The Key to Going Green(Avengers)Lady/Moon

he nodded. "sounds good to me. we could always just reclaim all of Caps things on our own." he admitted with a smirk. "i am a creeper. never tried to claim i wasn't." he admitted with a chuckle. "i dunno. in my fantasies you talk a lot less." Clint teased with a smirk. "and you tend to keep going after the first round." he teased with a laugh.

he nodded. "i agree." Bruce agreed. "she beats me up anyway." he admitted with a chuckle. "easy, easy! it's nothing like that!" Bruce promised. "you didn't do anything and i find your flirting amusing and cute! it's okay." Bruce promised before sighing as the other calmed down. "you won't have any issues at all." Bruce stated simply. "you have a good personality for parenthood." he admitted with a smile as he watched Bucky settle in to read. "don't worry, i'll keep you away from her when she starts getting to be too big." he promised with a chuckle. "besides, you wouldn't be the first person to treat a pregnant woman like fine china." he promised. "just be aware she's going to yell at you a lot, and will probably hit you. usually with something blunt and hard." he admitted with a smirk.
“...You like me talking. And I usually would go more then once, if my boyfriend wasn’t upset, and my baby mama wouldn’t kill me if I kept her to long.”Bucky snickered.

“Okay.”Bucky muttered at the promise, though he still looked a little worried about it, sighing quietly before snorting.”I am not cute. I am amazing and sexy, not cute.”The sassy assassin sulked a little before frowning at him, not about to argue with a man who he knew would just keep arguing to prove his point if Bucky said he was unfit to be a parent. He’d deal with it later. “Oh good. Cause you know, we’re going to be horrible.” Well, at least he was aware of just how bad it was going to be. “Probably. As long as she doesn’t use my own weapons on me,its okay.” “To easy. Shooting you is not enough punishment.”Erin muttered sleepily as she stretched.
"good points." Clint agreed with a chuckle.

Bruce smiled a little and shook his head. "your cute when you interact with Erin." Bruce stated with a smile. "you go all soft and gentle for her." he admitted. "makes you feel so... i don't know. human." Bruce admitted with a chuckle. "you are going to be awful, even Erin knows that." he admitted with a smile. "won't stop her from beating you up, but she knows." Bruce admitted with a smile before laughing at the byplay as Steve fidgeted and whined, trying to bury himself deeper into the couch and into Erin, muttering unhappily as he tried to stay asleep. "good morning my Sleeping Beauty." Bruce murmured as he gave her a gentle kiss. "how are you feeling? better?"
"...I do not. I am not gentle or soft or..."Bucky sputtered even if he was blushing ever so slightly before laughing. "Well, as long as she's aware."he said looking amused before shaking his head as he watched steve snuggle into the kitchen."Morning. And better. Not sick or anything, just relaxed and happy."She smiled as she shifted to get up,smirking as bucky nearly sat in her lap to take her place as she squirmed out from the place she'd been laying in. "Go back to sleep, sweetheart."Bucky muttered as he pressed a kiss to steve's hair.
Clint smiled. "you can be when you want to be." he admitted with a smile. "or when you have to be." he admitted with a chuckle. "and she is aware, how could she not be? she does know you after all." he teased with a smirk.

"good." Bruce stated with a smile. "you still have a half an hour or so before you have to get moving." Bruce promised with a smile. "you can go back to sleep for a little bit if you want to." he admitted before he shook his head. "never mind." he muttered with a chuckle as he watched Bucky sit down where she had been sitting. Steve mumbled and grumbled a bit more before he snuggled in and settled down and went right back to sleep. "he's kind of cute like this." Bruce admitted with a chuckle.
"Hey, your not allowed being sassy. that's my and steve's jobs. no sass for you, brucie-bear."Bucky teased rolling his eyes a little.

"No, cause it'll disturb Cap more if I let him get back to sleep."Erin smiled a little smirking as she leaned into bruce's arms, smirking as she watched the two super soldiers snuggling down to sleep, even bucky, who was usually twitchy when steve was asleep and vulnerable, was relaxing enough to sleep. "He is fairly cute like this. both of them really."She muttered leaning down to kiss their foreheads before heading for the door."Call if you two need anything." "Will do."Bucky said tiredly as he yawned, starting to relax.
Bruce smirked a little. "i'm good at Sass." he admitted with a chuckle as he kissed Erin's forehead. "not as good as Steve and Bucky, but i'm good at sass." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "yes. very cute." Bruce agreed with a smile. "it's nice to see them all so relaxed and gentle like that." he admitted with a grin as he gently covered them with a blanket. "sleep well." Bruce offered as he headed out so they could sleep, smiling at Erin. "is there anything you need to do before heading on our date? i know some girls like to change clothes or do their hair and some like to put on makeup and stuff and others don't like to do anything at all, so i wondered." he admitted with a smile. "we have an hour or six before the Aquarium closes for the night, so you have time." he promised.
Erin nodded, "It is good to see them relaxing."She smiled as she walked out, pausing to look down at herself, trying to decide before nodding. "That would be good. It's a little chilly at night And don't worry, I'm not one of those girls who spends forever changing and doing make up.."Erin said as they headed upstairs to get changed, returning in a few minutes in jeans and a light sweater, her hair tied back, looking cutely and snuggly, and most obviously slightly pregnant, the gentle curve of her stomach pressing out against her shirt, none of her clothes really fit anymore. Having found that as she got more pregnant, she got cold easier, so she was well prepared. "Ready?"She smiled happily, leaning up to kiss her boyfriend as she got close.
he smiled. "i'm not too worried about it." he admitted with a shrug. "if you where, i would just be sure to tell you that we need to be there an hour before we actually need to be there." he admitted with a smile. "you look nice like that." he admitted, having changed himself into a pair of slacks and a long sleeved shirt with a vest. looking rather posh himself though still casual. "i'm ready." he agreed, a jacket slung over his arm. for when she got cold again later. he leaned down and gave her a gentle kiss. "let's go look at the sea turtles and the dolphins." he agreed with a smile. "i stole Tony's new camera, so we can get some really good pictures." he promised with a chuckle.
"Ah, well that makes sense."Erin laughed at his logica, amused. "Thanks. I might have to give in, go shopping. None of my clothes are shopping anymore, and Tony, brilliant stupid tony told me my figure was looking nicely rounded these days, I needed clothes to show it off."She rolled her eyes looking amused though, smiling as she looked him over. flushing slightly as she kissed him, wrapping a arm around his waist as they headed down. "Yes!Tony always has the best toys."She grinned utterly pleased with the idea.

When they got to the aquarium she was acting like such a child, utterly happy and pleased and excited as she ran around and played watching the animals, so excited in fact that she actually tired herself out like a child on a sugar rush, slumping into him as they watched the shark tank from the stairs, so glad they were there alone as she looked at the animals in the soft blue light, before leaning up to kiss him slowly, gently. "Thank you.This is amazing."She muttered smiling.
he chuckled a little. "i'm all about logic." he admitted with a smile. "and just a sprinkle of passion and sassyness to keep me from being too dull." he admitted with a chuckle. "well if you need me to, i'll go shopping with you." he promised. "carrying your bags if nothing else." he admitted with a smile as he shook his head. "you do look gorgeous, just a little rounded. i can't imagine how beautiful you will be when your fully pregnant." he admitted with a smile. "Tony does have the best Toys." he agreed with a chuckle.

he was grinning quite happily as he followed her around, taking any pictures she ordered him to. "i've always found Sharks to be beautiful, and so very misunderstood." he admitted with a smile as he snuggled with her. "it was amazing." he agreed, kissing her back. any moment he spent with her was amazing.
"Hm, I like it. Definitely very sexy."She smiled slightly before nodding. "I'll probably make you go with me."She said though she hated to ask him to do it when he didn't need anything, she-not to mention steve and bucky- would probably feel better if she didn't go on her own. "..."Erin blushed brightly at the compliment, smiling a little."You'll turn a girl's head with compliments like that."She teased a little.

"They are....sort of like the hulk. So beautiful, and so very misunderstood."She muttered gently running her fingers through his dark hair, leaning back for a moment to stare at his face as the soft blue light flickered over their faces, before leaning in for another kiss, deepening it as she squirmed to sit in his lap, her pregnancy leaving her horny and needy, even if she never said anything, because she didnt want to rush him.
he smiled a little. "uh... thank you." he muttered rather sheepishly. "i'd be glad to go with you." he admitted with a nod. "i could use some new socks." he admitted with a smile. it wasn't exactly a lie. "well. i wouldn't want to turn your head. chiropractics isn't one of my medical achievements." he teased with a smile.

for a moment all he could do was stare at her, wide eyed with stunned shock. " never ceases to amaze me..." he admitted softly. "how... how someone can honestly look at the Hulk with a kindness." he admitted, swallowing thickly. a bit torn up with emotion before he smiled and kissed her back, wrapping his arms around her as he deepened the kiss, because he wouldn't mind some sex himself. but he didn't want to pressure her.
Erin flushed brightly as he stared at her, blushing as she dipped her head to not meet his eyes, nervous, because he was staring at her. "I...I always have. I mean...he's adorable. And awesome, and we finger painted.Bonds people together you know."She muttered looking nervous about his reaction groaning as he kissed her back, rocking her hips into his a little, squirming as she clung to the man.
he smiled at her. "i know. but it's a new experience. being able to even speak to him." he admitted. "let alone for him to get along with other people." he admitted with a smile. "it's still... it feels a bit like a miracle really." he admitted with a smile before he forgot everything, focusing on kissing her as much and as deeply as possible. "we should stop." he gasped, pulling away as the sounds of a kid laughing. "there are children." protesting simply because he didn't want to upset any parents or children. "let's go back home." he panted, kissing her again before getting to his feet and helping her to her feet as well.
"Well, we'll talk about him. it's fairly cool, being able to really."Erin smiled a little blushing a little, whining as he pulled away trying to follow him as she blinked slowly at him, eyes blown wide with lust as he pulled away, sulking at being forced to stop, staring at him stupidly, trying to figure out what he wanted from her. "...Yes. Home."She agreed flushing brightly as she followed him, willing to go anywhere with him
he smiled a little. "Hulk really adores you." he admitted before smiling at her as he studied her, wincing as he realized she wasn't fully aware of his... problem. "come on. lets go." he agreed with a smile. once he was sure she had calmed down. "we... i need to... there's something you need to know..." he admitted, swallowing thickly as he opened the door tot he tower. "...first thing is, well the last time i actually had sex was before the accident so... i'm, well. very out of practice. and the second thing... the thing is... uh,... after the accident? i've tried to have sex... quite a few times you see and it... it always ends up with... i hulk out when i try to have intercourse...." no wonder he'd been so hesitant to have sex with her.
Erin was quiet as they walked back to the tower, before looking up at him as they stepped into his apartment, staring at him. paling slightly because she hadn't ever considered that. no wonder he'd made them stop. swallowing hard to give herself a moment to think she frowned slightly, cupping his cheek in her hand, stroking the five o'clock shadow with her fingertips before leaning in to kiss him. "if...if we tried down in the hulk's room. I mean...if you do end up hulking'd be a safe enviroment, and neither of you will hurt me.I'm Erin."She reminded, still amused that she was the only person who got called by name.
he winced a little when she went pale, assuming she was afraid before he turned to look at her, surprised as she cupped his cheek, leaning into the touch before he smiled. "there are cameras in the Hulk room." he pointed out. "Tony likes to study the Hulk." he admitted. "he'll see us having sex and i'm not sure i want him to see you naked." he admitted with a chuckle as he kissed her. "but i do like the idea. Jarvis? cut the cameras in the Hulk room. if you turn them back on before we're fully dressed and all done i'll tear apart your circuitry and dump them in the ocean." he warned as he kissed Erin again, leading her down to the Hulk Room.
Erin smiled a little as he leaned into her hand, pressing a kiss to his forehead, glad that she was almost exactly his height, before wincing. "oh...hadn't considered that. I don't think I want to give him more to say when he already comments on me getting round."She whined a little kissing him back before laughing quietly at bruce's threat. "Of course, Bruce. I'll turn off the cameras now, and wait till you say it is okay to turn them back on."Jarvis reassured, because even if tony had put the cameras in, he'd told Jarvis to let bruce be able to turn them off if he wanted. Following him down to the hulk room, she smiled softly as she looked at bruce, a quiet look of concentration on her face. "So. How do you want to do this?"She asked running her fingers through his hair.
he smiled a little as she kissed him, wondering how he ever could have gotten so lucky? "yeah exactly. because it's tony. he's an asshole and i'm sure he'd grade our sexual performance and then offer suggestions to help us improve ourselves." he admitted with a snort. "he's such an asshole." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "uhm," he hesitated, looking a bit timid. "well i haven't... i mean i've never..." he smiled sheepishly. "i've not had sex in so long i'm not really sure... maybe we could have some more kisses? that seams to work quite well." he admitted, running his thumb over her cheekbone. "you don't have to... if your nervous. i don't have to have sex to know i love you..."
"He is a asshole, and we'd probably get a report card and a thesis paper on how to improve."She snickered kissing him."hm, but he's your best friend, even if he's a ass."She teased before tilting her head, studying him before nodding, leaning into his hand. "Okay. Kisses work."She smiled shifting closer, resting her forehead against his. "Hm, I think you're more nervous then I am, sweetheart."She muttered kissing him slowly.
he chuckled a little as he shook his head. "best friend is pushing it... annoying little brother might be more accurate. love him to death of course but there are days when i want to duct tape him and leave him in a closet somewhere." he admitted with a chuckle before he smiled at her. "i think so too." he admitted as he kissed her back, settling onto the massive hulk sized mattress on the floor so they'd be more comfortable. he carefully stripped her naked and tasted and touched every inch of her skin, exploring her body and looking for anything that would make her gasp or squirm.
"..Uh-huh. If you say so. And he'd enjoy that to much. no duct tapign the genius."Erin snickered before smiling as she settled onto the bed, sighing quietly as he got them comfortable, and within minutes he had her squirming and needy, panting as she looked up at him, hands exploring his body, gently and playful, watching his face. not wanting to rush him after so long of going without.
he chuckled. "he would enjoy it, up until i left him there." he admitted as he tipped her gently onto the bed, shivering as he explored her body, eagerly and happily. "fuck... god your so beautiful." he whispered as he kissed her again and then finally started to strip himself of clothes, letting her touch him as much as he had her. letting her do anything she wanted.
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