The Key to Going Green(Avengers)Lady/Moon

“Definitely a toddler.”She snickered before tilting her head thinking that over.”True. Sometimes you have to not be involved to see things...well, you knew Steve was nearly phobic and I didn’t. So you saw that.”She teased a little rubbing a hand over his face, studying him as she considered that the hulk had always been there. Wanting to prod, wanting to talk more, but he was starting to trust her, and she didn’t want to rush things. Smiling quietly she shrugged. “From a man who only asked if his friend was supposed to be shorter when Cap came to save his ass, open acceptance really isn’t that strange.”She snickered remembering that memory, shaking her head as she considered it before smiling a little growing serious. “He considers himself to much of a monster, to not understand, or accept another. If asked, he’d probably say you were brothers of experiments gone wrong or something. He’s got a odd sense of humor, and honor sometimes.”Erin snickered because she knew there was a reason for James’ easy acceptance of everything the world threw at him, monsters and gods, humans and evil, but she hadn’t prodded to hard, because he hadn’t wanted to discuss it, so it hadn’t come up.Maybe bruce would figure it out. Yawning as she finished her food she blinked stupidly, not wanting to go to sleep cause she wanted to keep talking.

“So, so mean. I don’t know why I talk to you.”James grumbled before grinning sleepily.”Love your waffles....and you better. She wont be happy if she doesn’t get to test out what makes her sick or not. Stupid scientist.”He muttered even as he snuggled into the bed, already starting to fall asleep. “ always complain I don’t think enough. Don’t whine when I do think some”He muttered snuggling into the bed as steve went to cook. By the time the food was done, Bucky stumbled out of the bed, drawn by his protesting empty stomach, having never really eaten enough to fully satisfy his metabolism, even free of hydra, and with erin fussing after him, he was falling back into a habit of never eating enough, because hydra had never given him enough food, so he was used to being hungry. "Smells good in here."he muttered slumping into a kitchen chair.
he smiled a little. "there are pros and cons to both sides of things." he admitted. "and i know Steve is Phobic because all people in the 1930's and 40's where phobic. he thinks Bucky is also Phobic, which makes him even more phobic." he pointed out. "it's more common sense than knowing him." he admitted playfully. "...did he really?" he asked, sounding close to laughing. "Steve doesn't really like to talk about the... before." he admitted. "well, he wouldn't be wrong." Bruce admitted. "Brothers of experiments gone wrong. i'm going to tell him that." he admitted with a laugh. "go to sleep." he ordered. "i'll wake you for lunch." he promised. "go on, you need rest. we can talk some more later."

Steve snorted a little. "you talk to me because the others snark back." he teased with a grin. "i know you love my waffles. you love all my food. i'll make some chicken fried steak tonight." he promised. Bucky had a weird fascination for southern food. "yeah, she'd probobly do that." he agreed with a snicker as he started making the food, smiling as he watched Bucky get up. "here." he offered the other three perfectly golden, perfect waffles and was working on his own third waffle.
“Very true. James is simply james, I think he was weird even before everything happened.”he snickered a little before smirking, “He did. Apparently drugged and nearly dead, and all he wanted to know was why little stevie rogers was suddenly taller then him and rescuing him in the middle of Austria....and I really dont’ blame him for not talking about it. If I hadn’t had to relieve every minute with him as his mind reordered itself, I probably wouldn’t know all these amusing things about them.”Erin snickered a little before laughing.”Go right ahead. Don’t be surprised if he buys you matching shirts or something.”she grinned, yawning again before stumbling to her feet.”Kay. Thanks for food. I’ll see you later.”She muttered as she left the room.

“I enjoy snarking back.”james pointed out grinning. “Yes. You have to do that, you need to eat more, and Erin will like it.”he decided. Looking sleepily at the food he grinned wider as his stomach growled not quite fully awake yet, but after finally getting enough sleep he looked better then he had when he’d stumbled in. “This, is the food of the gods. You need to give up the superhero gig, and simply cook.”James decided. “Steve? You in here?”Tony called from the living room as he breezed in pausing in the doorway offering a hesitant smile to bucky not wanting to startle the man. “Morning tony.What’s up?”The dark haired super soldier smirked studying the stark heir. “I uh-well-”Tony stopped stuttering, a little, his thoughts so interrupted at finding the man he had been wanting to ask steve about in the kitchen, that he had no idea how to respond for a moment. “I have new tech.”He said staring at Bucky, totally, utterly distracted by the sight of the inferior hydra tech of his arm. "....Tony, if you tell me you're here about my arm, just say it."James said rolling his eyes. "Okay. I want to redo your arm, it's making me sad to see it. Just let me play." "...fine. After I check on Bruce and Erin, I'll come down and let you work on it. If steve comes."Bucky said to nervous about it to go down without a supervisior. it wasn't he didn't trust tony, it was just he didn't trust himself to not hurt him. "Erin's fine. Bruce said she was sleeping, and he's working in my lab on something, so you can go snoop on your matchmaking skills there."Tony grinned at the two super soldiers."I feel like I should give you two a award for setting them up."Tony snickered mentally, enjoying the fact that it had been steve and bucky being set up, along with erin and bruce
Bruce chuckled a little and shook his head. "wow. no wonder he and Steve get along so well." he muttered with a smirk. "did you know that Steve is punking us?" he asked, a smirk on his lips. "i caught him on the internet, playing Facebook games like a pro. he doesn't even know i saw him the little shit. he knows very well how to use that phone." he admitted, smiling at her. "he wanted us to know he had set us up on a date." he admitted. "i'm glad he did." he admitted. "i'll do one better. i'll buy him matching shirts for him and Steve." he decided with a chuckle. "i'll be in my lab." he warned her. "if you need my, just tell Jarvis. i'm a bit behind on some of my work." he admitted with a wrinkle of his nose. "just wasn't in the mood to work." he admitted.

Steve snickered. "yes, you're all Snark and no bite." he teased with a chuckle. "Buck, i make enough food, and eat enough food to feed a small army. the person who needs to eat more is you... and Elena." well at least Bucky wasn't the only one fussing over the pregnant woman. "well, considering i actually have to cook for gods." he pointed out with a playful grin before he looked over at Tony. "hey. come on in." he agreed, waving the man in and offering him a waffle. "eat." he ordered Tony before he chuckled. "we did warn you James, that Tony would hate the inferior technology in the Tower." he pointed out. "it's like having a bubble gun in the midst of rare and amazing old age weapons." he stated with a grin. "principle of the thing. Tony your not going anywhere with him until you've both finished." he ordered. he was such a mother hen.
“I know. I figured it out about half way through them not knowing how to work a phone. Barnes knows perfectly well how to use one. And I know for a fact he fucks around with Starktech when he’s bored, and russia’s boring alot. A phone really shouldn’t have puzzled them that long. I was just going to let them keep ‘punking’ us and see how long it takes Stark to realize it.”She snickered, having not said anything because the two super soldiers seemed to having such fun playing pranks on them, and it was such a harmless thing really. “...Make it one of those ‘my boyfriend/girlfriend’ matching set shirts, and it’ll be perfect.”she said laughing. “I will. Well, I’m sure you can get some work done. I’ll see you later.”she said looking amused.

“I eat fine. Stop fussing...well, fussing over me. Fuss over Erin all you want. She wont hit you like she hits me.”Bucky snickered a little, amused that steve was getting in on the mother hen thing early, and pouncing on erin like she was one of his lost ducklings. “I’ve already ea-oh waffles.”Tony said momentarily distracted by Roger’s admittedly amazing waffles. Starting to eat. “Yea, but I thought you were kidding. I really hadn’t thought he’d be that obsessive about it.”James said looking amused before snickering as tony huffed. “My ‘weapons’ are not old age!They’re like super advanced and awesome. And your arm is going to be great. I already have it made, sort of, but I need your help finishing it and its going to be great.”Tony said reining in the tech babble he wanted to go on, amused as both men bolted down their food in utter eagerness. Now that he was more comfortable with the people in the tower, Bucky wasn’t adverse to seeing exactly what tony would do to his arm if given the chance. “Don’t you have someone else to fuss over?”James asked looking up at steve as he finished eating, resisting the urge to run off and check on Erin, knowing she was probably sleeping, simply heading for the lab with steve and tony, smirking a little as tony started babbling about tech for the arm, slanting a glance at steve. “Is he always like this?”
Bruce snorted. "yeah, they probobly didn't think of that. that you'd know James was bluffing i mean." he admitted "or James knew and didn't care." he admitted with a grin. "it might take Tony a while, though i think Natasha suspects." he admitted. "it anyone figures it out, it will probobly be Clint." he admitted with a snicker. "yes i like that." here he paused. 'but do i give the girl shirt to Bucky or to Steve?" he asked, his eyes dancing with mirth. "maybe i should just get them matching girlfriend shirts so neither of them feels left out. and i'm not sure i will. still not much in the mood." he admitted with a chuckle.

"i won't stop fussing. it's my sworn duty as your best freind to fuss." Steve stated simply. "so there." he flashed Tony a smug little smirk,he clearly thought Tony didn't eat enough. well at least Bucky, Elena, Bruce and Coulson weren't the only ones. "Tony is always obsessive, especially with inferior tech in play." he admitted with a chuckle as he bolted down his own food. he was starving. "nope. Erin's sleeping and Natasha hits me when i try to fuss over her." he admitted with a grin. "Bruce tends to get frustrated me and i still hate Loki." which was a lie. "so that leaves you and Tony. make sure to drink your milk." he ordered, draining his own glass before he followed the billionaire. "usually. yes. don't worry, you won't understand him anyway, just ignore him." he assured the other. "he's just excited, probobly his best work yet you know. don't be surprised if it's weaponized."
“James probably didn’t care, since he would know I wouldn’t tell on him. He probably bet I’d find it as amusing as he did, that Steve Rogers isn’t the innocent he pretends to be, and really is a sassy bastard.”Erin snickered before smirking. “hm, get them both one. That’d be entertaining to watch them try to figure that one out.”

“You are such a mother hen.”Bucky snickered rolling his eyes a little, before making a face. “Well, that explains why he doesn’t eat enough. To much inferior tech to fix.”Bucky smiled a little amused as he drank down his milk, knowing better then to protest drinking it. He’d been force fed milk to long, he didn’t want to consider watching steve try to do it now. “You are so bossy, Rogers. I don’t follow your orders in a fight, what makes you think I’ll do it now?”Tony said rolling his eyes a little even though he did drink down his own milk as they left. “ah, okay. Well that makes it a little easier to listen to.”Bucky snickered a little as he listened to tony talk, settling on his stool in the lab, smiling at bruce. “Morning.”He said smilign a little as he tugged off his shirt, letting tony inspect the arm joint, watching steve, looking a little anxious at letting tony touch him, but he wanted to know what tony woudl do. “You know, I don’t know if I should be worried and excited that it might be weaponized.”he snickered before focusing on what he was hearing. “Wait-what?” “This. This is horrible. You have no feeling do you?” “Not alot really.” “I can totally fix that. Totally going to hook it up for touch. Bruce, I’ll need your input on this, since your the doctor here. But I think if we wire it to his nervous system, he could have feeling.”Tony said babbling and craning his neck to look at the other scientist, looking pleased with the idea even as he pulled up the hologram of what he’d already been working on, showing off, and not noticing the slightly panicked pinch to james’ features. To lost in the world of tech, to deal with humans, even if he was working on a human and a friend, like always, he was a little stupid with humans, even friends.
Steve shrugged. "i've always been a mother hen. maternal instincts." he scoffed, not about to admit that it was completely true. he desired nothing else than to protect the people he loved, the weak, the helpless. Elena was all three. oh, he knew she could defend herself logically, but in his heart she was a woman, pregnant, and one of his very close freinds. it was making him a little stir crazy. "no, Tony doesn't eat enough because he gets too focused and looses track of time... dates... days of the week... what month it is." Steve teased Tony. "and you'll do it or i'll thump you!" he warned with an innocent genial smile which was rather creepy when he spoke in that tone of voice. "good morning." Bruce stated, looking amused as he moved over to Tony examining the arm from a distance. "it really is an impressive technology, for Hydra in any case." Bruce admitted as he examined the arm. "Tony, your getting ahead of yourself." Bruce scolded. "and you're freaking James out. slow down." he ordered before he smiled at James. "sorry. he's not feeling well today. he gets like this sometimes." he admitted. "don't worry, i won't let him go overboard and Steve will smack Tony if he gets to be too much for you." he promised. "may i see? i might have to remove the base port and place a new one if this one isn't of the appropriate quality." he warned as he waited for permission before examining where the arm met flesh, careful to touch as little as possible. "...those filthy idiots! they didn't use a Base Port! they just attached the whole arm to the flesh!" he complained, scowling. "i'm sorry... this is going to hurt." he warned. "we have to attach a base plate. so that the new arm can be attached to you, and taken off safely. it won't hurt too badly, you won't even need to be sedated, but it will involve knives and needles if you can handle that."
"Oh good. It won't just be me who gets yelled at.erin's going to yell at you if you fuss to much."james smirked knowing exactly what steve was thinking. "I know what day of the week it is.its Sunday." "Thursday."james snickered correcting the sulking billionaire."shut up.and I'm drinking my have no idea how creepy it is hearing you talk in your captain voice when you sound innocent."tony whined finishing his milk."yea it is fairly impressive I think...nothing like the suit."bucky muttered as he looked around the lab,ctually interested now that he was seeing the iron man suit close up."im-james?"tony paused looking slightly worried,eyebrows pulled together, "you okay?" " was a long night...and last time I did this I...I was going back on ice.its awkward doing this.but I'm okay.really."bucky muttered his features tight,feeling weird trusting them to talk before looking up at bruce, shifting to let the doctor look at his arm."go ahead."he said lettinf bruce inspect it before frowning in confusion,not understanding why he was mad."what?they did what?"tony sputtered before cursing quietly but heartfelt as he realized why the kin looked red and raw in spots." that why it gets like that?" " should never be that bad. "Tony sighed trying to calm so he wasn't freaking out bucky anymore thrn he already was. Bucky swallowed hard looking at them, "are-are you sure?I don't do well under sedatives...I won't have to go under?I'm fine with knives and needles,its sedatives that fuck with me." "'ll hurt Some,but we don't have to."tony said keeping his voice soft and wuiet,looking worried about the man now that he'd besn made aware that he was upset. "James?"erin said as she walked in,looking sleepy and mussed,obviously having come just from bed withour even pausing to dress,the captain america pj's clinging to her. She'd asked jarvis to wake her up if it seemed he was freaking out. "Erin."bucky frowned at her, his panic shifting,like erin had thought it would if she appeared, into protectiveness."go back to bed." "No. Whats up?"she said looking at the others.
Steve shook his head. "i can't help it unfortunately. the Serum hyper sensitized my need to care for and protect people. Erin is triggering every single sense of 'need to do' i have." he admitted with a grimace. "and i know it's creepy, that's why i do it." he admitted with a snort before he smiled. "Tony won't share his suit with anyone. there's too much risk of it ending in the wrong hands and he's been stung more than once by trusting the wrong person." he admitted. "he'll be alright, just back up a little." Steve ordered, Bruce nodding before he scoffed. "Tony, it shouldn't do that at All. i can't imagine how painful this must get. it's basically just an overly mechanized prosthesis. it's too heavy to be worn comfortably like that and it's started rubbing right to the bone in some places, but i can regrow that." he promised. "it shouldn't take but a scant minute." he promised. "don't worry. you won't have to sleep." he promised, patting Bucky's shoulder. "for now, let's get this piece of crap off you." he decided, very carefully removing the overgrown prosthetic. "do you want to keep it?" he asked, examining the arm. "this is a rare metal. i could re-use this." Bruce admitted, examining the arm more closely now that it wasn't attached before he looked up at Erin. "it's alright Erin, Tony freaked him out a little." he admitted. "you won't want to watch this. there's going to be a lot of blood, and bone too." he admitted. "James? can you move into that reclined chair?" he asked, indicating the chair which would give them an easier angle to work with. he headed over to the stairwell that attached his and Tony's labs and came back down with what looked like a briefcase, only it was white and had a big red cross on it. "we'll take care of the damage already done first." he promised as he loaded a needle and syringe with some sort of blue syrup. "and don't worry. this HAS been tested." he promised. "all it does is hyper activate...." and he went into a speel about blood cells and skin cells and regeneration as he gently slipped the needle under the skin and let the others watch as the red rubbed areas, as well as the bruising and swelling vanished before their very eyes. well, no wonder the various governments wanted to control Bruce. "excellent. hows that feel?"
“I know, I can’t help it either. Just warning we’re going to be yelled know the worse thing?It’s going to get worse the bigger she gets.”Bucky pointed out, knowing the more defenseless Erin got, the more manic they were going to be in needing to protect them. “Though Barnes’ new arm is going to be nearly as good as the iron man’s arm. Its not exactly the same, since it’s going to always be attatched, but close.”Tony said smiling a little before wincing. So used to the slightly irritated skin around the arc reactor, he hadn’t considered that it wasn’t normal, though he hadn’t realized it was that bad. Which brought up a question of how the hell James had just ignored it. Had it simply been that it’d been like that so long that he didn’t remember it not being like that? “Good.”Bucky said relaxing at the idea he didn’t have to be put under for it, sighing softly as he relaxed, watching the doctor take it, before frowning, “No...but...Tony might consider remaking the new arm out of it. It’s vibrinium, like Steve’s shield.”Bucky said biting his lip a little, while he didn’t want it, he also wasn’t ready to get rid of it either. “Hmmm, might be a good stuff to make it out of...”Tony said looking thoughtful. “So I heard.”Erin said looking worried before groaning, making a face, but glad Bucky was finally getting someone to look at it. Because she’d tried to get him to the doctor’s to look at the joint, but he hadn’t trusted anyone enough to let them look at his arm, no matter how much it irritated him sometimes. “I’ll go wait outside then.”She shuddered before walking back out. “Yea.”James muttered looking at the chair nervously as he climbed into the chair, twisting his head to watch Steve as Bruce worked, before frowning as it healed, turning his head. “I feel...its different. Less achy..”Bucky said looking thoughtful. “You know, it’s kinda worrying to have him like this.”Tony said smirking a little. “What?Why?”Erin asked as she walked in again once she realized the blood and bone was done. “Well, he’s already a legend, when it was hurting him. How much better is he going to get when his arms not killing him with every shot?”
he groaned and paused to smack his forehead a few times with his fist. "i think i might take a vacation... Jamaica's nice this time of year. wanna come with?" he offered, shaking his head before he smiled at Tony. "Tony, you forgot, you built in that new release mechanism remember? he'll be able to attack and remove the arm at will." he stated. "weren't you going on just last week about having a multitude of arms for various purposes?" he pointed out, looking amused. "not that the arm you already built can't do everything a flesh and Bone arm can." he admitted. Tony had designed the entire mechanical process from Base Port, Attachment rods and the arms themselves for medical purposes. he stopped making them as soon as the military tried to weaponize them, the bastards. it was Bruce who had found the way, medically, to make them realistic and able to be attached with minimal pain and suffering. "the entire arm Tony made for you, from base-port to fingertips is already made in Vibranium." Bruce pointed out. "there's other stuff in it too of course, but it's mostly Vibranium. Tony has the largest collection of Vibranium in the world. there was a huge mineral deposit found in the late 1980's that he managed to buy most of." he admitted with a grin.

"good. it shouldn't ache at all though." Bruce admitted, frowning as he picked up a scanner and ran it over Bucky's arm. "ah. Scar tissue, causing arthritis. i can fix that." he promised with a smile as he pulled out a bottle of green liquid so smooth it looked like lubricant. that was carefully injected into each bundle of scar tissue and soon most of the ache vanished completely. "there. hows that? you'll still have a bit of an ache for a few more days, but you'll have that anyway considering i'm going to be drilling into your arm." he admitted, pulling out an electric drill which he was wiping down with alcohol wipes, as well as a tiny drill bit the witch of a needle but several inches long. "well, he's on our side now." Bruce stated simply as he meticulously wiped down the drill bit, getting every tiny crease. "Tony, Elena. You're going to want to leave now." he warned. "i'm going to actually be drilling into his bone, there'll be a lot of stuff you just aren't going to want to see." Steve had even gone green, but he wouldn't leave, no way. Bruce was wiping down the new mechanical port that would attach to Bucky's shoulder and pectoral, it would connect to the muscles, and some of the nerves, giving the arm perfect range of motion. Bucky's muscles moved, so would the arm.

(if you've ever seen Full Metal Alchemist, that's what i imagine the port will look like ^^)
“"Fefinitely sounding good right now."bucky snickered becauase he knew that they would never abandon their tem,much less erin for a vacation unless they were coming to."I was but most of that was just sleep deprivation insanity you know. I relly don't think I can buils a rifle and have it be okay to it."tony snickered a little. "Jut the arm,tony. I don't want anything over the top.just regular."bucky said knowing he was asking lot,but he had a love hate relationship wih the arm,so wasn't ready to have more then he already did,neeing time to adjust to more. Tilting his head he laughed."in tht case doctor,feel free to tke the old thing.I'll keep the new one."bucky smiled.

"That's not so bad. Better then it even been really."bucky said looking vaguely sick himself as he watched bruce work,swallowing hrd."I can-" " stark,get her out of here."bucky growled not truting himself to have her around,needing the nearly indestructible two just in case he lost control,needing the brekable humans away from him. "We'll be bak later."ony reasured as he grabbed erin and dragged her out,locking down the lab o they couldn't even see into it,feeling sick himself.bucky leaned his head back against the headrest as bruce worked, panting ever so slightly,but fairly in control otherwise."cap.tell me something. Nything. I don't remember a lot from befor the war,but I can remember it if I hear part of the atory.tell me something."he demanded, needing distracted from the rill, holding onto his slippery control, and while he made it sound like he didn't remembr anything,he remembered a lot,he jut wanted steve to tell him a story and hear steve talking.
Steve chuckled a little. "Tony your always sleep deprived." he pointed out. "and no weapons. Bucky's deadly enough as it is, we don't want the enemies to get TOO scared." he pointed out. he was well aware that Bucky wouldn't like the idea of having an always weapon on hand when he was... broken, the way he was. "good choice, Tony's technology is amazing, your new arm is strong enough to crush a stone, but gentle enough to stroke a butterfly.... it took me a while to understand why Tony needed butterfly's. poor things, took him a while to configure the arm right." he admitted with a snicker before he pulled a face. "and then the Army started using the technology as weapons and Tony stopped. filthy bastards." Bruce muttered. "they always ruin everything." he admitted with a shake of his head.

Bruce smiled. "i know this is highly disconcerting, but you won't feel anything more than a bit of an ache." he promised as he loaded another needle and slipped it into each muscle. soon Bucky's, uh, stump, was perfectly numb. "it's alright Erin, i have him." Steve promised. " you really have to use... uh, a drill?" "i have to anchor the plate into the bones. i'm actually going to be attaching the muscles and nerves. while Tony could get you the sensation of touch, it would take extensive surgery and James probobly isn't ready to be anesthetized for something like that." Bruce admitted as he pulled on gloves, wiped everything down again and then carefully opened up Bucky's stump and started to work. Steve blinked at Bucky before he started to tell stories about everything he could think of. from his 'tales of Bucky Barnes', unaware that Bruce knew who James was, to the stories of the Avengers. it took three hours, and the drill was last. carefully drilling well over fifty tiny holes into Bucky, each bolted into place. another shot of the blue syrup and the furious ache slowly eased off. "it will be tender for a while, but you're done for now." Bruce promised, examining the port. "lift both your arms, i want to make sure everything was connected properly." he admitted. anytime Bucky moved the arm that wasn't there, the port clicked, twitched, whirred or moved, which was how the arm would move. Tony was a fucking genius, he really was.
“Am not.”Tony sulked a little even if he knew it was true, snickering a little. Looking between the two, he knew there was another reason to not give him weapons, but was willing to not make James say it. “Wahtever. I have it worked well and the balance is good. Weapons would mess things up.”Tony grumbled. “....Why...why was he using butterflies?” “Wanted to test it out on something that’d fly away. Besides, it takes very little to break butterflies wings. I needed to test just how gentle the arm was.”Tony explained rolling his eyes a little. “They do.”Tony agreed.

Bucky sighed taking a hissing deep breath between his teeth as he tilted his head back to watch Steve, snickering a little. “You’re looking a little green, punk.”he muttered before sighing. “It’s not the drill that’s bothering me. It’s this damned chair and lab....Last time I was in something like this, was in the cryogenics lab.”Bucky shuddered a little as he let Bruce work, explaining more then he would have in the past, wanting bruce to know it wasn’t distrust that made him antsy, but the simple memories. Smirking as he listened to Steve, he sighed as the ache eased, blinking slowly, having nearly fallen asleep under the high whine of the drill and steve’s voice lulling him into peace. A prove that he would trust them more then he’d ever trust himself. “You sure?Nothing else for now?”He asked even as he lifted his arms slowly, wincing. It was tender, but even tender it was leaps and bounds better then what it had felt like with the hydra arm on. Lifting his arms he grinned listening to the port, wrinkling his nose as he considered that. “Do we have to tell Stark he’s a fucking genius?” “No, cause I already know it.”Tony said over the intercom, having made Erin go back to bed and settled down on the couch in the hall to wait, having promised to wait and to tell her as soon as they were done.
Steve smiled a little. "Tony is a perfectionist. and some of those arms where supposed to go to children, who would want to catch bug and animals without crushing them." Steve pointed out. "so Tony got butterflies to test how soft he could make the touch." he admitted with a smile. "you have the full range of strength, though it will take you some time to get used to it, i suggest not shaking anyone's hand with that arm for a while." Bruce warned, looking amused. "of course i'm green. i was never very good with surgery situations." he admitted, shaking his head. "we can move to a different chair." Bruce assured Bucky before he grinned. "Jarvis? music please, something noisy and unmedicinal." ACDC began to play, which would hopefully help with the feeling of being in a lab. who plays rock music while in a lab? thankfully, Bruce had a LOT of practice drowning that sort of thing out. "nothing else for now. you'll need a few days of rest on that arm, it's going to be very tender after all, but you can attach the arm as soon as you want." he promised before smirking at Tony's voice. "the blood is done. you can come back in and help Bucky with his arm now." Bruce promised Tony as he started cleaning up all the blood and his tools. "You did good James." Steve agreed with a smile as he gently patted the shoulder that wasn't now covered in metal, wary if hurting the other. "amazing..." he admitted, examining the port. "it looks so much more comfortable now."
“Not to mention you’re going to eventually have sex. I mean, not just you, other people who were supposed to get it. Sex would be totally ruined by crushing your partners limb or something.”Tony smirked. “I wont. Might try sparring with the super soldier though. I mean, if I hurt Stevie, he’ll heal it within a few minutes.”Bucky said making a face, wincing at the idea of hurting steve, but hurting steve was a better test of his new arm then hurting say, erin, or tony. “....Metal?Really?” “Hey there’s nothing wrong with ACDC.”Tony said rolling his eyes as he played on his tablet. “Thanks bruce.”bucky smiled slightly tilting his head, “He doesn’t like blood?”He said sounding amused. “UH, I’ve got a arc reactor the size of my fist in my chest, blood and bone make me a little squeamish.”Tony grumbled as he walked into the lab, smirking a little as he went about getting the new arm ready. “Thanks.”James smiled quietly, blushing ever so slightly as he looked up at steve. “It is. Its still sorta weird feeling, I mean, since it doesnt hurt but its better.”He said tilting his head as Tony approached, rolling his eyes at the subtle colors to it, a deep metallic blue and silver. “Surprised it’s not red and gold.” “If you’re really going to go for avengers colors, you should get spangled, James.”Tony rolled his eyes a little as he gently fitted it in, smirking. “Try it out.”he said grinning widely, looking utterly pleased as teh arm behaved as well as his real one.
Steve colored at the mention of sex, turning that cute bashful red color he always did when fornication was mentioned. even when he was alone with Bucky he still went red at the mention of Sex. mostly because it was very, very hard not to picture his best freind in those moments. "i doubt you could honestly hurt me." Steve admitted. "i've been shot straight through and was still up the next morning, completely fine." he admitted. "what's metal? the arm? i thought Vibranium was an alloy?" Steve hadn't gotten to heavy metal yet. or metal at all. or anything beyond Jazz and a bit of country soul music. "Tony isn't a trained soldier. he's basically a civilian." Steve admitted. "so no, he doesn't like blood." he admitted with a small chuckle and a shake of his head. "....don't mind the colors." Bruce commented. "you can paint it later if you don't like it." he promised with a snicker. "very nice." Steve muttered, picking up a metal sphere and handing it to Bucky, letting him test his strength.
Bucky smirked looking at the other, looking amused that even the mention of sex could get steve blushing. Not realizing it was because he was involved with that mental image that steve was having issues with. “I know. I was there a few of those times you know.”Bucky muttered not about to admit to the utter desperation and fear that had gripped him. The man had totally gone insane, his overprotective obsession kicking into overdrive, made worse that the few times it had happened, he’d been a mile away, playing sniper instead of getting in a fight with steve. It had driven him insane. “No. The music. You need to listen to more stuff, Cap.”Tony snickered amused “It’s fine. Colors are surprisingly...subtle for stark.” “Hey, hey no insulting me here, B-Boy wonder”Tony said the slight stuttering the only thing that showed he’d nearly called him ‘barnes’, “I can make your arm give Cap on a one fingered salute for the next decade if you annoy me enough.”Tony snickered, showing that he was just making fun of him. “You would not.”Bucky rolled his eyes taking the ball, holding it in his hand rolling it around, looking like he was nearly groping it cause well, he couldn’t help testing out the grip and feeling before squeezing, yelping a little as the metal bent in his hand, having been trying to do that, but he hadn’t thought it’d be that easy. “damn.Thanks tony.” “Welcome, figured I owed you one.” “How?” “Cause you didn’t kill my old man, when I know anyone who ever met him wanted to.”Tony wrinkled his nose, cause he had one of the world’s most complicated father-son relationships in existance.
Steve sulked as he realized Bucky was laughing at him and he shot the other a small scowl. "...that's right. i forgot." he admitted sheepishly. "i try not to think of... back then too much. it hurts." Steve admitted with a shake of his head. "Tony. music can't be Metal." he scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Metal is... tangible.. it's a thing! Music is sound waves, you can't touch music." he stated, shaking his head. "you need sleep more than i thought." Tony wouldn't see it, but Bucky would, that faint glitter in his eyes that told Bucky that Steve was fucking with Tony again. "Tony.. are you Drunk?" Steve asked when Tony stuttered. "i'm sure Loki would fix it if we asked him nicely." Steve promised Bucky with a smile before he snickered as Bucky yelped. "little girly there, are we?" he asked with a snicker before he shook his head. "i never wanted to Kill Howard." he admitted. "i wanted to pound him into a paste a few times, but i never wanted to kill him."
Bucky tilted his head a little, thinking that over. “I can understand that.”Bucky smiled, because he did. While he actually enjoyed thinking over the past, at least back to the war and steve, it was because he liked having memories that were his again, but he could understand not thinking about them. “Metal is a type of music!It’s hard and shaking and definitely like metal-metal, but in sound waves!” Tony explained totally missing the way Bucky was biting his lip to keep from laughing, grey eyes utterly filled with laughter instead of shadowed and pained after so many memories battering him, but this, oh this was something he remembered well and it made him so happy. Causing trouble with Steve, utterly being sassy without anyone knowing. “I am not drunk!I haven’t had anything in days.”Tony sputtered looking annoyed with that. “...I’ll show you girly, punk.”Bucky grumbled rolling his eyes at Steve, before smirking at Tony. “He might not have, I did. On occassion. Usually when he was getting handsy.”Bucky said, totally leaving off that it hadn’t been the dames he’d cared Howard got handsy with, but steve. Slanting a glance at Steve he sighed quietly, knowing they needed to talk, but not wanting to. Not when he was going to break his best friend with the news of shield and hydra, not with the news of bucky’s last assignment. It would kill him to have Steve think badly of him. “Come on. Let’s go up to the gym, put the new arm through a workout.”Bucky said easing off the stool, wanting a perfectly good excuse to be up close and personal with Steve, a totally innocent reason to press against his best friend, and give more fuel to every wet dream he’d ever had. Even if he’d been a man-whore, countless times it’d been steve’s face in his mind, imagining what he’d look like when he came, that pushed bucky over the edge.
Steve nodded as he glanced at Bucky, as if checking to see if it really was alright. Steve's life hadn't been the best. always getting beat up, changing into some national icon and a pretty face. the only good thing from the past had been Bucky, and then Bucky had died. no, Steve didn't like to think about those days too much. "...high then?" Steve asked curiously when Tony denied being drunk. "because, dude. you're not making sense." and then he brightened at Bruce. "i used modern slang! isn't that spiffy?" Bruce had to leave the room to laugh for a while. "you are girly. you'd look cute in a dress." Steve teased, because Bucky had often said the same thing to him. Steve would never admit that he'd used to steal ladies underwear off of clotheslines and wear them when no one was watching.

"well. i did punch him once." Steve admitted. "i forget why, i think he was making fun of me for being a Virgin and offering to find me a Dame to help with that.." Steve admitted, his head tilted. "yeah, i'm pretty sure that was it." he admitted with a nod before he smiled as he glanced at Bucky. "is it okay? your arm is still..." "it's fine. he won't hurt it or himself." Bruce assured them both. "it's just that he has a big bruise there at the moment, or that's what it will feel like." Bruce admitted waving them off. Steve nodded, sure now that it would be fine and he rolled is shoulders and his neck, loosening up as he walked. "come on Girly One." Steve teased. "let's see if i can still kick your ass."
The other smiled a little to reassure him that he really was okay with steve not wanting to think about it,nearly laughing outloud at the utter annoyance on tony's face."I am not high!loki thretaened to withhold sex if I did. And I make perfectly gokd sense grandpa." "Hey. No making fun of us old people. We look better then you." "Do not!" Bucky snickered rolling his eyes before making a face at steve."I think you're getting me confused with'd look good in a dress."bucky made a face at him.

"Well,you should be made fun of. I mean,you're still in that terminal condition of being a virgin.its a crime really."tony teased though it wasn't the cruel way of. Howard,but the light bantering between friends. Tony might not see a lot of difference between him and his dad,but there was a lot.bucky shrugged a littld."its going to hurt for awhile no matter what I do.I might as well kick your ass."bucky snickered as they headed for the gym stretching as he walked,loosening up."never. You could never kick my ass,punk."
Steve smiled at him a little, thankful that Bucky really was alright with it. "really? that doesn't sound right." Steve admitted, frowning. "Can Loki really go that long without... you know... fornicating?" he asked, blushing bright red. Loki could, he wouldn't like it, but he'd do it. and had actually. then punished Tony all over again for making him abstain from sex. "i'm bigger and more manly than you are now." Steve scoffed. "i'm not about to crawl into a dress." he scoffed. "and it is not a crime to wait for the right person!" Steve protested. "we can't all be well practiced like you, Loki and James, and Clint, Bruce, Natasha, Coulson....." he paused and then. "somehow i don't think I've made my point..." Steve admitted with a frown.

he resorted to his usual retort. "Shut up Tony." Tony won that round, then again, he usually did. "you can't kick my ass Buck." Steve stated with a roll of his eyes. he couldn't help but wonder if this was a bad idea? Bruce had warned him that Bucky's last mission had been to kill him. if he reverted... no, Bucky would never honestly try to kill him. besides, it's not as if Steve was helpless. it would be fine. they would be fine. Steve shook his head as he wrapped his knuckles. Bruce insisted, apparently he was tired of fixing broken fingers and bloody knuckles.
“he can. But he’s bitchy about it, then punishes me for having to go without. And Cap, you’re about as red as my suit. You okay?” “He is. He’s always blushed this much. Sorta makes me want him to have sex, just to see if he’d blush the whole time.”Bucky chirped, even though he shuddered a little at the idea of that before raising a eyebrow, staring at steve. Laughing as he realized steve won simply by telling tony to shut up. “Fine, fine. I’ll be silent for now.”Tony snickered looking amused.

“I so can. You are not more manly then me, and you’d still look amazing in a dress. And high heels....”Bucky trailed off a little thinking about that as he wrapped his own knuckles. “I feel like we’re watching the beginnings of foreplay.”Tony muttered to loki as the godling walked in, settling in on a bench to watch the two men starting to circle into a spar, the two looking eager and pleased, and bucky, for once, his features relaxed and happy, not worried about hurting steve. Despite the order to kill, he wasn’t worried. Trusting steve to stop him, and trusting himself just a bit to not try.
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