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The Key to Going Green(Avengers)Lady/Moon

“James, esti o pacoste. Doar apucaţi de om,-l sărut, bâjbâie după el, impinge-l la un perete ... dracu-l Barnes!” “You’re pregnant!You don’t get to cuss me out before I’ve had coffee, I thought pregnant people were nice.” “You called me a Ea diavolul before you knew I was pregnant, it amazes me that you think being sick to my stomach would make me happier with you.”Erin scowled, the two talking loudly as they walked into the kitchen, the raised voices marked with frustration and annoyance, as Bucky threw himself into his chair, before perking up at the sight of the deep fried food. “So, we’re all still going to the museum?”he said, blithely ignoring the glaring pregnant woman, which was a dangerous thing to do, but he trusted that she wouldn’t kill him over least he didn’t think so. “We are. There’s a exhibit you two need to see.”Tony said as he waltzed into the room, all manic energy and to much coffee, the wicked glint to his eyes saying that whatever the surprise was going to be, they weren’t probably going to like it, but it was there.

(translation: James, you are a pain in the ass. Just grab the man, kiss him, grope him, shove him against a wall...fuck him Barnes!.....She devil.
Are you speaking in French?" Clint asked curiously. "cus if you are, i gotta warn you, Tony and Steve both know French." he warned as he came up behind them. "also Steve knows German, Russian, and Spanish too. i think Tony knows Spanish but i'm not sure on that." he admitted. "yes we're still going to the Museum." Bruce admitted, letting the conversation with Steve drop. "...why am i suddenly very certain that i don't want to go?" Steve mused as he started passing out breakfast. "...i don't have to go, right?" "yes. you do." Coulson stated as he walked in, looking... human. "...i've been fired..." Coulson admitted, revealing why he looked like Hell. "and Fury won't tell me WHY i've been fired...." he sounded so confused it almost made you feel bad for him.
“No, it’s not. It’s romanian. I spent alot of time there over the years.”James growled looking amused, because while he’d been hidden in russia for most of the years gone, he’d learned romanian simply because he’d spent enough time there to pick it up, and in the last year, had taught Erin so they could have a private conversation when needed. Studying tony he nodded slowly, “Yes...I’m not sure I want to go now.”he said staring at Erin, who could do wide eyed innocence like no one else did. Startling a little as Coulson walked in he flinched a little. “uhh...that might be my fault. I mean...hydra figuring out I’m not killing you. He’s protecting you Coulson, sending you here instead of making you wade through the mess that is shield.”Bucky said looking concerned for the man before frowning. “And why do you want us to go to the museum?”He said curious as why everyone was looking so eagerly at them to go.
"Romanian? i didn't know that was a thing." he admitted. "we're all going." Bruce ordered sternly before he looked up at Coulson. "...oh." the Agent muttered. "oh. well that's good. i thought i was being fired because..." he glanced at Clint and then shook his head. "or maybe because..." he glanced at Steve, who rolled his eyes. "Fury knows why i quit, even if i never gave him a real reason." Steve admitted. "you do better with the Avengers anyway. even if you are in trouble with Erin for not telling her." Steve admitted as he handed Phil a plate of food, ignoring the way Phil's widened, horrified, fearful eyes landed on Erin. she was a devil when angry! he was never going to survive. "we're going because Erin said so. it's a team bonding thing." Bruce lied. "she thinks it will be good for us as a bonding experience and i agree with her, so we are going."
“It’s a thing. That’s a super spy thing, cause hardly anyone actually knows it, besides spies and people who live there. And well, Erin.Cause Erin’s weird and picks up languages like some people pick up toys.” “...So, so weird, James.”Erin grumbled before smiling at Coulson, shaking her head.”No. It’s not those. It’s because of what we’ve pieced together over the last year, between what Clint found out on this end, what James knew, and me putting things together....better to have us all out of there.”Erin said, forgetting that she hadn’t turned in her own resignation yet. Technically still in the chain of command, it would come and bite them in the ass, later. Maybe. Giving Phil that look of wide eyed innocence as she finished her food she smirked. “Don’t look so worried. I’m more angry with James at the moment, then I am with either of you.....besides, punishing Clint by making him go see art is a suitable punishment for you both.”Erin chirped in that pleasant happy smile that was as totally creepy as Steve going all ‘captainy’ and still smiling that steve rogers smile. “It’ll be a good experience really.”She said smiling as they got ready to go.

“So....did you see what the exhibit was?”Erin smirked at bruce as they walked into the museum, watching the others head in in front of him, she’d nearly killed herself not laughing when she’d realized why Tony wanted them here today, to see this exhibit. To see the ‘world’s most famous love stories’ told in paint. She had a bad feeling about who’s picture was in there somewhere, hopefully it wouldn’t blow up in their faces. Not knowing why she felt nervous, not sure if it was because of the exhibit, or something else.
"actually. Steve does the same thing. picking up languages i mean." Clint admitted. "i think he's learning Chinese right now." he admitted. "i've no idea why." he admitted, shaking his head. "Coulson looked much more like himself after he realized he hadn't done anything. he still wasn't entirely sure what was going on. it was a feeling he was well used to though. "oh good. wait, why are we angry with James?" Coulson asked, looking a bit worried as he examined the other before he stared at her, realizing she was right. he wasn't going to get to enjoy any of the art for fear Clint getting bored and getting them kicked out. or worse.

"i did. yes." Bruce admitted with a snort. "unfortunately, neither Steve nor Bucky are affected in the least." and indeed they weren't. Steve had drawn nude models for school before. nudity didn't bother him in the least. in fact he was over there by a wall, comparing one nudist pic to another and commenting on stroke lines of all things with a complete stranger. not the way the evening was supposed to have gone to say the least. at least Steve and Bucky where still together and appeared to be having fun.
Erin gave Coulson that beautiful grin, that she’d picked up from James, but on her it had a chance of pulling off innocence even if that was the furtherest thing from teh truth. “He’s being a idiot. I’m allowed to be mad at my baby’s dad for stupid cowardly decisions.”She said in that matter of fact tone that said she didn’t care for the sputtering James was doing as he protested.

“It’s good, and they’re only unaffected cause they haven’t found their own picture yet. I can’t wait till they discover the one titled ‘The Captain and his howling commando’ definitely going to be amusing.”She muttered she walked around, rolling her eyes a little as she listened to James commenting on art, glad that despite the tight shoulders, and cautious stance, it seemed he was relaxing a little, enough to enjoy Steve’s company despite his utter love and nearly a overwhelming need to fuck the other man.

“Hm, you know, if we’re going to talk about ‘strokes’ we really should be doing something more interesting then talking about paintings.”Bucky muttered as the stranger wandered off, grinning at his friend. Once they’d gotten there, he’d relaxed and settled more into being himself , the lust and need shoved back inside the box he’d hidden it for so many years.
Coulson knew that Grin and he was immediately afraid. "isn't he always an idiot though?" Coulson asked, making sure his fear didn't show in any way. women could sense that sort of thing and would hunt it down like shark to blood and then mercilessly rip those who feared to bloody shreds with sharp tongues and sharper words. that was why he was gay.

"there's a picture of them in here?" Coulson asked, entirely too interested. as was Clint. their 'fantasy' men, schoolboy crushes both naked and together? oh hell yeah. if they had a chance, both Coulson and Clint would take up the chance to fuck Steve/Bucky, particularly with the knowledge that their boyfriend wouldn't care. Bruce just snorted and shook his head. "they're good for each other at least. well suited."

Steve snorted a little and glanced at Bucky. "i'm going to focus on the brush strokes, but there's a cute Blonde in here somewhere you could have fun with." he teased, indicating a gorgeous model in a slim red dress with blond hair down to her ass and legs so long they where sinful. and then she took out a Gun and started blasting holes in the ceiling along with twenty others, ordering everyone to 'get down! and kiss the floor'. figures that someone would rob all the rich folks at the Met. not to mention steal paintings as a few of the people where doing. Steve wasn't too sure what to do in a situation like this, he'd never been in one before. battle yes, but getting robbed?!
“He is, but he’s being worse then normal.”Erin said, her grin widening even more because she knew what he was thinking, even if he wasn’t showing the fear.

“Yea. Towards the end. They’re still looking at the ancient love stories. Seems the artist thought a idiot jumping out over austria in a civilian’s plane, alone, and walking into a enemy base to save the other idiot was the acts of a man desperate in love...and it was. Not to mention, if he hadn’t done it, hadn’t needed to follow James, the course of the war would have been different, with this Captain.”Erin said snickering a little, before nodding. “They are. Better then anyone I’ve ever seen actually. The fit.”Erin smiled before tensing as she heard gunshots, already reaching for weapons even as she looked around at the rest of her team.

“Hm, I might consider stroking off a blond.”he muttered not about to admit he was already standing next to the blond he wanted, blushing ever so slightly before reacting before he really saw the gun, slipping seamlessly to being the winter soldier instead of James. Shoving Steve a little he pushed him into the middle fixture, so they couldn’t be seen. “Get to the others. Get down, make sure Erin doesn’t get involved. And for god’s sake, rogers, don’t get yourself shot in the process.”James growled,his voice rough and absolutely wrecked, stress bringing the ‘asset’ to the surface, not waiting for a answer and he disappeared around the corner, snickering quietly as he heard the slight hum of a repulsor, knew that somewhere, Tony was armed. Making himself trust that bruce would look after Erin, knew that his team would back him up. “Darling, whatever do you think your doing?You chose the wrong day to do this.”Bucky said, fluid grace sliding easily into deadly force as his hand snapped up,grabbing the gun, uncaring if she shot him, trusting that he’d fucked up her aim enough to not be a deadly shot as he twisted, dragging her close, pinning her against him. Trusting the rest of the team to stop the other theives from leaving, he was taking care of the armed one.
Coulson couldn't withhold the shudder that time.

"...i think everyone knows Steve and Bucky are in love with each other. except themselves of course, the idiots. it's funny how blind a person can really be when they want to be." he shook his head and then grinned as he watched Clint and Coulson. "your not really mad that they kept it a secrete are you?" he asked her, his head tilted. "being who they are, they probably didn't actually 'date' until fairly recently. they where probably just fuck buddies for some time." he admitted before tensing at the sound of Gun Fire. he didn't even think about it, he stepped in front of her and forced her into a tiny enclose, standing guard. they wouldn't be able to shoot her with him in the way like that.

Steve snorted before he stopped as he saw the Gun. ", i really have to work on that." he muttered, shaking his head. "Bruce won't let Erin get involved." he promised, already moving to take on a lower level grunt who was attacking a woman. "Oh!" she gasped, startled as she was grabbed before doing something surprising. she dropped the gun and pulled a knife, slicing at him, trying to gut him as he pulled her close while a good many more problems started all at once. a good hundred robots appeared through the vent shafts, covering anyone who the human guards couldn't. she laughed a tittering little laugh and struck out at Bucky again as Steve was swarmed, Tony was swarmed, Clint and Coulson where swarmed, pinned down, trapped, held in place while the guests where forced into another room where they where stripped of anything of value, including clothing like suits and expensive dresses. Steve was being dragged into another room too, the Super Solder struggling, fighting, snarling, sounding panicked as the robots, and three men following him, shredded his clothes and manhandled him into an empty room where the sounds of his struggles where cut off in a very horrifying way. with all the robots and the lack of proper weapons, there was little they could do but keep fighting. at least Elena was still safe, hidden in the dark enclose as Bruce tried to stay calm and not Hulk Out as he trembled under the tight hold of a few dozen robots. "oh Darling. don't you see? it's the Avengers, helpless and at my mercy that i want. i'll break you all." the mad woman purred as metal ropes that posed for arms wrapped around him. "starting with your precious captain. the money i'll get from all of this is just a bonus." even Loki couldn't help, as he was laid out, unconscious and bleeding rather heavily from his forehead.
“They are idiots indeed.”Erin snickered before shrugging, shaking her head.”Not really. But watching Coulson shudder at the idea of me mad at him, amuses me.”She snickered quietly before yelping as she was shoved into enclose, “Bruce!Come on, bruce!let me out.”Erin yelled.

Bucky melted to the side as she sliced at him, already pulling the knife from her hand, ignoring the cuts to his palm as he did so, knowing it was healing as he turned the knife on her, twisting his head to look at the others, and despite the gunfire and repulsor blasts he could hear, he knew they were being pinned. “You serious underestimate me if you think this is enough.”Bucky growled, shifting, falling even more into being the winter soldier, letting his mind blank and fall into decades worth of training and temper. The utter demanding need to protect the two people who meant the most to him, his protectees, along with the friends he cared for was forcing a new sharp edged need to a already honed blade. And no matter how guilty he would feel about it after, the winter soldier came with being nearly a utter sociopath, uncaring to the blood and guilt that would hit him later, only the need to protect. Reversing the blade he’d taken to her he defended himself even as he pulled the blade that had been hidden along his leg, the wickedly curved....long knife, or short sword depending on the view, gleamed in his hand as he moved through the metal with a careless abandon, beautiful in his fury as he moved through the bots and people, people ignored in favor of freeing the avengers from the bots, moving through them like a wild storm, the only thing clear as he freed tony, the two men working to free the others, grinning wickedly as he heard the repulsors going off, already moving on and when he found Steve he froze for a moment before going wild, as wild as a protective mother lion over a hurt cub as he made his way to steve, not even aware of the wounds he was taking, trusting them to not slow him down to much as he needed to get to him. Not aware that he was soaking his jeans and t-shirt in blood, panting by the time it was over, standing across steve’s body, looking around for someone else to attack, putting himself bodily over his captain, not even aware if he was awake or not, not taking his eyes off the room around him, not even long enough to check steve. He’d have to be shocked back to himself, someone was going to have to talk him back, because otherwise he wasn't going to be letting anyone near steve in the near future.
she just laughed at him. she didn't take him seriously at all. she simply retreated behind a wall of Robots, and scowled as she realized he might have been right. she hadn't brought enough robots with her. oh well. she was sure the Captain was broken, and that would have to be enough for now. "HAIL HYDRA!" she declared before she simply turned and left, leaving only the robots and the rapists behind. they where only pawns anyway, they could die for the cause like good soldiers. in the twenty minutes it took to clear a path to Steve, it was already too late. he was bleeding from the anus, red mixing with a line of white, cum and spit spilling out of his mouth as he trembled and sobbed, curled up into a tight little ball. bruises littered his body from the tight grip of the humans and robots alike, and one of his eyes was swelling shut from a much too hard smack after trying to bite one of the rapists dicks. the three men where soon dead. there was no doubt about that.

Bruce had lost his battle to stay calm after getting shot three times in a matter of Seconds and roared loudly as he smashed through anyone that wasn't a 'Bruce Friend' the mighty green beast was flattening anything that moved. by that time though most of the real danger was gone, leaving Erin free to try and talk Bucky down, or at least stuck him with a tranquilizer. Hulk huffed as he smacked down the last of the bad guys, a concept that had taken a very long time for the Hulk to understand. Hulk was a good boy now, Loki had said so and Hulk was glad to be a good boy. so when all the bad guys where gone, he sat down and didn't smash anything else. well, maybe he smashed a few already dead robots, but that was surely okay?
Erin eased the door open and walked out, gun held in her hand as she looked around her, paling as she carefully made her way through the wreckage, swallowing hard as she found bucky and steve, swallowing hard. “Steve?Sweetheart, I need you to tell him its okay to come closer.”Erin said tensing a little as Bucky twisted towards her, “James, I need you to let me close okay?You know who I am right?I’m Erin. Your Erin. Kit-Kat. I need you to let me help him.”Erin soothed even as she walked closer, stopping a arms reach away as the knife slashed out towards her. Wincing as she raised the gun, not giving James enough time to react to it before shooting him, wincing as the tranquilizer slapped into his shoulder, moving closer even as Bucky listed to the side, wincing as the knife bit deep into her upper arm. Catching Bucky as he went down, staggering them both as the man’s body gave in to the traqs, barely bracing herself from falling over, easing Bucky down to the floor before scrambling over to steve, looking him over, wincing as she gently touched his face, “Cap?Cap, it’s Erin. Can you hear me?”She said hands shaking as she dialed coulson, needing someone, needing help.

“Anyone seen Cap and Winter?”tony said as he flicked off his helmet, more glad then he’d ever known to be that he’d gotten the nanobytes to work with the suit, summoning it instantly to him. Already checking on the civilians, looking them over, but utterly, terribly worried about his teammates."Backroom!They dragged him back there."Natasha called from the front room, calmly assessing injuries and looking worried.
Steve didn't answer, he didn't move. he had even stopped trembling, even though his eyes where open, they seamed... dead, blank. he had retreated inside himself. not an unexpected thing, a lot of people did, sometimes they came back out... sometimes they didn't. Steve recoiled at the touch, tiny panicked whimpers falling from him as he struggled to stay inside. it hurt in a way he had never felt before. his body was mostly healed from the rape, the bruises fading, his rectal bleeding gone, but it hurt inside too. hurt so bad, like something was shredding inside his chest, something bleeding deep inside. he didn't want to come out, he didn't want to feel the bleeding and the shredding. he wanted to stay inside where it was warm and safe.

"no." Clint admitted, panting. he'd gotten shot twice, but they weren't dangerous. one was a nasty gouge, and the other was in his hip, but it wouldn't take more than a few stitches to heal the damage. "i have a call from Erin." Coulson stated, blood splattered across his face from shooting someone at close range. "Erin? where are you? are you okay?... what is it?....oh my god..." Coulson gasped, turning to look at the rest of the Avengers with the most emotion anyone had ever seen on him. and it wasn't a good one.
Erin flinched as she raised her hand away from his skin, swallowing hard, simply talking, telling him know he wasn’t alone, relaying information. “Coulson, I need Bruce here, now. Or some way to get Cap back home. He’s...he’s not...”She trailed off, staring at the two men laying along her thighs as she knelt next to them both,”Phil.Help.”She whispered quietly.

Tony paled at the look on Coulson’s face,”I’ll get a car and a stretcher.Five minutes. Tell her to hold on till then.”Tony demanded even as he headed for the front hall. "Five minutes Coulson, and we'll get them home."He said the words barely out of his mouth as Happy appeared with a stretcher, escorted by natasha. "Already done. Show us should be Coulson, and me."Natasha said looking at the others. "If they're hurt, we're the two less likely to be a threat to them, we need to not threaten them. Or be viewed as a threat."Natasha said looking anxious, scared for her friends, hoping, praying that they were okay, but utterly scared what Erin was handling alone. "Erin?" "Come in."Erin said when she saw them, helping them get Steve onto the stretcher, before offering Clint a sickly smile. "I know you want to grope him, but I doubt this was what you meant. Just help me get Bucky up. We can walk him out of here..."she said slipping a arm around Bucky, stumbling slightly as he tried to get him up, focusing on helping Bucky, because she had no idea how to help the captain, hoping, praying, that bruce would be able to help.
"Bruce is Green." Coulson told Erin. "Hulk doesn't seam to be attacking anyone at least but he's not surrendering control either..." "That's because no one's told Hulk it's safe." Loki slurred. poor man probably had a concussion. "Tony... go tell Hulk it's safe." it was a well oiled system. Hulk would come out and stay out until Tony or Loki told Hulk it was safe and okay to go back inside Bruce. Hulk didn't mind coming out once and a while, but he much preferred being inside Bruce unless there was something exciting on the outside. like a battle. or crayons.

"we'll back up." Loki promised. "come on, everyone back, we don't want to crowd them." he warned, feeling his heart clench at the idea of what might have happened in that room when Steve was all alone and rendered helpless. "fuck..." Coulson whispered, horrified as he carefully got Steve settled onto the stretcher and then peeled off his jacket to hide Steve's nudity with. "i wouldn't grope him, not like this." Clint assured her as he helped heft Bucky up after contributing his own jacket tot he saving of Captain America's nudity. Bruce had returned and was carefully administering some sleeping drug to Steve so he'd stop making those horrible whimpering sounds. "lets get them both Home... Erin you're bleeding!"
“Oops.Fucking hell.”Tony winced as he realized he was out of sorts enough to not remember things, needing to get Bruce back.”Hulk?It’s okay buddy, it’s okay. We need bruce back, okay?”He said smiling, though it looked sick and scared.

“I know you wont, but joking is all that’s going to keep me from going insane.”Erin said flicking a look at Clint, making sure she hadn’t offended him as they got the two into the car, letting bruce take care of steve. “When we get back, you’re going to have to look him over quickly. Once Bucky’s up and moving, he wont let us anywhere near him.”She warned as she helped clint settle the other in his lap, gently stroking long hair as the man cuddled against her, pausing as she looked up at bruce. “It’s not bad. Bucky swung at me when I got close. Don’t worry, it’s already slowing.”She said glancing at the wound before returning to stroking bucky’s hair. Quiet as they got back to the tower, glad that tony had a private garage, and they’d get inside without getting pounced on. Swallowing hard as they got both super soldiers upstairs to the med lab, quiet and watchful, feeling sick herself as she curled up on the bed with bucky, having moved the bed closer to steve’s, but not willing to leave the shaken assassin on his own, not when she wasn’t sure if he was still the winter soldier or if he’d wake up bucky.
Hulk studied Tony and then, very gently patted Tony on the head with a single finger, much like a mother would a child before he shrank down into Bruce, who sighed over the loss of yet another set of clothes. thankfully, he always carried extras with him.

"i know." he admitted. "but i had to admit it." Clint admitted. "i know what it's like to be helpless and manhandled." he admitted. he'd never been raped. but his papa had been fairly handsy after the drink. "i don't think there's anything i can do for Steve physically." Bruce admitted with a shake of his head. "the Serum will have already healed any damages. and mentally i'm not equipped... i don't..." he shook his head. "i don't think i can help him." Bruce admitted, swallowing thickly as he took her arm and gently examined it. "it's not too deep. a few stitches..." he admitted, wrapping it tightly so it would stop bleeding, helping the others carry Steve upstairs while Clint and Coulson helped with Bucky. Steve stayed asleep, drugged to the gills, but it wouldn't be long before he was awake again. Bruce could only hope Steve wouldn't stay inside his own head... he would stay close though, in Case Bucky wasn't Bucky when he woke up.
“I know. And he’ll be most disappointed that he didn’t get to manhandle you back.”She snickered quietly, sounding anxious before smiling slightly looking sick, “Good. At least...the physical part. I can help him with the mental. We’ll..we’ll take care of him.”She swallowed, so scared for steve, before nodding, letting bruce wrap her arm.”Good. At least I can tell him he didn’t hurt me to badly.”She muttered looking anxious and worried as they got the boys settled into the beds. It was nearly a hour before Bucky bolted upright, yelping as his forehead collided with Erin’s hand, the contact dazing him enough for a moment that he didn’t attack, simply blinked in confusion. “James, you’re safe. Both of you are safe.”Erin said tense and ready to move away, before relaxing as he slumped, wincing as he scrambled to look around, growling when he saw the two of them sitting way to close to Steve, glaring as he moved to stand at the edge of steve’s bed, pushing the medical bed, on wheels, back against the wall, making sure no one could get to steve from that side, and standing on the only accessible side, a solid shield of muscle. Even if he logically knew who the others were, he didn’t want them there. Couldn’t have them there.

“Okay...James, it’s okay. We’re going...we’re going to go sit over there okay?Plenty of space, but not leaving, in cause you need us.”Erin reassured not moving towards him, simply easing off the other side of the bed, gently touching Bruce’s arms, keeping her motions slow and easy,”Promise. We wont get closer until he needs us.”She said gently moving them towards the other side of the room.
Clint perked up a little. "yeah? you think he wants to fondle me?" he asked, eyes glittering playfully simply because he really did wish James would fondle him. of course, Coulson was probably never going to get fondled by Steve now, so he knew he wouldn't take James up on it if the assassin did offer. "i'm sure Steve will be okay... he's always okay..." but Steve had never been violated before, in any way. there was no telling how he would react to this. Bruce nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw Bucky leap awake and he simply did whatever Erin made him do. she knew Bucky best after all. Steve never even twitched as he was wheeled out of reach, against a wall, just as he preferred.

"think he'd feel better with a weapon or would that make things worse?" Bruce asked softly, whispering to make sure that only she could hear him. he didn't want to give Bucky ideas after all. "it's kind of amusing that he's so protective even when he's fully immersed in his Winter Soldier mentality. how does Steve not realize Bucky loves him?"
“Doesn’t everyone?”She teased a little before dipping her head. “He probably will. Fondle you I mean.He’s going to be twitchy, and sex relaxes him.”She pointed out, not about to admit just how very twitchy bucky was going to be, because the more he wanted steve like this, the more bucky was going to spiral out of control as he tried not to want his best friend. “he will.We’ll make him okay.”She muttered.

“...”Erin swallowed hard watching the other man, thinking about it before nodding. “He’ll feel better.”She said, while she knew she was lookign at the winter soldier, she knew that he wouldn’t hurt them. After all, even as far under as he’d been the night before, he had only gotten a surface cut in, hadn’t slit her throat or seriously injured her, which he could have easily done with her not being a true challenge to him.he’d not hurt her, simply because he knew he hadn’t wanted to. Tugging out her phone she texted clint to get him to head up to bucky’s rooms to grab the set of Damascus forged knives, the small arrow headed throwing knives that were absolutely deadly despite their small size. “It is fairly amusing. And I have no idea really, except that as far as he remembers, and the stories go, he’s always been this overly protective. Probably doesn’t realize its more romantic than platonic, since he never really had alot of friends to compare their friendship to.”she pointed out moving towards the door as Clint appeared, taking the knives,”Thanks.”She muttered before easing closer, holding them out. “Here. Settle down, James. We’ll let you arm yourself, and take care of Steve, okay?” “...Okay.”James said, his voice wrecked in a way that usually came from sex, but this was a shift in personality, a physical distanting of himself from who and what he was. "I'm going back over there, we'll stand watch to."She muttered easing back over to bruce, settling into a chair next to him even as bucky stayed where he was standing, silent and alert as he watched the room, ass settled on the edge of steve's bed to keep on his feet, after all,he'd been injured to, blood loss getting to him even if he'd healed it all by now, a hand absently resting on the edge of the bed, close enough for steve to grab if he needed his attention.
Clint smiled a little. "i'll have to get Coulson's permission for that." he admitted with a smile. "and yes, i call him Coulson." he admitted with a roll of his eyes. "i think Steve would kill me over it anyway so... maybe i'd better not." he mused.

Bruce nodded and watched her as she texted Clint, who texted back that if Bucky noticed one missing, then it wasn't his fault. but they both knew Clint was no thief, he wouldn't take a knife no matter how much he wanted one. "yeah your right. especially where we're just as protective as Bucky is sometimes, especially over Tony and Loki." he admitted. "they don't take care of themselves properly you know." he grumbled before watching her approach Bucky. only relaxing once he gave a verbal reply. good, he wasn't that far gone then. "...James, here." Bruce stood up and carefully pushed a chair over. "you might scare him sitting that close." he warned. "put the chair next to the bed and sit there." he suggested as he carefully set the chair in front of Bucky before turning to the door as Loki poked his head. "i have food." he explained, passing in several take out bags from Bruce's favorite Korean restaurant. "Hungry James?" he asked, digging in the bags for a plastic dish and fork and handing it to James before offering the bag to Elena.
“...You are so weird.”Erin snickered quietly, rolling her eyes at the text, making a mental note to make sure that clint got some of the knives for himself. Knowing James wouldn’t care. “Exactly. Same thing for James. No matter how many women he was around, they were usually passing through, no real...friends to speak of, except Steve.”Erin muttered sighing quietly looking amused though as James just stared at the chair for a long moment before nodding.”Don’t want to scare him....”he muttered mostly to himself before scooting the chair around to right where he wanted it, half turned to face the rest of the room, half turned to face steve, hovering close by and watching. “Thanks Loki.”Erin said gently, calmly accepting the man’s presence, glad that Bucky wasn’t freaking out at their presence, it seemed he was aware enough to know they were okay. “Yes.”James smiled a little taking the bag before looking confused on how to eat and hold the weapon at the same time, sitting there debating for a long moment before shifting so the tray was resting on his knees, eating with one hand holding the fork and the other the knives, eating silently and quietly before frowning.”...should we wake him?He needs food. We heal faster if we’re fed.”
Bruce chuckled. "he wants to build a James Shrine doesn't he?" he asked, looking amused. he was well aware that Clint had heard stories of the Winter Soldier his entire life. not many knew this, but Clint had grown up in the heart of Hydra territory where the stories of winter soldier where as common as Captain America stories where in the U.S. "he had friends i'm sure. Steve tells us all the time about how popular Bucky was..." but Bruce had to admit, it made sense. Bucky had people who liked him, thought of him as a friend. but that didn't mean that Bucky had felt the same. "your welcome. i spelled the bottom one to stay fresh for when Steve wakes up." Loki admitted, Bruce nodding. "thanks Loki." he stated as he passed out the food. it was hard not to laugh at James though and he moved over and grabbed an end Table and set it next to James so he wouldn't spill his food. "No. let him sleep. he's already healed as physically as he's going to get,. the more he sleeps the better his mental state will be when he wakes up." Bruce admitted. "at least, that's the theory. i'm not sure how the Serum and his mind are going to react to... what happened." Bruce admitted. "i know that he's probably not going to want to be touched, and he's probably going to want a hot shower." and Bruce suspected Steve would try to scrub his very skin off, but he wasn't actually going to say that.
“Hm, I’m actually amazed he hasn’t already, really.”Erin muttered snickering quietly because she was one of the few people who were aware of exactly clint had grown up, had told James, just to make sure he was aware of what to expect when he’d turned up. “Popular yes...but you’re the one who said most people were just background noise to him. I far as I can understand, he was always like that. The serum just made it even more so.”She muttered swallowing hard to not laugh at James as he tried to eat. “Thanks.”James muttered as he settled his food on the end table, before nodding a little. “Okay. Sleep is good. I’ll make sure he gets sleep. Then we’ll get him a shower.”James said, working better with some guidelines to work on, a way to go. Trusting bruce and Erin to show him how to take care of steve, even if every piece of him howled for blood, even if he knew the men who’d done this were dead, he wanted to destroy, he wanted to watch the world burn, to watch hydra burn. “....I’m going to destroy Hydra. I’m going to rip it apart.”He whispered his eyes going icy with the thought of revenge, before settling in to eat, to simply wait to see what would happen when steve woke, starting to eat in quiet thought, already planning how to help his captain the best.
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