasn't like he hadn't tried after all. "no thanks. i'd rather just live my life alone." he admitted before he fidgeted, looking deeply uncomfortable with the topic of who Clint was dating and Loki chuckled. "he's dating Coulson then?" "how did you know!?" "i suspected." Loki admitted. "it was either him or James Rhodes." he admitted with a smile. "those are the only two people i could think of that Clint would have to keep a secret."

he snickered and nodded. "though with how uncomfortable Steve is just at the idea of Clint dating Coulson, we've got a bit more work ahead of us." he admitted before he offered her a bright smile. "i'm not a big fan of the rides." he admitted. "i don't mind the ones that spin, but the ones that go up high and turn upside down scare me a bit." he admitted. "and you won't feel so ill once i can get you some medication." he assured her. "and i'm used to being yelled at." he admitted with a grin before he looked at the group that had gathered. "i feel sort of like i'm in trouble." he admitted. "all of them just watching us like that."
“I haven’t been lucky in years!”Bucky growled playfully, turning the sexual double entendre of the phrase ‘getting lucky’. Snickering as he rolled his eyes, “Fine. Be miserable and have no sex. I’ll have all the sex you miss out on.”Bucky rolled his eyes trying not to think about steve and sex at the same time despite the conversation before laughing. “Oh gods, Erin’s going to kill you if she knows you knew before she did.”bucky snickered. “Yea, no. Rhodey’s dating pepper, to my utter horror. It’s horrible.”Tony rolled his eyes as he looked over the edge of his sunglasses, grinning at his science bro when he saw the two.

“True. But it’s a good start...maybe a art museum next? James likes them for some reason I don’t quite understand.”She said snickering a little because she knew James enjoyed museums simply because Steve had, and it had been something that could do when steve was sick. Before grinning, “Good. And we’ll find something to do then.”She smiled blushing a little as she realized they had a second date before laughing. “No we’re not the ones in trouble. It’s them. I mean, tony’s always up to something and he’s dragging Loki along, James is my baby daddy and he’s being annoying, I’m sure there’s something the good captain’s done wrong, and Clint, well he didn’t tell me he was dating coulson.”She teased him a little nudging him as they got to the car. Ignoring the snickering billionaire as she climbed in the car.
he huffed. "do you have to turn everything i say into something naughty!?" he complained, sulking. "i will!" he stated with a grumbled as he took the phone back from Tony. "oh, she knows. that's why she's mad." Steve admitted simply, his head tilted. "is he really? you know i don't think i've ever met either of them." Steve admitted, sounding curious. "i have." Loki complained. "she threatened to castrate me if i hurt Tony and Rhodey just shot me." Steve choked, trying to hide his laugh. "don't laugh! it hurt! a lot!" Loki complained, sulking.

Bruce smiled. "i wouldn't mind a museum." he agreed. "and i'm pretty sure he likes museums because Steve does." he admitted. "Steve has an entire art studio in his room now." he admitted. "he's still having issues with the paint though." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "we could go to the Zoo sometime too." he admitted. "or the aquarium." he admitted before he chuckled at her and nodded. "this is true." he agreed. "it amuses me to no end that the trickster god is the one getting pulled into pranks." he admitted with a lopsided grin. "in any case. Cap is Cap, if he did something wrong it's Tony, Loki, or Jame's fault. he's as innocent as a spring born fawn." he muttered. "it's kind of gross really."
“I do. You sound so innocent and all, I just have to say things.”Bucky snickered. “Ah, I see.”Tony snickered shaking hsi head before smirking a little. “Believe me, you’re probably off not meeting them. They scare me sometimes.”Tony snickered shuddering at the idea of his ex-girlfriend and friend, before nudging loki. “Come on, I’ll make it up to you. Again.”He teased climbing into the car.

“Probably.”Erin snickered a little before tilting her head. “Why is he having trouble with paints?”She said sounding curious before smiling, “The zoo and aquarium would be nice.”She smiled sounding pleased before laughing. “It is sort of gross. Which makes me wonder how in the world he deals with James. I mean, the man can make anything come off as sex talk....I can’t wait till him and tony start talking more, it’s going to be hysterical at how hard steve blushes then.”She muttered yawning as she settled into her seat, resting her head against bruce’s shoulder, sleeping most of the way home, barely stirring when James picked her up. “gonna yell at you later...” “For what?”James smirked looking down at the sleepy woman, shooting steve a smirk, he was so going to include the other super soldier in on the yelling if she was going to yell at him for what he thought she was. “Cause you were all sneaky, sneaky sniper.” “You enjoyed it. Now shush.” “Can’t gotta tell Bruce night.”Erin muttered head pillowed on James’ shoulder. “Then say goodnight.”James snickered a little as he looked over at the good doctor as they rode the elevator upstairs, amused that they all were being slightly quiet in favor of letting the woman sleep.
Steve shrugged. "i'm not too fussed." he admitted with a smile. "Tony, don't ALL women scare you?" Loki asked, sounding amused.

"he's not used to them. he couldn't afford them before he was frozen, so he's never used them before." he admitted. "i think he just ignored James. and Loki and Tony too. you can see it if you look close. his eyes just sort of go blank." he admitted. "well it's a date then." he agreed with a smile. "we could go on a quadruple date and then ditch the others when we get there." he offered with a chuckle. "is Natasha dating anyone, do you know?" she wasn't. she just went out and had sex when she felt the urge. "just make sure you only yell at James." Steve ordered playfully. "he's the worst out of all of us, he needs a good chastisement." he teased with a snicker. "i'm right here Erin." Bruce admitted, sounding amused. "let James take you to bed. i'll have your medication right away when you wake up." he promised before falling silent as she dropped off to sleep, Steve smiling. she looked so sweet, he didn't understand why Bucky didn't want her. oh well, it was pretty clear that Bruce did. it shouldn't take too long to get them dating... now if only Steve's love life could be so easy.
“Ah, yea that would take some getting used to.”She said thoughtfully before nodding a little. “That’s actually fairly sad. If only we could get him to actually listen.”She grumbled a little before grinning. “I like it. Definitely doing that. And no she isn’t. Natasha has sex, not relationships.”She snickered. “He does need a good spanking. You should punish him, Cap.”She muttered sounding sleepily amused, grinning as James shuddered a little. Turning her head to smile at Bruce “Okay. Goodnight.”She smiled cuddling into the man holding onto her as Bucky pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Goodnight, guys.”Bucky smiled as he stepped off at her floor, starting to fuss over the woman as he settled her in for the night.

In the morning Erin smiled tiredly as she looked up at Bruce as he walked in, holding up a hand as she shifted to look at the man sleeping under the mounds of pillows and blankets.”I’m gonna go talk to Bruce okay?Just in the kitchen.Rest, James.”She muttered stroking his hair softly,smiling a little as she got a sleepy grunt in return, looking tired and worn around the edges as she waved Bruce into the kitchen, smiling at him.”Thanks.”She smiled as she took the medication from him, biting her lip. “I know you said you wanted me to meet the hulk, and I’m not backing out, but can I get a few hours sleep first?”She asked quietly, because she hadn’t slept longer then a hour last night, James having kept her up all night, and not in the fun away, and she was feeling annoyed with the man for not letting her get Steve downstairs, but she’d obeyed his request in not getting him.
Bruce sighed. "it's going to take some doing. he's completely in denial." he admitted. "we need to convince him that Bucky won't hate him for being Gay first." he admitted before he chuckled. "well. she's an assassin after all." he mused. and Natasha was a lot more hardcore than most, probobly believed that emotional ties where bad for her or something silly like that. Steve went bright red at the spanking suggestion. "...not you too!" he complained, shaking his head. "i'm not punishing him! that's your job!" he huffed, shaking his head. "goodnight." he stated with a huff as he ambled off.

Bruce smiled as he examined the two. they looked kind of cute together, they really did. he was a bit surprised to realize that he wasn't in the least bit jealous. maybe because he knew they had sex, but didn't love each other? he wished he could have sex. "he looks kind of cute like that." Bruce admitted with a smile as he handed her two pill bottles. "we're going to try 'natural' first. Vitamin B6. and this is Doxylamine. it's an antihistamine but it will make you sleepy so don't take it unless the B6 isn't helping enough." he warned. "i'll also see that you get some mint tea in the mornings, it should help settle your stomach." he admitted. "we should probobly wait for tomorrow to let Hulk out. Tony's running diagnostics on the room and i'm not sure how long that will take." he admitted. which was a lie, but he wanted her to get enough rest. "is James alright?" he asked, looking a bit worried. "did he have an episode? i imagine he'd be a bit like Loki, all that time on the ice, not knowing who you are..." he shuddered. it was a terrifying thought.
“He does doesn’t he?If only he’d stay like that, and not talk.” “I can hear you you know.”James grumbled from under the blankets though he sounded more sleepy and slurred then annoyed. And the fact that he hadn’t gotten up, hadn’t moved to protect himself said he trusted not only Erin to warn him of a threat, but Bruce and the others to not hurt him. “Go to sleep, James.”Erin ordered rolling her eyes before smiling. “Okay, I can do that.”She made a face at the tea, but shrugged. “And hot chocolate to?James said it helped his mom, at least he thought it did....he rambled for awhile last night.”She snickered quietly, though the look in her eyes was serious before nodding tiredly. “Oh. Well, that’s good.”She said smiling, glad she wouldn’t have to meet the hulk when she was this tired before slanting a glance towards the living room, tilting her head at the slight snoring, though she knew he could startle awake, she was glad he was sleeping.

“He’ He’s not alright, but he will be.”She sighed quietly before nodding. “He did. It’s...”She bit her lip, even with james’ permission to talk to the others, because james was quite aware that they needed to know what was going on to protect themselves, the habit of protecting her patients, protecting james was to deeply ingrained to break easily. “Steve and him went into the mirror house last night. Hadn’t considered that it’d be a bad idea, but being surrounded by so many ‘people’ he viewed as a enemy, at least what could be a enemy, sent him back to the ice, to remembering....once he started, it was like watching a video on fast forward. He couldn’t stick to one memory, and it was better to sit up with him and talk him through it, then let him handle it on his own.”She made a face, “And if I’m not here and he says he’s fine with being alone don’t ever believe him. Sit your ass down and refuse to move no matter how much he tells you to go, and talk with him through the memories....we’ve found that even if he doesn’t appear to know you, he will listen ,and use voices as his touchstone to come back.”She said explaining because she knew there was going to be a time when james was alone and that her and steve wouldn’t be around. She trusted the team to help.
Bruce chuckled a little. "you where meant to James." Bruce teased with a grin. feeling rather warm at the thought that James trusted him so much. it wasn't often that someone simply accepted him like that, Hulk and all. even Loki and Tony had needed time to get used to the idea that Hulk could think and feel. "sleep well." Bruce stated as he gently shut the door so they wouldn't bother James. "we can try Hot chocolate. every body is different, what worked for one person might not work for another." he admitted. "the important thing is that you don't try to eat anything too heavy when you're feeling sick. soup, tea, hot chocolate maybe, things that come up easy if you do get sick." he admitted. "avoid foods that make you feel sick, and if you have a craving, indulge them. and don't make the mistake of being worried about how much weight your gaining." he ordered with a smile before he sobered at the idea of James not being alright.

"he has us to help him. it will be alright." he promised her with a small smile before he grimaced as she explained. "don't worry Erin, if he ever has an episode and your not here, i think i can help him." he promised. "and if i can't, i certainly won't leave him alone." he promised her. "no one is ever fine alone." he admitted, shaking his head. "he'll learn to trust us more. he just needs time." he promised her with a smile. "all of us will help him, just like we're helping Tony and Loki." he promised. "now. take your B6 while i make some breakfast. what would you like?"
“I hate you, Banner. Go away. Isn’t there something you need to smash.”James groused, and despite the words, there was affection in them, not only because he liked the man, but because he knew erin cared for him. And considering how much he considered himself a monster, was it any surprise he accepted Bruce so easily? He was just a grouchy person when he hadn’t slept, and as it stood he hadn’t had more then a few minutes sleep in two days. “Ah, that makes sense.”Erin said sounding thoughtful as she considered what might work to settl her stomach before wincing. “Yea, no heavy foods, got it.”She shuddered a little at the idea of throwing up a heavy dinner before laughing. “I always indulge myself, its how I got in this condition.”She pointed out snickering a little, before making a face. “I’ll try not to.”

“Good...and...don’t get steve. Unless James asks for him. You and me, we know he wouldn’t hurt him...but he doesn’t trust himself.”She made a face wondering if she was going to freak him out, but trusting him to understand. “And...his last order was to kill Steve. I think that’s what shook him enough to shake the control.Because they were afraid Steve would be able to break him out of it, Hydra never took into account that James might break it simply by having them suggest he do something he never would have considered before. Even after 70 years, there are few things that matter as much to James as Steve does.”She shrugged a little, because she knew James hadn’t wanted to tell them, but his last hydra orders had been to deal with the avengers, and it had shaken the man enough to knock him on his ass. Snickering at his promise she offered a small smile as she got a glass of water to take her pills. “Helping loki and tony?By not telling tony they’re dating, you mean?I’m not sure if he’d consider that helping.”she snickered a little before smiling. “Hm, eggs, toast and pickles.”
Bruce smirked. "no, not yet unfortunately. shame that, i really wouldn't mind letting the Big Guy have some exercise." he teased James. "wanna volunteer?" he asked before he smiled at Erin. "i could dose him if you want, might help that nasty disposition of his." he admitted before he blinked at her. "i thought not practicing safe sex is what got you into this condition?" he asked, his eyes sparkling with playfulness. "or perhaps James simply has super sperm?" he mused, his head cocked to the side. "why not get Steve? i would think Steve would be able to help him the most." he admitted. "he's probobly the only person in this Tower who can help James in the longer run." he admitted before he paled. "oh. yes, well. i can understand why he avoids Steve. ouch..." he admitted, looking torn between protecting Steve and reassuring James. "he's a very loyal man, James is. Steve too actually." he admitted as he worried his lip a little. "can i tell Steve? about the kill order or is it to be a secrete?" he asked, looking worried. "ah, no. Tony has acute trust issues and social discrepancies and Loki's..." here he paused. "he's better but he still has his mad hatter moments." he pointed out. "we're doing our best to help them." he admitted. "besides if we told Tony he was dating Loki, he's bound to run away simply because commitment and true relationships frighten him. so, yes. it is helping." he admitted as he got out the things to make breakfast. "do you want the pickles in the eggs or on the side?"
" know,I wouldn't mind that. Better then playing with the kitten." "Just becauae you like training with a sucidial passion,doesn't mean the rest of us have to join in."erin scolded though she looked amused,rolling her eyes. Because despite her words she knew james was enjoying having sparring partners he could let go with and really go all out. Sometimes being just human sucked."...I'm to smart to practice unsafe sex. Must be super sperm."she snickered blushing ever so slihtly at the teasing before sighing."even with the order in place,he probably is the best person in the tower to help in the long run, but until he trusts himself to try..."she shrugged because she knew it was part the kill order and part bucky's utter frustration at being attracted to him that was keeping james from freely seeking steve's company when he needed him the most. Not trusting himself to not to spill the beans on his attraction when he was under stress."hes loyal. Extremely,obsessively so. I don't think he'd try killing him...I men,es already had the chance to. If he really was going to try he would have done it without telling anyone he was alive...hes just.."she shrugged wanting to reassure him that james was okay to be around,and knowing she was probably failing before nodding.

"If you want.but james is going to tell him himself,when he gets a chance.but if you think steve should have a heads up so he doesn't react badly when he does.."she smiled a little. "True.when you say it like that it is helping them."she smiled shaking her head a little."I feel like we've adopted the worlds most damaged ducklings in the tower."she snickered before smiling."in is good."
Bruce snorted. "unfortunately i don't think Hulk can tell the difference between a friendly spar and an actual fight, so i'm going to have to pass on that. ask Loki though, he's a hell of a duelist... he gets insulted if you call him a 'fighter', i've no idea why." he admitted. he did laugh at her following comment to the super sperm and he nodded. "or it was just one of those 99.9 moments." he agreed. "it's been known to happen." he admitted. "i understand, James needs to have more trust in himself, and that's so much harder." he agreed. "but he'll get there, i'm sure of it." he admitted. "James has a guilt complex." Bruce mused suddenly. "he blames himself, and therefore thinks the worst of himself no matter what the rest of us think. i know he's going to have flashbacks, hell he might slip into the Winter Soldier and try to kill us all, but i'm pretty sure we could restrain him if that happened." he admitted. "he has an amazing amount of control." he admitted. "i have to admit, i'm extremely impressed with him." he admitted. "it took me years to overcome what happened, and mines not nearly as traumatic as his was. he's incredibly strong willed." he admitted, sounding rather as if he admired James a bit. "i think your right, i'll pull him aside later and tell him." he agreed. " know. your probobly right. although, if you think about it, i'm one of those dangerous ducklings." he pointed out with a snort. "you do realize trying to psycho analyze the Hulk is pointless right?"
"Exactly. Its easier for him to trust us,even though that's extremely hard for hi
,then it is for him to trust himself."she said before nodding."he does...he was trained as a sniper...but even trained,fter 70 years it wears on hom. The fact that it happened the way it did...his complex would have crippled weaker men. The fact thay hes sane,in control,nd safe to be around most days, astounds me."erin said her voice soft with affection before smiling."he is going to slip. Hes been the soldier longer then he was just bucky. Its bound to happen and hes scared to death of it....but in the last year I've been with him, hes only truly reverted once. And I was more scared for his safety then mine. Even as the soldier, hs seemed to remember,if not consciously, that he didn't want to hurt me even if he could have easily. I think we're safe,even if we were super powered to stop him."she snickered before studying the other,tilting her head."you admire him for his control...tell him that sometime. He needs to hear that hes doing okay sometimes,nd I think hes stopped hearing me,thinking I'm just blowing smoke up his ass."she snickered a little before nodding."probably a good idea...if hes going to freak out,better to do it in private."she agreed before laughing"but such a cute duckling really. Tony's planning on doing his nails you know."she teased before nodding."I know it is.but its sort of like a rebuix cube,something endlessly interesting to think about.analyzing the hulk...I mean,you're awesome to talk to,bruce, but my thesis was on the serum to see the two very different results...along with james'.."she trailed off shrugging helplessly."sorry...I kbow people hate me making them sound like a lab least that's what james tells me."
Bruce nodded. "it makes a lot of sense. i don't trust myself sometimes." he admitted. "sometimes when the Hulk is close to the surface, all i can think about is the people i've hurt or killed and what a monster i am." he smiled his lopsided smile. "it's been happening much less lately. in the last year or so, things have gotten a lot better." he admitted. "well. it's not like Tony, and Steve, and me, and even Clint don't have our own guilt complexes." he admitted with a smile. "maybe if i talked to James about my own experiences, it might help him? mine aren't as bad as his, but we can relate to each other a little bit at least." he admitted. "i do admire him, and not just because of his control." he admitted. "much better to do it in private." he agreed with a shake of his head before he stared at her. " mean he was serious about that?" he asked, a little shocked. "wait. you think Hulk is Cute?!" he sounded almost horrified by the idea, even if he could feel Hulk's smugness that 'pretty smart lady' liked him. "oh, i know." he admitted with a smile. "i'm a scientist. i know. and i don't feel like a Lab Rat, James just isn't used to looking at things in a scientific manner." he admitted. "if he was a scientist, he'd get it too." he admitted. "you can look at my research if you want, if you promise not to share it with anyone. and i do mean anyone." he offered.
“...Not a monster, if you were a monster, you would have ended up like the abomination that Ross helped create.”She pointed out wrinkling her nose a little as she thought, before smiling. “Well, you have more friends these days. Friends make things a little better.”she said before nodding “I know....and maybe. He might protest and whine about you talking to him, but it would probably do him good to have someone else to talk to about it. Someone else who knows what it’s like.”She said smiling slightly, before raising a eyebrow. “And what else do you admire?”She asked, sounding genuinely curious and not simply nosy, wanting to be able to tell James good things, it would do him good to hear things before grinning. “He was. You totally missed him discussing nail polish colors in the car last night. It was amusing.”She snickered before startling, blushing ever so slightly at his words. “Uh, yes?I mean, he’s adorable. You just have to remember he’s like a kid”She said biting her lip looking nervous about the idea of how horrified he looked with her finding the hulk cute. Before laughing smiling at that. “Good. He just doesn’t get it.”She said before pausing, thinking it over before nodding eagerly. “I promise. I wont share with anyone. No one needs more accidents. And I’d rather look into it and see how close your and james’ serums are, might be able to get ahead of Hydra before they fuck up even more people...”She sighed tiredly as he gave her her food, slumping tiredly, really truly, just wanting to sleep, but she was enjoying talking to him.
he shuddered at the mention of that abomination. "yes they do." he agreed with a smile. "Tony and Loki have helped me more than i had ever imagined." he admitted with a smile. "i'll talk to him, naturally as possible." he promised before he paused and hesitated. "i don't know how much you know about... what happened." he admitted. "i know there's a folder on me but i'm not sure whats in it." he bit his lip. "a year or so, after the... accident. i just, couldn't take it anymore." he admitted. "i tried to..." he paused and then. "i tried to kill myself. i put the gun in my mouth, i pulled the trigger... and the Big Green Guy spat it out." he admitted. "a week after that, i downed an entire box of Rat Poison. i was sick for a week, but i didn't die. so i tried to drown myself. a week after i recovered i got steal chains, tied them two a couple dozen bricks and jumped off a bridge... the big guy snapped the chains like they where bits of soggy paper. i stopped trying after that." he admitted. "Bucky, after all of that, he's never even tried once." he admitted. "he has such an amazing strength." he admitted.

"...The Hulk... Adorable..." he muttered, sounding more stunned than horrified now. as if he wasn't sure that she wasn't drunk or something. "well. he is a kid actually." Bruce admitted. "he's... well, he's.. sorta..." here he fidgeted and then went silent. apparently it was a secrete he couldn't bring himself to tell yet. but he'd tried, and that was what counted. "...that's the thing Erin. the Formula that's in my bloodstream, and in Steve's? it's the same." he admitted suddenly. "there are a few variations, but genetically it's the same." he admitted. "it's just that, as people? we are different. Steve said once, that the doctor Erskine said that it was the man that made the Serum work. that Good would become Great, and bad would become Evil." he looked at her. "all people are capable of great goodness, or terrible evil. Steve is the only man i know, who would willingly give up his life for someone he didn't know. he wouldn't hesitate, he wouldn't question it, he would just do it." he admitted. "most people? they can't do that. no matter what they might want to think." he admitted. "that's why the Serum are always so varied. because the good, and the bad, all come out in us in different ways."
“Well, you better not tell them that. They already have over inflated egos, if they get much bigger we wont be able to be able to be in the room with them.”She snickered before nodding. “Take your time. If he thinks I asked you to instead of you offering, he’ll freak.”She said before frowning a little, frowning slightly. “I knew about the gun. Natasha said something but I hadn’t know the other.”she said frowning as she considered that, looking at him worriedly almost wanting to hug him, hating that he’d been so torn up over being the hulk that he’d tried so much before tilting her head. “You’re right. As far as I know, he’s never tried. I mean, even in the last two years since he got some control of things...”She said looking slightly amazed that despite having known he wasn’t stark raving mad, she’d never considered how much strength it had taken for the super soldier not to try and swallow a gun. She’d known he thought about it, but she hadn’t even really thought it all the way through.

“well...yea. Most kids are adorable, even if they’re having tantrums.”She muttered looking away from him, flushed and embarrassed as she ate before looking up at him, frowning a little. “...No wonder you three are so different...its not genetics that make you all different, its your psychological makeup...”She said drifting off, her eyes getting that unfocused look that tony sometimes got, that said she was going over all the stuff she knew, considering the facts before tilting her head, laughing quietly. “James is going to be so annoyed if he figures that out. I mean, he got the benefits of healing, strength, he says his eyesights even better then before, but he really didn’t change....I wonder if it was because of him as a person, or the serum...”She said, her voice still that unfocused that said she wasn’t really aware of talking out loud simply thinking things over. “And you needed someone to protect you, so you got the biggest guy in the world to do it...and steve, well James always said he was a small boyscout who never knew when to give up.”She snickered tiredly as she yawned.
he smirked a little. "as if i would." he scoffed with a smile. "they're already impossible to handle as it is. if anything i need to deflate those egos a bit." he admitted, shaking his head. "i will." he promised her. "i wanted to talk to him anyway." he admitted before he smiled rather sheepishly. "yeah... didn't really mean to admit that in front of all those people, but they where pissing me off." he admitted with a shrug. "i'm sure he's thought about it." Bruce admitted. "almost anyone would with his life. hell, even Steve was suicidal for a while." he admitted before he blinked at her and then, finally smiled as he realized she wasn't fucking with him. she really meant that. how... odd. "yes. but Genetics plays a part in it as well." Bruce pointed out. "it's an exceptionally complicated thing, not unlike a cold virus. it's different for every single person it infects." and it adapts itself between people. one person can be infected with three different versions of the same Cold virus." he admitted. "the Serum does the same thing. it adapts, shifts, and then works on our most deep psychological scars." he admitted. "mentally, James is quite suited to the Serum, but part of his body rejected it. which is why it doesn't affect him as much as it affects Steve. James is actually growing into the Serum." he admitted. "in two years, he will have nearly all of the same benefits as Steve. what the psychological effects of the Serum remain to be seen." he admitted before he grimaced. "well... not, exactly but your close, concerning the Hulk anyway." he admitted before he smiled. "Steve hates bullies. he doesn't kill because it's the right thing to do, he kills because he has to protect the innocent. he doesn't fight because he wants to, he fights for the people he cant. the Serum Dr. Erskine created, was actually fine tuned specifically to Steve, or rather, someone exactly like Steve. Erskine really was just overly lucky to have come across Steve for the procedure."
“Oh good. Then you wont mind it when I turn James loose on them. He’s always good at deflating egos. Smug little shit that he is.”Erin rolled her eyes a little, “Well, considering who they all were, I can understand being pissed.”she teased a little before nodding. “He probably did. Anyone would.”she said a little pale as she considered the fact that her friend had been that hurting, and she’d been unaware....of course, she’d done exactly what he needed her to do to keep functioning, simply been herself, and be there for him to lean on for support when his own strength failed. Amazing how she didn’t see it for herself, holding herself to a higher standard then she’d ever be able to reach in taking care of people. Making a humming noise as she considered that, before nodding. “That makes sense. Sort of like getting a head cold or a chest cold, different for different people.”She muttered before her eyes widened, considering that. “Really? I mean, shouldn’t he already have been showing signs...”she trailed off. “He already was. That’s why none of them realized it before he fell, no one knew. He was always growing into the serum, it’s just taking this long to show up, between the time with the howling commandos then on ice.”She said before swallowing hard, “hopefully, it wont be worse then what he’s already dealing with.”She said sounding worried for her friend before smiling a little. “extremely lucky...hydra got lucky in finding a sniper. I mean, snipers are usually better at assassinations, at least from my research, because they’re the long shot kills, the ones who are usually better at separating their emotions from their kills, because they’re not up close and personal with them...ERskine found steve, Hydra found James.”She muttered thinking because she knew there was reasons James had chosen the sniper training, outfitted himself to be always distant from even the other soldiers in the howling commandos, always separated from everyone but steve, but she hadn’t quite been brave enough to ask him about it, not when he was already dealing with other things. He didn’t need her looking into his past more then she already had done for her research.

“ two are boring. You know that right?”James muttered tiredly as he shuffled into teh room, the super soldier despite being tired enough to look utterly exhausted, was still hungry. “Gonna go find Stevie...didn’t want to just leave.”He muttered as he dug out some cookies and a glass of milk before shuffling out of the room again and heading off to find steve, hoping the man was still in bed, at least then he might get some sleep, since he trusted steve to watch him while he slept, and he knew if he stayed here, erin wouldn’t get the sleep she needed, since she’d stay up and watch over him.
Bruce nodded. "go ahead, he'll have fun." he admitted with a smirk. "it'll be a good bonding experience." he admitted with a laugh before he huffed. "that and the arrogant bastards actually thought they could contain the Hulk." he admitted, shaking his head. "idiots. arrogant bastards that they where." he admitted with a huff before he offered her a smile. "do you know what i think? i think the reason why he never tried to kill himself, was because he had you." he admitted. "no matter what happened to him, you where there for him." he admitted. "he always had you to count on." he admitted. "you've helped him so much, never doubt that." he ordered, gently taking her hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze. "and the psychological effects of the Serum would have happened immidiatly." he admitted. "Bucky already shows signs of it, and did after the procedure as well. you'll notice that he became almost obsessively fixated on one person? the Serum took his need to protect Steve and amplified it. now he is almost obsessively protecting you. Bucky is like a guardian, he has a deep desire, a need almost, to protect those who he feels needs it." he admitted. "that's why he never pays much attention to some people, they don't need his protection, so they're nothing but background noise." he pointed out with a smile. "i'll show you my research later and you'll be able to connect the dots yourself." Bruce must have put a LOT of effort into researching every aspect of the Serum. "as soon as they told him to kill someone he was Guarding, he snapped free because it went against the Serum, and himself as well. from what i understand, a brainwashed person only stays as such, when they are ordered to do something they are already capable of. that's what Loki says anyway."

"yes, we know." Bruce agreed with Bucky smirk in place. "i'm planning on seducing her later if you want to stick around." he teased, watching the other shuffle around. "don't startle him awake!" Bruce warned Bucky. "he wakes up swinging!" it had taken ten long minutes to keep from hulking out after Steve gave him a black eye when Bruce startled him while Steve had been taking a nap on the couch in the helicarrier. Steve was indeed still in bed, wearing only a pair of white underwear which was peeking out from underneath a pair of silk sleep pants he', 'borrowed permanently' from Tony's Closet. he cracked open a single eye, checked who it was and then groaned. "jump on me and i'll pound you." he groaned, referring to how Bucky used to wake Steve up in the past. by bouncing on him or the bed next to him until Steve HAD to get up.
“Well, that’s just stupid. Hulk’s to big to be kept as a pet. You know, they have issues keeping tigers and wild things as pets, you think they would have known hulk was more dangerous then them.”She said thoughtfully before frowning, thinking that over. Blushing ever so slightly before biting her lip. “I...I guess I did. It’s hard to see that, when I can only see how utterly lost he is still somedays, but I have helped him.”She said trying to think about that before her eyes widened, “..He had always protected Steve. Even when they were kids. So it hadn’t seemed odd he’d become obsessively so after he was serumed...but now that you point it out...”she said starting to connect the dots. Steve had been his protectee the first time, she had been there when he was coming out of the hydra brainwashed haze. His utter desire, need to protect those he deemed weaker, had always been there. She just hadn’t understood what she’d been seeing. “Background noise is a good way to describe how he sees most of the world. Until it affects the people he’s protecting, it doesn’t matter to him.”She smiled pleased with having figured that out, maybe she could work with that, stabilize James even more. “I would like that. It’ll be good research....And James was never capable of hurting steve, of going against someone he protected. Of course he broke it...”She muttered before laughing and blushing more at Bruce’s words, “No thanks. Erin’s cute naked, not sure I want to see your hairy ass, Banner.”James said with that off handed way that said he wasn’t really aware of saying it, and that it wasn’t meant to invoke jealousy or anger, simply him being a sarcastic ass. “I’ll just jump on him like always.”He called over his shoulder. “Sucidial bastard...seriously. Jumping on Captain America is probably a bad idea...”

James paused in the middle of eating his cookie, swallowing his milk down, a slight milk mustache clinging to the five o’clock shadow he hadn’t shaved away yet, setting the glass on the nightstand as he looked down at the super soldier, swallowing hard as he realized just how clingy those silk pants were...not to mention that ridiculous chest on display. Shifting a little he smiled a little.”Wouldn’t dream of it.”he smirked before bouncing into the bed and crawling under the covers, curling up on the edge of the bed. “Erin needs to sleep, and she’s to busy watching me to get some. Figured I’d come bother you, gte some sleep, and she’d stop talking to Banner and go to sleep.”he said in that tone that said it had taken everything in him, to not hussle her to bed and tuck her in, trying so hard to not fuss over her as much as he wanted to.
he snorted. "they didn't want to keep Him as a pet, they wanted to control him. Hulk cannot be controlled and they where bastards for thinking the could." how strange, it was almost as if Bruce was possessive, even protective of the massive green alter ego. clearly Bruce had a very, very strange relationship with himself. "everyone is lost sometimes. it's just that most people have others to pull them back onto the path." he admitted with a smile. "and sometimes, people like Bucky get really lost, and they need a little more help finding their way." he admitted before he nodded. "yeah, it actually took me a few weeks to work that out though." he admitted. "i had to research psychology a bit before i got it." he admitted with a grin. "you probobly would have figured it out within the day if you'd had the same research notes that i did." he admitted with a smile. "Steve's is much the same, only it's a lot more generalized. he's against bullies, therefore he's against evil doers and badguys, which is why he makes such a good tactician and a good captain, because the serum enhanced his ability to judge how people are going to act. particularly bullies." he smiled. "he actually goes to high schools and talks about bullying and how it's wrong." he admitted. "Bucky's is a lot more focused, he only cares about specific helpless people, people who are close to him. which is why it was so easy for him to be a sniper, he didn't care about the people he was shooting, or the people he might be hurting or helping. Hydra was able to manipulate the Serum and his mind to achieve that goal." he admitted as he handed her a pickle laden omelet. he smirked at Bucky, laughing at his comment. "please! you're jealous of my ass! i know you check me out Barton, i'm just gorgeous!" Bruce couldn't quite pull off the 'i'm flamboyantly gay' voice but it was funny all the same. "oh don't worry, Steve will wake up before Bucky even get's to the bed." Bruce promised. "it's a rare moment when Steve doesn't wake up when someone gets close to him."

Steve snorted as he examined the other. "wipe your face, you look ridiculous." he teased sleepily. "...are you eating cookies for breakfast?" he demanded, glaring at Bucky. he was always worrying about Bucky not getting the right kinds of food to eat. like cereal, fruits and Vegtables and meat instead of sweets all the time. "you'll eat a proper breakfast later. or else." he ordered before smiling as Bucky crawled into bed with him. just like when they where kids. "don't worry. Bruce is probobly making her eat and then he'll send her to bed." he promised James. "Bruce is a doctor, he's good at making her do what he wants her to." he promised. "your doing a good job, not fussing over her."
Erin tilted her head as she considered that, vaguely curious about his relationship with the hulk, but not wanting to pry to much. Not wanting to drive him away before smiling a little. “Well, we’ll help him find the way back.”She smiled before laughing quietly.”I was with him, and I didn’t notice. You did well, for not having a degree in psych.”She teased a little before tilting her head considering that. “Makes sense. James had always been more focused on Steve, and his brothers and sister, then he was on anyone else. They had to be close to him, for him to care what was going on.”She smiled a little before laughing. “I can totally see him going to schools. That’s fairly cute really.”She snickered before nodding. “The right mindset was already there, they just had to give him the right nudge to get what they wanted.”She muttered as she started to eat blushing and laughing at the boys even as she shook her head. “You wish Banner.”Bucky called back. “You two are insane....I so can’t wait till you team up to make fun of tony and Loki.that’ll be amusing.”She snickered before nodding. “Good. I’d hate to have to go save those two from duking it out because steve didn’t wake up in time.”She snickered as she ate.

“I never look ridculous.”James said even as he wiped the milk away before making a face. “Noooooo?”He drawled out, oh yea, he was eating cookies. “Why you think I’m down here?I can make you cook for me after I get some sleep. Now shush.”James ordered sleepily before relaxing, recognizing the small things like steve fussing over him like they were kids. “Good. He better take care of her.”he muttered before sighing, “I’m trying....After keeping her up all night, I figured she deserved to get some time to rest....I mean...I don’t want her fussing over me. I want to take care of her, so I had to leave so she would rest.”He muttered rolling to his back, staring at the ceiling as he tried to relax enough to drift off to sleep, but his fear of hurting steve...not to mention the fierce attraction he had for the other was making him tense and squirmy, desperately trying to ignore the half naked man in bed with him....maybe this hadn’t been a good idea. Glad that he was wearing jeans and a tank top, at least the heavy material of his jeans would hide his body’s reaction to the other.
he smiled a little. "he's going to be stubborn. like a toddler who insists the road is 'that way' even if he's wrong." he pointed out with a grin. "we might actually have to pick him up, kicking and screaming and drag him in the right direction." he admitted with a grin. "it's because you where with him that you didn't notice. for you, it was just the way he was." he smiled. "sometimes, to see something, you have to look at it without emotions. being as i had no emotional connection to either Steve or James at the time, it was easy for me to see things you would miss. on the other hand, because you are emotionally connected, you see a lot of things i wouldn't. for example, i never would have guessed he and Steve loved each other." he admitted. "yes. exactly. you see, the Serum has to have something to work with. it can only affect what is already there." he admitted. giving her a pretty damn big clue. the Hulk had always been there, even before the Serum, because the Serum couldn't work on something that wasn't there. "it's fun bantering with James." Bruce admitted with a smile. "i've never met someone who had just, open acceptance. even you, even Tony was a bit wary of me, even if you both hide it well."

Steve snorted. "you always look ridiculous." he scoffed. "and don't you lie to me James Barnes." he grumbled before eh smiled a little. "sure, i can cook for you. later." he ordered. "i'll make waffles." he muttered sluggishly. "and take something up for Elena too. Bruce can't make anything but omelets." he admitted, refusing to comment on the fact that James and her had been up all night. it wasn't long before Steve sighed and got up. "your thinking too loud." he complained. "you lay there and sleep while i make breakfast." he ordered, dumping the blankets over James, offering him a smile as he headed off into the kitchen. his stomach was trying to eat itself, but it was more amusing to blame Bucky.
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