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The Key to Going Green(Avengers)Lady/Moon

Steve offered Bucky a small glare. "stop twitching." he ordered before returning to his drawing. he was being an ass and he knew it. he wasn't ready for full on sex, but some... flirting wouldn't be remiss. "i'm not sure i want Hydra to be any better at torture than they already are." he pointed out as he shoved the pencil into his hair and plucked out a second one from what appeared to be nowhere. Steve was always doing that. he once had five pencils behind his ears and twisted up in his hair as he worked, much to the delight of everyone of the Howling Commandos watching him. after an hour, Steve was in the same shape, his hair covered in pen ink and pencil dust as well as twisted into knots. he was so into the Zone by now that Bucky could have gotten up and left and Steve probably wouldn't have noticed.
Bucky smiled a little as he watched the other, tempted to laugh at the sight of the pencils, almost remembering how many times he’d watched steve do this. Smirking as he looked the other over he swallowed as he shifted, reaching down to adjust himself before rolling to his feet, having spent the last hour imaging the other in a bra and corset, he wanted to know just how far he could go without upsetting the other....and well, steve looked amazing like this. Stalking over to him he knelt at his feet, twisting a hand into his hair, leaning in and kissing him slowly. “You look amazing like this you know.”He muttered as he broke the kiss.
Steve didn't notice him until he felt the hands in his hair. "what?" he asked, blinking as he was kissed, frozen in surprise for a moment before he kissed back. "amazing?" he asked, blinking stupidly. it always took him a bit to come out of his drawing haze. "don't care. gimme another." he ordered, leaning up for another kiss. he winced a little when he realized he was hard, but relaxed when he realized that it wasn't bothering him. he was safe here, with Bucky, and his body and mind seamed to realize it.
Bucky laughed amused at the dazed look he got leaning back from the kiss."i knew always did go down in a haze and not pay attention. Its okay."he muttered feeling sorry for startling him a little, nuzzling the others cheek before smiling, stealing another kiss."you okay?"he muttered amused and happy that steve seemed to be okay with him touching him,even if he hadn't been aware at first.
he smiled a little. "i have no idea what your talking about." he admitted, untwisting the pencils and pens from his hair and lining them up on the table where they wouldn't get ruined. "yeah, i'm okay." he admitted. "i'll let you know the second we go too far." he promised as he pulled the other down for another kiss, humming happily into the sensation. it felt so nice to be touching Bucky like this, even if he wasn't sure he could have sex yet.
“When you draw, you kinda space out. Which was horrible, by the way, when we were younger. I spent a good portion of my time wondering if that’s how you’d be during sex, tuning out the world and concentrating solely on that.”Bucky admitted watching him slowly before smiling as he nodded. “Okay.”he said smiling as the other kissed him, shifting to sit down next to him, sighing quietly. Simply enjoying making out with him, not about to push more then he was allowed to.
he blinked a little. "oh. i guess i hadn't noticed." he admitted with a blink. "i don't know. my only experience with sex wasn't very pleasant..." he admitted with a sheepish smile. "i like kissing though, quite a bit." he admitted as he hummed happily, matching his mouth to the others before he hesitated, planning something, you could see the wheels in his head turning. then he settled onto Bucky's laps and pressed their aching cocks together and rocked his hips as he kissed the other again, making out to the extreme and enjoying every second of it.
“I know. Sorry for bringing it up....”Bucky muttered, anger at having said something crossing his face but it was equally obvious it was himself he was angry at, not steve. Grinning a little, “Hm, I enjoy kissing you to. I feel like I should tell you you taste like apple pie and all american goodness.”he teased, groaning as the other settled in his lap, shuddering as the other pressed against him even as he kissed steve like he was going to fuck his mouth, all tongue and teeth and desperate need, hands twitching for a moment, trying to decide what to do before settling his hands on steve’s ass, groping him even as he rolled his hips up, groaning as his aching cock pressed tighter against steve
he shook his head. "i'm fine." he promised with a smile before he rolled his eyes. "stop hanging out with Tony." he ordered before moaning as he kissed the other and rocked into him. he went frozen at the hands on his ass, tense. but when nothing else happened he resumed his kissing and licking and sucking and rocking. before long he was just resting his head on Bucky's shoulder and panting as he frantically rocked his hips, chasing his elusive orgasm. "Fuck. Bucky. Fuck. yes." he moaned, shuddering as he felt his orgasm crest and roll. he knew he shouldn't be okay with this. but he was.
Bucky moaned laughing a little. “You want me to quit hanging out with your best friend?”Bucky snickered as he moaned, kissing him, holding his hands still, letting the other get used to it before smiling as steve moved against him, groaning as he shuddered, tilting his head back to rest it on the back of the couch as he watched steve’s face, eyes blown wide with lust as he watched Steve’s orgasm flow over his face, moaning as he came, wrapping his arms around the other, clinging to him as he slumped back into the couch utterly boneless and relaxed.”stevie?”He muttered after a few moments raising his head enough to give the other a messy filthy kiss.
he smirked. "yes. mostly because you both get bad ideas in your heads when bored and i don't want you encouraging each other." he muttered as he kissed the other some more, moaning and mewling. Bucky had been right too. in the face of pleasure, he was totally focused on it. giving and receiving no doubt. he looked so cue when he came, he was actually blushing as he trembled under the force of the orgasm, and he looked almost surprised, as if he hadn't expected his orgasm to really feel like that. "...m'kay." he muttered as he lay on top of the other. "that felt... amazing." he muttered as he kissed back. too slack and relaxed to really give a proper kiss.
“hmm, we’ll always encourage each other. Though its clint you should worry about. He told me where he got his corset fitted...”Bucky smirked a little smiling as he watched the other, looking amused and pleased to see that he had been right. Steve was utterly focused. “It was amazing.”He muttered stroking the other’s back, smiling as he kissed him before moving to get up, glad he was both super soldier and the metal arm left him being able to pick up more then he used to as he carried the other to steve’s bedroom, smiling as he settled them both in bed, pausing, biting his lip before deciding that cleaning them up would be pushing it, he’d let steve do it when he got moving later. Yawning as he snuggled into the other and started to fall asleep.
he chuckled a bit and shook his head. "i know where to get my own Corset thank you." he stated with a smile before he entirely focused on what was making him feel oh, so very good. " 'mazing." Steve agreed sluggishly, riding on the aftershocks of pleasure. he squeaked as he was picked up before smiling. that was one of the few things he'd missed about being scrawny. being picked up and carried around. "g'nigh." Steve mumbled as he tucked himself tight to the other and closed his eyes. in the morning, he would wake to the sound of the shower running and the smell of food. Steve must have made breakfast before climbing into the shower.
Bucky smirked a little as he rolled on his stomach to look at the plate of food sitting on the nightstand, smirking slightly as he squirmed to get up enough to eat, smiling as he started eating the pancakes, glancing at the bathroom door. Humming to himself as he considered things, before getting up and carrying his plate with him, and stepping inside, smirking slightly as he leaned against the bathroom counter. “So, these pancakes, amazing as ever, Cap.”He said, utterly shameless in his need to see the other naked, even if he knew he shouldn’t be this needy, but he needed to see him, needed to know that he hadn’t dreamed the amazing night before.
Steve was in the middle of washing his hair. honestly, how Bucky hadn't guessed Steve was gay before this was a mystery, considering Steve washed his hair three times. once with a lavender vanilla thing that controlled split ends and frizz. a second time with a shampoo that got rid of dandruff and itchy scalp that smelled like pomegranate, and third with a conditioner that made his hair soft and shiny that smelled like Shea and coconut. he also washed twice, once with an exfoliate and another with regular soap. so gay. "Jesus fucking Christ on the Cross!" Steve gasped when Bucky spoke, scrambling to the back of the shower, terrified out of his skull before he realized just who it was in the bathroom with him. "Bucky! don't DO that!" he ordered. "Knock first or something! i think i just shat myself!" he complained, coming back into view and resuming phase two of his hair washing. "of course they're amazing." he scoffed. "i made them."
Bucky winced as the other scrambled away, “I did. And I stomped loudly. I thought you heard me, super soldier.”He teased a little though he looked upset at having scared steve even if he was still eating. “Hm, I remember when you first started to learn to make them. Weren’t so amazing then.”he teased a little looking amused before shaking his head, though there was anxiety in his dark eyes. Cause no matter if steve was okay, or hadn’t really freaked out, upsetting steve even a little was enough to draw the winter soldier closer to the surface, wanting to protect steve even if it was from himself. “...You are so gay. I can’t believe this, you wash your hair like...six times.”
he blinked a little. "oh..." he muttered. "i guess i was thinking too loudly to hear you." he admitted with a chuckle. "i'll have to work on that. if you had been Tony he'd have been able to take a dozen pictures before i'd noticed." he admitted with a shake of his head. "besides, everything i have ever made ever was always and will always be amazing. and better than yours." Steve admitted with a chuckle before he scowled. "i do not! it's only three!" he complained. "shut up! just because YOU don't bathe at all!" he complained, sulking before he smiled at the other. "one of these days i'm going to shave your head." he teased. "just so i don't have to touch your unwashed hair." this was an old argument between them. they;d had it since they where like, six.
“Yea, no naked photos for least not till I get some of my own.”Bucky grinned at the other, looking amused as he finished his breakfast before laughing.”No, no it wasn’t. Those first few tries were horrible, but I will agree they were always better then mine. There’s a reason you’re the wife in this relationship.”Bucky teased a little, trying to relax before smiling. “Yea, keep telling yourself that. It’s six. And I bath. At least once a day, and I can’t afford to not wash my hair these days. It’s to long to not to.”he whined a little as he flicked his longer bangs out of his face, smirking.”Besides, you didn’t have problems touching it last night.”he smirked just to see the other blush.
he chuckled a little. "no naked pictures of me for Stark, Ever." he ordered. "he has a shrine you know. of Captain America." he admitted with a snort. "it's horrid." he admitted with a grin and a shake of his head. "and they where not! as i recall you ate every last one!" mostly because they where too hungry to waste food, even the awful tasting stuff. "i am the Wife in this relationship, and you should know one thing! never insult the Wife's food or you'll go hungry." he teased with a smirk before snorting. "it's three." he stated simply before he smiled. "i do like your hair long like that." he admitted. "it really accents your face. and it's nice to grip too." he teased, refusing to blush.
“...Does he worship your ass or something?I think his boyfriend would have a problem with him having a shrine to anyone but Loki’s amazingness.”Bucky snickered before making a face.”Yea, cause even horrid food was food.”He pointed out before laughing, “You couldn’t starve me even if you wanted to. To much of a good boy.though that was definitely not good behavior last night...”Bucky smirked smiling because he was determined to make the other blush, smiling, amused because for once he didn’t have his hair pulled back and it was falling around his face.”Hm, so what do you want to do with this grip in my hair you want?”He teased raising a eyebrow, his eyes dropping to steve’s cock, already imaging steve fucking his mouth holding onto his hair....yea...okay stark in a dress...fury in a bathing suit...time to think of disgusting things to stop from thinking to hard about that.
he chuckled a little. "he got it from Howard actually. Howard become completely obsessed with me after i 'fell'. Tony picked up on that obsession." he admitted. "it sort of stuck with him even after he realized Howard Stark was a fucking asshole and i wasn't ever going to come save him." he admitted. "besides, you wouldn't starve. you'd just order Take Out." he paused. "which doesn't make much sense really, because how it is take out of they are bringing it to you?" he asked as he started stage one of his body washing before he froze and stared at Bucky, swallowing thickly as he examined the others luscious, wet mouth and his cock instantly sprang to attention as his entire face went red. "some days, i hate you." he admitted. "...i think you need to Kneel and take care of this problem you've given me."
“Ah. Okay that makes more sense.”Bucky snickered a little before smiling. “He might not want you to save him anymore, but howard fucked him up to much to simply let go when he thought you would someday.He knows better,but it’s still there.”Bucky shrugged a little before laughing. “I would to. Take out’s not as good as regular food. And only you would wonder why they call it take out...they’re taking it out of the resturant to bring here, so there it’s take out.”Bucky muttered before smirking a little as he watched the other go red. “No you don’t. You love me.”He said before getting up and stripping down to his jeans and moving over to get in the shower, not undressing all the way because he didn’t want to freak the other out, pulling his hair back into a small ponytail he smirked a little. “Oh, so you want me to take care of this?”He mirked as he rubbed his cheek against the other’s cock, smirking.
he nodded. "i wish i could have been there for him." he admitted. "he had one fucked up childhood." he admitted. "Take out is just fine! it's better than what we had when we where kids. Me Mam was a god awful cook." he reminded the other with a grin. "...yes i do." he agreed softly, offering Bucky a small smile before shivering as he watched the other halfway strip. "yes." he growled, reaching down he turned off the water so it wouldn't splash in Bucky's face and then took a tight handful of that soft chestnut hair and pulled Bucky's face more tightly against his cock. "please. fuck Bucky don't be a goddamn tease."
"Your ma was a horrible cook.worse then mr."bucky snickered a little blushing ever so slightly at stece's was still to new to knowing he did not to blush over. Groaning as steve grabbed a handful of his hair he rolled his eyes up to look at him,smirking a little."but I am a goddamn tease..."he muttered before smirking as he slid his mouth down over the other,proving that he indeed done this before as he deepthroated the other without effort,he'd always not had much of a gag reflex, and givinf blowjobs had just upped the ante in him not choking.
he chuckled a little and nodded. "she was." he agreed before smirking as he realized Bucky was Blushing. "Fuck!" Steve gasped, tossing his head back. "Fuck! Bucky! Jesus Christ!" he gasped, his hips quivering as he struggled not to thrust into that warm, sweet, perfect mouth. Steve had all but forgotten about being raped in that moment, struggling to contain himself against the most intense, amazing pleasure he had ever experienced in his entire life.
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