The Key to Going Green(Avengers)Lady/Moon

“Except for chess. I mean, he’s great at chess.”Erin said looking amused as she nibbled on a piece of toast, biting her lip a little. “Hey, cap?There’s a new art exhibit open at the MET today....and since Tony has no appreciation for art despite paying for most of it, I might want to go?”Erin said, it was her awkward, odd peace offering, but she wanted to know he was okay, without totally making it obvious she was fussing over him. Slanting a glance at clint she smirked. "Of course you could come to, I mean, you might learn something. It still amazes me you go to some of the most beautiful places in the world, and have utterly no appreciation for the art."She teased.
Steve smiled a little. "he trounced me." he agreed. "i think Loki cheats but i can't quite prove it." he admitted shaking his head before he cocked his head as he cracked open the can in his hand. "Art?" he asked, looking rather eager as Clint whined. "why Art? Art is so boring." he groaned, shaking his head. "i'd be glad to go." Steve agreed with a smile as he chugged down his drink, clearly he'd forgiven her for her... slip. "let me take a shower." he ordered with a smile as he headed off, Bruce sighing a little as he shook his head. "honestly, he's going to run into problems if he keeps ignoring things." he admitted as he glanced at her. "planning to work your voodoo?" in the last three days, Bruce had opened up to her a little bit. he'd told her a bit about how the accident had happened.not anything that wasn't already on public record, but he'd told her about the emotions connected to it, so it was a step in the right direction at least. "well i'm not going." Clint admitted. "museums are supremely boring. art or otherwise." he admitted with a shake of his head as Bruce rolled his eyes. "make sure that Steve takes his Bank Card. he doesn't have a clue how to use it, but he'll be upset if you try to pay for lunch."
“Probably. He’s the god of lies, he’s going to cheat.”Erin snickered a little before nodding. “Yea. There’s a new renaissance exhibit that I thought you might like.”Erin smiled before looking at Clint.”because he enjoys drawing. And it’s peaceful in the museum, unlike here, where Tony’s blowing up shit all the time.”Erin snickered because they’d all been worried the night before until they realized tony was just testing out new repulsors for the suit. “No hurry. I’m going to get something to eat.”She smiled looking amused as Steve rushed off, starting her eggs before flashing bruce a grin. “It’s not voodoo,but yes.”She shrugged a little.”Loki talks to me over ice cream, we talked over science, I figured he might relax a little and want to talk over art.”She shrugged before snickering at clint’s words, before looking at bruce, nodding slightly.”I will. No need to upset him.”She said smiling slightly, because it amused her that he was so old fashioned, though considering who it was, it was just him and not something out of date.”Later guys.”She smiled as she slid her plate into the dish washer before headed out to catch up with steve, knowing he was still on military time, and really didn’t take long showers.
he smiled a little. "he is. and of trickery and mischief." he agreed. "i bet you he's reading minds while he plays chess and switching pieces when you look away. i'm making Jarvis record it the next time he plays." he decided as he left and Clint snorted. "Tony got Steve some paints you know. Steve ended up covered in them. apparently he's never used paints before." he admitted with a chuckle. "it was hilarious." he admitted as he watched the woman cook. "Erin? are you alright?" he asked after a moment. "ever since you got that phone call and Steve got upset you've been... twitchy. do you need to go back to Russia? we understand if you need to go check up on him. the others won't pull back just because you go to help a freind." he promised her looking up at Bruce as he walked in. "Loki will do anything for Ice-Cream." Bruce agreed with a chuckle. "and i have to admit, you're intelligence is refreshing." he admitted as he watched her leave, Steve smiling as she caught up to him, heading for the exhibit.

he proved to be very into art when he correctly identified each painting and who their maker was, and even provided more tidbits about them. he was so clever about what paintings where which, that he soon had a small crowd gathered simply to listen to him talk about the paintings with such a passion in his voice. it was rare to see someone who appreciated art so much, inspiring really. luckily, no one recognized him as Captain America.
“That would be amusing to see really. I could just imagine him covering in paints.”She snickered before sighing quietly, looking at him. “I know...I was giving him till tonight to call, if he didn’t, I was going to go back.He’s...he’s falling apart Clint.”She muttered looking worried, and not only because Bucky wasn’t answering his phone, but because she was worried about steve, and tony, and bruce, and clint...this was horrible. She was so worried about them all. “That’s a disturbing thought. What loki’d do to get tony to give him ice cream.”She snickered as she left.

For the whole time Erin smiled quietly listening, just glad to be hearing him so excited about something, and pleased she’d done well choosing something he’d enjoy. Vaguely amused that for once, people were paying attention to him because he was knowledgeable, not because he was the captain. Nearly jumping out of her skin as she heard her phone go off, she swallowed hard, but was bitterly disappointed when it wasn’t the person she was hoping for. Waving a hand towards steve she edged through the crowd.”we have to go.”She muttered lowly so the other’s didn’t hear, but knowing his hearing would let him. “The others need a hand taking care of some doombots since fantastic four are off planet.”Erin muttered, hating that even if reed and the others were taking care of bad guys in other worlds, they still got stuck with doom. "Coulson and the others will meet us there, Clint's bringing your shield and outfit."
Clint looked worried now too. "hey. it will be alright." he muttered, pulling her into a small hug. "mostly it's sex." he admitted to her with a laugh. "that's what started the whole thing apparently. Loki got high on the Ice-cream and sucked Tony off and then just never stopped." he admitted with a snicker.

Steve was really enjoying himself even if he was the only one talking. he did tell her some things about his life before the procedure. how his father had abandoned his mother just days after he found out she was pregnant. how she couldn't get remarried because the bastard had never divorced her and it 'wasn't a woman's place' to get such things as divorces. he told her about how his mother had worked as a maid to try and make ends meat, but how they never had enough to eat. told her about being too sick to go to school most days and bout how he met Bucky Barnes in the third grade after he'd pulled a group of bullies off of Steve. "Go?" he asked, looking worried before he groaned. "dammit. why are they always off planet?" he demanded. he'd never really forgiven them for being off planet while the Chitauri attacked. now the avengers had to deal with another of their messes because they where too busy with aliens to take care of their own planet. "You stay here." he ordered her as he headed off. "it's too dangerous for a civilian." apparently he'd forgotten she was an Agent of shield and would never just sit back and let others fight.
“I know. I’m probably worrying to much and if he finds out, he’s going to laugh his ass off.”she muttered smiling slightly before groaning. “....I could have lived without knowing that.”She whined making a face at him.

Erin indeed was glad steve was talking. Even if it was mostly him, she did talk about herself some, simply letting him get it out. Looking vaguely amused at the idea of a young bucky barnes. She might have to return to russia to just listen to him whine over those stories. Perfect blackmail there. “Yea.And because like tony said ‘they like leaving us to deal with problems that are theirs.’.”Erin said even as she followed him. “hey. What?”She sputtered as she got left behind, pouting a little as she watched him leave, already calling Coulson, knowing he’d be there, but out of the fight. By the time she caught up with him, she smirked slightly as she settled onto the rooftop next to him, while clint was usually their eyes in the sky, coulson and erin when they were with him usually were backups, keeping a eye on things. “So, why are we doing this again?This is a riddiculous fight....I think Iron Man’s enjoying batting bots around for being inferior tech.”She muttered even as she fitted the comm in her ear, listening to the avengers talking to each other, watching the fight. Nearly jumping out of her skin as a rifle’s rapport sounded through the air, barely registering it before it took down the bot that had been going for Cap’s back. Staring at the perfect well centered bullet whole at the electric panel-doom really was a idiot leaving a weakness that close to the center- she groaned a little, raising a hand to switch to a private line and talk to clint. “Clint, you got company up there. Try not to shoot him if he does come down. He’s behind you somewhere.”She said before slanting a look towards coulson. While they would usually get in the fight, for the moment they were letting the super powered ones take care of what was mostly a dust up and not a really big fight that required everyone. “Can I get in trouble for committing homicide when he totally, seriously deserves it?”She grumbled refusing to turn around and look, she knew looking for barnes was a useless task, but she was going to kill him. Seriously.
Steve growled a little. "fucking backwater superheros." he grumbled. as open minded as Steve was, he could certainly hold a grudge. he kept calling the Fantastic four the 'hillbillies' of superheros. not very flattering. "Stay." he ordered her again before leaving. Coulson just sighed. "we have to. the X-Men are handling Lencherr." he admitted with a shake of his head. "we're the only ones left and Shield can't handle Doom." he admitted with a shake of his head as he pressed a hand to his Ear Piece. "Barton, stop playing with your food and dispense with it." he ordered, Clint shooting the man a sulky glare from where he'd been playfully dismantling a Doom Bot. "well, at least they are having fun." he grumbled, clearly bored before he went tense as he realized there was an unknown, usually Natasha was the only one who used guns, but not like that. "'s him?" Coulson asked, sounding surprised. he was of course, one of three people who knew the Winter Soldier was in Shield Custody. himself, herself, and Fury. "You got it Kitten." Clint chirped through the Com as he aimed and fired on another Doom Bot, watching it go down. "One!" he chirped, flashing a grin behind his shoulder. "Two, three, four..." "oh it's ON!" Steve declared through the Coms with a laugh. 'counting the kills' was a game that Steve usually instigated after watching the Lord of the Rings with Tony. "i'm afraid that you would be arrested and charged, yes." Coulson admitted with a chuckle as he watched Steve working on ripping a Bot's head off.
“I’m voting we let the ‘hillbillies’ take care of things, even if they’re off world.”Erin made a face, annoyed that they were cleaning up a mess that should have been taken care of years ago, yet doom always slipped away. “But, it’s like fun to watch them fall out of the sky.”Tony whined over the comm at coulson’s orders, knowing he was the next on the list to get to stop playing around. Tensing a little as she watched, listening for another thundercrack of gunfire she nodded. “Unless you know someone else who can make a shot like that from a mile away.”She said judging the sound from the time the bullet hit, and judging on what she knew of bucky, there was only certain buildings he’d feel comfortable shooting from, and considering the only two that would fit the his strict requirements....yea she knew it was him, and she was going to kill him. “Don’t call me kitten, Hawkeye.”Snorting amused as she watched the game starting she winced as soon enough as she realized bucky was getting in on the game, shooting falling just as quickly as clint’s arrows and cap’s shield, soon the whole kill count went to the three of them, leaving only a few for tony and natasha. As the others stopped fighting, recovering for a few moments she turned to look at coulson, resting a hand on his arm. Knowing that he of anyone, would know who he was looking at, and out him before Bucky had a chance to get his bearings. “If...if he does come down, give him a chance. Don’t freak out. He’s going to have a hard enough time talking to them, don’t make it worse.”She muttered, almost begging. Because she wasn’t sure if Bucky would indeed come down, but he might.

Nearly crawling out of her skin at the voice in her ear, twisting around to look before she realized their comms had been hacked. “You need better equipment, moya zvedna, entirely to easy to pick up.”James Barnes rough and absolutely wrecked voice came over the comm, though there was touches of a brooklyn twang to it, he’d spent to long in russia to sound completely like himself, to many long years and even harder issues, had totally wrecked him. “I’m going to kill you. Slowly. Tortuously. In all the ways you taught. Are you going to play nicely now, James, or do I have to come drag you down?” “Don’t get your panties in a twist. I’m shooting from the Tower-” “What?My tower?!”Tony scowled breaking in on the feed, looking annoyed. “and already waiting.”Bucky said simply ignoring Tony’s interruption.
"Tony Stark don't make me deny you you're after battle cookies." Coulson warned, watching Tony and the rest of the Avengers twist to gape at him. everyone but Clint anyway. they'd never heard Coulson Joke before. "true." he agreed with her after turning his Comm off. "remind me i have to give Clint a fifty." he sighed. "he bet me that if i made a joke the others would actually stop fighting to stare at me." he admitted. "i hate it when he wins." "Aww, Kitten, don't chu love me no more?" Clint teased with a grin as he started the 'battle royal'. "Hells Yeah! Fifty Two bitches!" Clint squealed, ecstatic through the Comm. "Fuck that Barton i got Sisty six!" Steve stated back before pausing as they heard the new voice. "relax. i already know who he is." Coulson admitted. "he would be a welcome addition but i know he still needs a lot of work, if he leaves i won't chase him." he promised.

"Well what do you expect from Shield?" Clint asked the master assassin. "wow. Erin's kind of scary..." Bruce commented. as son as the contest had started Hulk had gotten bored and now Bruce was sitting reading a book pilfered from the bookstore that a doombot had exploded. "screw that! what's you're kill count 007!?" Clint demanded, sounding huffy, annoyed that he had lost. "besides Tony, at least he's not breaking your things." Steve pointed out. "Loki did more damage than this guy could i'm sure." Steve admitted. "shut up. seriously! how many freaking Kills 007!?" Clint demanded, Steve snickering. "he got more than me Clint." Steve stated simply, laughing as Clint started to swear.
“What?You wouldn’t!”Tony whined even as he as he stared at the agent, huffing as he returned to the fight. “...You should have known better then that.But it’s so adorable when he wins. He’s so happy about it.”Erin teased snickering a little. “I do, but that’s a disturbing name to be called in battle. Stop it.”Erin ordered before relaxing at Coulson’s words, swallowing hard.”Good.”she said, glad that coulson wouldn’t freak out at having Bucky in the tower, because she had a feeling having Steve freak out was going to be bad enough.

“Nothing. But I would think they’d give their team better crap...maybe we should use Stark’s tech?I mean, it is unhackable.”Bucky muttered. “She is. When she wants to be.”
”Sort of like a kitten who thinks it can kill a pit bull.”Both natasha and bucky agreed at the same time. “James...”Erin warned the threats unsaid, which only made the master assassin laugh. “I don’t care!I want to know how he got there.” “Repelling.”Bucky answered simply before going quiet at clint’s demand. “...I can’t be 007, I’m not english. And 75.”Bucky smirked as he settled onto the couch to wait for them to return. “Men are so stupid sometimes.”Erin grumbled as she headed off the roof, knowing Bucky was winding them up simply because he could, and wondering just how things were going to go when they got back. Moving over to the bookstore she laughed at hte sight of bruce, shaking her head.”Ready to go home doctor?I’m sure the others are going to need a referee for when they meet our guest.” “He’s not a guest.I didn’t invite him!”Tony huffed even as he headed back to the tower.”So welcoming Stark. No wonder you have problems getting dates.”Bucky said, needling because he was nervous, and he’d always been a sarcastic asshole when he was nervous, more so then normal.
he rolled his eyes. "yes yes, ever so happy. he'll by hyper for days." he scoffed with a shake of his head. "Kitten, Kitty, smoochie poo." Clint taunted with a laugh.

"Tony's been working on it but he keeps getting overly distracted." Steve admitted. "i am NOT letting him put an implant in my head. no way." Clint laughed as both Natasha and 007 insulted his sister. "you're 007, the coolest super spy on the planet." Clint stated. "man you where my idol for like, thirteen years." Clint admitted with a smirk. "sort of like hos Coulson perves on Captain America." "i do not!" Coulson immidiatly protested, going slightly red. "sure." Bruce agreed as he studied her and then the book before he narrowed his eyes at her as if wondering if she was going to tattle on him if he just took the book. finally he started walking, without returning the book. spoils of war and all that.

"he better not be getting Dates." Loki stated as he smacked Bucky's toes. "feet off the table. Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate?" the godling demanded of Bucky, lifting an eyebrow at the man. "and you're cleaning up those shell casings on the roof." he ordered. "i am not a maid, the only person i pick up after is Tony because he gives me sex." Loki admitted as he started digging around for the Coffee grounds, teapot and pan to start making the things for drink. he managed the coffee and tea just fine, but he burnt the milk and decided to wait for Steve.
“...Clint, you do remember who I’ve spent the last year with right?I’ll call in a favor, to get rid of the nicknames.”Erin twitched a little.

“It wouldn’t have to be a implant. I’m coming up with something.”Tony huffed. “....Erin, you’re friends are weird.” “I told you they were.” “Coulson totally does have the hots for cap.”Bucky agreed, even if it sounded like it was coming through gritted teeth. Erin smiled laughing quietly at the sight of bruce coming back wtih the book. “spoils of war. We’ll send the bill to the fantastic four.”She teased.

Bucky yelped as he lifted his feet off, glaring at the godling. “Hot chocolate.”He grumbled before huffing.”Fine.”Bucky said wondering if he could just hide out on the balcony until he could sneak away again, cleaning up slowly.

Erin swallowed hard as they walked into the tower, shifting to be closer to Steve, “James.”Erin called watching the man tense, studying him for a long moment. Watching him from behind she could see just how tense he was, and gone was the gruff ragged looking winter soldier she’d gotten used to seeing, but in his place was a reflection of bucky barnes, even from behind she could tell he was still as fit and whole as ever, metal glinting off his arm, his hair once again military short. “...Is his arm fake?I can totally help with that.”Tony said even as he walked in from the landing pad, his voice excited as the last bit of his suit was pulled away. So excited that for a moment he missed Erin’s tense look as Bucky finally turned and looked in trhough the window, and visbily braced himself before walking inside, finally getting close enough to show that there was no mistaking him, it really was James Buchanan Barnes.
there was a long silence and then. "Favor to me, or favor for you? because if you ask The Man to kill me, that's just not cool."

"you're first idea was an implant and you tried to install it when i was sleeping." "is that why Tony had a black eye for a week?" Clint asked, sounding amused. "i don't!" Coulson spluttered in horror. "i swear i don't!" "it's alright Agent." Steve assured the man, sounding just a bit miffed. "Clint's just an asshole." "i know." Coulson huffed. "i'll make him pay for it later." "oooh am i gonna get a spanking?" Clint taunted. "i'll hang you in the dungeons by your thumbs." Coulson growled, making Clint snicker. "'s going on the Fantastic Four's tabs huh?" Bruce asked, walking back to the bookstore and selecting a few more books and headed back to the tower with them.

"Tony, leave the man alone, if he wants a higher tech arm he will sk for one." Loki chastised. "i can't make Hot Chocolate apparently, but i was able to make Tea." Loki admitted. "how was the battle?" "boring." Bruce admitted, nose already buried back in his book. Steve was the last person in as he had been talking to Coulson about how unreliable the Fantastic Four was and how he was NOT going to be working with them EVER and if he DARED try join them to the Avengers he'd turn Coulson inside out. he paused and blinked at James, Bucky and blinked again. he cocked his head, turned on his heal, left, and then came back and then stared at Bucky again before he turned to Clint. "slap me." "what? why?" "shut up and do it." "are you going to hit me back." "no." Clint shrugged and slapped Steve, rather hard and Steve resumed blinking at Bucky. "nope. still there." and with that he turned on his heal and left again. this time he didn't come back. "...where is he going?" "Sir, Mister rogers appears to be going to Medical. according to what he is muttering, he is worried about brain tumors and hallucinogenic gasses." Jarvis informed them.
“....Why not?I mean, you have admired him for this long. It would totally be cool to be added to his kill count, don;t you think.”Erin said sounding scarily serious, even if Natasha and Clint, and coulson would know she was simply jerking his chain.

“I said it wouldn’t be a implant, now!I learned to not do that.”Tony huffed sounding annoyed at the laughter. “Clint is always a asshole. We all know you don’t have something for Cap.”Erin smiled looking at coulson, huffing a little. “You sound like you’d enjoy the spanking, clint.”Erin said snickering before nodding at Bruce. “Of course. I’m sure Tony’s even done the math and all, got exactly what the Fantastic four owes us.”She said wisely.

“But...but that one he has is so painfully obviously not good. Come on, I can fix it.”Tony whined before snickering. “Horribly boring, except for the sniper beating both Cap and Legolas’ kill count. That was amusing.”Tony grumbled before pausing, realizing things had gone wrong, somehow, looking between the two men, studying them both. “I shoul-”Bucky started his features pinched and pained, looking confused and lost. “No, you wont. You’re going to sit down, tell Clint how you’re a much better shot, and I’m going to go see steve.”Erin said walking further into the room, leaning into the taller brunette, looking startlingly small as she wrapped a arm around bucky’s waist, hugging him. “Seriously. Sit. Harass Clint, and yell if you need me.”She muttered before stepping away, resting a hand on clint’s shoulder, giving him that look that asked him nicely, to take care of james before running down the stairs to medical. “Steve, wait up, steve. You’re not sick. Or gassed. He really is real. I promise.”She said grabbing his arm, making the man look at her. Anxiety and worry, and most of all, fear of driving him away showing in her face. Because she really was afraid she’d made the wrong choice in forcing bucky to make this choice of coming her.
Clint sulked the entire way back. muttering about how no one loved him.

"yes. only because i punched you." Steve pointed out looking amused. "yes well... so long as people know it." Coulson huffed before flashing Clint a scowl, which he got an overly innocent look in return. "i would like a spanking, yes." he admitted as Bruce snorted and shook his head. "oh the Fantastic four owes us a LOT." Bruce admitted simply.

"Tony. maybe it has sentimental value?" Loki pointed out. "besides, it didn't look so 'not good' when he was using it to kick you're asses at Count the Kills." he pointed out with a smirk. "Loki's being mean! make him stop!" Clint demanded, scowling at Loki who smirked as he started passing out drinks as Bruce got up to make the Hot Chocolate. Clint offered her a reassuring smile. "So. James was it?" Clint demanded as he settled next to the man, offering him a sly grin. "you single?" he asked playfully.

Steve didn't pause, he just kept right on walking. "nope. he's not real. you must be hallucinating too. or maybe i'm in a coma? yes. this is all just a bad dream. i bet i got a bad concussion and this is all a dream." he muttered. his eyes wide and his voice rather emotionless. he was in big time denial.
“Sentimental value means nothing when it’s clearly inferior tech.”Tony frowned before frowning at that. “He wasn’t kicking my ass. I wasn’t the one playing sniper games. Imagine how much better it’d be if he had good tech.”Tony said. “Stark.Stop.”Natasha ordered seeing the look crossing Bucky’s face, the man looking ready to bolt for the door. “Yes. Just James.”Bucky said not about to add the rest of his name, not when he knew howard stark’s son was in the room with him. He so didn’t need that, when he was already was being screwed with steve freaking out. “Uh...No?”Bucky said shooting a look towards the elevator, not only because he’d been ‘seeing’ Erin, but because the person he really wanted was with her. He just wanted steve to come back, and was feeling crowded by the team, but he knew they only meant well, and Erin really did want him to try, even if it was making him want to run. “No.Not single.”He said after a moment’s thought before slanting a look at the other archer.”Why?”

Erin growled the annoyed sound escaping as she refused to let go of him, getting dragged along like a relucant puppy. “Steven Grant Rogers. You’re going to stop and listen to me right this moment because if you make this harder on him then it’s already been, I’m going to turn you over my knee and wallop you something fierce. Now, are you going to let me explain, or keep dragging me along?”Erin said, her anxiety making her lash out, even if she knew he didn’t deserve it, wincing. “sorry....Steve. Please. Sit. Let’s talk.”
"Tony. stop it." Loki demanded. "i'll use that Chastity belt again." he warned, making Bruce choke on his tea. "well Just James." Clint teased with a smile before he pouted. "not single. damn. it would have been awesome to sleep with you." he admitted with a sigh. "totally would have been worth the beating i'd have gotten form my Boyfriend." Coulson snorted an shook his head. "he'd do more than beat you Barton." he stated dryly, Bruce perking up. "you know who he's dating? i don't think Erin even knows that. or Natasha." "they don't." Clint admitted with a smirk. "Drives them nuts."

teve turned to stare at her, shocked. "...but, no one knows my middle name." he protested as he swallowed thickly. "he's real... he's... really real?" he asked, his eyes filling with tears. "he's not dead? why haven't i seen him before now!? how is he even alive!?" he demanded, letting her lead him to the bench to sit. "i don't understand, how could he be alive? how long!? why hasn't he told me!? i thought he was dead?!" poor Steve sounded so torn up it hurt.
Tony stopped staring for a long moment before sighing, settling in with a tablet, content to just be with the others, not sure who the man was, but not wanting to leave his team alone with him until he knew the man better. “...”James flushed at the other’s praise, swallowing hard as he considered what he was hearing.”Even if I wanted to, Erin’d have my hide if I helped you cheat.”Bucky pointed out still looking a little anxious, being around this many people, it had been years since he was. Before snickering at the idea of them not telling erin simply because it drove her insane.

“He does.”She said her voice gentle, before nodding.”He is. I promise.”She said before swallowing hard, “Because....he wasn’t ready to have you, any of you.”Her voice was gentle, helping him sit down before crouching down in front of him, hands resting on his thighs, wondering how much tell tell him before realizing she was going to have to tell him everything, at least most of it. “when you got to him in that hydra base, it was to late. They’d already worked their version of the serum into him. It’s the closest hydra ever came to replicating yours, but it’s still not as good. Enough to let him survive a fall, and being trapped on ice.”Erin took a shaking breath.”Steve...Hydra survived your crash. They found him....realized that he could survive being frozen for periods of time, without totally screwing up his systems....for the past 70 years, he had no idea who he was, he forgot everything under”-torture-”Hydra put him through. Only waking him up long enough to do the missions they wanted him to do, then put him back on ice until he was needed again.”Erin’s eyes were so, so pained, before leaning up to hug him. “It was only in the last two years, since they fished you out of the ice, that he’s been awake long enough to start breaking free. He’s been struggling to find himself Steve, and I knew you’d be mad I didn’t tell you, but he asked me not to.Because he’s holding onto his sanity by a thread Cap, I don’t know if he’d survive you hating him, and he wasn’t ready to find out if you would.”She swallowed. "He remembers who he is Steve, but he's not the man you remember. He's..."She trailed off, having no idea how to explain it.
Loki smiled as he moved over and gave Tony a kiss, pleased with how Tony hadn't tun right off to the Lab to work on the arm anyway. "don't mind Tony." Clint commented. "his father was a bit of a dick so his social skills aren't all that great. he means well." Clint promised, smiling at James. "aaaw she couldn't be mad at a cute face like yours." Clint assured James with a grin as Coulson rolled his eyes and Bruce snickered. "Clint, leave the man alone." Bruce ordered as he handed Bucky a cup of hot cocoa before handing Tony a cup of Coffee. "anyone want an Omelet?" "didn't you make those for lunch?" "'s all i can make." Bruce admitted sheepishly.

he shook his head at her. "he's real. he's alive." he whispered, stunned. "not ready?" he asked, looking confused before he settled down and listened, his face growing thunderous. "those filthy Bastards hurt him!?" he demanded, so furious he was gripping the bench hard enough to bend the metal. "of course i don't hate him!" he protested. "he's changed. the same way Tony was changed when he was kidnapped. the same way i was changed when i lost him. his change is bigger, sure, but all people change. that doesn't mean i'm going to turn him away. he's my Family." he admitted with a smile. "just give me a little bit more to calm down and we'll go back up." he promised as he tipped his head back, trying to calm his racing heart and his gut deep terror. how was he going to hide his sickness now when the only person he'd ever gotten a boner over was in the Tower!? Bucky was never going to forgive him if he found out.
Tony hummed a little into the kiss leaning away after a moment."I better get more then that for not running off."tony muttered against loki's lips before drawing away,making a face at the mention of howard. Bucky tilted his head thinking about saying something nasty about howard but changing his mind. Looking at clint he grinned,bright and amused."if you think I'm going to piss her off when shes already annoyed with me for not calling her back while I was on the plane,you got to be kidding. I like sleeping sometimes, she'll cut my throat and shove me off the tower if I took you up on that knowing you were with someone else."he said truthfully,not so much because it'd mess up clint's relationship,but because he was in no shapr for friends with benefits or a relationship of any kind."thanks."bucky said before getting up."i'll make dinner.sit."bucky said escaping from the others to go see whathe could scrounge up for dinner.

"He needed time,Steve."she muttered before wincing,looking at his angey features before nodding a little."they did.for 70 years. He wasn't ready to get in contact with you,because hes still...learning to function again.hes never had to worry about things,it was always just the hes still working to not be...who hes bedn for so long."she sighd quietly,before relief filled her face,because she hadn't been sure if steve would accept him."I thought you wouldn't. But hes not sure. The only reason hes here,is because I came here, I made him make a choice....I think he would have gotten in contact with tou eventually,I just sped the process."she sighed smiling."take your timd. Hes probably enjoying harassing clint for the moment."she snicked settling on the bench nexf to him, just wanting him to relax. Still worried about how the meeting between the two super soldiers was going to go.
Loki chuckled. "i'll give you a Blowjob and a rimming later." he promised Tony with a grin as Bruce pretended to retch. "that's gross Loki. seriously." Bruce complained, Loki looking puzzled. "is it? why?" Asgardians weren't exactly subtle about sex. in fact they where very open about it. very open. "...this is a good point." Clint admitted as he blinked at James. "i forgot that you weren't answering her calls... you really freaked her out you know." he admitted with a chuckle. "i'm going to have to listen to her bitch for hours about you tonight you know. i think i should claim an IOU." he admitted. " can cook?" Bruce asked hopefully. "want some help? we eat a ton..." he admitted rather sheepishly.

he nodded. "seventy years. fuck, how is he not old as dirt?" he asked, slightly baffled. "i'll help him. anyway i can." he promised softly. "besides, it's not like the rest of us are squeaky clean." he pointed out. "we hurt and kill people too." he admitted. "just because they are perceived as bad guys, and sometimes they are evil, doesn't make it any less traumatic." he pointed out. "Clint's probobly harrasing him actually." Steve admitted with a smile. "from what i understand, The Winter Soldier was his hero as a child...." he paused. "that's actually kind of twisted if you think about it." he admitted. "can you imagine Bucky being a roll model?" he asked with a small smile as he pondered how best to approach Bucky. smack him and then pull him into a hug like he used to? pull him into a hug and then cry all over him like he wanted to? kiss him like he wanted to? it would probobly be worth it even if Bucky never spoke to him again. well no, it wouldn't be worth it, but he wanted to.
“I like it.”Tony grinned even as Bucky gagged. “Cause most humans are that open about sex. Though I’m the exception. I don’t care who knows I’m having sex.”Tony snickered. “I really didn’t mean to not just have to turn off your phone on planes. It was...a spur of the moment decision to come.”Bucky before rolling his eyes.”No. You don’t get a IOU, cause she’s going to bitch at me about me.” Maybe.Mattered how things were going downstairs. “I can. It was either learn or starve.”He smiled slightly before nodding. “Come on then.You can help.”he said digging out some steaks and fries, starting to cook.

“Same way you aren’t. He spent alot of time on ice, for the 70 years, he’s only been awake for about what we’ve figured to be about 2 years...”She shrugged a little before smiling. “No, but you guys have had longer to acclimate to being like that. James is just getting enough of himself back to be feeling bad for it.”She pointed out before snickered, “You’re right. He probably is....and it is sort of twisted, but it’s clint, so it’s not that hard to believe.”She shrugged before shaking her head.”No, not really. It’s horrible enough learning chess from him, I don’t want to consider him being a role model, especially for kids.”She snickered before growing serious. “Steve, two things. One, don’t touch him unless he’s sure it’s you, he’ll freak out otherwise. And two, he wont answer to bucky know, I don’t know. You’re you, so he might give you a free pass on calling him it...”She said sounding thoughtful.
Loki chuckled a little and shook his head. "tony! you should have told me humans where more reserved!" he complained. "i've been talking to everyone about sex!" he complained. "though... i don't think Bruce minded." "oh, i just ignore you." Bruce admitted. "it's not hard to do when you just rattle on." he admitted before he laughed at poor Bucky's pain. Erin really was going to kill him, there was no doubt about that. "that is a good reason to learn how to cook. explains how Steve's so good at it too. he's about the only person in this tower who can make food aside from you." Bruce admitted. "before we all moved in, we mostly ate Take out food." he admitted with a chuckle as he assisted in whatever Bucky told him to.

he nodded. "good point." he agreed. "so he's only a few years older than he was. that's not so bad." he admitted as he shook his head. "i'll do everything i can to help him through this." he admitted softly. "yeah Clint is pretty twisted." he agreed with a chuckle. "but he's very amusing." he admitted with a grin as he shook his head. "Bucky taught you to play? i am so, so sorry." Steve teased with a smile as he stood up, ready to face his heart wreck. "i'll make sure not to touch him until he knows it's be." he agreed, but he made no motion that he even heard the thing about not being called Bucky. he just headed upstairs and into the kitchen where Bucky was and started helping as if they'd never been apart.
"Why?iy was amusing to listen to you prattle on.adorable really."tony snickered smirking."we ordered a lot of take out."tony agreed looking amused. Bucky shook his head a little,noy about to comment on steve's cooking.he was enjoying no onr knowing who hr wws,nd he knew it wouldn't last so he was enjoying it while it did.

"No its not. Though don't tell him that,hr bitches about bring the oldest young person in the world,since even you are younger then him still."erin snickered plrased he was going to help, because no matter how much she loved him,her and bucky would never be loved like they should be,because bucky's heart already belonged to someonr. She just hoped Steve would get with the program and not make it worse."well,t least onr of you is apologetic over that fact. Hr just finds it amusing when I complain."erin sulked a little following him upstairs. Looking amused at the sight of steve simply falling into step and helping bucky cook, only instructions over food exchanged withoit anything personal going on. She knew the others were curious about steve's strong reaction to bucky's presence, but they all settled into the easy chatter for dinner, even if she could see bucky struggling for normalcy, to show that he wasn't bothered by steve's easy acceptance."hey. Just eat.stop playing with your food."erin ordered quietly closing her hands over his,ignoring the others even if she knew the were watching."don't order me around erin"bucky growled grey green eyes wide and anxioud. "I'll order you to do anything I want. Don't make me make you do that thing you did last time."erin said playfully,unwilling to be offended at the angry growl, smirking as he blushing ever so slightly. While it didn't always work,making him think about other things sometimes distracted him from his anxiety...not to mrntion she was sure the others would get in on the teasing and distract him more."what thing?"tony smirked looking curious. "N-nothing."
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