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The Key to Going Green(Avengers)Lady/Moon

Bruce snorted at Tony and Steve snickered, amused that Tony would get punished twice for the same thing. "...shut up Bucky." Steve ordered with a huff. "i wouldn't blush! and that is NOT permission to set me up on a blind date! i haven't forgiven you for the last one!" he grumbled before he scoffed at Tony. "i highly doubt you can be quiet Tony." "oh, he's often quiet when i have my dick shoved down his throat." Loki admitted, making Steve go even more red and stalk away, determined to ignore the 'pervs'. "...i've worn High Heels..." Steve finally admitted. "lost a bet with Natasha... she's really a mean, mean woman." he admitted.

"really? i'm glad i'm not the only one." Loki admitted as he settled down next to Tony, examining the boys as they struck out at each other, lazy, gentle, testing each other, looking for openings, for chances. and then the blows started striking, Steve's fist hitting Bucky's shoulder, Bucky's foot connecting to Steve's belly. sparring quickly dissolving into wrestling as they tried to pin each other. Steve would never admit it, but he knew he was going to have some very nice wet dreams for about a week after this.
“You would so blush.”Bucky snickered smirking even as his stomach twisted at the idea of setting him up with someone. “You abandoned me to go sign up to be a guinea pig last time I set you up someone. I’ll let Tony set you up.”Bucky smirked. “That was just mean.”Tony snickered as Loki spoke, smirking at the other as they headed down to the gym, “I have pictures. He looks good in heels.”Tony agreed smirking.

“And totally. This is horrible.”Tony snickered looking amused as he watched it descend into wrestling, flushing ever so slightly because he knew that this really was foreplay, if the two idiots would ever just move on and admit it. “We should video record this, we’d make a fortune with cap porn.”he muttered.

Bucky groaned as they wrestled, twisting as he got a hand around the other’s arm, flipping them, pinning the blond between his knees, staring down at him as he panted, eyes wide, his dark hair damp with sweat, the military short cut making him look even younger then he was. Eyes widening as he looked down at the man under him before scrambling up.”Forfeit.” he declared already heading for the locker room, near panic as his body responded to the feel of steve between his thighs, panicking as he flipped on the shower. “....what did you guys do?”Erin said as she walked into the room, looking worried as she watched Bucky’s retreating back and the panting steve, worry and fear darkening her eyes, thinking maybe James had snapped and attacked him, maybe this hadn’t been a good idea to leave the two of them alone.
Steve just huffed. "i didn't abandon you." he complained. "i conveniently placed you there for my own perverse amusement." he had too. three young girls who where trying to get beautician licenses had used Bucky as their... subject. Bucky hadn't talked to him for DAYS. "Tony better not or i'll set him up and make sure he pisses off Loki." he warned, glaring at Tony as Loki chuckled. "Tony. if you share those photos i'll see if i can't figure out if you can survive with your insides on the outside." he warned with a huff.

" i the only one turned on by this?" Loki asked curiously. "i'll take that as a no." he muttered with a roll of his eyes.

Steve gasped as he was flipped, panting as he found himself pinned. he spread his legs and arched to try and force the other up and off, an obscene gesture that he didn't entirely mean to make. he blinked as the other scrambled off of him and he blinked. "uh.... i won. i think..." he frowned. "...i don' like winning that way." he grumbled, sulking as he skulked out of the room so he could go to a more private shower and have some nice wanking sessions.
“...You are a perverse, perverse man, Captain.”Bucky grumbled shuddering at the memory. “...damn. Okay, no pictures.”Tony sulked a little before smirking at loki. “No, definitely not. Though I think those two are the ones hottest under the collar. Seriously? They’re running away?That’s horrible.”he grumbled in annoyance, knowing they were going to have to try harder now.

A few hours later James knocked lightly on Steve’s door before poking his head into the room, looking as put together and calm as he ever did, though there was a tightness around his eyes that said he was nervous, anxious. “Can we talk?”He asked looking at the other super soldier, tilting his head slightly. Having spent the last few hours in a constant state of arousal, and wanking himself raw, the man had decided he totally needed to think on something else, so he’d decided on the thing most traumatizing to himself, because it was bound to stifle any sense of arousal or lust.

“...We should get them to go out tonight.”Erin said from where she was settled in on Bruce’s couch in the lab, sighing quietly as she watched a manic tony working, and bruce working. “There’s a art opening thing at the MET. I mean, me and cap went before, but we really didn’t get to enjoy it. James likes that stuff to....we could go. Me and you, clint and coulson, loki and tony. James and Steve. They’d never realize they were on a date.”
Steve smiled a little. "oh you have no idea." he muttered, forgetting that all three people in the room had very sharp hearing. "yeah. no pictures." he agreed before he skulked at 'loosing' even if he technically won. "...maybe a lust spell?" Loki mused.

Steve opened the door, damp from his shower. "hey... uh, yeah. come on in." he agreed, wondering if he should just tell Bucky he already knew? nah, he'd let Bucky confess, for emotions sake. "need a drink?" he asked, moving over to his cupboard and pulled out their favorite drinks. a bottle each and two glasses. not like they could get drunk.

Bruce looked up at her from his microscope and blinked at her. he was amazingly capable of multitasking, and had been talking to her on and off between doing productive things. "i like the MET." he agreed with a grin. "Tony! stop working we're going on a Date!" Bruce ordered, willingly abandoning his work for her. "aren't you mad at Clint though?"
“Maybe. A lust spell would work. They’re already being burned alive with lust.”Tony snickered watching the two super soldiers, this was a horrible, horrible thing really, to see two such sexy men struggling so much.

Bucky swallowed hard looking him over, biting his lip to keep from leaning forward to lick away the damp skin dry. “Thanks.”he muttered before settlign at the kitchen table, slumping over before nodding. “yea.Thanks.”he said looking vaguely startled as he tasted the moonshine, because he knew steve could afford better these days, but it was a drink filled with memories from a prohibition era childhood. Sipping the moonshine he swallowed, his eyes darting around the room, anxious and nervous before looking at the blond. “Hydra is still alive. And within shield. My last mission was to go after you....all of you. Even Erin and Coulson, because they were important to you.”Bucky swallowed hard, eyes bouncing around the room, leg bouncing a little, a nervous twitch that not even 70 years on ice could completely kill. “It’s how Fury knew who to send after me. Because my name was recorded under encryption in their files....and he already had the one person besides you, who knew enough to talk me through my own past.”he swallowed hard, trembling a little. “I was supposed to kill you, Stevie.”He said his voice soft and broken.

Erin laughed at the look she was getting, smirking a little, having been laying on the couch and reading, simply enjoying the company, since she’d known James was in no shape to have someone around, to busy...’cleaning up’ to want to visit with her. “Good. Me to.” “We are?What?I thought you were dating Erin”Tony paused confusion showing in his face as he looked up from the phone he was making. “He is. He meant you are going on a date with Loki, with the rest of us.”Erin snickered a little, because a manic tony was so cutely adorable like this, all manic energy and bleary confusion when you interrupted him. Smirking at Bruce’s words she nodded. “I am. He hates art. Making him go when I know Coulson likes art, will be akin to torture.”
Steve smiled a little as he moved about the kitchen. he knew what Bucky wanted to talk about and it rather killed his libido. "i can afford better stuff, but Moonshine is the only thing that can get me buzzed." if he drank enough of it anyway. "even some of Asgards stuff can't do much to me." he admitted with a wistful sigh before he tilted his head at Bucky and listened. "i knew all that already." he admitted with a smile. "why do you think i'm still a part of shield while Clint quit? so long as i'm still there, in their somewhat command, they won't akt against me. against Us." he admitted. "or, that's what i thought before i realized you where still alive. i had a feeling they would send an..." here his face screwed up in disgust. "asset to try and kill me at the very least, as well as the rest of the Avengers. we're a might too powerful for them to feel comfortable with." he admitted. "you where supposed to, yeah. but you didn't. you couldn't. you won't. and if you try? i'll kick your ass, i promise. it's going to be alright now Bucky. it really is." he promised. we'll help you every step of the way."

Bruce smiled a little. "you notice he didn't actually protest going on a date with me." Bruce stated with a lopsided grin. "i feel rather loved at the moment. i never knew Tony had the hots for me." "of course he does." Loki stated as he walked into the room with four steaming mugs of hot cocoa. "your the only person besides myself with a brain big enough to keep up with him." Bruce just snickered as he accepted the cocoa. "Bucky and Steve are having one of those emotional talks." Loki warned. "wait a while before we tell them about the date." he ordered as Bruce chuckled at Erin. "you are so mean."
"There will be others. None as skilled or as good,but they'll send someone else."bucky swallowed hard looking at his friend trying to decide just how the other was really feeling,flinching at his words. Because for 70 years he'd just been the assest, and nothing more. "You are. They weren't comfortable with the idea...they were willing to let fury try and get you guys to work together, but when you actually bonded and made it work instead of crashing and burning.."he shrugged a little before he went relaxed,relief flooding his features as he realized that the other was still with him,even knowing he'd been sent after them. Trusted steve to protect hhimself if bucky lost control."'re handling this better then I thought you would."he said tilting his head a little,so glad the other wasn't throwing him out or anything.

"So I noticed. Quite the bromance you got going on bruce."erin teased. Tony huffed making a face at thrm for the teasing before smiling at loki thrn looking at bruce."of course I love don't see me sharing my lab with just anyone do you?"he teased. Erin sighed running her fingers through her hair."you know I'd feel better about them talking if I didn't know james was avoiding his attraction by talking about his orders.they're being horrible."erin grumbled though she was pleased that james was telling steve,knowing it would be one less thing for the assassin to worry about once he knew how steve felt over the orders."I am mean.and he should have told me.its not my fault hes a idiot and is getting punished by seeing art."
Steve snorted. "they can try, they will fail." he promised Bucky. "we are a team, we are a family and we atrre strong for it. you are a part of that family now and they will take you from us at their peril." he promised, his eyes glinting. "they won't have you back. Cannot have you back. i will kill them all myself if i have to." he promised. "at least Fury doesn't seam to be a part of Hydra." he shook his head. "i handed in my resignation you know. Fury wasn't happy about it, especially hen i wouldn't give him a reason." he admitted. "Hydra isn't going to like that. we'll probably smoke most of them out just because they'll keep trying to kill us. it won't take long to have them all dead and buried." he stated, that same stubborn glint in his eyes as he always used to have when someone told him something he didn't want to hear. like 'stop getting into fights' and 'art won't get you anywhere' and 'you'll never join the army'. "i expected it." Steve admitted. "you come back after all this time was more than a coincidence." he admitted.

"your just jealous that Tony pays more attention to me." Bruce teased Erin with a smile before he smirked at Tony. "you know i won't touch your things, that's why you let me down here." he admitted with a grin. that was also one of the reasons why Bruce did half his work in Tony's lab, because Tony wouldn't touch his things either. this way, they could combine their genius when they needed, or wanted to. "they are being pretty bad." Bruce agreed. "maybe you should just 'accidentally' let slip that they love each other. that might help... or better yet, tell Bucky that Steve's having an identity crises over being Gay. that'll get him in gear i bet."
Bucky studied the other for a long moment, tilting his head a little, relief bright in his eyes. “You always were a stubborn bastard.”He muttered sighing quietly, relaxing, realizing that the other wouldn’t be kicking him out. “It seems you’ve found yourself another team...You once had the the avengers....though if I have to share the title of best sniper with birdbrain, I’m going to whine about it.”Bucky pouted a little just to get a smile before growing serious again. “He isn’t, as far as I know. He probably suspects why, I mean, he knew I was coming here. At least, he planned on having me here eventually.”He sighed quietly, before smiling slightly. “You always were smart, stevie.”he teased a little running his fingers through his hair, slumping back into his chair, emotionally exhausted.

“yes, that’s totally it.”Erin snickered shaking her head a little in amusement. “Well, considering you don’t understand the engineering things, I know you wont touch them.”He said smiling because it was true. For the first time in his life, he was actually enjoying sharing lab space. “Hmm...I might have to do that. James would kill me if I accidentally told them, but if it seems Steve’s really in trouble, he probably would....though he has a weirdness, and he totally doesnt’ think steve’s gay. I doubt pointing it out will shake him that much...though he might try talking to him....”
Steve smirked. "and i always will be Buckaroo." Steve admitted with a smile before he winced at the mention of the Commandos. he'd never really forgiven himself for 'moving on' as it where. "Birdbrains an archer, not a sniper." Steve pointed out. "and he's a damn good shot too, even if you are better." he admitted with a grin. "no one can trick shot like Hawkeye." he admitted before he blinked at the other. "yes. well... not that smart..." he admitted with a sigh as he looked away. "you should take a nap. my couch is damn comfortable, and i have a bed in here somewhere i think." amusingly enough, Steve hated sleeping on actual beds. typically, he had a mattress on the floor, or more preferably, a cot of some sort. he tended to think a bed was too high and too big. he liked to sleep in cramped quarters where he felt safe, no one could attack him if his back was protected.

Bruce chuckled. "i understand enough to not blow something up." he pointed out. "and all you have to do is give James a little proof." he stated to Erin. "have Jarvis pull up Steve's Google history. he needs Jarvis's help with it anyway. you should see some of the stuff Steve's been looking into. and not all of it is Gay history. seams Steve is a pervert." Bruce admitted with a grin. "almost as bad as Tony and Loki, some of the things he's been researching."
“Oh gods, don’t, for the love of god, tell Tony or Erin that nickname. I’ll never get called anything else.”Bucky whined a little wincing a little as steve winced, tilting his head slightly, “They’d want you to be happy, they’d understand you know.”he muttered before grinning. “We’re going to have to put it to the test sometime. See who’s really the best.”He grinned liking that before studying the other, trying to figure out what he meant before nodding a little, “I could use a nap.”He said before laughing. “You still sleepign on cots, stevie?”he teased a little, poking the other. “Come on, come talk to me until I fall asleep.”he said still tired from the long night before, shuffling into the living room and settling on the couch with a sigh. Content to rest and trust steve to keep him safe. Startling a little as his phone went off, he rolled his eyes as he replied then settled back down. “We have plans tomorrow. It seems we’ve been invited to supervise the multiple dates going on at the MET tomorrow.”

“true. Which I appreciate very much.”Tony grinned snickering a little before smirking.”very true. I’ll have to do that...”she said thoughtfully before smirking a little, groaning.”Oh mean once they give in, my baby’s stepdad is going to be just as much a pervert as their man-whore of a father?”She said snickering, showing she was just kidding, cause she knew the man whoring days had been long done,even if it hadn’t been by choice, in the last two years he hadn’t started again. Reaching for her phone she texted, before rolling her eyes.”He says tomorrow. He’s taking a nap, and Steve’s got babysitting duty until he does.”She said knowing bucky just wanted to spend more time with steve, and might be able to pass off cuddling him while asleep as okay. “really, if he just admitted it, he could get all the cuddles he wanted.
he smirked. "i might. if you annoy me too much." he admitted with a snicker before he sobered and looked at his hands. "...i'd rather they had lived." he admitted softly. "oh i have no doubt your the best." he admitted with a smile before he shrugged. "easy to roll out of if i'm attacked." which only proved that he wasn't nearly as over everything as people thought he was. the war had taken it's toll on everyone but Steve had suffered the most as a beacon of hope. every attack, every assassination attempt had usually focused on Captain America.which left him paranoid to the extreme. "sure i can talk to you. maybe i'll even draw a sketch or two, just like when we lived in that crappy apartment, remember?" he asked with a small smile. "you do realize they're only making us go with because they feel guilty about leaving us single people at home, right?" he asked, looking amused. "at least Erin and Bruce are hitting it off well. he's going to make a great dad. you and i can be the weird uncles." he teased, amused. he knew Bucky would step up and care for the kid just as well as his own step-father had, but if it was for Erin and the baby's happiness, he would step back and let Bruce be the father.

Bruce smirked at her and nodded. "technically though, i'm the Step-dad... uh, i mean... oh hell." Bruce stuttered, having said that before he thought about it, going quite red in the face. "stop laughing Tony." he ordered before Tony could even start to snicker. honestly, Bruce could easily see himself helping raise the baby, married to Erin, having a happy life. save for the issue of the big green giant. "it's good that he's not sleeping alone." Bruce agreed. "he probably still has nightmares. i know Steve does."
“If you do, expect to be turned over my knee and paddled for being a utter ass.”Bucky threatened shuddering as he considered that, the words out of his mouth before he’d even considered what he was saying. Flushing a little the former man-whore looked out of step before frowning at him, biting his lip. “They did live, stevie. We’re the ones who got left behind.”He said gently, a slight frown on his face, “They would be happy for us now.”He said before wincing, shuddering a little, “Oh fucking hell, what a pair we make. Totally utterly paranoid bastards.”He teased, though his expression was serious, because he was utterly serious, they really were as well matched because even if he did let Erin and the others around him while sleeping, he never slept deeply, always had a weapon on him, and was always a hair trigger away from murder when he slept. “...I used to lay on the floor, cause you were to sick to lay on the floor, and we only had the one comfortable place to sleep, despite the bedrooms. The beds were horrible.”he muttered before laughing. “I know, but watching them get into trouble at the MET, cause the MET means art, and art bores Clint and Tony, which means there will be shennigans that I can punk them on, and prove who really is the best at being a sarcastic asshole.”He snickered before making a face, “YOU can be the weird uncle, I’m going to be whatever she wants me to be.”James said making a face, well aware that he was restricted to what Erin wanted, and he wanted to give her the chance to figure that out, before demanding a place in her life. Even if he knew she’d never forbid him from seeing the baby, there was still a corner of his mind that was screaming fear that she would.

“...”Erin stared at him, blushing bright, staring because she didn’t know what to say. “Well, actually both of you would. I mean, if Winter and Cap ever get their acts together, since you’d be the partner to the child’s actual parents.”Tony said in that tight formal way that said inside he was falling apart laughing at Bruce, and was trying hard to be serious. “Tony?Shut up.”Erin ordered looking at a loss on what to say, or do, or how to respond before jumping on the change of topic, nodding rapidly. “he does. Considering they were talking about things...yea. He’ll probably dream.”he sighed, making a face. “We probably should get dinner before we head to the met. That’d give James a few hours worth of sleep, since tony's reserved the evening for just us."She said already seeing the billionaire typing to the museum director to get a avengers night at the museum, because he wanted privacy and safety for them all. while he wasn't as open as the others, tony was feelign just as protective and defensive as steve and bucky over erin and teh rest of his team
Steve had gone very still at the mention of a spanking. it took him several moments to realize it wasn't fear he was feeling, but exhilaration by the idea. he'd have to research that. he was learning about a lot of things. some things he wasn't too... thrilled about, in fact some of the stuff he'd looked up had been disgusting and traumatizing. it made him feel a lot better about himself though, to know that there where millions of others who held the same interests as him. to know that he wasn't actually sick or a freak. "yeah. paranoid." he agreed, not about to admit that he kept a very sharp knife hidden in his cot at all times in case of an attack. or that he had fifty two various weapons hidden around the room. just the living room. some of which had been, er... borrowed without permission and with no intent of returning. "you are good at being a punk." he agreed with a grin, glad that they weren't talking about depressing things anymore. "and you'll be whatever is best for the Baby and we both know that." Steve admitted with a smile. "you'll make a great father. you've had plenty of practice doting on me after all." he teased with a snicker.

Bruce coughed into his hand and shook his head a little. " that how it works?" Bruce asked, looking baffled. he had never been too interested in the legalities of things. a Father was who gave up the sperm. a dad was the one that raised and loved the child. Bruce himself had a Father, James had a Dad. "Steve will probably have Bad dreams tonight too. if we're really lucky, they'll kiss and snuggle over the trauma." Bruce mused with a smirk because he knew that wasn't how it was going to happen, but they could hope.
Bucky laughed a little at that, smirking a little. “True.”Bucky said sighing quietly, before snickering as he settled down to sleep. “Well, you were easy to dote on. So sickly and small, rogers.”he muttered as he fell asleep.

“Yea. Though there’s a difference between being a father and being a dad. I had a father, you three...wherever you three men end up having with the idea, I’m fairly certain it’s going to have three dads somehow.”Tony said on the verge of laughing out loud, before sighing a little. “If only. We’ll be lucky if they don’t kill each other and cuddle on the couch or something.”Erin smiled a little sighing, hoping that indeed, they didn’t kill each other. Cause that would be so, so bad. was cold...blinking slowly, feeling the chill settling in, hearing his orders....steve rogers. can’t be right. No... James Barnes jolted awake, hands already searching for the weapons he’d instinctively found, knowing his best friend well enough, even after all this time, to know where they were hidden, the knife appearing in his hands, slanting across his body as if to defend himself as he panted, pained and scared as he frantically searched the room for the scientists to kill, the ones he’d killed to leave...his heart rate sky rocketing when the room he saw wasn’t what he expected, not the cryogenics lab. But a apartment....a apartment he almost recognized. Strands of memories slipping through his fingers as he tried to place where he was.
Bruce nodded. "yeah... i had a Father too." he admitted, his voice holding something... unusual to it. "this is true." Bruce admitted with a smile at the thought of being a dad, even if only by adoption. Bucky and Steve would make absolutely great dads as well. "Steve's in full control of himself at all times." Bruce admitted. "if they do have nightmares, Steve will be able to fend off any attacks with a clear mind. he wakes up too fast for anything else." he assured her.

Steve blinked, wondering what had woken him up. he was sleeping on his cot, which was shoved into a rather hidden corner of the room. it only took him a second to realize why he was awake. Bucky was up, panting, upset. Steve had always been hyper aware of Bucky, now was no different. he stepped up and padded over to the couch, studying the man who seamed half lost in dreams, or maybe memories. "Buck. Bucky. hey, you okay?" he knew better than to get close. back during the war, Bucky always woke up slashing. "Bucky, say something. is it okay to approach?"
Erin frowned a little at that, looking slightly curious, wondering what that meant, but not wanting to pry. Though looking a little relieved at the idea. “Well, let’s hope it goes okay then.”she said not sure it would be okay, but needing it to be, because if it went badly, there would be nothing to keep bucky from crashing.

Bucky’s eyes shifted towards the other super soldier, fingers tightening slightyl around the knife, but aware enough to not slash out at him, not really aware, but knowing he didn’t want to hurt this person. Shifting the knife to turn the blade towards the other, but didn’t make any other move to be threatening, simply keeping Steve from getting any closer. “....Last mission. You.”James growled quietly before shifting, all fluid grace and deadly intent as he reversed the blade, flattening it along his forearm to not cut either him or steve as he tackled the other, pinning him to the ground, straddling his chest, the blade pressing against steve’s neck, not bleeding him, but simply a threat, confusion and need shining in grey blue eyes. “Who. Are. You?”
Steve gasped as he saw the blade point at him and he went very still. not a 'i am afraid' still but an 'i see the danger and respect it' still. had he been afraid, Bucky probably would have attacked him, but he wasn't. wary yes, but not afraid. he let himself fall as he was tackled, landing hard enough to make him ache, but not hard enough to loose his breath. "My name is Captain Steven Joseph Rogers, Captain of the 42nd division and leader of the Howling Commandos. i am also Captain America, superhero, leader of the Avengers the Worlds mightiest superhero team." Steve explained, staring up at him. "you are James Buchanan Barnes, AKA Bucky. second in command of the 42nd Division and second in command to the Howling Commandos. you have recently become a member of the Avengers Team after you escaped your Hydra captors." he said all this with a swift efficiency. "we grew up together in Brooklyn. you with your drunk father and me with my mother dying of tuberculosis. we joined the WWII effort together and have saved each others lives often. it is because you where tasked with the mission of killing me that you where able to break the mental manipulations of Hydra."
Bucky frowned slightly as he listened to the other, slowly comprehension showing in his eyes, showing that he understood what he was hearing, before shaking his head.”....You’re middle name is Grant, idiot.”He pointed out even as he let the knife fall asleep from boneless fingers, shifting settling more onto sitting on the other, looking so defeated as his head hung down, dark hair clinging to his features, for once a unruly mess of strands instead of pulled back into the ponytail he usually kept it in. Shuddering as he rested his hands against the other’s chest, not even aware really of the position he was sitting in, simply staying where he was straddling the other as he sought some sort of balance. “Fucking hell...”he cursed quietly, sounding so very defeated with the snap, but really, it wasn’t really a surprise he had. After the topics of the day, and discussing things, it wasn’t overly surprising he’d slipped up, even if the break hadn’t been as bad as it could have been, quickly remembering when Steve had offered him the facts he needed to remember. But...he still held himself to a impossible standard, always had, and was even harder on himself then anyone else ever could be, when he fell short.
Steve smirked. "i knew you'd come back." he admitted. "in any case, my birth certificate says Steven Joseph Rogers, even if my mother always yelled Grant as my middle name." he admitted with a shrug. "i've no idea why she changed it, but she did." he admitted as he reached up and gently tugged on Bucky's hair. "hey, there's no need for that now. you never hurt me." he stated with a smile. "that's a good thing." he assured the other, refusing to acknowledge that he was... er, getting a bit... stiff, down there from Bucky sitting on him. "you did good Bucky, you held yourself together." Steve promised, pulling the other down, holding him. "your safe here. i won't let you hurt anyone, not me, not Erin, not even yourself. i promise."
“ way. Seriously?”He said watching the other, not sure if he believed it or not, but looking amused despite that, because well, it did sound like steve’s mother. Startling a little as his hair was tugged, he unconsciously turned his head into the other’s hand without thinking on it, sighing quietly. “Yes, a good thing.But I could have.”He said his voice that soft trembling edge that said he was aware of just how badly it could have gone before shifting to get comfortable, slender but muscular settling on the other, shifting down a little to get comfortable, but not far enough down to feel steve hardening against his ass, just enough to comfortably rest his head on the other’s shoulder, before sliding to the side, laying in a ungraceful sprawl half on the other man half off. “...You wont?You’ll stop me. Even if you have to hurt me. Please, steve. Don’t let me hurt any of you. I can’t...I can’t live with the thought of it...”he trembled slightly shifting his hips away a little, just enough to hide his body's reaction to laying in a sprawling tangle with his best friend.
he nodded. "yeah. they kept my Birth Certificates in the museum." he admitted. "yours is there too." he admitted with a huff before he smiled as Bucky leaned into the touch. "you could have, but you never will." he murmured with a smile as he held the other. "i trust you." he promised. "i will Buck. i swear,. i'll stop you even if i have to break your arms and legs." he promised. "i won't let you hurt anyone." he promised, wishing he had the guts to kiss the other. "come on. lets get you back into bed." he muttered, urging Bucky to his feet and carefully tucked him back into the pullout couch before retreating into the bathroom to have a fast hard, silent wank.
“...That’s vaguely creepy actually.”Bucky said huffing a little before sighing softly, relaxing at the promise. Because steve always kept his promises.”Okay.”He muttered letting the other get him tucked back in to the couch, looking up at him, grey eyes watching him, wanting him so badly. Watching him go for a long moment before sighing quietly, groaning as he willed his body to stop reacting as he settled back down to sleep.

In the morning the man let out of inelegant, undignified squeak as he woke and found Erin staring down at him from inches away, laughter brightening her face as she looked down at him.”Steve’s got breakfast done. And we’re all eating.then going to the museum.” “...why are you waking me up like this?”Bucky muttered. “because I want to tell you you’re a idiot without anyone overhearing. Would you just tell the man?” Something tightened in bucky’s stomach, knowing what erin was talking about, looking up at her with something akin to panic.”No. J-just no.”He stuttered before scampering for the kitchen where the rest of the team was eating. “
Steve nodded. "it is." he agreed.

Bruce watched Steve as the Super Soldier made the breakfast for an Army. including cinnamon buns and what looked like corndogs but was really pancake batter deep fried around a sausage link. Steve was using cooking to ignore his problems again the silly man. "you know it's okay, right?" Bruce asked suddenly, startling Steve as he stared at Bruce, slightly panicked. "...yes i'm sure it is... what are we talking about?" Bruce just sighed and shook his head. "he won't hate you Steve." he promised, Steve shaking his head. "no idea what your talking about." Bruce just sighed and shook his head as he returned to his coffee and newspaper. "whatever you say Steve."
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