The Key to Going Green(Avengers)Lady/Moon

“Oh gods, we’re not talking about that day unti we can have sex. Otherwise I’m going to go fuck Clint through a wall and dress him up in his corset, and I want to enjoy breakfast with you.”Bucky groaned, whining a little. Before smirking. “Good, I’ll teach you.”he smiled before shaking his head. “I’d feel bad for him, if it wasn’t so funny.”He snickered before smiling. “You are so oblivious.”he teased before nodding. “Me to.”he said heading for the kitchen, pausing only for a moment before pulling the other into his lap, settling steve on his legs, wanting, needing to hold him as he started to eat. “....we’re going to be subjected to lots of PDA now aren’t we?”Erin teased smiling so happy for them,
Steve chuckled a little and smirked a little. "you'll have to record that, i'll want to see it someday. does he really wear a Corset? i always thought he'd be a 'top' sort of guy." he admitted with a snicker. "it is funny." he agreed with a snicker. "it's hilarious even. and he completely deserves it." he admitted with a snicker. "i'm not oblivious anymore!" he complained, pouting as he smiled as he was pulled into the others lap, snuggling in happily. "yes. yes you are... i think. what's PDA?" Steve asked, looking honestly confused. Erin being herself, she could tell the difference between him being sassy and him actually not understanding something.
“I will. Between you and Phil, the sight of me fucking Clint is going to get alot of views.”Bucky muttered blushing ever so slightly as he looked at his...boyfriend?Yea, boyfriend. “And he does.He said he had heels to go with it to.”Bucky snickered. “He does. It’s his fault for thinking you two are utterly innocent and geriatrics who refuse to use tech.”ERinc snickered a little smirking as bucky cuddled his captain, even though she rolled her eyes. This was going to be so sickeningly sweet, even if she was glad to see them. “Public displays of affection. Public kissing, hugging, know Barnes, I don’t want to see your bare ass having sex in public.” “But you already have. You just don’t want to see me because you don’t think you can resist me.” “...Do you have no shame?” “Not really.”
he smirked a little. "what can i say? i'm a pervert." he admitted with a chuckle as he snuggled into the other with a yawn. "what, like High Heels?" Steve asked, looking a little startled, his head tilted. "exactly. i'm not sure fully what you said because you use useless big words, but i'm sure you where agreeing with me." he admitted with a grin as he snuggled into Bucky. "oh. well, i like PDA then. i want the world to know that he's mine. i don't normally share you know. just as Bucky." he admitted with a chuckle before laughing at the sexual bi-play going on. "makes me wonder how Bruce handles all of this." he admitted with a chuckle. Bruce was handling it very well actually.
Bucky frowned a little as he looked down at the other yawning, pressing a kiss to his hair.”You should get some sleep...and yes. High heels.”He muttered. “...I was quoting tony. Geriatrics are old people. You two are old people who fuck up his tech, even if he doesn’t know it’s on purpose.”Erin snickered a little. “Good. I’m not sharing with anyone.Well. Maybe clint and phil for the night, but that’s it.”Bucky grumbled, his breathing deepening a little steve snuggled back into him, trying so so hard to not react to the man sitting in his lap. “Bruce handles well, don’t you?”Erin smiled a little looking at her boyfriend as he ate his food, because while she enjoyed teasing and joking with Bucky, she would have toned it down if she knew it made him uncomfortable at all.
Steve shook his head. "i don't want to sleep." he complained softly. "i have nightmares... you have to sleep with me." he ordered softly. "i like High Heels." Steve admitted with a smirk. "...i'm not old." Steve complained with a scowl before he smirked. "i'm giving Bucky my tablet now. so he can fuck it up for me." Steve admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "i wouldn't mind sharing with Clint and Phil... once or twice." Steve agreed. "i handle well because your a woman and you have parts i don't. i don't have to Compete with you i just have to be what he needs from a man." Steve admitted with a chuckle. Bruce wasn't even paying any attention to them. he was reading a massive sheaf of papers with his glasss perched on his nose looking adorably focused and Steve snorted. "i don't think he's bothered." he admitted, having honestly forgotten that Bruce was even there.
“I will always sleep with you, punk.”Bucky muttered resting his head against the other’s shoulder, shuddering a little at the thought of steve in high heels. Swallowing hard as he tried to relax. Steve so didn’t need to know just how amazing bucky thought the idea of him in heels was. “I do have parts you don’t, and thank god for that. I think walking up stairs as a guy would just be awkward.” “’ve given this thought haven’t you?” “Yep. I mean, how do you walk up stairs without injuring yourself?”Erin said thoughtfully smiling slightly as she looked at her boyfriend. “I really don’t....he’s fairly adorable like this really.”She smiled staring at her boyfriend, he really was adorable when he was all focused.
Steve smiled. "thank you." he muttered, smirking as he felt the shudder. he knew it was mean, but he just couldn't help himself. "...walking up the stairs is fine." Steve stated, looking a bit confused. "besides, you're lady p[arts have to completely throw off your balance. how do you do anything with five pounds permanently attached to your front half?" Steve asked, looking highly amused. "i don't understand? it's not like our junk hits the floor or anything." he stated with a frown and a cock of his head. "we're not that clumsy you know." he pointed out with a chuckle. "hmmm?" Bruce asked, realizing he was suddenly being watched, acutely aware of eyes on him. one had to be when thirteen different branches of the american government, and a few foreign ones, all wanted to own and control him. or at least, run experiments on him. "sorry, i wasn't paying attention, did you ask me something?" Bruce admitted, sounding quite sheepish.
“Very, very carefully. It really does throw off the balance sometimes.”Erin snickered a little before laughing, “No, but you walk and I’d think you’d pinch something or it just sounds awkward to have a cock and balls.”Erin said making a face before laughing. “Hm, James is. He walked into a few signs once.” “You shoved me into a sign.” “You deserved it.”Erin said before laughing quietly at her boyfriend, leaning over to kiss his cheek. “No. Just finding you cutely adorable when you’re all focused like this, and you didn’t even notice James hitting on me.” “I was not. You were hitting on me, don’t lie to him.” “You were so hitting on me.”Erin whined playfully leaning over to lean against bruce’s shoulder. “Come on. Let’s leave the two lovebirds alone. We have our own date to get ready for you know.”
Steve blinked at her, as if unsure if he should take her seriously or not. ", no. it stays pretty tucked in. and we know how to move our hips to keep it from chafing. i guess it's because we are so used to it, we grew up with it anyway." Steve admitted with a shrug. "Bucky has always been a bit clumsy." Steve agreed with a snicker. "...James was hitting you?" Bruce asked, looking startled, Steve laughing. "no Bruce. Bucky was flirting with her." "oh. well he flirts with everyone." he pointed out. "besides, i don't care if she flirts. or even has sex with Bucky, he is the father of her baby after all." Bruce admitted with a chuckle. "just don't sleep with anyone else." he ordered with a smile as he kissed her forehead. "oh, that's right!" Bruce muttered, looking shocked. "i'd forgotten! god, i'm terrible. i'll get the tickets ordered right away." he promised, smiling sheepishly as Steve chuckled and gave Bucky a kiss. "go have sex with Clint and then come snuggle with me so we can have a nap." he ordered. "i'm tired and you're horny."
“...I’m serious!Don’t look at me like that!”Erin whined blushing so cutely as she looked at the two super soldiers who looked moments from laughing at her. “....”Bucky stared at the other for a long moment before laughing. “Tony’s going to be so jealous. I just have permission to sleep with everyone.” “Man-whore.” “Yea.”Bucky shrugged not even disturbed with the title. “Hm, don’t want anyone else, Brucy-bear.”Erin teased, remembering what tony had called him when he first arrived, before laughing at bruce’s shock.”It’s okay. We have a little while before we have to go.”She snickered getting up.”Come on. Let’s go.”She said hugging the two super soldiers before heading for the door before pausing. “Steve?You want me to stay here with you while Bruce goes gets our tickets?”She said seeing the torn look on bucky’s face at wanting, needing, to have sex, and not wanting to leave the other alone.
Steve just chuckled a little and shook his head. they where so cute. "you don't have permission to sleep with everyone. just Clint, Phil and Erin." Steve stated. "sleep with anyone else and i'll cut your balls out with a plastic spoon." he stated simply. "besides, he's my man whore." he stated simply. " "...Brucy-bear?" Bruce asked, looking a little stunned. "did you just..." "yes. yes she did. and she's going to get away with it too because she's pregnant." Steve teased with a snicker before he paused, hesitating. "yes. you stay." Steve agreed, realizing that neither she nor Bucky would let him stay alone, even if just for an hour. "i'll be back in ten minutes tops." Bruce promised as he gave Erin a sweet little kiss before he headed out into the Hall as Steve waved Bucky off. yawning as he snuggled into the couch again. he was just going to doze until Bucky was back from having sex. "Jarvis.. record Bucky having sex for me." "Yes Sir."
“....I’d be more scared if you weren’t liable to injure yourself more with the spoon then me.”bucky teased pressing a kiss to steve’s shoulder as he wrapped a arm around the other’s waist. “I’m stealing tony’s nickname. And I’m going to get away with everything for the next nine months. It’ll be awesome.”erin snickered before settling bacck on the couch.”okay. Go.”erin smiled watching their boyfriends go, snickering as she settled on the couchc next to steve, and by the time bruce came back, the woman was sleeping curled up against the super soldier’s side.

When they were done bucky smirked as he laid back on the bed, panting softly as he closed his eyes, smirking, knowing he was about to make clint’s day, but, it amused him. “So. Steve’s open to the idea of a foursome. You know. Eventually. After we have sex. I mean, i’m not sharing before i get him to myself. That’d just be wrong.”bucky snickered tiredly, contentedly, sounding utterly relaxed and amused all at once.
Steve snorted. "i have mad skills with a spoon. Natasha showed me." he admitted with a laugh as he shivered as he was kissed. it felt better than he thought it aught. "you will get away with everything." Steve agreed with a chuckle and a smirk as he kissed her temple as he snuggled in for a nap as well. Bruce thought it was so cute he took a few pictures... well, okay so it was a few dozen.

Clint sighed with a smile as they finished, feeling happily worn out. it was like the best thing ever. it really was. "... are you fucking serious!?" he demanded, looking delighted. "Coulson's going to be so happy he'll piss himself!" he admitted with a chuckle. "and i know. Steve's going to need a lot of calming down and attention before he's okay to have sex." he admitted. "but you can help him." he promised. "i'm kind of surprised he's letting you have sex. i always imagined him as the overly possessive type."
‘...that’s both frightening and awesome.”Erin giggled a little shaking her head as she laughed. It was a good thing that they had a few hours before their date, at least she’d be well rested.

Bucky laughed at the other’s demand, snickering as he sat up to light a cigarette and took a long drag. While he didn’t do it often, he smoked after sex, a habit so deeply engrained, so old for him, that not even the ice had managed to destroy it. “I am. It was a interesting conversation involving you and high heels.”Bucky teased taking a long drag before relaxing a little as the other reassured him that he’d indeed do okay helping steve. Smirking a little. “oh he is.except, apparently for you, coulson and Erin. you three, I can have sex with."
"it is." Steve agreed with a smile and a chuckle.

he grinned a little as he watched Bucky light up. he always felt rather pleased about being able to make the other smoke after sex. Coulson never smoked unless it was after a particularly good round of sex too. "mmm that' awesome. you know, Steve would look just as good as me in a corset and heals." Clint admitted with a grin. "like you'd have sex with Erin, we both know better." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "she'd castrate and neuter you before you managed to get your pants unzipped. with nothing more than the power of her mind."
Bucky smirked a little as he watched the other respond to the sight of him smoking, it was amusing at how pleased with himself that clint looked as bucky took a drag. “....Don’t start. Please. It’s bad enough I’ve seen him in heels, I don’t need to think about it.”He whined a little because while it had a youthful bet that had seen the desire to see steve in heels through, it was a fantasy that had stayed with him. “...You do know I have had sex with her. We are having a kid together.”he pointed out, looking cutely adorablely confused on why everyone seemed so sure that him and erin would never have sex again when they’d been attracted enough to have sex for months. So adorably confused on this whole open relationship thing, permission he’d been given to have sex, feeling guilty despite permission to have sex with clint, from both their lovers, it still bothered teh assassin if he really thought about it.
he chuckled. "so that story about him dressing in drag because he lost a bet was true?" he asked with a smirk. "i heard he made a gorgeous girl." it had been from before the Serum. so Steve had been cute and little, and dainty, and fit into the dress just perfectly. "yes, but now she had Bruce, and she knows you and her don't work very well as a affectionate loving couple. women are weird like that." he admitted. "besides, i'm pretty sure she's not too happy with being pregnant. she's gotten just big enough that nothing fits right anymore." he admitted with a snigger. "stop thinking and fuck me again." he ordered. "Steve knows that you and i don't have an emotional attachment. it's just sex, giving you something that i want and you need. he knows that i won't take you fro,m him. he trusts me not to try. it's a pretty big honor actually." Clint admitted as he stole the cigarette and took a small puff. he'd never been a big smoker, but he liked to have a small taste here and there.
“Oh yea. He made a lovely girl when he barely came to my still would be amazing now, but I doubt he could pass as easily now.”Bucky snickered a ltitle before frowning, looking oh so serious for a post-sex talk. “...women are weird.”Bucky muttered before looking a little anxious, and a lot worried, because he never wanted to force erin to do something she didn’t want. “...I didn’t mean to get her pregnant.”He muttered sounding worried before looking up at him, laughing quietly. “Hm, Captain america has honored you by knowing you don’t want to steal his boyfriend....there should be a reward or medal for that.”He snickered pouting as his cigarette was stolen but letting the other finish it and put it out before he leaned over to kiss him.
Clint chuckled a little. "wish there was a photo." he admitted with a chuckle. "he'd still look gorgeous in a specially made Corset. i get all of mine custom made so they fit my more masculine body perfectly." he admitted. "i could order Steve some, all you need is the measurements." he admitted. "Women are weird!" he agreed with a nod. "i know you didn't. and she knows too. but do you really think she could ever regret it?" he asked with a smile. "she loves you, and she loves the child growing inside of her even more. she might not have expected the baby, but she wants to bring it into this world and raise it." he admitted. "she's thankful for this new chapter in her life and never think otherwise." he ordered. "there should be a medal, handed out by some higher up from Shield or something." he admitted with a smirk before leaning over and following the kiss with a grin as he handed the cigarette back.
“....”Bucky stared at clint for a long moment, raising his eyebrows as if to ask. ‘you didn’t know there weas a picture? “....You both are trying to kill me. Stop. Please. Otherwise I’m going to jump him.”he whined a little looking interested though, wondering if he could convince steve to go get one. “...”Bucky stared biting his lip, thinking about Erin before shaking his head.”No, I guess not.”He muttered staring down at the blankets as he considered that before smirking. “I’m definitely get you a medal.”he smirked before drawing away.”But as much as I love sex, I better get back. If I ruin bruce and erin’s date, she’s going to go she-hulk pregnant on my ass and Break something over my head.”he laughed as he got up to search for his clothes.
Clint blinked, looking stunned. "there's a picture of him in the dress!?... can i have a Copy? Coulson get's randy when he get's unique Captain america stuff." he admitted with a smirk. "and i love it when he ties me down." he admitted with a laugh. "you won't jump him. that's what my sweet, tight little bubble butt is for." he admitted with a smirk before he chuckled. "i'm sure you could. or just measure him and claim it's for something else and then surprise him with it." he suggested with a yawn before he smirked. "make sure to include that i'm the best fuck in human history." he ordered as he tucked Bucky's underwear out of sight. just because he was as creepy as Coulson was and wanted them for himself. he'd wear them next time Bucky wanted sex, the look on the man's face would be great.
“....You could always ask Stark you know.He might have it.”He snickered the tight feeling in his chest nearly crippling as he considered where the hell all his stuff had ended up over the years, and wondered if any of it survived. “It is a bubble butt, but I’m not sure its that tight anymore.”he snickered smirking.”I’ll tell him we’re making changes to his suit and need the measurements again....I can do that.”He smirked rolling his eyes as he dressed, “...You are a creepy stalker fanboy, and I don’t want to know if you sniff my underwear or anything, cause you’re weird and odd and want to jump my boyfriend.”Bucky snickered as he walked out. When he got upstairs he paused in the doorway, before looking at bruce as the man sat in the chair across from their sleeping significant others.”...have they been sleeping the whole time?”
he smiled a little. "most of your things are in the museum along with Captain America's shit." Clint explained. "Steve just doesn't bother fighting them for it because he doesn't need any of it." he admitted. "we can go down later and reclaim everything if you want." he offered. "it is always tight. i practice a lot to make sure it stays that way." he admitted with a smirk. "that's a good plan. i like it." he agreed with a yawn before he snickered. "i was gonna give them back, but now i think i'll keep them in my creepy stalker fanboy shrine." he teased with a snicker. "besides, Steve is more Coulson than it i me. i'm already fucking my childhood obsession." he admitted with a laugh.

"yes they have been." Bruce admitted with a chuckle as he looked up. "i thought it better to just let them sleep. i'll wake her up before we have to leave, she won't forgive me if i don't." he admitted with a chuckle. "...i did want to talk to you though." he admitted to Bucky. "i mean... oh that came out wrong." he admitted with a sigh as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. "i wanted you to know is what i should have said. she's worried that your going to freak out. but the baby will be fine." he promised Bucky. "the Serum won't hurt the baby." he promised. "it won't really do anything at all to the baby, in fact it won't even really do anything until the Child reaches puberty. though it might have an increased healing capability and it probably won't get sick much." he admitted as he offered Bucky a pile of papers. the research on the Serum. "i looked into it a lot, just to be sure and i couldn't find anything the serum might do to affect the baby in a negative way. i thought it might help you calm down about it a little."
“Ah. We should. Later. Maybe when steve’s feeling like going out, we’ll make a date of it. The four of us.”Bucky snickered a little before rolling his eyes at clint’s words. “...You are such a creeper. And so you are.”He smirked, and you just knew whatever came next was going to be sassy.”So, was it better then fantasy, fanboy?”He teased.

“Good. They both could use it.”Bucky smiled a little before laughing.”She really wouldn’t. She’d beat you up or something.”He snickered before tensing, rocking back on his heels. “Whatever it is, I didn’t do it. If it’s about flirting with Erin, I don’t want her again, I promise. She’s pretty, and amazing and my best friend but-”Bucky broke off before realizing what the other was trying to say, before slumping in relief, nodding slightly. “...Good. I didn’’s going to have enough issues with me as a parent, it doesn’t need to negatively affected that way.”Bucky said sounding relieved as he took the research settling in the opposite chair to start reading, before making a face at bruce. “You do realize it’s not really?I mean, she explained about the theory of me being overly protective because of my serum, and steve’s...well, she’s one of his people. The only way we’re going to get calm in the next 8 months is for her to be wrapped in bubble wrap and sit all the time.”
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