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The Key to Going Green(Avengers)Lady/Moon

he nodded a little as he continued to stroke the knife, frowning in thought before he paled in horror as he stared at her. "you... the Winter Soldier?! fuck are you serious!?" he asked, voice stunned and shocked. "big train wreck." he agreed, shaking his head. "yeah, but Bruce is a little more willing to work with you since i vouched for you." he admitted. "and i don't think Fury knows the Council stuck him in a cage." he admitted before he wrapped his arms around her. "that must have been hard... i can't imagine what they must have done to the poor man to make him the legend he is." he admitted. "besides, he put his trust in the right place." he admitted with a smile as he kissed her forehead. "i know your worried, but you always do whats right." he promised her. "first and foremost, you are not a Shield agent. you are a psychiatrist, and that means you take the individual more important than some crappy government." he promised her. "if you find yourself loosing a job, me and the rest of the Avengers will certainly protect you." he promised. "do what is right, and the Avengers will have your back till the ends of the earth." he promised with a smile, looking up as Jarvis indicated that Loki was done and was ready to take his walk.
“Uh-huh...and before you get your panties in a twist, he was already breaking the training they’d set him up in, I wasn’t in any least not really.”Not that she’d known that going in but after getting to know the man, she’d know if he’d really wanted her dead, she would be.”...They...”She trailed off because she couldn’t tell him without telling him who and why Bucky was on ice, but...”The drugs they used to train him have been not working right for awhile. He was found because he wanted to be found. It’s just...taken me this long to convince him to break completely. Getting called back stateside was just a good excuse to push him off that edge.”Erin smiled because she’d known it needed done, but she hadn’t wanted to do it, this had just given her the final motivation to get bucky through. Leaning into clint as he hugged her, “I will.Even if it means stepping back and letting everything fall.”She sighed quietly before smiling “I’ll see you later. Time to go play with the godling.”Erin said actually enjoying talking with loki as she headed for tony’s floor to meet up with him.”ready to go?”
he relaxed as he realized she hadn't been in any real danger. he knew she could defend herself enough for her to have gotten help if the Winter Soldier had attacked her, but it was nice to be reassured. "so he was able to escape them. that's good. means that maybe he could join us." he admitted with a smile. "considering we're welcoming Loki with open arms after all he's done, i'm sure we have room for the Winter Soldier." he admitted. "plus it will give him a chance to stay in contact with you, he probobly still needs a lot of mental assistance." he admitted with a smile as he wrapped his arms around her. "nothing will Fall but the enemy." he promised with a smile. "have fun. don't let him invade your mind." he ordered.

Loki was glaring at himself in the mirror when she came up. "no i'm not. i can't go out like this. people will recognize me and i'll get beat up again, but i can't decide who to go as." he admitted. "what do you think, blonde or redhead?" he asked curiously, scowling at himself his head tilted. he was a vain little creature that was for sure. which was a good thing because Tony rarely cared what he looked like.
“...Maybe.”Erin said smiling slightly as he relaxed, and as much as she wanted to say Bucky would join them, she knew the man. He wouldn’t want to, because the Captain was here. And Bucky Barnes was willing to face death, and the idea of being arrested for treason, he wasn’t willing to face Steve Rogers’ disappointment. “Hm, probably not. He’s a better sniper then you.At least with a gun.”She teased the archer before nodding. “He does.”She muttered before laughing. “I don’t think he’s the one invading my mind. I’m the mind doctor remember?”She teased.

“...You are a vain pain in the ass, you know that right?”Erin snickered shaking her head. “Maybe I should go talk to Banner. At least I don;t think he’d be this vain.”She teased a little before huffing out a sigh.”Blond. I’m a brunette, we’ll look good together.”She teased pulling on her shoes.
he grinned a little. "well, no pressure on him." he admitted. "is he really?" he asked, looking stunned as he stared at the other with wide eyes. "well. maybe i'll challenge him someday." he teased with a smile. "i'm sure his gun is no match for my bow." he admitted with a smirk. "yes, and Loki is still Evil." he stated, een if he didn't believe it. Bruce and Tony wouldn't like Loki so much if he was still evil.

"i'm gorgious, of course i'm vain." he admitted before he smirked at her. "you would like to talk to Banner. i saw the way you where looking at him. you want to get into his pants. don't try to Deny it." Loki ordered as he ran his fingers through his hair, turning it blonde before turning his face a little more masculine with some fine dusting of facial hair. "...hmm... it will do." Loki decided as he ran his hands down his body, dressing himself in a blue silk shirt that accented his now slate gray eyes, black jeans and a black leather jacket. "i make you look good." Loki teased with a smirk. "i desire the frozen cream." he ordered. "i have Tony's Money Card so i'll get you some too." Loki had an unhealthy obsession with Ice-cream. much like Thor's obsession with Pop-tarts, Loki would do almost anything for some 'frozen milk'.
“He’ll be so glad to hear no pressure.”Erin grinned because she knew whether it was stated or not, Bucky was feeling the pressure to come, simply because she was here. “And he is....Clint, I’ve seen him shoot a arrow in midflight. I’m not quite sure if anyone is a match for him with a gun.”Erin teased amused as she shook her head leaving.

“...I do not. He doesn’t even like me. Not to mention I like listening to him talk more then I’d like sex. I mean, he’d probably understand my thesis paper better then anyone...”She paused grinning at the idea, and even if she knew a accident trying to recreate the serum is what lead to the hulk, she would still love to talk to him, as long as it didn’t lead to bad things. “You do. Not as good as the captain would, or tony, but you do well enough.”She teased as they left, grinning. “Good thing you have tony’s money card. Only Stark could afford to give you as much ice cream as you want.”She teased as they headed for the downtown ice cream shop she absolutely adored, because they made the best hand made ice cream. It was amazing and she found his obsession with it cute
Clint grinned. "just make sure he knows i want a contest, Avenger or not." he teased with a grin before his eyes widened, impressed. "well, considering i can shoot a bullet with my arrows." he'd done it once. by accident. she knew it too, you could track an arrow with the blind eye, you couldn't do the same with a bullet.

Loki smirked. "he's fascinated by you." Loki admitted. "he would probobly like to talk science with you." he admitted. "just try to avoid digging too closely into his accident." Loki suggested. "he's extremely sensitive about it, even Tony doesn't know any of the details of the accident." he admitted. "probobly because he's afraid word will get out, and we'll have another, less than savory Hulk running around." Loki admitted. "you know that's why the U.S. Army wants to keep Bruce don't you? so they can recreate him." he admitted. "that's why Shield wants him too, or at least some of them. Fury i think, just doesn't want him breaking anymore cities." he admitted before he smirked at her. "be nice and i might even buy you a dress." he promised with a chuckle as he followed her into the ice-cream shop and he examined the choices intently, trying to decide which one he wanted to try this time. finally he settled on coconut fudge swirl with Coffee and Butter Pecan. he sat down outside with his bowl and hummed happily as he lapped at the delicious treat. "so tell me." Loki stated suddenly. "why are you really here? oh i know, 'Shield told me to' but we both know that's a shit load of bull honkey." Loki admitted. "what do you hope to gain? is it simply because you want to help, or are you plotting nefariously behind out backs?" he asked, his head tilted. "and do try to answer honestly, i get irate when people try to lie to me, being that i AM the God of Lies." he pointed out. "even Natasha cannot fool me." he paused. "although, she is getting very good at deflecting and distracting my attention. which tends to work on occasion."
“Hm, I’ll talk to him. It’s better then discussing whatever Shield thinks I should be discussing with him.”She said before a smile dimpled his cheek, looking pleased with the advice, nodding a little.”I’ll try. Besides, it’s not the science end of the accident that interests me. But you’re right, I should probably not look into it to hard.”She said before nodding. “I suspected. It’s why they want Cap standing still long enough to look at to. I mean, they wont be as overt about it with Cap, but...”She shrugged, anger in that look. “Fury suspects-”And bucky knew “That they’re keeping him here because they’re hoping between bruce and steve, they’ll create a better solider....they forget to take in account the Captain became the captain because it was him in the body, not a solider, but a good man. They’ll never be able to create it exactly, because no one is him exactly.”Though Bucky came a close second, but even then he had more flaws to his serum then steve. They’d never be able to get it right, because it took a certain kind of man, a one in a million man.

Ordering her ice cream of blueberries and vanilla she settled into her chair, slanting a look at him.”Shield asked me.”She pointed out but not denying there were other reasons to be here. “I’m sure she’s enjoying being able to deflect you.”She swallowed hard, looking down at her ice cream, taking a few licks before answering.”I’m here for two reasons. And one will...affect the other.”She sighed.”Coulson really did ask me to return because he was worried about you guys. He knew what regular fights and distrust and everything that this job does to someone, can do when its on a team already having emotional and extreme trauma. He thought...and I needed someone you could trust, to talk to you guys wanted. And since I already knew clint...well, I was the obvious choice.”She smiled a little. “Second...I came back because I’m stacking the deck in my favor. I'm forcing a decision that's been put off long enough, but now it's up to the agent I left behind to see what he wants to do or not."Her eyes flickered shut, worry in her dark eyes."I'll return to him no matter what he decides...I just....he'd fit better here. With you guys.I'm hoping, praying, he'll take the excuse of me being here, to come but if not...well, moscow is nice in teh winter."She sighed tiredly.
he nodded a little. "some members of shield seams to be under the illusion that the Avengers are property, and not people." Loki admitted simply. "Fury is not one of those people, but Shield is very large, and the Council has many people within shield loyal to them." he admitted. "yes, but they will find it completely impossible to recreate the Serum within Steve, and not just because he'll fight them or because he's a one in a billion good person." Loki admitted. "as long as Fury is suspicious, he will be keeping a very close eye on things, and that is good." Loki admitted. "she's a pain in the ass." Loki admitted as he watched her closely. "Coulson is a good man even if most of us are a little... irate with him at the moment." he admitted with a smile as he leaned back. "your answers please me." he admitted. "i will tell Bruce you can be trusted." he admitted. "and you Can be trusted, Agent. because if you stab us in the back or betray us? it's not me you'll have to deal with." he warned with a rather... evil glint in his eye before he turned his attention onto his Ice-cream again.
“Some are. I’m not one of them.”Erin sighed quietly, because she’d seen the damage that missions could do to people, she’d never ever be able to think of them as just property, pieces to be moved around the board. “Well, as long as you guys keep being paranoid bastards, I think we can deal with the council.”She teased a little before nodding. “He is. I was sent to Russia because he was suspicious, which is why I’m doing this. Because..he...would be good here, he’s needed here, but unless it’s forced on him, he wont. So.Here we go.”Erin said because she knew she was playing with explosives, but it was worth it. “Hm, so I guessed. He’s irate with you guys to taking so long to get together, forcing fury to ruin perfectly good cards. You know I haven’t heard the end of it for months. It was quite amusing really.”Erin smiled before looking at him, tilting her head. “I’ll keep that in mind, Loki.”She muttered smiling as she settled in to eating her ice cream.

When they return to the tower she smiled at the sight of tony and bruce waiting for them, well...not that Tony would ever say he was waiting because he was nervous, simply that he was making bruce make him food, but tony at least was waiting. “You two look all science’d out for the moment.”She said smiling, happy with how things had gone. It had been nice to simply talk with someone, to let loki get to know her.
Loki nodded a little. "we are paranoid bastards. how could we not be?" he asked with a smile. "the Council will soon find what a force the Avengers really are." he admitted. "they won't last long i'm sure." he admitted with a shake of his head and a smirk. "Russia?" Loki asked curiously. "that's a.. country?" he asked, a little hesitant. Asgard wasn't split up into places like that so it was hard for Loki to understand that different parts of the world where ruled by different people, more than that, different kinds of government! it was more than a bafflement to him which was one of the reasons why he had failed. he had thought the World was ruled by the Avengers, he'd had no knowladge at all of presidents or Kings. "well, i'm sure... he, will show up in his own time eventually." Loki admitted. "after all, the Avengers allow me in their midst and i tried to kill all of them and take over the world and damn near succeeded." he admitted. "of course it wouldn't have lasted long, but i would have managed for a day or two." he admitted with a smile. "you know, i never intended on killing the man." he admitted. "i certainly didn't want to give them a martyr. Fury was very clever when he did that." he admitted.

Loki smiled as he bounded over to Tony and gave him a kiss, letting Tony taste the lingering Ice-cream before he plopped down into a chair next to him, Bruce chuckling at Loki's antics. "Jarvis is building the machine." he explained. "in theory, as soon as it's build and we add the final components, Thor should be able to come here as he pleases, instead of having to deal with a malfunctioning bridge and an annoyed Heimdal." Bruce admitted as he flipped the Omelet in his pan before sliding it onto a plate and handed it to Tony. "how did the talk go?" "great! she's very good with fashion." Loki admitted. "i threatened her, she laughed it off and i'm quite certain she can be trusted." Loki admitted. "what is that? i want one." Loki ordered as he stole Tony's Omelet and started to eat as Bruce laughed and started making Tony another Omelet.
“Very true. Someday, when you all come to therapy, I have the vision of just getting told about conspiracy theories and the like, instead of anything else.”She snickered a little even if something tight in her chest eased at the idea of them being able to take care of themselves. Maybe they’ll actually make it through Shield’s compromised situation alive. “It is. It’s cold, like all the time.”Erin smiled gently, not making fun of him for not knowing, simply explaining. “probably. He lives to be a pain in my ass, which means getting his ass here.”She grumbled good naturedly, even if she knew they were going to have issues with bucky. Because she knew why he was off ice this long, had been brought out when they found Cap on ice. It was going to be pleasant, but hopefully this would be okay. “It would have been a glorious day or two I’m sure.”She teased before smirking. “I know. And he was clever, but I’m sure he’s regretting it now that Phil’s back to chew him out over it. I’m seriously thinking about asking Tony if he has a set of cards, simply so we can all be happier.”

Tony smiled kissing him back, groaning at the taste of ice cream.”Hm, at least I know why you’re so happy. She gave you ice cream.” “Well, I do want him to like me.”Erin snickered a little. “But even with the machine, wouldn’t it still be relying on the brifrost, even if it doesnt involve heimdal?”Erin question, actually looking interested in the question relaxing even more as loki said he was good with the talks. “Well, I spent time with Natasha alot, getting threatened is a common occurance.”Erin pointed out with a smile before snickering as he stole tony’s food. “Hey!Hey, you say I need to eat more. Give it back.”He whined even as he leaned back in his chair to simply wait for bruce to finish another
Loki chuckled a little. "only from Clint, he's more than paranoid." he admitted with a chuckle. "cold?" Loki asked, looking eagerly curious. "Like Snow? i saw Snow once, when Thor went to start wars with Jot..." here he paused and was silent for a good long time and then continued on as if nothing had happened. "i think all humans live to be annoying." he admitted with a smile. "i would have been bored in hours." Loki admitted with a scoff. "if... Phil, brings me the pictures, i should be able to return them to their original state." he admitted.

Loki grinned. "no. You gave me the Milk of Frozen Wonder!" he admitted. "i took your money card." he admitted happily. "would you like it back?" that made Bruce laugh again. this was something that had been going on since Loki had found out humans needed money to get things. Loki often took Tony's Bank Card and bought weird or interesting things and then 'returned' the card only to steal it again later. "No, they do work in exactly the same manner however. it's... like a hose. on one end it is fixed and cannot be moved at all. in the Bi-frosts case, this is in Asgard at the end of the Rainbow Bridge, in Thor's case, the fixed location will be here at the tower. then you set the location, and go through the tunnel." Loki admitted. "it's just that the bi-frost is massive, thanks to earth technology, we can shrink the Bi-Frost into a singular, portable item." he admitted. "no. it's mine now." Loki stated with a smirk as he munched on the Omelet. it was delicious.
“You don’t have to tell me that. I’m well aware of how paranoid.”She snickered a little before nodding. “Snow. It’s snowy there for like 9 months out of the year. You’ll have to get Tony to take you sometime if you want to see alot of snow.”she smiled a little before laughing.”Humans are fairly annoying....and I’ll tell him. He’d be happy for it.”

“If you want to give it back, yes. But if you have more shopping to do, keep it. It’s amusing to watch Pepper puzzle over what the hell I need some of the stuff you buy. Youd think by now she’d know it wasn’t me shopping.”He snickered. “Oh. I see. That’s fairly impressive.”Erin said looking interested and amused with the idea of that before grinning at tony’s pout. “Fine. But if you eat enough to make yourself sick, don’t blame me.”Tony grumbled as he took his new omlete from bruce, starting to eat, remembering the time loki had first been introduced to ice cream and ate enough to get sick.
Loki smiled a little. "i would like to see Snow again." he admitted. "does it snow here?" he asked. "i could always get Tony to take me somewhere that has Snow." he admitted, head tilted as he pondered that. "and perhaps he might even forgive me for stabbing him... it wasn't like he needed that kidney, he has another."

Loki snickered as he shoved it into his Pocket. he adored Pepper and loved playing pranks on her. especially since she let him do her hair and paint her nails anytime he wanted. "you'd think, but for some reason she seams to think i don't know how to shop." he admitted with a snicker. "yes. very impressive. i hadn't even realized it would be possible until Bruce showed me his research." Loki admitted with a smile. "i won't make myself sick." he grumbled as he stuffed his last mouthful into his mouth and relaxed, content to let tony eat his food as Bruce made another Omelet for Erin. "Cheese Miss Roberts?" Bruce asked. well, at least he was being nice to her now.
“It does, but the city clears it usually fairly quickly. When winter comes, you’ll have to ask Tony to take you out of the city to enjoy it.”Erin smiled a little before staring at the other for a long moment. “....I don’t know if I should be taking you serious or not.”

“Probably because you’re not, like from here. And I despise shopping. Probably thinks I wouldn’t bother to show you how to do it.”Tony rolled his eyes. “And you will. You always do when you get new food.”Tony grumbled. “Yes, please, dr. Banner.”She bit her lip a little, before huffing. “And it’s erin. Please. Ms. Roberts makes me sound old or something.”She said rolling her eyes a little startling slightly as he phone went off. Glancing at the phone she stood, frowning, “I’ll be right back.”She muttered even as she answered, stepping out into the hall, not bothering to go far, considering she switched to russian, she wasn’t overly worried with anyone overhearing. Though the tone of voice said she’d gone from happy and pleased to scared and stressed. “Jarvis?Record.”Tony muttered, knowing he was doing a bad thing recording, but he wanted to know. Listening to the woman slump against the hall wall he looked a tad startled as she walked in, having expcted her to just leave. “...Is that food done?”Erin said, smiling though it look strained around the edges as she settled at the table again.
he nodded. "i'll make him take me to snow." he decided before he smiled at her. "i don't have Kidneys." he admitted with a shrug. "i'm not sure what they're for, but he does have two of them." Loki admitted. "i mean, i have two hearts, but two... what are Kidney's for anyway? seams to be overkill to me whatever they are."

"...Tony. please. i'm me. i'm a genius, and i'm flamboyant on top of that. of course i'm going to figure out how to buy things." he scoffed, shaking his head a little. "ugh... did you really just call me Dr. Banner?" he asked, shaking his head. "please don't. yuck." he complained with a smile and a shake of his head. "just call me Bruce." he ordered before blinking as he watched her leave. "yup, foods done." he stated, handing her the Omelet and smiled a little as he continued cooking as the others started to trickle in. Steve first, damp from running the streets. fortunately, the Serum eliminated any body odor, so he never stank. "afternoon everyone... why are you making omelets?" "it's the only thing i can make without burning it." Bruce admitted with a smile. "want one?" "yes please."
“I know that. It’s just amusing watching her figure out what I’m buying at victoria’s secret.”Tony snickered, and what a shopping trip that had been. “I did....okay. Bruce then.”Erin smiled looking up at him looking relieved as the food was done, settling in to eat, trying to distract herself, because she couldn’t do anything from here, could only hope that she’d gotten through enough to stop bucky from drastic measures. Wondering if it had been a good idea to leave him. Smiling slightly as she looked at steve, “good run?”She smiled. “And loki wasn’t here to cook for me. So we’re having omlettes.”Tony smiled as he ate, glad to see his whole team trinkling in, even as he wondered what the woman was hiding, and trying really, really hard to not be his normal paranoid self. It was fairly difficult for him really. Looking up at steve Erin smiled a little, “After this, care for a game of chess?”she asked, wanting the distraction, needing to not think about the mess she’d left behind, and really hoping she’d be able to get through after the brunette soldier had hung up on her. Not quite sure why bucky had called if he didn’t want to really talk, but she was worried, and needed to not to, at least until she figured out how bad it was. Feeling like a hrrible person, for having left knowing how bad he was.
Loki smirked. "that was a fun day." he admitted with a nod and a chuckle. "i do believe we had the best sex ever after i modeled all those panties for you... still not sure why you claim they are for women though." in Asgard, there was no 'men and women's' clothing. it was just clothes that where always stitched and hemmed to fit any body proportion. whether it be breasts or a cock that needed to be protected. "very good." Steve agreed as he flopped down into a chair. "i went to the Empire State and then circled back to see this place called Ground Zero." he admitted, looking a bit concerned. "no one would explain what was so important about it though." he admitted with a shake of his head. "sure, i'll play a game of chess with you." he promised as he wolfed down three omelets and an apple. "let me just take a shower first." he ordered, realizing he was still damp and sweaty. he rushed off, Loki smirking a little as he examined her. "you're going to get trounced. you know that right?" Loki asked her. he was right. in moves just as brutal as Bucky's, he took her down fast and hard. though he did sheepishly apologize for taking her down in six moves, compared to Bucky laughing at her.
"They were,ut the fact that you like them is something I wouldn't change...remind me,you need to gst more.I ripped your last pair thr other day."tony said utterly unembarassed about admitting it. Erin winced as she studied the man,trying to decide what to tell him."they have a museum there to...if you want to go see.maybe make a team day of it.."erin sid looking at the others wanting advice before grinning."awesome."she grinned amused as he left to get a shower before nodding"I know."she said simply,because she just wanted a excuse to sit with him for a bit,because her curiosity was killing her a little bit.wincing at the quick win she offered him a smile,tilting her head."dony was a wll played game, and the man who taught me laughs when hr wins this quickly,at least you're more polite about kicking my ass."she said looking amused before resting her chin on her fist as she studied the board."can I ask you something?and if tou don't want to answer feel free to tell me to go to hell or just don' preszurd.I'm just curious."she smiled a little because she was going to ask a question she'd suspected from her research but it had brdn only meeting bucky that had confirmed the suspicion."where you in love with bucky barnes?"she'd suspected they'd hidden a relationship, hadn't been until she met bucky that shed realized that they'd bedn just friends,o matter how much bucky had wanted otherwizd. He'd known steve was straight,so had never said she wanted to know if it was true or bucky just being a coward for once in his life in not asking.
Loki smirked a little and shook his head a little. "i'll make Erin go with me. she has good taste." he admitted. "might make Natasha go with me too. she clearly needs to feel pretty." he admitted with a chuckle before frowning a little. "i don't understand. how can the ground be a number?" he asked curiously, Steve shrugging. "it seams pretty important." he admitted. "a lot of people where crying there. i imagine it's a place of sorrow and tragedy, but i can't be sure." he admitted. "yes well... i was always good at strategy." he admitted. "my Mam taught me." he admitted. "she was a chess champion when she was younger and taught me." he admitted. "course you can ask. i won't get mad over a question." he promised. "i might not answer, but i won't get mad." he promised her. expecting a question about the Serum, the doctor he had worked with, Howard Stark, or the days in the war. he nearly died when she asked THAT of all things. he swallowed hard and his face went bright red before it went as white as snow. clearly he hadn't realized that homosexuality was a much practiced love in the day and age he had found himself in. "og... of course, he was a brother to me." Steve finally stuttered, but it was a lie and the entire Tower knew it. "...i have to go." and Steve turned and fled. hopefully no one would look into it too deeply and beat him up for being a faggot. while he was a super soldier, Tony could hit pretty damn hard, and he didn't even want to imagine the hulk having at him.
“Thanks.”Erin smiled amused before snickering. “She does, does she?”Erin said looking amused, and sort of wanting him to tell that to natasha, just to see what would happen. “Ground zero is just a term where a bomb or explosive has gone off.It’s a start point.”Tony answered without thinking about it, shrugging a little. “That’s really cool.”Erin said smiling slightly at the idea of his mother being a champion, despite being a woman. That was amazing for the time period she’d been in. “Steve-”Erin said already reaching out towards him as he went white, her features tightening in worry, even if she had had her own reasons for asking, she hadn’t expected such a strong reaction. Swallowing hard as she ran after him she caught his arm, pulling him to a stop. “Steve, I’m sorry. IT’s not a bad thing these days. While not everyone likes it, it’s not like it was when you were younger...I had figured someone told you that.”She said looking anxious about upsetting him
Loki smirked. "she does." he agreed before he blinked at Tony, looking hesitant. "is it one of the places i exploded?" he asked nervously. "no. actually, one of the few places you didn't break." Bruce admitted. "no the Ground Zero here was where terrorists blew up the Twin Towers." "the what?" Steve and Loki chorused, confused and Bruce sighed. "bad people flew planes into two towers and it was a major catastrophe and thousands of people died." Bruce explained. "my mother went to an all girls school." he admitted with a smile. which explained why she had won, or rather, been allowed to compete. "she was good enough to take on almost anyone though, she liked to sit in the park and Challenge anyone who dared." he admitted with a snicker before he reacted to her question. he shook her off effortlessly but he did stop and he turned to stare at her, looking almost hurt. "i'm not sick like that and i don't appreciate you trying to tell me that i am." he stated, heading off once more to vanish into the city once more, Loki setting a hand on her shoulder. "that's why we haven't told him." Loki explained. "every time we try he just brushes it off, claims it doesn't affect him and hides. we've been trying to find a way to tell him that me and Tony are fucking, it's not like we're hiding it, but he's pretty deep in denial."
“Amazingly, no.”tony teased loki a little, nudging his shoulder a little. “You’re good. Not all things going boom in new york was your temper tantrum.”Tony muttered.

Erin frowned looking up at the man, flinching as she saw the look on his face. “I’m sorry Cap. So sorry....”she muttered watching him go, pain showing in her face. Because she know knew what had hurt bucky enough, that ever 70 years after the fact, was keeping him in moscow, without even considering coming state sid.e Sighing tiredly, she looked up at loki. “....I hadn’t meant to upset him...”She muttered biting her lip. “I’ll...have to just wait...and see if he talks.”She said looking worried for him before sighing quietly. “Well, want to play a game?since the boards already out.”She smiled looking up at loki, trying to not worry to much. “Don’t worry about Cap to much. We’ll get in a fight soon enough, and I’m sure he’ll beat someone up, feel better and be able to keep being in denial.”Tony said from the doorway, and despite the light words, there was worry in his eyes. He knew steve was going to run face first into a wall soon, and hopefully he’d seek help instead of handling it on his own.
Steve gave her a look as he left. it was a look that hurt, filled with fear and something that looked almost like betrayal. "i know you hadn't." Loki admitted as he shook his head. "come back inside, i'll pretend you can beat me at chess." Loki promised with a smile because they both knew it wasn't true. "i hate chess. let's play something else." Clint whined, trying to distract them from Steve being in denial. "let's play Monopoly!" "no! the last time we played that Loki accused me of being a sneak thief and was convinced that Tony was out selling drugs on the streets." "...oh yeah. how about Life?" "...alright. that doesn't seam so bad." but it was. and they discovered that Loki had 'female insides' so he could get pregnant even as a male. very traumatic.

Three days later, Steve finally stopped avoiding everyone as he realized they weren't going to beat on him. he figured they believed him when he tried to say he wasn't like that... pathetic as he had been when saying it. "morning." Steve stated as he moved into the kitchen, digging in the fridge for his energy shakes. he was the only one who could stand them, but Steve drank them several times a day to keep up with his calorie intake since he couldn't stop for food every hour. "Steve. if Loki ever asks you yo play board games with you, just say no." Steve blinked a little. "...yeah... okay..."
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