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The Key to Going Green(Avengers)Lady/Moon

“You, are a menace, rogers.”Tony huffed a little before smirking as he realized his team was staring at him.”What?You really thought I’d let a guy with THOUSANDS of years worth sex experience live with me, without going there once?”Tony snickered looking amused before wincing. “A faggot is a bunch of sticks, really. That’s the actual term in the dictionary.”Erin said with the serenity that said that while she was being serious she was going to enjoy pounding the therapist’s head in if she found out who they were. After all, they might not want her here, but she was protective of her people, and they were hers, because clint cared for them, so until she got to know them, that’s all that mattered. “And it’s like the world’s biggest rubber band and hurts like a bitch when it snaps.”Tony twitched a little before smirking at stee.”Fine, fine no flirting.”Tony said smiling. “Bruce, do you play chesss?”Erin said smiling sweetly at the astrophysicist, tilting her head. Having every intention of moving away from the topic of stabbing or serious discussions. There’d be time for that later. “Tony says he doesn’t have the patience for it, and Loki’s getting good enough that I lose all the time.”Erin pouted a little but looked amused.
Steve smirked a little. "i'm good at being a menace." "a bunch of sticks?" Loki asked, looking confused. "i don't get the insult." he admitted with a shrug. "you humans never make much sense though so i guess i'm not surprised." Loki admitted as he shook his head. "in any case, i'm not seeing that therapist anymore, but tony's having trouble finding a new one." he admitted. "and don't bother trying to find the old one. i completely wiped her memories. i don't want my weaknesses plastered all over the internet." Loki admitted. "she's lucky she even knows her own name at this point." Loki admitted before he smiled at Tony. "you're just annoyed because i broke your nose the last time i snapped." Loki stated with a smile and a shake of his head. "Chess?" Bruce asked, looking surprised. "uh, yes. i do actually. i'm not very good at it but i can give it a try." he decided smiling as Loki glanced at his watch. "i'm going to go do some Yoga." that had been Bruce's suggestion. it kept Loki's body and mind calm just like it did for Bruce. "have fun Loki." Bruce stated as he stood up, glancing at Erin. "would you care to have that chess game now? i have a board in my bag." he admitted, indicating the bag he'd been brought in with.
“It’s a bad term for gay people to, but technically the definition if a bunch of sticks, and I know, I don’t get it either.”Erin shrugged a little smiling at loki, because no matter what, she really did try not to lie to people more then she had to. Pouting a little she huffed.”But...but she deserves to be yelled at.I might be small,but I totally went through my hand-to-hand training.” “She’s surprisingly good at it.”Natasha said also enjoying the thought of beating up the former therapist. Because it was hard enough to get some people to get help when they needed it without having bad therapists insulting them. Erin bit her lip looking at loki, offering a hesitant smile.”I know...I wasn’t assigned her to be your therapist...but...I have no other assignments but to hang around here, if you want to talk...”She offered not looking sure about the offer, but to kind to not consider offering it. “I am.It’s bad enough I break things in a fight, I don’t need you helping me break more.”Tony whined a little. “Yea.And I’m not great either, its just something to relax, but loki takes it so seriously. It’s like a mini war.” “He’s pretending he’s dominating the world. It’s the only way he can win.”Tony teased looking at the godling as he left. “I would.”Erin smiled as she finished eating getting up, heading for the couch to settle in for the game.
Loki blinked a little and then shrugged and stole another piece of Tony's Sashimi. Loki loved the Nagiri and Sashimi, though the Maki and Rolls where just as good. (and yes, there is a difference^^) "she won't understand why you're yelling." Loki admitted as he dipped some of the Nagiri into the dipping sauce and then plucked it into his mouth. "Hand to Hand huh?" Loki asked, looking interested suddenly and Bruce groaned. "careful. Loki likes to spar with people." he warned the woman. "he's kicking Tony's ass all over the place." he admitted with a smirk. "he's too scared to fight me though, can't imagine why." Loki sulked as Steve and Clint both started laughing at that and Bruce chuckled a little as Loki tensed and studied her intently at the offer to be his therapist. clearly Loki had severe trust issues, but finally he nodded. "we can try it." he decided before he smiled at Tony. "i like to break your things. you get so annoyed, it's great." he admitted with a smirk as he shook his head. "Chess is a battle. a battle i intend to win." "i'll play you." Steve decided. "i'm pretty good at Chess." being a captain, he was a very good tactician. had to be when he was leading people in specific raids against highly advanced weapons depots. "Tony. he damn near did take over the world. the only reason we didn't win is because Selvig's mental capabilities where able to slide in a backdoor." "the only reason why i failed was because Thor shook me." Loki admitted suddenly. "i lost my grip on Selvig's mind." Loki admitted. "if he hadn't come, i probobly would have won..." there was a pause. "it wouldn't have lasted long. the Aeser would have waged war against me and won, thus restoring Earth to it's rightful leaderships... did i mention i was insane when i planned the whole 'i'm going to take over the earth' thing?" Loki asked, making Bruce chuckle as Loki pulled up a second Chessboard and started setting it up as Bruce moved over to Erin and started setting up his own, old and battered, but still useable chessboard.
"Yea.clint made me learn,nd I picked up new things in moscow. Russians are very good at hand to hand."she smiled,even if her teachee hsdnt been russian, he'd bedn amazing. Sortof like chess learned from a master. "It'd be fun having a new sparring partner.I've had the same one for a year.kinda stuck in a rut."erin smiled a little. "Hes only bedn winning cause he won't lst me suit up.which is unfair."tny sulked even if he was improving, he was still no real match for loki. He just didn't have the instant instinctive response that he knew people like clint and natasha had,ith their training started when they were young and growing from there."good. We'll go for a walk tomorrow.I won't start your sessions until you get to know me personally. Trut is hard."erin said,at least she understood why he'd hesitanted."so good you can win in 12 moves,but ibthink I'll take you up on that offer sometime cap."erin teased smiling slightly. "Yea you were insane.but its okay, I nearlg went super villian after Afghanistan and I'm sure we've all been there."tony snivkered a little as he watched erin and bruce set up the game,eyes flicking between them,amusement and curiosity in that look before raising a eyebrow at loki, silently asking what to make of bruce willingly spending time with someone he just met.while he was a doctor,it was a rare thing for bruce to just sit down and relax with someone.
Clint smirked a little as he studied her. "we'll have to have some rematches." he decided. "indeed. Tony's no fun to beat up anymore." Loki agreed. "he will spar with you as well." he decided. completely uncaring of Tony's opinion. Loki wanted Tony to live, so, he would learn how to defend himself. "...i find that agreeable." Loki decided after considering the walking thing. "i don't always win in twelve moves." Loki scoffed. "sometimes i win in six." Loki admitted with a smirk as he settled in to play Chess with Steve, who gave Loki a good run. it was fourty six moves before Loki was declared the winner. the one between Bruce and Erin went on for much longer. they where around the same skill level, and Bruce was rather enjoying himself. Loki glanced at Tony and then tilted his head to Clint. silently suggesting that Bruce trusted her because Clint did. "Checkmate." Bruce finally declared, setting the piece down and waiting for her to agree, in case she saw a way out that he hadn't caught. "that was a good game. it's hard to find a person who doesn't beat me in a few moves, or isn't good enough to keep up with me." he admitted, sounding slightly less annoyed that she was there. "we'll have to play again later. i'm going to go unpack for a while, maybe take a nap."
"Noo clint I can't. If I spar with you you'll bring the acary one with you."erin whined a little. "I promise to behave."natasha snickered a little. "And do I get no opinion in this?"tony whined though it was obvious he really wasn't protesting. He really didn't mind learning things. By the time the game finish erin was smiling happily and looking amused."so it is. My teacher would be so disappointed.he thinks I should be better,but I just keep flailing around like a idiot trying to win."erin snickered a little leaning back in her seat,despite her whining shs looked happy and pleased she'd found a way to connect."it was fun.thanks."she smiled at bruce as she helped him pack up the board, tilting her head a littld."goodnight bruce."she smiled watching him go,pleased they were a little more accepting of her presence.maybe this would be okay.
Clint snickered a little. "i don't understand why you and Nat can't get along." he complained, even if he knew it was because Nat kept freaking Erin out. "no, you don't." Loki stated. "finish your dinner, you haven't eaten enough." that had Steve and Clint both staring at Loki again. had the godling really just... mothered tony? "who taught you? someone in moscow?" Clint asked. "you've never played Chess before." he admitted as he watched the game wind down. "sure." Bruce stated, looking a bit uncertain as to why he was being thanked. "goodnight." but he wasn't about to go to bed now that he had all that fancy tech to play with. he would fall asleep in his lab while working on an algorithm while trying to figure out what Loki had said about the portal. he wanted to find a way to make it easier for Thor to come and go as the Thunder God pleased. he knew Thor was worried about his brother, he also knew Loki wuld like it if Thor was around more. so would Jane, and Bruce liked Jane. so that was what he was working on when he fell asleep in his lab.
“You’re male, of course you don’t get it.”Erin whined but she was smiling. “...Stop mothering me, you idiot. I eat.”Tony growled even though he followed the instructions and ate more. Another amazement, tony stark taking care of himself on orders. It was amazing. “Yea. The...agent...I was sent to help was a stubborn bastard and refused to answer questions willingly. I came up with a idea of playing a game to win answers. Bastard chose chess. Though I did finally get good enough to get answers, and bribed him into letting me ask questions for every captured piece instead of winning the game. He was good, I hardly ever won.”Erin smiled watching him go.

In the morning Tony smirked as he walked into the lab, poking the sleeping physicist with the electric prod he’d always used, shaking his head.”Don’t fall asleep down here alot. Or at least not over the work bench. Use the couch. Otherwise Loki fusses something fierce.”
Bruce smiled a little and shook his head at the bickering. it was nice to be around people who weren't afraid of him. "you don't eat enough." Loki stated as he shook his head. "you hesitated." Bruce mused, examining her. "interesting." he mused, Loki smirking. "seams like the new girl is keeping secretes. i like secrets." Loki admitted, looking fascinated. "i think i'm going to like you." Loki decided with a sly grin and he watched Bruce leave as well.

Bruce squeaked as he was electrocuted and he sat up, blinking stupidly. "nnn, huh?" he asked, instantly recognizing where he was and soothing the Hulk back down with a practiced ease. "i didn't meant to fall asleep. Loki explained the portal and i thought i could replicate it on a smaller scale for a singularity. meaning Thor." he admitted as he rubbed his eyes. "lost track of time." he admitted as he stretched. "i really wish you'd stop stabbing me with that damn thing." he complained, wondering if he could hide it? probobly not, Tony seamed to either always find it, or he had backups. "it's still a bit baffling to know that Loki is a mothering sort." he admitted, looking amused. "he fusses over you terribly. it's hilarious." he admitted as his stomach growled. "" he decided as he got up, feeling perfectly awake even after only a few hours. being doused in lethal amounts of Gamma radiation had some very nice perks if you could survive it.
“I do to. Stop feeding me.”Tony grumbled. “I’m a agent of shield, of course I’m keeping secrets. See you get to be a secret from my other secret. And all sorts of secrets I know about Clint, get to stay hidden...of course until he does something horrible that deserves embarrassing repercussions.”Erin huffed making a face at them but looking amused, distracting them from the secret of her teacher.

“Morning.”Tony snickered before smiling a little. “And we will. We’re good. Amazing together, between me you and loki, not to mention the new girl who I think is smarter then she lets on, we’ll find a way to bring point break home. It’ll be awesome.”Tony grinned before looking at the prod he was holding before smirking.”Does that mean you give me permission to find other things to test you with?Cause I think I can. It’ll be a experiment.”Tony twitched a little. “It’s not that funny. Especially in the gym when he cleans me up after he kicks my ass. Not amusing.”Tony said bitching even as they headed towards the kitchen, pausing at the sight of both steve and erin cooking. “Bruce?I think I’m going to like having roommates if they’re going to cook for me. I mean, loki does, but he makes these asgardian things I don’t want.They’re making waffles.”Tony said sounding a little in love as he shuffled closer to get coffee.
Loki smirked a little. "i will find your secrets. it's what i do." he admitted. "i know all of Tony's secretes, and a good few of Bruce's." he admitted with a nod. "soon i will know yours and i will rule this tower through fear, blackmail, and pranks." Clint seamed quite horrified by the idea.

Bruce huffed a little as he rubbed his eyes. "i'll show you what i've come up with. i have the physics down but i don't have the magical abilities to combine it into a working function, and i'm going to need your genius to build a machine to control and contain the portal too, as well as stabilize it unless magic does that." he admitted as he scowled at Tony. "no. it doesn't." he complained. "i have enough trouble keeping Hulk down when you do that as it is. and even Hulk is grumpy when you wake him up when he's sleeping." he pointed out. "he won't even feel sorry if he turns you into a smear." he warned with a grin. he knew that would never happen though, Hulk adored tony and Loki. he'd Hulked out in front of them before and Loki had actually showed Hulk how to make mud pies... it took three days for the taste of dirt to vanish from Bruce's pallet. and Loki had laughed hysterically when he realized Hulk had actually eaten said mud pies. "i haven't been able to try Loki's asgardian meals yet." he admitted as he sat down, his head tilted. he hadn't realized Cap could cook. "eat Food too tony." Bruce ordered even as he accepted the second cup of Coffee that Tony had gotten him and took a sip as he opened the morning paper. he was entirely too comfortable, too morning routine for this to be new to him. which meant he had spent a good few weeks in the Tower from time to time right under S.H.I.E.L.D.S noses. that glorious bastard. it also indicated that they only found Bruce because he wanted to be found.
“Ah, we’ll have to get Loki down here, see if it’s magic that’s absolutely needed, or if I should start building a machine.”Tony said looking thoughtful before laughing. “Yes he would. He loves me. I’m making him crayons remember?Between me and Loki, we’re going to have a completely hulk awesome room for when you accidently do hulk out.”Toyn grinned sounding to pleased with himself to be really worried about the hulk smacking him around. “Well, trust me, they suck. Don’t try them.”Tony said before frowning. “I will. Waffles aren’t done yet.” “Yes they are.”Erin said as she set the plate down in front of the billionaire, looking amused and vaguely annoyed with the idea that bruce had been found because he wanted found. Which made her curious of why now? Much like Bucky, bruce was good enough at hiding to have been found when he wanted to be found, which meant there was something she was missing. Which worried her. Bucky’s games had nearly gotten them both killed, she didn’t want to consider what this could be. Sighing quietly, tiredly she ran her fingers through her hair as she started to eat, she tried to not worry to much about the man she’d left behind.
Bruce nodded. "i think he'll be impressed with what i did." he admitted with a smile. "...actually no, i didn't know that." Bruce admitted, blinking at Tony. "when did you start that? you know that he'll crush any Crayon he tries to use right? and make sure it doesn't taste like crap." he ordered. "i've actually gotten him to calm down enough that... well i let him out on purpose sometimes... just so he can get some exercise..." he admitted, looking a bit wary about admitting that. "he always gives me control back when i want, or need it now." he admitted. "Things are really starting to get under control now. and while it might not be my control, at least i can keep Hulk from hurting anyone." he admitted with a small smile. " far as i know. i'm not sure yet what will happen in a battle situation." he admitted with a smile. "i might try them anyway, my sense of taste isn't the same as most humans is." he admitted before he smirked at her, his eyes narrowed almost mischievously at Erin. he had let that slip on freaking purpose! he really was messing with her. "thank you." he stated as he tucked into the three waffles that had been set in front of him as Loki staggered into the room looking half asleep as he muttered in Asgardian and reached into the cupboards looking for his disgusting asgardian 'breakfast drink' which was a powder that Loki poured into hot milk or water depending on his mood. it tasted sort of like milk and mustard mixed together and stirred in with Honey and a dash of vanilla. truly disgusting.
“Probably.”Tony smiled a little before looking startled.”Oh. Oops. Sorry. I thought I told you. And I know, which is why I’m working on flexible huge crayons. It’ll be epic and its a project me and reindeer work on when we just need some time to screw a non-literal way.”Tony snickered a little looking pleased.”Good. I told you you’d have better control if you two tried ‘talking’.”Tony smiled really pleased for his friend before wincing. “Well, wait until I’m in the lab then.”Tony grumbled. “Welcome.’Erin said, eyebrow twitching a little as she saw the doctor’s narrowed eyes, resisting the urge to stick her tongue out at him like a child. Looking up at loki she smiled.”Morning.”She smiled a little. “Loki!Reindeer, bruce’s got a project he wants you to look at after breakfast.”
Bruce chuckled a little. "Hulk will be delighted." he admitted with a smile. "he loves to play. it's still hard convincing him that breaking things isn't a good game to play." he admitted with a shake of his head. "but he's promised not to break 'Red Metal Man's' Tower." Bruce admitted with a chuckle. "make sure to make at least a Green Crayon. Hulk loves Green." Bruce admitted with a smile. "and... well it's hard to Talk to someone who doesn't exactly think in words." he admitted. "it took a long time to figure out how Hulk 'speaks'. sure he knows words, he just doesn't use them because they confuse him." Bruce admitted. "don't tell anyone though, okay? the last thing i want is for people to know i'm in control and start trying to Control me." he admitted. he hated nothing more than when people tried to control him, tried to use him, tried to trap him. "Project?" Loki asked as he touched a finger to the mug, steam rising off the milk as he added the powder and stirred it with a spoon... or, rather flicked his finger at it and the spoon stirred itself. "i'm trying to make a portal. i think i have the physics down, but i know i need magic to keep it open and direct it, i'm not sure about stabilizing." "Magic can half stabilize it, but it would be best if..." and the three where off, combining technology, physics and magic to manage a stable, complete portal that would allow Thor to come and go as he pleased. this would help Loki as well, having his brother around would sooth Loki in more ways than one.
“I’m sure he will be.”Tony grinned looking amused as he talked. “Hm, somedays I have to have that talk with myself. Breaking things can be fun to.”he said looking amused before laughing. “Ahhh, yes. Green will definitely come in shades for the big guy.”H esnickered before nodding.”Of course. Though you might consider telling your therapist. I mean, she wont tell anyone, like she said, her secrets have secrets, but she’d probably be able to help. I mean, she’s annoying, but she’s horribly good at what she does.”Tony said making a face a little before nodding.”Yea.”Tony grinned as they started talking. “Okay, okay you guys. Stop. You’re making my head hurt.”Erin said rubbing a hand over her face as she finished her food, looking up at loki. “Want to go for that walk, or work on that project first?”She said smiling in that indulgent way that said she really didn’t care what he chose.
he smiled a little. "there's a difference between breaking things for science and breaking a city tony." he pointed out with a chuckle. "and yes. Hulk likes green... and i won't tell her. not yet. i don't trust her and she still works for Shield." he admitted. "besides, she doesn't need to know. no one needs to know. the only reason why you know as much as you do, is because i know, like, and trust you." he admitted. "even you don't know everything." Bruce admitted with a shake of his head. "she can know when she proves she's not going to tattle." he admitted. he ate his breakfast with a grin as he chattered about science before turning to look at Erin, blinking a little as she spoke, clearly he'd forgotten she was there. Loki considered it for a moment and then. "i'll do the science first." he decided. "i feel... anxious, with Thor so far away all the time." he admitted. he and Thor had certainly become closer after all of this, when they where children Thor and he had been inseparable until they'd chosen separate paths of life. now they where reconnecting and Loki hated that he was away for so long. "then we can take that walk." he promised her, giving her a curious look before he smiled a little as if pleased with what he saw. whatever it was that he saw. "we'll go down as soon as tony's finished eating." "eat Tony." Loki ordered firmly even as he started wolfing down his own waffle.
“Yes there is, but I don’t mind breaking the city to.”Tony said snickering a little before shrugging. “I know. I don’t trust her either, but she’ll still find it interesting if you tell her eventually.”Tony shrugged because he figured he better warn the man that erin was going to find him fascinating simply because of the hulk, the fact she understood astrophysics to would just make it worse. Erin smiled a little, even as she finished eating. “I can get that. I’ll go bother clint. Just come find me when you’re done.”Erin smiled, blushing slightly as the man smiled slightly.”i’m eating I’m eating.Stop bothering me.”Tony whined a little even as he finished eating.”Let’s go do thinsg then.”Tony grinned already bouncing out of the room carrying his coffee cup, eager to have a way to have thor around to, and not simply because he liked the man.he wanted loki to feel better.

Erin smiled as she finished doing the dishes before going to find Clint, shaking her head when she found him still in bed, looking amused as she collapsed down onto the orgy sized bed next to him, poking his side.”It’s morning, buddy.”She teased braver than most people in that she was going to startle the man awake.
he chuckled a little. "honestly, i think he likes breaking people more than he breaks things. he won't stop asking if there's going to be another 'blue flying people' invasion." he admitted. "he really liked that." he admitted. "besides, whether i tell her or not is my business." he stated. "if it gets out, i'm fucked. they'll lock me in a cage somewhere thinking that i won't go green just because i'm a gentle soul who doesn't like violence." he said that with such sarcasm you had to wonder if he wasn't secretly a mass murderer or something. of course, Tony knew the truth of Bruce's personality. he avoided danger, and avoided trouble yes. if Bruce needed to fight though, he was particularly ruthless. he didn't even need to Hulk to bash heads and break bones. "sure. sounds good." Loki promised her before he smirked at Tony who finished his breakfast, much to Loki's pleasure as he carried his own cup, Bruce chuckling as he followed, carrying his own cup and the two piping hot coffee pots.

Clint was awake the second she opened the door. he was too light of a sleeper to be snuck up on. "morning." he mumbled. "breakfast?" he asked hopefully, smelling the lingering scent, sulking when he realized she didn't bring food with her. "Cruel." he groaned as he slowly sat up and crawled out of bed. as naked as he always was. when you lived with Clint for a good many years like she had, you got used to his naked ass.
"You'll have to ask loki about the blue people.he might be willing to indulge."tony snickered a little shaking his head a little,bumping his shoulder against the other's."I know. Don't'll be okay."tony muttered because he knew he'd do anything to protect bruce, and because he would loki would,along with the rest of the avengers."so lets see what we can do."tony grinned as he pulled up a new project folder already starting to design the machine they'd need even as he listened to the others talking.

"You know if the others caught me crawling in bed with you naked,they'd wonder."erin snickered even as she got up heading for the kitchen."foods in the kitchen.I wasn't stupid enough to not bring some with md."she teased as she settled at the table,lad tony had given them all thir own suites with absolute privacy,she needed to talk even if she wasn't sure how to start,it was clint she'd always told things when they bothered her,or upset her.
Bruce snorted. "no thanks. once was enough." he grumbled. "i'm sure there will be other bad people for Hulk to Smash." he stated with a smile and a shake of his head before he smiled at Tony. "i know. between you and Loki, i'm probobly the safest bastard on the planet." he admitted with a smile as he engaged Loki in how to mix the Astrophysics and Magic. soon, all they needed was for Tony to finish, it would take a few days to cram that much Tech into something portable and easy to carry, but Tony wasn't a genius for nothing.

Bruce chuckled a little and shook his head. "you shouldn't get into bed with me naked then." he stated simply as he reached for his pants and yanked them on, without underwear as always. "Waffles!" he chirped happily as he sat down and started stuffing himself. "you going to tell me whats on your mind then, or are you just gonna stand there?" Clint asked once he was halfway through his food, lifting an eyebrow at her. "don't give me that look, i know you. your upset, what's wrong?"
“You probably are. Not to mention you have the rest of the team.”Tony grinned looking amused as he worked on the design, frowning as he worked.”You two are even better in person to listen to, then over the phone.”Tony snickered talking simply because h needed to to work.

“well, it’s a nice hallway. I’ll just stand here thanks.”Erin said giving him that look before settling down next to him, curling her legs up under her, chewing on her lip. “Shield’s compromised. Despite the good captain’s trip to the sea, Hydra survived it.It’s....we don’t know how far up it is, but the agent I went after, knew it was some of the WSC....”She swallowed hard, rubbing a hand over his face as she considered the weeks she’d spent with Bucky, watching him fight the hold, trying to break the chains that kept him from being himself. “I knew this would be a train wreck if I tried to tell the other’s to, because they’d want to talk to him. And he wont. He doesn’t want to see the avengers.”she took a shuddery breath as she considered the one time she’d mentioned the captain, it had sent them all spiraling out of control utterly for weeks. “But I can tell you, and know you will trust me.”
he snorted a little at her sarcasm before he paused and looked at her, startled. "...we better not mention that to Cap just yet." he admitted. "fuck, this is bad." he admitted, running his fingers oer the butter knife in his hand as if it was a deadly blade, an old habit. "so this Agent is known then." he muttered, worried. "someone that's going to cause a massive uproar..." he muttered. "keep it a secrete for now. i don't think Cap could handle the shock of Hydra and Bruce already has serious issues trusting Shield after the whole 'we lied to you about letting you go free after the invasion'... but you wouldn't know about that..." he muttered. "one of the higher ups decided Bruce was 'too valuable' to go off on his own against Fury's wishes o course, that fucking Council. they actually put him in a fucking cell." he admitted. "Hulk tore it to shreds of course, nothing can hold the Hulk." he admitted with a smile before he frowned at her. "of course i trust you, you've saved my ass too many times, and not just from enemies, but from Shield too." he admitted, taking her hand. "we'll do this carefully. i'm assuming this mystery Agent doesn't want you naming him? don't tell anyone then, trust is important and i have a feeling this guy needs all the trust he can get." he admitted.
“I figured. That’s another reason I’m telling you. You know your team, better for you to decide what to do.”Erin said swallowing hard, wincing a little at the sight of the butter knife, knowing the man was deadly even with a butter knife.”He’s....a fucking ghost story.”Erin said hinting but not coming out and saying it, enough to give clint the pieces clint needed to have a idea who it was, even without telling, and it was still keeping her promise. Because everyone knew Bucky as the winter soldier, there was only one other person alive who remembered him as who he’d been before. “Like I said, it’s going to be a train wreck. ”She muttered her eyes widening at that, listening, wincing a little. “No wonder he wants me know where near him. This is going to be such a fucking mess.”She muttered before smiling slightly.”I know. I never said I didn’t trust you to trust’s just....”She took a deep breath. “I’ve spent the last 11 months reliving a life that’s the worst I’ve ever seen, and he’s not a raving lunatic. It’s hard....reconnecting with others now that I’m back, because of it.’She said sighing quietly, nodding. Bucky did need someone in his corner, and considering what she normally dealt with, the fact that bucky’s was the worst she’d ever seen, was saying that it was amazing she wasn’t raving mad herself. “I promised I wouldn’t....and he trusts me not to...which in itself is amazing. He’s been alone along time.”she smiled quietly, thoughtfully as she thought of the man. Because he might be in love with steve, but he had been alone, and with two healthy adults...well, shield wasn’t the only one compromised. She was emotionally compromised in wanting to protect him, and she trusted Clint to tell her if she was in over her head. Even if they weren’t in love, they cared, and that was why she was mentioning it now. Because no matter what he said, She doubted Bucky would actually stay in moscow while she was here stateside.
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