The Key to Going Green(Avengers)Lady/Moon

he huffed. "i don't want to tell him. i want him to admit it himself." he grumbled. "and i want him to stop fucking Clint." he grumbled, sulking before he smirked. "so long as he doesn't ruin it." he decided with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "besides, you totally deserve a beating for buying me this." he admitted with a grin as he watched Tony leave, heading after Bucky, knocking on the door. "you're not eating my cookies are you!?" he demanded. well aware that Bucky probobly knew where most of them where hidden.

he smiled. "well, i've only known you for a short time. i guess i feel as if i like you more than should be acceptable." he admitted with a shrug. "guess i feel a little..." he shrugged. "over my head." he admitted. "i just don't know how to handle something like this." he admitted. "i've never... you know. liked anyone before." he admitted sheepishly.
“”You’re going to drive him insane.”Tony snickered a little before smiling. “he wont. Probably not anyways.”He said shaking his head before grinning at steve. “I do not!You like it.”Tony pouted as he left. “No.”Bucky answered though the words sounded muffled, he was indeed stuffing his face with cookies, but his own cookies instead. Pushing off the floor he was sitting on the man swallowed shakily to steady himself before opening the door, once again calm and collected, no longer obviously blushing or uncomfortable.”So. What do you want to do today?”He said smiling as he slipped past the other and headed for the living room, staring at the picture for a moment before settlign on the couch as if it wasn’t bothering him in the least.

“Ah. I see.”Erin smiled relaxing at that, ebfore smiling.”well, it’s better then waiting 70 years to admit it you know.”She teased blushing brightly at his words, ducking her head a little, “Well, you’ve done fairly well at handling finding your girlfriend pregnant with a bisexual super soldier who wants to date his best friend, and letting me meet the hulk and discovering he calls me by name, and that your best friend is dating a god who nearly took over the world, but can't tell them they're actually dating. I think you’re doing fairly well handling things.”She smiled a little.
Steve smirked. "i'm planning on it." he admitted with a chuckle before he huffed. "well... just until i'm okay again." he agreed. "then he has to stop fucking Clint." he decided with a nod. "i do like it. but your still going to be in trouble for it." he teased with a laugh. "Bucky won't let you get away without any punishment." he teased with a smirk. "you are! you're eating my cookies!" Steve wailed. "you Thief!" he complained, sounding amused. "i dunno. i'm feeling pretty good today." he admitted. "i was going to work on some sketches." he admitted with a smile. "and it's not coming down. i like it." he warned. "and Tony spent a shit ton of money on it so don't destroy it either!"

he smiled a little. "...good point." he agreed before he blinked at her. "you know... you raise a good point. none of the rest of my life is normal, so why should my love life?" he mused before he flushed. "not that i love you or anything... and i'm not saying i don't! of course not! oh hell..." he groaned, slapping a hand over his eyes. "this is why i hated school..." he grumbled. "i just can't talk to girls properly." actually, he'd hated school because he'd been smarter than most of the teachers there and all of them hated him for it. amusingly enough, Bruce had dropped out of school and joined online collage courses when he was around sixteen.
“”I am not!I’m eating mine!”Bucky growled rolling his eyes a little before glancing up at the painting. “Fine. I’ll leave it alone, and it’s fairly good actually. My ass looks amazing.”Bucky said studying it for a long moment slouching into the couch cushions before studying the other, tilting his head a little. “....You’ve drawn the rest of the team. Even Erin.but you’ve been avoiding me. Why?”He asked looking curious, and geniunely upset at the idea, smiling slightly though, really trying not to be hurt at it. “....why did tony spend money on it?”He frowned a little, sensing there was a reason the billionaire did it, but not getting that tony was working to drive him insane, and push them together that much quicker. Feeling awkward, out of sorts and horny, the man wanted to go fuck his frustration out on clint, but he couldn’t consider the idea of leaving steve alone to do it either.

“Exactly. Totally not normal.”She said before staring at him, for a moment at a loss for words at his panic, before laughing quietly. Leaning down to kiss him slowly, “You are fairly cute like this. So much like tony, without his way with women. So adorable.”She teased hugging him, “I like you to, Bruce. Don’t look so panicked.”She teased.
"You are eating cookies in my presence! that makes them mine!" he complained, looking amused. "...Bucky, you can't see your ass. it's hidden by the shield." he pointed out before he stilled and stared at his hands. "...mostly because i'm scared if i draw you... you'll go away again..." he admitted softly. "i'm scared your not really real..." he admitted. "and because... because..." because he wasn't sure he could draw the other without making it into a naughty porno. "...because he knew i'd like it probobly..." Steve admitted, pulling his knees up to his chest and wrapping his arms around them, staring at the floor.

he huffed. "i am totally not cute and i am certainly not like Tony." he protested, pouting at her before he looked a bit startled at her admittance before a blush spread across his cheeks and he ducked his head to hide it. "...uh... thanks?" he asked, smiling a little. "so... where should we go? on a date i mean... no art museums..."
“Does not.”Bucky whined before smirking, “Doesn’t matter. I still look good.”Bucky snickered a little before frowning staring at the other, stretching out and pressing his toes into the other’s thigh, getting his attention. “I’m not going anywhere, stevie. I promise. And if you doubt I’m real, go talk to Erin, I’m fairly certain she has proof I’m as real as they come.”Bucky teased a little trying to lighten the mood a little before slumping, staring at his friend, swallowing hard. Looking so torn and lost, wanting so badly to admit he wanted him, wanted and loved him, but...he was so scared of frightening the other off. “Draw me.”He demanded looking up at the other. “There’s no reason to be afraid, we can get over this.”He smiled as he tilted his head slightly.

“You are adorable, and brilliant, and awesome, and well, not a engineer,but you both don’t handle relationships well, but totally science bros.”She teased a little blushing herself before tilting her head a little, thinking it over before smiling. “No museums...but we could go to the aquarium?”
he chuckled a little. "does too!" he stated before he smirked. "you do look rather cute." he agreed with a snicker. "all feminine and shit." he teased with a grin before he sobered and nodded. " say that... but you died once... and i don't know if i could handle it if you did so again." he whispered. "...okay." he whispered as he stood up and went to get his drawing supplies, coming back and settling into place. "...get comfortable, okay?" he asked softly as music started to play. some of Steve's favorite. it was soft enough you could barely hear what exactly was playing.

he smiled a little. "okay, okay there's no need to get too insulting." he teased with a chuckle as he smiled at her. "the Aquarium sounds great." he agreed. "when would you like to go?" he asked with a smile. "and are you still hungry? because i haven't eaten yet." he admitted as his stomach growled.
“I’m always cute...and I’m not feminine at all. What are you talking about?!”Bucky whined making a face before sighing softly, watching the other for a long moment. “I know...I’ll always come back for you, Steve. I promise.”He said smiling softly, though he knew he had no business promising things given their lifestyles, but he needed to. Nodding as he shifted to get comfortable, sprawling out on his stomach like he had often done in their apartment, his head pillowed on his arms as he looked at the other, smiling quietly as he let the music sooth him, closing his eyes.”....I’ve missed this. Laying around, watching you draw.”He muttered.

“Okay, I’ll stop.”she teased stealing a kiss before shifting to get up out of his lap as he complained about being hungry. “We can go this afternoon?Unless you were working on something...”She smiled a little before shaking her head. “No, I got enough. Eat.”She ordered smiling quietly.
Steve smirked. "you are. so feminine. you looked good in that dress." he teased with a snicker, mostly because it had been Steve in the dress. " can't promise that." he muttered even as he looked a bit more relieved. "...yeah, i missed this too." he admitted with a smile as he sketched the lines of Bucky's body. "now shush, you're ruining the peace and tranquility." he muttered playfully as he scowled at the portrait and tore it out. it wasn't right. he'd try again. this time he was a bit more satisfied with the way the lines where turning out.

he chuckled a little as he let her steal a kiss and shook his head. "no. i don't have anything planned tonight." he admitted with a smile. "and even if i did, it's not like i'm under contract." he admitted. "i work when i want to." he admitted with a smile as he gulped down everything that was left. "should we go make the rounds? make sure no one's killed each other? or would you prefer to watch a movie? i think i have The Princess Bride around here somewhere."
“And you said I’m the one who had memory problems.”Bucky muttered before sighing. “I know, but I’m making it anyways.”Bucky sighed going quiet at the order, actually starting to fall asleep laying there. But it wasn’t peaceful, and it was good thing steve got the lines the way he wanted, because bucky was making those quiet distressed sounds as he dreamed, his features twisted up as he tried to wake up, but not able to. Wanting to escape the nightmare that told him he’d failed steve, that he’d gotten the other killed.

“Good. And I know your not, but I know you enjoy working with Tony, especially when he’s threatening to make things explode.”She teased a little smiling as he finished his food before grinning. “Lets make sure no one’s killed anyone first, then we’ll watch princess bride.I’d feel better after checking up on everyone.”AKA steve and bucky. Now that steve was steadying himself more, bucky’s the one who scared her, because she knew he hadn’t dealt with any of the emotions he was feeling beyond making sure he didn’t upset Steve with being to much the winter soldier.
Steve smirked a little. "was hoping you'd beleive me." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "thanks Buck." he whispered with a smile before he settled in to draw. he stopped as soon as he heard the first sound of distress and carefully crawled onto the couch with Bucky and pulled him into a hug. he didn't want to wake his best freind. Bucky hadn't been getting enough sleep at all. but he did hope to sooth away the nightmares.

he smiled. "i do enjoy working with Tony. honestly he's the first real freind i've ever had. i was a bit of a... well i was.." he frowned, trying to ind the right word. "loner, i guess. even before the accident people where a bit afraid of me." he admitted. "i have a darker personality than people are used to i guess. and then Tony comes in and isn't afraid of me one little bit and actually speaks proper science." he grinned. "did we ever tell you about the electro-prod incident?" he asked, his head tilted. "sounds good to me." he agreed with a smile as he glanced at the table of empty food. "we should bring gifts of breakfast. there's a Dunkin Doughnuts close by, we could walk down and get a heap of coffee and doughnuts for everyone." he suggested. "it could be a mini date." he offered with a grin.
Bucky frowned a little as he turned his face into the other’s chest, squirming to get comfortable before frowning quietly, lifting his head as he blinked at the other sleepily, looking down at the man he was half laying on.”...You’re not allowed leaving me either you know.”He muttered eyes trailing over the others face as he smiled a little, dark hair falling around his face. To sleepy to be really in control before he leaned down and kissed his best friend, kissing him for a few moments before his brain caught up to what he was doing, scrambling away from the man, and nearly bolting for his bedroom, slamming the door shut behind him, the sound of the lock sliding home just accenting his panic.

“I think we all were a little bit of loners before this.”Erin pointed out before grinning. “Oh, is that what he speaks?”She snickered before nodding, “I heard. Do you know he still whines about it cause he can’t find where you hid the damned thing?”She teased a little before nodding. “Sounds good. God knows they could all use coffee.”She snickered before laughing.”A mini date it is.”She smiled happy as she headed for the door.
Steve smiled at him as he woke up. a bit sad that James had woken up. "i won't leave." he promised softly before his eyes widened as he was kissed. oh hell. that was faster than he expected. he didn't know what to do! how was he supposed to kiss back!? at least he didn't tense. he just sat there, trying to figure out if he was supposed to move his lips back. by the time he decided that yes, he was supposed to mimic Bucky's movements, the other fled and he scowled as he heard the door slam and the lock click shut. "...fuck." he muttered, sighing. "well that sucks." he grumbled. "i thought i was the one who was supposed to panic?"

"he smiled a little. "this is true." he agreed. "except for Bucky. he was never much of a loner. he was always popular, even if the only person he actually cared about was Steve." he admitted as he nodded. "oh yes. that and Tony-ese. i'm still working on learning that part of his language." he admitted with a smirk. "i'm getting pretty good at it. it's better than my french is in any case." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "of course he still whines about it. and i didn't hide it. i buried the damn thing." he admitted with a snicker. "Tony can't find it because it's under dirt in an undisclosed location a few hours from here." he admitted as he opened the door for her, grinning as he followed the woman he was smitten with. "after you my Lady."
"That's true. I don't want to think about his popularity because it leads to conversations about his sex life and it drives me insane cause he hasn't kissed his captain yet."erin snickered a little before grinning."hm I'm sure. Tony-ese is probably hard to learn,but of us all you probably speak it the best."she smiled before shaking her head."I find it amusing hes rich enough to buy another but he wants that specific one."she smiled.

By the time they returned she was smiling and happy knocking on bucky's door and poking her head in."hey. I have doughnuts and it okay-"she stopped mid wuestion looking at steve sitting on the couch."what happened?and can bruce come in?"she asked sounding worried looking around for bucky,panic tightening her stomach when she didn't see him."steve?"she said her voice going a little high with panic.
Bruce chuckled as he nodded. "this is very true." he agreed with a smile. "he really should. i think Steve would appreciate a nice kiss." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "of course i speak it the best." he teased with a smirk. "it's because most of his words are filled with science that most people don't understand." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "it's the principle of the thing." he pointed out. "he wants THAT one. i might give it back in twenty or so years." he admitted with a smirk.

Steve looked up at the knock and the head poking in. he just nodded. "yeah. you guys can come in." he agreed. "it's an Emotional Day, not an Anxious one." it had been her idea to give the way he was feeling 'names'. emotional days meant he was liable to cry at a moments notice. a good day was when he felt fine. an Anxious one was when he was frightened of people and noises and just all around skittish. "...he kissed me and then he panicked. he hasn't come out and he won't answer the door." he admitted, looking very upset. "...he doesn't like me after all..."
"He really would.hopefully he does soon."he grinned a little before snickering."very true. He does tend to put a lot of science into his everyday speech."erin snickered a little. "Ahhh okay that makes sense.and id hope he forget about it in 20 years."snickered.

"Okay."erin smiled as they walked in glsd it was more emotional then anxious, walking in before pausing staring at him."he kissed you...."she stared surprised before shaking her head."you're a idiot if you don't think he likes you.he kissed you first you know."she pointed out before staring down the hall before looking at steve,trying to figure out the other super soldier's mind."hes probably worried you'll felt forced to kiss him back so he wouldn't leave did kiss him back right?"she said starting to suspected bucky had panicked thinking steve didn't want him.
Bruce gave her a grin. "it's Tony. of course he's not going to forget." he pointed out.

Bruce settled by the door, making sure he didn't crowd Steve, ready to leave at a seconds notice. "yeah. he kissed me." he muttered. "and then he just ran away!" he groaned. "he must have decided i was a bad kisser and didn't want me anymore." he muttered before he looked up at her. "i tried to. but i was surprised, and i've never kissed before so i wasn't sure what to do, and it was over so fast..." he admitted with a hesitation. "you... you think... he thinks i don't want him?" he asked, more than a little stunned. " to i change his mind? how could he ever think such a thing!?" he asked, looking quite horrified.
“”I’m fairly certain he didn’t decide that.”Erin said smiling as she sat down next to him, hesitating for a moment before wrapping a arm around him, rubbing his back before wincing. “Oh.How is...he probably didn’t think about how surprised you’d be...”Erin said rolling her eyes before nodding. “Probably. Despite everything, you know how low his self esteem is.”She pointed out, because he might talk a good game, be able to turn on the charm at a moment’s notice, she knew just how much bucky hated himself for being the winter soldier. “I don’t know how he could, but he might. Give me a sec. If I get him out, just convince him otherwise.”She pressed a kiss to his cheek before getting up and pounding on the bedroom door, frowning slightly as she heard the hyperventilating happening on the other side of the door, knowing if she could hear him panicking, steve’s enhanced hearing was most definitely hearing it to. “James Buchanan Barnes, open this door now or I swear to god I’m going to prod my boyfriend with a electrical prod and make the hulk rip down your door. Now, Soldier.” “....It’s not fair ordering me around like that.”James muttered panting as he pulled open the door, because it had only been by accident that erin had figured out that if she ordered him with Soldier tagged onto the end, he still responded like a sergeant in the military, like he was still a howling commando, instead of ignoring it.
Steve shook his head. "he might have." he muttered before glancing at her. "i was surprised..." he admitted softly. "like, really surprised... it felt really nice." he admitted as he leaned into her hug and comfort. "well... he was always a bit slow." he pointed out with a smile. "but then, so am i, so i guess that's okay." he muttered with a shake of his head. it had been hell listening to Bucky hyperventilate on the other side of the door and not be able to do anything about it. "....why didn't i think of that?" Steve muttered, watching her order Bucky out. "...did you just threaten to prod me? because it doesn't work." Bruce admitted, sounding amused. "you'd probobly have to shoot me, that would work better." he admitted, looking startled when Steve suddenly nudged into the way, gripped Bucky's face in both his hands and yanked him down for a very novice kiss. "there! now we're even." Steve decided. "you scared the hell out of me Bucky! i thought... i thought." he pressed his face into Bucky's chest. "i thought you didn't want me..."
“I know, but he’s not thinking it through. He kissed you, didn’t consider there might be a good reason, a sensible reason you didn’t kiss back right away besides the fact you didn’t want him.”Erin said rolling her eyes a little before smirking. “Probably the same reason I didn’t think of it for months. It was a normal thing.”Erin snickered a little before smirking at Bruce.”I did, and I know. But he didn’t know that.”Erin said snickering amused before yelping as Steve pushed her a little out of the way, moving away from the two before snickering at Bucky’s startled look as he stood still and surprised under the other’s lips, looking down at the other, so out of sorts for a moment before wrapping his arms around the other, swallowing slowly.”So to?”He muttered holding him so gently like he was breakable, ignoring the snickering Erin as she headed back into the living room, snickering himself when he heard her choking as she saw the painting in the living room.”...they found our painting.”He muttered.
he shook his head. "i suppose." he muttered with a smile as Bruce snorted and shook his head. "i'm pretty sire he knew Erin, considering Tony's not stopped bitching about my taking his electrical prod away." he pointed out before blinking in shock as Steve kissed Bucky. "well... that's one way of doing it." he muttered. "...i... i don't know. if i can yet..." Steve admitted. "but i want you... i love you. i have since we where kids." Steve admitted softly as he buried his face in Bucky's chest. "the... attack... it's still too soon." he admitted softly before he snickered. "it's staying there... i like it." he admitted with a smile. "that's why Tony bought it you know. he was there when i finally admitted that i was in love with you." he admitted softly. " can still have sex with Clint if you want." he muttered. "i know it helps... keeps you calm and stable and i... i can't... i can't do that for you. not yet..."
“True.”Erin snorted a little amused, glancing at the other couple, looking pleased to see the two wrapped around each other. Finally.

Bucky tensed, looking down at the other anxiously, his features drawn tight and worried as he gently rubbed the other’s back, “I didn’t...I don’t...”he stuttered to upset to get the words out, the rush or romanian escaping, even if he had been born american, the man had lived to long in the eastern block, and reverted to romanian when he was upset. Taking a shuddery breath he swallowed. “I...I didn’t kiss you because I wanted that...yet...I mean, I don’t want to rush you. I never wanted to....”Bucky said looking so upset at the idea that steve might think he did, the accent thick as he struggled to get the english words together, before smiling shyly, the smile dimpling his cheek as he nodded a little. “Me to. Love you to.”he muttered swallowing hard before smiling. “Ahhh, that explains why he was so joyful in giving it to you this morning.”he snorted in amusement, sighing quietly, swallowing hard before nodding. “I...I might. I don’t want to scare you...and...”he shrugged a little looking away, blushing because he hated he didn’t have enough control to not have to have sex, but...
he nodded. "i know. it's okay. i just needed to let you know... i... i'm not even gonna want to be touched some days and.. it's.. it's going to be hard..." he admitted. "i just. wanted you to know that." he admitted before sulking. "i don't speak that language yet." he complained. "i know you would never ask me to." he promised. "yes. but it was my idea to hang it in the kitchen. the look on your face was fucking priceless." he admitted with a snicker. "i know. it's okay." he promised with a smile. "i draw, you fuck. it's okay, i understand, i really do... and... well Clint is cute." he admitted. "maybe someday. when i'm all better, he can come join us for a night or two." Steve muttered, flushing hard at the images that brought up in his head. he wasn't well enough to get a boner at least, thank god. he wasn't sure he could handle that just yet.
“Oh...okay.I know. It’s been hard for all those years before you know. I’m more used to refusing to give in and touch you, then I am letting myself.”He muttered pressing a kiss to the other’s forehead, holding him so gently before sighing. “I’ll teach you. It’ll give us something to do besides having sex. I mean, dating me has to have some benefits, even if it’s just learning languages.”he muttered blushing a little before relaxing utterly as he realized that steve hadn’t thought that. Swallowing hard before snorting. “You are such a sassy bastard.”He grumbled before relaxing, realizing that steve understood before laughing quietly, “You can’t tell him that until you’re ready to do something about it...otherwise you might make his little fanboy heart stop.”He teased a little before easing back a step, looking down at him.”come on, lets get some food. Erin and bruce brought some.”he said his stomach growling now that he wasn’t panicking.
Steve smiled as he nodded. "yeah. me too... you remember that day? when i was wearing the dress? i really liked it. it took every ounce of self control i had not to..." he swallowed hard. "i wanted so bad to..." he shook his head. he couldn't say it. too embarrassing! "i'd like to learn." he agreed with a smile. "i am a sassy bastard. thank goodness Tony hasn't figured that out yet. i 'butt dialed' him yesterday. it was hilarious." he admitted with a snicker. "i don't intend to tell him... of course, Coulson is going to want to come too. he's had a lust for me for forever. course, i didn't know that at first." he admitted with a smile, tightening his grip when Bucky pulled away before releasing him. "...i am hungry." he agreed as he walked into the room to find the food he could suddenly smell.
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