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The Key to Going Green(Avengers)Lady/Moon

“Erin flushed brightly at the praise, looking up at him, “So are you.”She muttered kissing him back grinning as she trailed her hands over his body, simply enjoying touching the other. “I’m going to be huge, soon. I’m already getting big.”She muttered,whining a litlte as she squirmed, biting her lip a little before sliding a hand down over his cock, gentle fingers touching him, glancing up at his face to make sure that he was doing okay, trying not to push him further then what he wanted to do.
he smiled a little as he watched her, his head tilted a little as if he wasn't entirely sure she was telling the truth when she told him he was beautiful. he moaned softly as she stroked him, touched him, closing his eyes. "i can't wait." he admitted with a smile. "soon i'll be able to feel the baby moving." he admitted, gently rubbing her belly. "Bucky will totally spaz." he admitted with a chuckle before he gasped, tipping his head back as he lifted his hips, inviting more of a touch. "oh my god." he whispered, shuddering. "...this is a good sign, usually i'm green right now." he admitted, panting. "...that's the first time anything has touched my cock in years." even his own hand. well, aside from showering.
Erin laughed quietly nodding.”You are.”She said smiling as she realized the man was watching her before smiling, making a face at him.”I don’t think he’ll be the only one. I can’t wait to watch Tony realize the baby’s kicking.He’s totally going to go insnae.”She snickered already imaging the billionaire’s reaction to knowing there really is a little person in her stomach. Raising her head to watch him she smiling as he lifted his hips, stroking him slowly and carefully. “Good. Cause I want so much more then this.”She muttered stroking a hand over his hip, “Your okay.”she muttered reassuringly, shifting lower, glancing up at his face before lowering her head to his cock, sliding her mouth down slowly.
he smiled shyly before he laughed. "Tony's going to lock himself into his lab for days trying to build baby friendly crap." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "...oh my god!" he gasped, arching as he gripped the sheets, a tint of green crawling along his arms as he struggled not to thrust into that tight, sweet heat. but he didn't change, so that was good. "stop! oh my god stop! your going to suck the Cum right out of me!" he gasped. "i don't know if i'll be able to get it back up if i cum right now!" he warned, flushing bright red at the admittance. it had, after all, been a very long time. and he wasn't as young as he used to be.
“most definitely kid friendly stuff.”He snickered amused as she watched the other. Swallowing hard as she rolled her eyes up to look at him, looking worried for him before continuing as he didn’t change, before scrambling back, pulling away from him, looking flushed and worried as she looked him over, “Well, then we better make the most of it.”She muttered smiling quietly as she moved over, careful not to touch him to much, worried of over whelming him as she leaned down to kiss him slowly, “You okay?”she muttered watching him.
he nodded, chuckling a little before he flushed. "sorry. i didn't mean to make you panic." he admitted sheepishly before groaning as he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in close. luxuriating in all the skin to skin contact. "i'm so perfect it hurts." he admitted with a chuckle. "that's the first time since my accident... before that even, since anyone has been able to touch me in a sexual manner. myself included." he admitted, kissing her again. "i want to put my mouth on you." he admitted, rolling her carefully onto her back before kissing his way down and drove his tongue deep into her folds.
Erin looked him over, swallowing hard as she relaxed. “Not panicked, just cautious.”She muttered smiling as she settled against him, simply enjoying being in his arms, smiling quietly, blushing a little. “Well...good. Cause I want you to myself.”She muttered shivering a little before moaning at his request, whining quietly as she rolled her hips into his, swallowing hard as she was rolled over, whining, whimpering in pleasure as he kissed her skin, legs spreading as she squirmed, moaning as she slid her fingers through his hair, shuddering as she simply luxuriated in the touch.”Brucceee...”She moaned letting her head back against the pillows, groaning as she squirmed.
he smiled. "...did i change colors again?" he asked sheepishly. "that happens sometimes, it doesn't actually mean anything. it's when they grow that you need to be concerned." he admitted as he kissed her again. "i can usually feel the change coming though, so it should be fine." he admitted before he tried to devour her from the inside. he had to chuckle as she whined at him. as if that would make him stop tormenting her when she looked so god damn gorgeous like that. finally he did pull away and he chuckled a little as he watched her, licking his lips. "i... i don't have a condom, but my genetics shouldn't effect you or the baby." he promised. "the Serum doesn't usually work that way..." he admitted. "and i'm clean, i'd have to be considering..." he admitted, flushing. "but if you want to stop and get one, i'm fine with that." he promised, nervous and rambling because he wasn't sure he wouldn't change. wasn't sure what might happen.
“Yea, a tad.”She said but relaxing at his reassurance, taking his word for it not meaning anything. Smiling as she nodded. “Okay.”She muttered groaning at him as he kept going, shivering as he finally pulled away, looking up at him with wide eyes, shivering like a fly stung horse, so wrung out she was desperate. “...Can’t really get me pregnant, and the serum shouldn’t change anything, since I’m already pregnant with one serumed child.”She muttered thinking it over before squirming, leaning up to kiss him.”Just get inside me. Now, bruce.”she growled, well at least it was obvious why bucky liked her enough to have sex with her. She was as demanding and confident in bed as she was out of it.
he smiled a little as he watched her relax. it was amazing to be trusted this much. he waited for her to come to a decision and moaned at her orders. he always did love a strong woman. he kissed her eagerly, ran his hands down her body and slowly slipped inside, luxuriating in a pleasure he hadn't felt since he was a teenager. he rolled his hips and nibbled on her neck as he shuddered, pausing once he was inside to regain control, his usually blue eyes now a bright green. he was still in control, but it was interesting to see.
Erin moaned softly as she looked up at him, shuddering as she rolled her hips up into his, whimpering quietly in pleasure as she squirmed, moaning as he nibbled at her neck, her neck had always been so sensitive, clinging to him as she looked up at him, eyes nearly black, the usual blue overtaken as she whined, "Bruce..."She moaned, trailing off, not able to focus enough to come up with something else to say as she met his eyes, surprise but no worry or fear in that look to be meeting bright green instead of blue eyes. Groaning as she wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him closer."Move.Please."she growled, sounding eager and desparate, not caring if it lasted long, just needing him
he moaned back, shuddering against her. "fuck. oh god. feels so good." he moaned, kissing her again as he heard her say his name. "yes. yes." he agreed, rolling his hips again before thrusting, slowly at first, making sure he was really in full control before he started to move faster, groaning against her neck as he enjoyed sex for the first time in nearly ten years. he moaned as he shuddered and reached down, pinching his own cock, holding tight, refusing to cum, wanting it to last and wanting to watch her come undone first.
Erin whimpered, whining as she looked up at him, eyes wide, laughing quietly as he reached down, amused that he was stopping himself out of a need to watch her come, moaning as she kissed him hard, moaning as she came, hands curling around his upper arms, holding onto him, nails biting into his skin as she came.
he gasped as he felt her nails scratching at him, his pupils going wide as trails of green followed her nails. it was the first pain he had felt in ten years too and he couldn't hold it back. he tossed his head and uttered a guttural howl that sounded entirely too much like the hulk as he rolled his hips and milked himself out into her quivering body before he panted, blinking at her, eyes slowly bleeding from green to blue once more, swallowing thickly. "oh my god that was amazing." he whispered, blinking as he tried to calm his body down. he wasn't going to be having a hard on for a while, but the rest of him was aching for more. "your amazing. thank you. so much." he whispered, kissing her deeply.
Erin shuddered groaning as she heard the man howling, not fearing it, not reacting because for her, he was safe, even if he feared himself, she didn’t. Shuddering as she clung to him, smiling quietly as she looked down at him, “It was.”She muttered groaning as he pulled out of her, shifting, shivering as she snuggled against him, yawning tiredly as kissed him back.”You okay?”She muttered running her hand through his hair
he groaned as he slowly pulled himself free, panting as he tried to calm down, chuckling a little. "i'm... not sure." he admitted, trembling. "that's the first sex i've had since i was Fifteen and Hulk's pretty close to the top." he admitted. "but i didn't change." he admitted with a smile as he slowly relaxed under the hand in his hair. "if i think about it too much, i think i'm going to start crying. i thought i was never going to be able to be intimate with anyone ever again." he admitted as he snuggled into her, swallowing thickly. "i love you so much."
“Hm, you’re okay.You are.”She muttered quietly as she stroked his hair,
”No, no you didn’t.”She said smiling a little. “No crying. I’m the pregnant one. Tears are for me.”she teased a little snuggling against him, closing her eyes.”Love you to.So much.”She muttered resting her head against his chest as she relaxed.

Meanwhile Bucky frowned slightly as he looked down at the man sleeping on him, swallowing thickly as he woke up more, wincing a little as he realized he’d been nearly humping steve’s leg in his sleep. Oh yea, this was going to be hard. He had no idea how he was going to survive not being able to touch steve like that, not when he’d finally figured out steve was gay. It was going to be so hard keeping his hands to himself, especially if the man was going to sleep half on him
he chuckled. "at least i did it right." he admitted with a smile. "it was a bit worried i wouldn't remember how to make a woman feel good." he admitted as he smiled at her and wrapped his arms around her, letting her use him as a pillow. he couldn't believe just how awesome that had been. he was going to have to do that again. soon.

Steve mumbled as he felt the other stop moving. he'd been having a very lovely dream and the sudden stop jerked him a touch awake. actually... he really had to pee. "Bucky." he whined. "i havva pee... go to the bathroom for me." he ordered sluggishly even as he slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes. "time 's it?"
“Hm, you did a definitely good job of making me feel good.”Erin smiled giving him a sleepy contented smile as she shifted to get comfortable, snuggling against him, “we’re doing that again....and in our own room, so tony doesn’t know we had sex. Cause you totally know he’s going to be curious since we turned off the cameras...”She muttered with a yawn.

Bucky whined a little, still a little asleep himself, before smiling slightly, “...can’t do that. You have to get to go to the bathroom yourself.”Bucky whined a little as he looked up at the other, shuddering as he remembered his dream, and a sleepy steve was amazing and adorable and oh so sexy. Twisting to look at the clock, “Nearly midnight.”he muttered.
he chuckled a little. "i agree." he muttered. "if Tony asks, i'll tell him i was trying to masturbate." he stated. "he'll believe it, i've told him about my physical intimacy issues before." he admitted as he yawned. "now the big question." he admitted. " we sleep here or drag our lazy asses up to one of our bedrooms?"

Steve just groaned as he shook his head. "don't wanna. was having good dreams." he complained as he headed for the bathroom to pee. "midnight!?" he demanded, shocked. "fuck... i'm never going to get back to sleep." he groaned, shaking his head. "...i should finish that drawing of you." he decided with a smile. "this time the way i want it." he admitted with a chuckle. "you mind?"
“...That’s amusing. He’d probably offer advice on how to do it.It works.”She snickered a little before sighing, yawning. “Bedroom.There’s windows down here. With our luck Tony’ll ask Loki to come check on us when he discovers the cameras out.”She pointed out already moving away to get her clothes, pregnant enough that it was difficult sometimes to not sleep in her own bed, the extra weight making her back achy and tired sometimes if she didn’t sleep on the soft amazing bed in her bedroom.

“Hm, sorry. Can’t pee for you.”Bucky yawned before nodding. “yea.”Bucky yawned as he stretched, glancing at the clock again to make sure before looking at Steve, raising his eyebrows a little as he studied the other, “...How you want it?”Bucky raised his eyebrows in curiosity, wondering how he wanted it before smiling. “No, I never mind what you want. Always willing to do what you want...except maybe sit next to you on the tilt-a-whirl. Totally making Stark sit next to your puking ass next time.”Bucky muttered as he stretched.
he snorted. "he's done that before, it's kind of amusing really." he admitted with a smile as he handed her a shirt. he wasn't sure where hers had gone, so she'd have to use his. "Loki knows we're down here." he admitted. "he has some sort of spell that tells him when i come in here and when i hulk out." he admitted. "it makes him feel better." he admitted as he smiled at her. "lets go to my room. i have a three seat couch with reclining backs." he admitted with a smile. "might help your back." he admitted.

"...i bet you could if you tried hard enough." he grumbled unhappily. "you naked." he admitted with a chuckle. "seriously though, take off your shirt? i love your pectorals." he admitted with a smile. "i am never getting on that damn ride, ever again. now lay down, sort of on your side? lift your arm over your head and just sort of rest it there... mouth open a little. perfect. just like that." he muttered, already starting to Sketch, completely focused.
“I sorta want to tell him now, just to listen. I bet it’s hysterical really.”Erin snickered a little as she slipped on his shirt, amused that her clothes had gone missing, looking all cute and cuddly in his clothes, cause while his shirt wasn’t that much bigger then her own, it was big enough that she was nearly swimming in it. “Ah. Sounds good. Sleeping is going to be awkward for months now....”She paused as they headed upstairs. “And we’re not telling either super soldier that. If we do, I’ll probably end up being forced to sleep in their laps or something.”Erin whined a little grinning as they settled into his couch with a yawn.

Bucky raised his eyebrows at the request, blushing ever so slightly before laughing. “You would. Though yours are more impressive. I mean, you almost need a bra for those things.”Bucky teased his best friend even as he stripped out of his shirt and settled onto the couch, snickering as he was settled where the other wanted, “....If you call me one of your french girls, I’m going to smack you. Just so you know.”Well. At least you knew he was caught up on least the ones erin had made him watch. Rom-com, simply because that had been his punishment somedays, having to watch romantic movies with her.
he chuckled. "it is pretty hilarious." he admitted with a grin and a shake of his head. "sorry... i'm not sure what happened to your shirt... but i found your pants." he admitted, handing them over as he pulled on his own pants. "and i won't tell the super soldiers." he promised as he settled into place with her, smiling as he kissed her gently. "go to sleep." he ordered with a chuckle. "if i'm worn out, you must be exhausted."

Steve snorted. "mine came from a bottle." he stated simply. "yours where hard earned." he admitted with a smile. "i have a bra actually. specially tailored for a man's body. it's really amazing what you can find online." he admitted with a snigger. "your not a french girl, your a Boston harlot." he teased with a laugh. "and yes, i have seen that movie. worst four hours of my life." he admitted with a shake of his head as he continued to draw. "now stop talking, your distracting me."
“Pants are good.”She snickered a little as they settled in place, yawning as she snuggled into him. “I am.And good, no need to tell them.”She muttered as she fell asleep, sighing quietly as she relaxed, falling asleep at the order.

“....”Bucky swallowed hard as he stared at the other, squirming a little as his pants tightened at the thought of him in a bra.oh man, the idea of getting him in a corset was plaguing him now as he relaxed, “Hm,I can go for boston.”he muttered amused smirking slightly.”Mine to.Worse then hydra. Erin should train the torturers.”He muttered before settling in to let steve draw, remembering all the other times he’d posed for the other, this was different though, almost as if he was undressing him. And it was so hard to behave when steve was looking so adorable and enthralled with drawing.
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