The Key to Going Green(Avengers)Lady/Moon

“Ah, must be a super soldier thing then. I really don’t sleep for real either anymore. I mean, if I go awhile without sleeping I crash,but if I’m good I can just doze to.”Bucky said looking thoughtful before frowning, wiping the crumbs away when he realized what steve was looking at. “It’s not breakfast.It’s after midnight snack.I’ll eat something later.”He said snickering a little before smirking, “Maybe between the two of us we can pummel it into submission?”Bucky snickered a little, amused Steve was trying so hard simply to watch tony be upset over it.

“Uh-huh. You know that’s a lie.Anyone willing to poke you with a prod, isn’t going to worry about hitting you.”She pointed out with a snicker before nodding as she shuffled to her feet. “OKay. I will.”She muttered which is why in the morning a slightly pale, shaken erin walked into the lab.”Bruce?”she said gently, not wanting to surprise him to badly by sneaking up on him, not looking as well put together as normal, considering it was just after breakfast, it was obvious she’d probably been throwing up her breakfast before coming down.
he nodded. "i sleep heavy about once a week." he admitted. "usually for about five to six hours unless i was in battle, i tend to sleep good after those." he admitted as he grinned at Bucky. "sure, sure. except it's morning." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "i'll make pancakes." he agreed, smirking as he examined the punching bag. "maybe. it's gone up against the Hulk from what i understand and it survived." he admitted. "we'll just have to try." he decided. but by the end of the workout, the bag didn't look any different.

Bruce snorted. "it was electrical too." he admitted. "hurts like a bitch when he does that but i'd rather he do that than something more annoying." he admitted as he shook his head and headed for bed. in the morning he walked out to greet her, looking slightly sleepy. "Jarvis woke me up when you started puking. come lay down on the examination table." he ordered, patting said table as he started washing his hands and strapping a face mask onto his face. standard procedure, if she had the flue he didn't want to catch it. Hulk was pissy when they where sick. it was weird, he could still get colds, the Flu, even Shingles. but he couldn't catch more serious things like Aids or malaria. even food poisoning passed him by. it only took him a few minutes to realize what was going on. "when was the last time you had sexual relations with someone?"
"No.iys after midnight,not morning yet."bucky said stubbornly before smiling."pancakes sound still make them as well as you used to?the others found it amazing I could cook last night."he said snickering a little.bucky made a face at the punching bag."iys going down."he muttered cursing and swearing by the end of the workout,glaring at the bag as he wiped the sweat out of his face" stark might,migh", have made the perfect punching bag."he grumbled.

"You know if I had the energy to care,I'd be a little weitded out jarvis was listening to me puke my brains out."erin smiled a little as she climbed onto the exam table looking thoughtful as he put on the mask,tilting her head."I know...the other guy keeps you from bring killed.but can you still get sick?"she asked curious.before paling at his question,eyes going wide."uh...nearly two monthz ago.."she said praying,hoping he was wrong.
Steve chuckled a little. "i make them better." he admitted with a chuckle. "they find it amazing because most of them can't cook. typically, they go out to eat." he admitted. "Bruce can make omelet's i suppose, but never ever let Tony cook ever. or Loki. his meals tend to be burnt or raw or still alive." he admitted, shaking his head before he laughed at Bucky. "yeah. apparently." he agreed, swiping the sweat off of his face. "come on, let's go take a shower and then i'll make some breakfast."

Bruce smiled. "i asked him to monitor your health." he admitted as he watched her. "life threatening diseases no." he admitted. "but i can still get things like Crabs, the Flue, colds, even minor cases of food poisoning." he admitted. "i can even have allergic reactions and get a bad case of the hives. poison ivy still affects me too, annoyingly enough." he admitted before he studied her and nodded. "i thought so. lay still and lift up your shirt please." he ordered, picking up a small, but most advanced ultrasound he had in the lab and gently settled it onto her belly, letting her see the picture. "it's a baby." he admitted, letting her see the tiny fetus.
"Sounds good."bucky muttered swallowing compulsively trying to rid himself of thr vision of steve under the water. Stumbling slightly he headed for the shower room,knowing it was a bad idea to shower in the locker room,but he would. Sighi.g as the water flipped on as they walked in,he nearly moaned in pleasure as the perfectly temperatured water hit his shoulders."is there anything tony doesn't do well?his tower is a work of genius."buvky grumbled when he heard thr blond coming in.

"Huh.I wonder why...I mean,I can understanf not catching the bad diseases that might kill you,but otherwise getting sick is odd....I wonder if steve does."she frowned thinking outloud, knowing bucky still got sick sometimes,nd wondering if all the serums still had that part still there,that the carrier's could still get sick.pulling up her shirt her eyes went wide shaking her head as she shoved his hands away, looking anxious and panicky."'m not pregnant."she said sounding just on edge as she lookrd as she tried to get up,sinking to the floor when her legs wouldn't handle it. It was bad enough her and steve were holes through bucky's shields, but they could protect themselves. A baby would be defenseless.
Steve chuckled a little. "it's Tony. of course he has the most amazing house ever." he admitted as he stepped under the spray and started to scrub himself with the same efficiency he had in the military. only once he was clean did he luxuriate in the hot water for a few minutes before stepping out. "i'll see you in a bit." Steve promised as he headed off to make breakfast.

Bruce smiled. "from what i understand, the smaller viruses are just that, too small for the Serum to bother with." he admitted. "it's like a secondary immune system. if it's slipped by the body's natural defenses, then it does something, but the cold and flue, the symptoms you get are actually results from the immune system battling the disease." he admitted. "Steve can indeed get sick, and boy is he pissy when he has a cold." he admitted. "it's actually good for the body to get sick once and a while." he admitted with a shake of his head. "so that's probobly why." he admitted before he gently set his hands on her shoulders. "easy now. please, calm down." he ordered gently. "remember now. you're not alone, everyone in the Tower likes you a great deal. we'll help you in any way we can, even if we all have to learn how to change diapers." he promised with a small smile.
Bucky huffed watching the other man go, groaning quietly as he rested his head against the tile. “Fucking hell.”he grumbled as he looked down at his body, feeling betrayed to see his dick standing at attention at the idea of being in the same shower with steve, even if it hadn’t been ‘together’ together. Grumbling as he finished washing his hair he sighed as he got out. Smirking a little as he headed out to see what kind of food Steve had made, smiling slightly. “Pancakes smell amazing, punk. Better then what we used to be able to make.”he snickered as he settled at the table, for all the world looking like they’d just stepped into their old apartment, instead of modern day new york.

“Ah, that makes sense.”Erin smiled a little before laughing. “Well, I’m sure he is. He’s not used to getting sick.”She snickered a little before startling as he touched her shoulders, looking up at him, panic lessening a little as he met his eyes. “...That’s’s...”She stopped when she realized she wasn’t going to be able to get her thoughts together enough to have a actual conversation, her thoughts splittered in face of trying to figure out how to tell bucky he was going to be a father.
Steve snorted as he looked up at Bucky, a smear of flower down the left side of his jaw. "yeah whatever brat." Steve scoffed as he whipped up the last few pancakes, hundreds of the things. some with strawberries, some with blueberries, some with bananas, some with raspberries and blackberries. he had made a ton or more of bacon and sausage and a massive mound of eggs, each done differently to Avenger specifics. like Clint, who only ate eggs when they where scrambled, compared to Loki who wanted his fried, but with the yolk still uncooked and runny. toast was halfway done, and being buttered by a tiny robot who was so excited at having a job it was practically vibrating. he was even flipping some vegetables to go on Bruce's plate with rice and chopped eggs. "should have opened a restaurant, eh?" Steve asked, grinning at Bucky.

"he was sick his whole life before the serum." Bruce pointed out. "he's only been a super soldier for about four years, He's very used to being sick. that's why he hates it so much." Bruce admitted. "easy now." Bruce ordered gently. "it's going to be alright, i promise. i'll do everything i can to help you, alright?" he promised. "just take a moment to calm down now." he ordered gently. "do you want me to get Clint?" Clint was closest to her after all, Bruce was sure he'd know best how to help her.
Bucky swallowed hard as he watched Steve, resisting the urge to get up and run his tongue along that trail of flour on his jaw, it just looked so appetizing even if he knew it wouldn’t be, splattered over that chiseled jaw. Smirking a little as he looked at the food. “I think you have enough to have fed even the howling commandos, and that’s saying something.”he snickered looking at the tiny robot, “This is kinda cute, in a odd sort of way.”he teased before nodding. “You definitely should. Hung up the Captain suit, you can just wear a apron.”He said his eyes going a little unfocused at the image of steve in nothing but a apron.

“O-okay. I’m okay.”She muttered calming slightly, the doctor’s constant calm starting to sooth her even as she rested her face in her hands, nodding, “Please.”She said quietly, wanting clint, needing the other agent and one of her best friends, because clint would understand....well, no. Because he didn’t know who Bucky was, didn’t know that not only were they going to have to deal with the baby being the winter soldier’s, but there was bound to be complications with the serum. She could already see it now.... not to mention, she was going to screw everything up between steve and bucky, and that was the thought that made her start crying quietly. knowing she was ruining everything.
Steve grinned a little at the other. "considering how many people i have to feed with the appetites they have, i need to make a lot of food." he admitted. "Bruce has to eat upwards of... hold on... lets see, an active person in their adults needs about 2500 to 3000 calories a day. which is what Natasha and Clint eat. that means three very big meals for them. Tony eats a little less than that, but we're working on him and that's still about five pancakes. Bruce needs close to double what Clint needs, as do you and i, which means even more good. Loki needs about 8000 calories to handle the magic he does so that's even MORE food, and of course Thor, who isn't here, needs just as much as Loki does, if not more so, so that's even more. not to mention the randomness of Agent Hill and Coulson popping in from time to time for food..." he shrugged. "definitely need a lot of pancakes." he admitted with a chuckle. "i am wearing an apron." he stated with a chuckle.

he nodded and told Jarvis to get Clint who appeared not moments later. "hey. what's wrong?" he asked, hauling Erin up off the floor and into his lap, letting her sob into him instead of into her own hands, Bruce handing over a cup of hot cocoa from a machine that spit it out like a coffee machine that Tony had built. just add milk, the powdered flavoring, and the machine did the rest. worked with hot water and tea too, and regular coffee. Bruce was 'testing' it.
“...Bloody hell. I don’t even want to consider how much money you guys spend on food in a week.”Bucky said his eyes a little wide, because while he’d never really gone hungry, it had never been enough. Just enough food to keep from starving, it hadn’t been until he’d started breaking his training, started thinking on his own, that he started getting more food for himself. “You should wear ONLY the apron. I mean, if you cooked like that in a restaurant, I’m sure you’d sell alot.”Bucky snickered a little relaxing as he started to eat.

Clint sniffled a little as she cuddled into his chest, sipping the hot chocolate before frowning, realizing what it was. “...You have a machine that makes hot chocolate?”she muttered looking interested and focusing on anything but what she didn’t want to think about. Before starting to calm, relaxing as she rested her head on his shoulder, shuddering.”I’m pregnant.”she muttered quietly.
he chuckled. "yeah we spend a lot. but Tony's so damn rich we could spend three times this much every week and he still wouldn't put a dent on his profits." he admitted. "hell, building this entire tower from the ground up didn't even put a dent in his bank account." he admitted with a shake of his head. "we eat until we're full here. it's a strange sensation." he admitted. being that he'd grown up in the depression he'd never had enough to eat, in fact he'd often gone hungry. while he was in the war, he'd had enough to eat, but he'd never been full. " just want to see my birthmark." he complained with a huff. "besides. i make enough money just from the royalties on people selling and trading my images." he admitted with a snort.

Bruce smirked. "i do. it's like what you see in the convenience stores, only better and not disgusting. Tony had it in his lab but i... uh 'borrowed' it for 'testing'... i don't think he's noticed it's missing yet." Bruce admitted as he made himself a cup of tea, Clint snickering before he went tense and stared down at her, stunned. "oh.... you have sex?" he asked, stunned. "well... uh... i don't know anything about babies..." he admitted, looking a little bit freaked out. "when is it going to be here?" "another six to eight months." "oh good, i can look up stuff and buy books. and help you decorate a baby room like they do on TV."
“....I can’t even think think of how much money that is.”bucky stared, having no idea what to consider about being that rich. It was disturbing and odd. Especially considering when he’d grown up, it hadn’t been a oddity to go hungry. “Of course. It’s a great birthmark.”Bucky smirked before staring at the other. “...I didn’t believe Erin when she said they still sold your stuff. They do that?”He said sounding bemused and utterly like he was on the verge of laughing at steve.

“...That’s awesome. Stealing from tony stark, I think I approve.”She giggled a little before shrugging.”Tony probably wont notice until he goes to put a AI or something else ridiculous in it then he’ll wonder where his hot chocolate machine got to.”She gigled a little before resting her head on Clint’s shoulder, starting to laugh at his words. “I am 27 you know. I have had sex before.”She muttered before smiling. “That’s not why I wanted you down here. I can take care of a baby, I needed you down here, cause I needed...”She stopped, stuttering a little, trying to figure out how to tell bucky, how to make them understand without outting bucky as the world’s second super soldier. “...I had sex. In russia. With James.”She muttered quietly, sounding anxious and scared, not because she thought james would hurt her or the baby, but the idea of being a weakness for him, to ruining whatever chances he had of winning steve over, well...that scared her.
he nodded. "i know. it's a lot. like, really a lot." he admitted. "it's in like, the triple billions or something." he admitted. "they didn't sell my stuff. they 'donated' it to some museum, and the fuckers won't let me have it back." he admitted. "not that i care about most of it but i would like my bike and sketchbooks back at the very least, the greedy bastards." he complained with a shake of his head. "go ahead and laugh, i know you want to." he complained with a roll of his eyes.

"he chuckled a little. "yeah, no. coffee machines shouldn't have AI capabilities. it's just creepy." Bruce admitted with a shake of his head. "besides, he wasn't using it." he pointed out as Clint sulked. "my baby sister shouldn't be having sex! it's just wrong." he complained, shaking his head as he smiled at her. "....James?" he demanded, wide eyed before he sulked at her. "that's not fair! i wanted to be James Baby mama." he complained, offering her a smile. "it will be alright." he assured her. "we'll make it work even if i have to tie him down and beat him with a pudding pack." he promised with a smile. "he'll kill me after, but it would be worth it to see the look on his face." he admitted with a snicker as he stroked her hair and kissed her forehead.
“Tell tony to buy it back. I bet you didn’t think of that did you?Tell Tony to just get it. I’m sure he can get your stuff. The museum people can just go to hell.”Bucky growled a little, wanting nothing more then to go get steve’s stuff for him, wanting nothing more then to be steve’s hero and get him his stuff back, but he knew tony would probably have better luck. Starting to laugh at the other’s words.”I’m sorry, its just...that’s awesome.”he snickered.

“..It is, but would you be really surprised if he tried to give it a AI?”Erin pointed out before giggling a little at Clint’s words. “Does it help to know that it wasn’t just sex, it was amazing, awesome, screaming sex?”She teased amused because it distracted her from her worry listen to clint complain before nodding. “Yes, james. I haven’t left his side in nearly a year. Is it really surprising we fell into bed?”She muttered blushing, squirming a little because she knew she’d crossed all sort of professional lines, but bucky had managed to get under her skin, and not only make her want to take care of him, but made her want him to be happy. Which is why she’d brought him here. Raising her head she stared at him for a long moment. “...I could totally go for beating him up with a pudding pack. It’d be epic.”She said before swallowing hard, looking between them.”Come on. I’m hungry again...let’s see if I can keep something down.”she muttered moving to get up, knowing steve or bucky would have food ready for them if they ventured upstairs. Calm enough to be hungry.
Steve scowled. "they won't sell it." he grumbled. "they're being pissy because they don't think that i have any right to my own things because i haven't claimed them in seventy years." he admitted. "i'm half tempted to unleash Natasha on their asses." he admitted with a smirk. "they just don't want to lose their best selling 'act'. they even show old videos of those crappy war movies they made me make." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i suppose i could hire a lawyer?"

he chuckled. "not in the least." he admitted. "that's why i took it. so Tony couldn't break it." he admitted with a chuckle as Clint wrinkled his nose. "no. that doesn't help at all. in fact, i'm pretty sure it makes it worse." he admitted as he shook his head. "no, not surprising. i'm just upset because i wanted to molest him and now i can't because you got him first." he grumbled, sulking at her, but he was laughing at her with his eyes. "totally epic." he agreed with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "i think Steve's making pancakes." he agreed as he helped her to her feet. " you want me to be there when you tell him?" he asked nervously.
“...Tell them to fuck off.”Bucky shrugged before pausing. “Wait. I’ll tell them. I mean, having the ‘ghost’ of bucky barnes showing up and telling them to fuck off would surely scare them into giving it back....or we could let both Natasha and Erin loose on them. It’d be amusing.”Bucky snickered before nodding.”You probably could. Ask tony.”

“...Well, of course it makes it worse. I wasn’t trying to help.”She snickered a little before laughing quietly. “You can molest him, we’re Not in the traditional sense, I mean...”She huffed smiling a little.”Molest him, at your own risk. But be warned, he’s got he’s already in love with someone, and it’s not me. Or you.So he might just take you up on the sex if your own lover wouldn’t kill him first. I mean, I don’t even know who you’re dating, so he might be willing to risk getting hit.He’s weird sometimes, and lonely.”She rambled a bit, before perking up. “Pancakes sound good.”She said before studying him for a long moment, biting her lip. “...Yes. Bruce?You want to come to?”She said not because she felt that james would really freak out, because she was afraid both... Well all three of them, if bucky was with who she thought he was...would totally fall apart when the news hit. And she wanted to give steve someone to talk to in case he refused to talk to her or bucky.
he snorted. "i can't tell them to fuck off, they have my things!" he complained before he smirked. "i don't think they'd recognize you." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i like the Natasha and Erin idea, we'll send you along too just to be triply terrifying." he admitted with a smirk. "they'd be pissing their pants." he admitted with a laugh.

Clint huffed a little and then smiled a little as he studied the woman. "not dating? just having sex. because that totally makes me feel better." he teased with a chuckle as he kissed her forehead again. "oh, my boyfriend would most certainly punish me. i'd enjoy it though, and i do have permission, sort of." he admitted with a chuckle. "well... if he's in love, i certainly won't mess with that." he admitted with a sigh before he smiled at her as Bruce nodded and stood up. "i could go for breakfast." he agreed. "come on." he agreed as he followed them to the kitchen where Steve was flipping the last of the pancakes and chatting with James.
“...I like it. It would be terrifying to watch them take care of things.”Bucky snickered.

“It should. I mean, we just...urgh. This sucks. He doesn’t think he can have who he wants, so he...he needed human contact. And he likes me, so yea...”Erin stuttered to a stop, realizing she was just making it worse, because there was really no way to explain this well, or nicely without explaining why James had gone so long without having human contact. And that wasn’t her secret to tell. “...You have permission. Sort of. I think that’s the most disturbing part of this.”Erin muttered chuckling a little. “He is in love, but he’s to much of a chickenshit to tell them. So it really wont mess things up...actually, it might help.”Erin said looking thoughtful, wondering if it would. More then her sleeping with James, which is what Steve would expect from the manwhore, maybe seeing him with another guy would make steve admit things? Except...remembering his words, and his reaction to the thought of being in love with bucky, maybe it would make things worse? Grinning as they walked into the kitchen she smirked quietly as she slipped into the seat next to bucky, leannig back. Trying to figure out what to say.

“....What?You look serious. Just spit it out.”James ordered needling the other as he glanced at Erin, worry tightening his features for a moment before smoothing out, hiding behind the mask of indifference. Erin swallowed nervously, looking around the table, before pulling a plate of pancakes towards her, nibbling on the food. “Erin!” “I’m pregnant.”She blurted out in response to the annoyed demanding growl.
Clint lifted an eyebrow. "what, seriously?" he asked, a little shocked. "poor guy. it was nice of you to... comfort him." Clint teased with a smile. "i can understand, you and he both starve for affection so you gave it to each other. it's perfectly understandable." he promised with a smile. "i'm sure things will work out with whoever he's in love with." Clint already had a good idea of who. he wasn't stupid after all. "i'll flirt with him then and see what happens, hows that?" he asked with a grin. "i'll even talk to my boyfriend first so he understands." he promised, kissing the top of her head. "now. onward for breakfast!" he ordered with a smile before he grimaced at the sudden blurting of Erin's admittance, Steve looking baffled. "Pregnant? like with a baby?" he asked, looking stunned. "...i'll have to look up health foods." he mused, his head tilted, not making the connection. "pregnant people need special diets right?" "no, she'll just need more calcium and other nutrients. i'll be giving her some vitamins to take so she shouldn't need any special diets. though she should drink more milk and eat more fruits and vegetables." he admitted.
Erin made a face at the teasing, nodding.”Seriously. Your hero’s a coward sometimes.”She teased because she’d said as much to Bucky once, and it had totally blown up in her face and made him even more reluctant to show up with the avengers. “Uh huh..if either of them can get their heads out of their asses, I’m sure it would.”She grumbled a little before snickering. “Sounds good. It’ll be amazing to see really.”She snickered at the idea of clint barton’s flirting. “Yes, like with a baby.”Erin said sounding defensive and upset since she could see James just staring at her like she’d grown another head. “You...I...uh.”James stuttered. “Oh my god. You broke him. What did you do?”Tony said as he walked in, gathering a plate of food for himself settling in to eat, watching the group curiously. “She’s pregnant. With my child.”James said his tone filled with sadness and regret, not because of only he knew just what he had to do, but because he knew it was going to ruin things. “I-” “If the next words out of your mouth are we have to get married, I’m going to feed you your own dick. Seriously, James.”Erin scowled at him, flicking a look towards steve, anxiety showing in her features, scared of things blowing up before focusing on James again, watching his face. “I-I’m going to go work out.”James said backing out of the room, retreating because he had no idea how to handle this, leaving, running away and heading for the gym. "Steve?"Erin said quietly, looking up at him, biting her lip. she knew he wouldn't be happy, but she hoped he'd look after bucky for her, when it was obvious bucky didn't want to be anywhere near her right now. even if she didn't love him like that, it broke her heart to watch him run away from her.
he chuckled a little. "i hope you never said that to his face." he admitted with a shake of his head. "oh, they'll be fine. James deserves some happiness after all." he admitted with a smile. "oh, i'm the best flirt in the world." he admitted with a smirk before he snorted at Steve who shrugged. "i don't really know how pregnancy works. boys didn't learn about that when i was a kid." he admitted. "you learn about it once your woman is pregnant, or if you're lucky enough, your father will tell you about it. it was frowned upon though." he admitted before blinking as he realized Bucky was freaking out, making the connection seconds before Bucky announced it. Bruce ducked his head to hide the laugh as she chastised James for thinking about offering her marriage. in Steve's day and age, if you got a woman pregnant you HAD to marry her. ".... congratulations Erin." Steve muttered as she spoke, heading out of the kitchen. "i'm going to take a nap." but that was a lie, he was going to go watch Bucky and pretend he was happy for the other.
“oh. I have. Multiple times, then got my ass kicked at chess. It was horrible.”She grumbled. “It was a surprise a few times. I mean, I’m enough of a manwhore to have scrared myself a few times. I mena, it’s better now.”Bucky snickered a little amused because he had indeed had some of the girls claim him as the father to some babies, but never was it his. He’d always had amazing luck like that. At least till now. “ careful, then.Sleep well.”Erin said watching Steve go, knowing the lie for a lie. She knew he’d go watch Bucky even if he didn’t admit it. “...You can laugh now. I mean, seriously. I don’t want to marry him. We’d kill each other within a few weeks.”Erin shuddered a little, trying to joke because she was freaking out so badly inside. This was worse then she could have imagined. She’d imagined anger and lashing out, she hadn’t expected James to slam up the shields and armor that had made him the winter soldier, locking her out as surely as he had done when they first met.

“...If you’re going to watch me. Get in here and spar.”Bucky growled twisting away from the punching bag that even after a few minutes was showing some strain of having a super soldier go a little out of control on it, baring his teeth in a resemblance of a smile as he looked at steve, caught somewhere between Bucky Barnes and the cold chilled anger of the winter soldier.
lint had to chuckle at her. the poor woman. "we where able to prove he wasn't the father each time because they kept coming out with the wrong features." Steve admitted. "hell the one came out with red hair and neither her family nor Bucky's family has red hair. i mean really." "paternity tests weren't invented until rather recently. they didn't have genetic testing back then." Bruce explained when Clint went to ask why they didn't just do that. "quite a few of those girls weren't pregnant at all. they just wanted to marry him. he always had a knack for finding crazy women." Steve admitted, sounding slightly bitter about that before he headed off to 'nap'. "i won't laugh at you Love." he promised with a smile. "he'll calm down. i can't imagine this is easy for him, bringing a baby into the world when he's as broken as he is."

"i'm not sure sparring with you in this frame of mind is going to be a good idea." Steve admitted from where he was lounging on the couch, watching Bucky. "don't you want a child? we used to sit up late at night talking about it, remember?" he asked. "we where both going to get married and have three children each." he admitted with a smile. "we where going to raise them up to be good at a different sport each so they could all be rich and famous and never have to be hungry." he smiled. "we where kind of foolish back then, but you have a chance to be happy now. i know you don't love her, but do you really think she would keep you from your own child?" he asked with a smile. "things will work out Bucky, you know they will."
“It was fairly amusing really, that they kept looking wrong.”Bucky snorted a little. Tony smirked a little raising a eyebrow. “I wouldn’t get on him finding crazy women, rogers. I mean, I’ve met the one you nearly married. Carter scared the bejesus out of me as a kid.”Tony snickered a little teasing him because he had no idea what to say to that bitter tone. Studying steve as he left. Turning to look at Erin he smirked slightly, curiosity showing in his features. “So. Just how long where you going to let us think he’s as young as he looks?” Erin winced a little, slumping back into her chair. “...Stark, you are a pain in my ass.” “Hey. It’s not my fault. Steve having a meltdown meeting him and you introducing him as James gave me the pieces to work with. Not my fault for figuring out we had a second super soldier.” “Pain. In. The. Ass.”Erin grumbled grouchy and tired, and so worried as she nibbled on her food.

Bucky looked at him, his smile turning sharp enough it should have spilled blood, “But sparring with me is always a good idea. I mean, where else are you going to come up with someone who can keep up with you?”He growled before turning away, pacing as he listened to the other, pausing slightly, nodding hesitantly. “I-I think I remember.”he said thinking about it before frowning. “No. Keeping me away is exactly what I’m worried about her not doing.”Bucky said, panicking because he was scared of being a danger to her, to hurting erin when she was defenseless while pregnant, “She’s not a super soldier. What-what if this kills her?I mean, genetically, the kid would be a super soldier. And not to mention hydra’s going to want it. And I don't know who in shield's working with them, and now they're going to send more assassins after you, not only me, because hell, they're going to realize I'm here for her and you, not to kill you, and she'll have to tell medical and-"He stuttered to a stop in the middle of his panic attack, stopping only because he couldn't breath, blindly searching for the wall, sinking down the wall, panting, hyperventilating as he leaned against the wall.
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