The Key to Going Green(Avengers)Lady/Moon

“I know, which makes your face even more epic. You looked so surprised.”Bucky said swallowing hard as he tried to calm down, still snickering as he went to find steve. “You are such a liar, punk. I can hear you eating the cookies, and if you are eating mine, I’m going to yell.”Bucky snickered before pushing open the door, looking down at the man before settling on the floor with him.”No.They’re my cookies to.”He said his dark hair out of his ponytail, curling around his face, making him look adorable as he pouted.

“Oh.That makes sense, and is sort of worrying that you thought of it.”she muttered looking worried, before swallowing hard. “I’ll try helping him.”She smiled before yawning herself. “I think I’m going to get some sleep myself. Night Loki.”She muttered as she stumbled after bruce, now that she admitted she was tired, she felt exhausted. Walking in, slipping into the bed next to bruce, snuggling into him as she fell asleep.
"i did not! i was mildly hesitant!" he protested muttering about evil insulting Assassins as he left. "i'm not a liar and i'm not eating yours!" he protested as he threw a box of shortbread cookies at Bucky's head. "the rest are mine!" he complained, shoving another Samoa into his mouth, chewing eagerly. "you look kinda adorable like that." Steve teased. "sulking like a baby." he scoffed, eyes dancing with wicked laughter.

Loki nodded. "he's not that bad. and he's been getting a lot, and i do mean a LOT better." he admitted. "goodnight Erin. sleep well." Loki ordered, kissing her forehead gently before letting her head off, chuckling. Bruce was in for one hell of a shock when he woke up. he wasn't used to people sharing his bed.
Bucky yelped as the box of cookies smacked into his forehead, not quick enough to catch them before glaring at the other, rolling his eyes. “Fine, you can have the rest.”he growled before frowning at the other. “I am not adorable!I haven’t been adorable since I was five, you punk.”He growled though there was relief and happiness shining in his eyes to see the other so happy, with laughter shining back in his eyes. It was good to see. “Fine, eat yourself sick. Maybe it’ll teach you a lesson this time.”Bucky rolled his eyes a little as he settled back against the bed watching the other, sitting cross legged and a little hunched to hide just how he reacted to the sight of steve so carefree and happy for the moment.

When bruce woke, erin whined a little as he moved, shifting closer, pressing her face into his chest, making a little whiney huff as he tried to move. While she wasn’t usually a snuggling person, since she’d gotten pregnant she was more likely to snuggle and glomp on someone simply to get a hug. As if she was making up for a lifetime of keeping herself at a distance from other people.
"good! they're mine." Steve growled, quite delighted to have this hoard all to himself. "your always adorable." Steve flirted, smirking as he thrust another cookie into his mouth. "don't get sick no more!" he stated happily as he chewed on his newest cookie. he was lying of course, he could get sick if he ate too much, but usually by the time he reached that point he was satisfied with whatever he was eating anyway. and indeed, ten minutes later he was finished and still had many boxes left. he let Bucky have a few more of the shortbread boxes before he hid and stashed all the others before deciding he was full enough for a nice nap.

Bruce went very tense and still when he woke, feeling something... no, someone snuggling into him was highly disconcerting. he had never really slept with another person so it was an extremely uncomfortable sensation, being held. at the same time it was rather... nice really. "...Erin?" he asked, once he'd calmed down enough to see who it was who had a death grip on him. he sighed, realizing he wasn't going to get free and settled back into the bed. "your lucky your pregnant." he complained with a snort.
“Am not!”Bucky sputtered staring at the other, rolling his eyes.”Whatever. You are such a liar.”he grumbled because he knew it was true, if he could eat himself into being sick, Steve could. Smiling a little as he watched the other hide all his boxes of cookies, settling on the couch in the bedroom to rest while steve slept. When steve woke the man had dragged the couch closer, half sleeping on it, half on the bed, like he couldn’t decide if he wanted to crawl in with steve and crowd the man, but hadn’t been able to stay from from him either.Stirring when steve did, the dark haired super soldier frowned slightly, turning his head to look at him blearily.”You okay?”He muttered.

Erin whined quietly when he tried to move away, pressing her face against his chest as he called her name, not wanting to get up. Groaning a little, “...blame james....its his fault...stupid bi super soldier sperm....”She grumbled, while she was a cuddly person at the moment, she was still her usual grouchy rambling self on waking.
he huffed. "i am not a liar!" he complained, shaking his head. "see! not sick!" he complained as he stashed his hoard. he blinked sleepily as he realized Bucky was doing goofy things again and he smiled. "i'm okay." he mumbled. "not sick." he promised, not about to admit to the tummy ache he was currently experiencing. "that can't be comfortable." he mumbled. "stupid man. you're going to have cramps in your back now."

he chuckled a little. "it is his fault. you should hit him for it next time you see him." he agreed with a chuckle and a shake of his head as he hesitantly wrapped an arm around her. "go back to sleep." he suggested. "i don't have to be anywhere." he promised. and it was true. he wouldn't mind getting up so he could brush his teeth and then drink a pot or two of coffee, but he was quite content right where he was too.
Bucky made a face, sighing a little.”Good. Glad for that.”he muttered before shrugging a little, as he sat up, wincing a little, trying hard to not wince to badly as his back had indeed cramped up. “Not stupid. Didn’t want to crowd you without asking.”Bucky muttered, still sleepy enough to not be really keeping his guard up as he shifted to lay out on the bed, groaning as the muscles loosened.

“I will.And I’m tellign him you agree its his fault...can’t argue if the smart guy agrees.”Erin muttered a pleased hum of pleasure escaping as he wrapped his arms around her, nuzzling her face against his shoulder before nodding.”I’ll should to. You always look so exhausted.”She muttered.
Steve huffed. "you could never crowd me. i might have panicked a bit at first but i would have calmed down as soon as i realized it was you." he promised with a smile as he watched the other lay down next to him, scootching over so that he was just brushing against Bucky. "do you remember when we where little, and we used to wake up from nightmares, or get scared from storms and crawl into each others beds?" he asked softly. "you where always there to protect me, even when you where scared too." he admitted. "i never forgot that, you know? even when i thought you where dead, i always remembered how you where always there for me." he admitted.

Bruce chuckled a little. "you do that." h agreed, gently stroking her hair, more than a little shocked that she could be so at ease with him after she had seen him, up close and personal. seen what a monster he could become. "i'm more hungry than tired. Jarvis ordered out for me when i woke up, we'll have food in about an hour." he admitted with a smile. "besides, i always look exaughsted." he pointed out.
“Didn’t want to upset you. Never do.”Bucky muttered before shifting, scooting closer, shifting, getting comfortable as he relaxed. “...”He frowned slightly, going quiet as he thought through the words, tried to sort the memories before nodding a little.”I do. I always hated storms, but you were so much worse.”he muttered sighing softly, because this scared him badly, scared him because he had been helpless to protect his captain when he needed him the most. “..I’ll always be there. No matter what. Before Erin, before the baby...well...maybe not the baby...but everyone’ve always been first, Stevie.”He muttered sleepily, still wrung out, the emotional turmoil of steve being raped, the guilt...he hadn’t dealt with it, and it was leaving him exhausted.

“I will.”Erin muttered smiling quietly, before smiling.”Food sounds good.”She muttered as she drifted off to sleep, only to wake again when jarvis informed him that the food was there.””She muttered stirring, blinking slowly.
he smiled. "i know." he admitted. "and i appreciate it." he promised before he smiled. "i still don't like storms." he admitted softly before he smiled. "it's okay. i would never ask you to take my side over Erin's." he promised. "me and Erin are good." he promised with a chuckle. "you'll never have to choose between us, i swear it." he promised as he set his head on the others shoulder. "go back to sleep. your exaughsted." he muttered. he was too, but he wasn't ready to go back to sleep. he just wanted to lay there with Bucky for a while.

he chuckled a little as she stirred the second time and carefully extracted himself to go and get the food that a porter had brought up. he paid the man, gave him a hefty tip and sent him off as the smell of syrup and bacon flooded his rooms.
“Me either. Can’t be near the windows these days when it storms...”He muttered quietly before sighing, blinking slowly. “Good. I want you two to get along. She’s important. You all are.”James muttered, because it had been since the howling commandos since he’d had a team of people that mattered to him, while he was extremely overprotective of steve and erin, he was protective of all of them. “...Kay. Wake me up if you need anything...”He muttered already following the orders to sleep, so used to steve ordering him to do things he followed it without thinking.

By the time he returned with the food Erin grinned pleased as she stumbled out of the room, her hair mussed, smiling as she got a plate of food, “Oh man, this smells amazing.”She muttered as her stomach growled, smiling up at the other.
he nodded. "i hide under the bed... but don't tell anyone." he ordered with a smile. he'd never said why he'd been terrified of storms, it had been that way since before he'd met Bucky. but for him to still be that terrified indicated some pretty traumatic memories. "we do all get along." he admitted with a smile. "we really do. you don't have to worry about us." he promised as he gently kissed the others forehead, watching him sleep for a long while before getting up to make food.

he chuckled a little as he handed her a fork and indicated for her to help herself. he'd let her have first dibs since she had a touchy stomach and he didn't. hell he was so not touchy that he could eat pig slop. which he had before. "so...i was... thinking." Bruce admitted suddenly. " should... probobly know some things. about me... and... how the Hulk was born." well. how about that. he finally trusted her to talk about the things he was hiding.
“I wont. Never tells secrets.”Bucky muttered sleepily, snuggling into the other as he slept. Tony, in all his amazingness, knocked on the door just as steve was starting to cook, poking his head in at the door, but not moving inside. “Cap?Can I come in?”Tony called, remembering erin’s warning about giving him the picture without bucky around, but not brave enough to see the man alone if he wasn’t ready to be seen. So very worried about upsetting him.

Erin grinned as she got some waffles and bacon, starting to chow down before coughing, choking on her surprise before swallowing, sipping her orange juice.” this because we got paint in your hair?cause that was totally not my idea, Hulk thought you’d look good with red hair.”She teased a little looking worried about him telling her, worried he was doing it simply to please her and not because he wanted to.
Steve smiled a little. "i know." he admitted with a chuckle before pausing at the knock, tensing, hesitating. "....yes.." he finally decided, letting Tony in. Madden was there, right next to him. "but leep your voice down, if you wake Buck i'll turn you into fish food." he warned. he'd only just gotten the other into a proper sleep, he wasn't about to risk waking him up for nothing and nobody. "what have you got there?" he asked curiously.

he chuckled a little as she chowed down before he studied her. ".no. it's because..." he paused and then., "it's because your not afraid of me. you didn't run away. you didn't leave. you even slept in the same bed with me as if i couldn't turn into a raging monster at a moments notice. Hulk may be soft and gentle when he wants to be, but he is never 'Tame' and everyone knows that. everyone is a bit wary... but not you..." he admitted. "you... you trust me, in a way no one ever has before and..." he closed his eyes. "and i want to trust you like that too."
“Tony smiled a little as he walked in, carrying the painting tube, smirking at the other, tilting his head.”Fish food?I’d at least rate dog kibble.”He muttered though he did indeed keep his voice low, low enough that even with serum enhanced hearing, bucky wouldn’t hear him a room over. Holding out the picture he gave steve that brilliant grin that said he was so up to something.”Since you’re a artist, and didn’t get to see this the other night, I thought I’d give it to you now.”He grinned as he tapped the painting out of the tube, rolling it out, smiling brilliantly as the paper revealed a nicely done version of the commandos tent, steve’s personal one, with the bed and everything, with steve himself laying sprawled out across it, bucky tucked into his side, pressing a lazy kiss to the sleeping captain’s mouth, the both naked, the shield leaning against the edge of the bed and placed just so, so that you couldn’t see anything, but you knew there wasn’t a stitch of clothing between them.

Erin looked up at that, tilting her head.”I do trust you. And most people haven’t dealt with James, a polar bear and a fuck ass small cabin he holed up in. Personally I’d rather deal with you then that ever again.”She teased a little, even though she was blushing at the idea that he trusted her. “I trusted him not to hurt me, what ever made you think I wouldn’t trust you to not do the same?”She offered him a small smile before nodding, looking serious.”Whatever you want to tell me, I’m here for you. You know that.”
"you'd give Madden indigestion." was Steve's retort before he studied the Tube for a long silent moment. "'s not going to explode is it?" he asked, eyes narrowed as he examined Tony before looking a lot more eager. "you got me a copy of a painting?" he asked as he uncorcked the top and pulled the painting out carefully unrolling it before freezing, staring at it, swallowing thickly as he stared at it. "....i need a frame." he ordered, voice husky. what a shock! Steve LIKED it! "now where to hang this?" he mused, looking around the room. "somewhere Bucky will see. but not right away..." he muttered. suddenly it made sense. Steve was pranking Bucky. sassy bastard.

he smiled a little. "a polar bear?" he asked, sounding amused before he sighed and shook his head. "you know... i'm a hell of a lot more likely to hurt someone than the Hulk is." he pointed out. " know how i told you earlier. that the Serum can only bring out what's already there?" he asked. "well. the same is true with Hulk... he's always been there." he admitted. "when i was little... he was... my imaginary freind of sorts. as i grew older, he just... never went away." he admitted. "i beleive the technical term is a multiplied mind. or more loosely, a split personality." he admitted, closing his eyes. "that's why any and all attempts to recreate the Hulk, even with my stolen research has failed. because they don't have what i did." he admitted.
“No, I wouldn’t give you something that would explode. At least not after last time.”he whined a little, snickering before making a face.”No thats the actual painting. Why would I buy you a copy?”He pouted before nodding. “I have a frame for it. It came in one. But I didn’t want to walk in here, just in case Barnes was up, in the frame.”He said snickering a little before staring at the other, “...You know, you’re not supposed to prank your crush into admitting he’s in love. Thats sort of against the rules or something.”Tony snickered amused though, before looking around the place. “Hm, how about on his bedroom wall?You said he spent most nights with you in the guest room. He wouldn’t see it right away.”

“...Yea. He made friends with the thing. It was a cub, but still.”She whined making a face before studying him, “Yea I know. Like Bucky being protective and steve being so damned good.”Erin said thoughtfully staring at him, tilting her head a little as she considered that, eyes widening slightly, “...Because you had already had him. Sort of like if he hadn’t been capable of it, you wouldn’t have the Soldier and Bucky. Clearly defined lines between both....oh. That makes sense.”She said eyes widen and excited, because even if she never wrote it down, considering what her thesis paper had been about, this was utterly fascinating to her.
he snorted a little before he paused. "this is a REAL PAINTING!?" he demanded, gaping at the other. "...Tony that must have cost a fortune! you didn't... you didn't have to do that." he whispered, horrified to find tears welling up. "oh hell... it's an emotional day... don't worry i'm just crying. it's nothing you did. sometimes i just cry." he admitted, sniffling a little as he wiped his eyes and took the frame and carefully fit it into place, glad that there was glass protecting the painting. he had a feeling Bucky was going to throw something at it. "it's so not against the rules." Steve stated, sniffling again as he smiled at Tony. "no. i need him to see it today., it's more amusing that way." he admitted as he hung it on the wall next to the fridge. "there. perfect place."

he snorted. "only Bucky would have a polar bear cub as a pet." he scoffed, shaking his head before he smiled. "yes exactly." he agreed, swallowing thickly as he stared at th table. "when i was a child. i would... let Hulk do what he wanted. he was as real then as he was now, it's just that he had to use my body instead of his own." he admitted, swallowing thickly. "my mother put me on all kinds of medication. had me seeing all kinds of doctors. but i didn't talk to any of them because it wasn't allowed. my father... was a bastard. he'd hit me, anytime i talked to anyone. teacher, child, stranger. if it wasn't him or mother, i wasn't allowed to speak. she knew it, of course and i began to HATE her for making me speak to people when she knew i'd be punished for it." he admitted, eyes glossed. " night... she stood up to my father." he admitted. "and he beat her to death, right in front of me, and made me help bury her body. that's when the Hulk became his own, true person in my head. when i was scared, i'd step back, and Hulk would take the punishment. for a long time, i just floated and Hulk was the one who lived my life." he admitted. "and then my father went too far. and Hulk killed him." his eyes seamed to refocus. "a butchers knife, a lucky shot and it was all over. i came out and after a year in a psych hospital, i convinced myself that Hulk wasn't real. that he was just a mental means of protecting myself from memories i didn't want to remember." he smiled wryly. "and then the accident happened, and he was free again, and god was he pissed...." the more Bruce talked, the more relaxed he seamed to get. as if it had all been bottled in for so long that it just felt so good to let it all out.
“Uh, yea?”Tony said looking uncomfortable, because while he enjoyed spending his money on the others, he knew it made them uncomfortable sometimes so he tried not to show just how much he’d been spending on them. Grinning at the other’s protests, though he looked anxious as he started to cry.”Yes I did. Not only because its a good painting, but cause you two idiots need to hash things out, this is as good of a reason as Erin locking you in a room together until you talked.”Tony snickered a little shaking his head in amusement as he watched steve hang the picture. “If you think he’s going to pay attention to anything but food in this room, you’re insane.”he teased a little.

“It was siberia, not alot of other things to make friends with.”She snickered a little before growing serious. “Oh. Oh bruce.”Erin muttered sounding at a utter loss for words. Because she’d known his childhood was a mess, but she hadn’t known everything. Shifting she stood moving around the table, forcing his chair back enough to climb in his lap, wrapping her arms around him, holding onto him as he talked, absently running her fingers through his hair, trying to be soothing, but knowing she was failing. “...I’m so sorry. Really.”She muttered resting her head against his, before smiling sadly.”Tony once told me what he said on the helicarrier. That the hulk saved you, when that much radiation should have killed you....he was right. Hulk saved you. Will always take care of you. I’ll help to.We got you.”She muttered.
Steve chuckled a little. "you've been so nice for me. i do appreciate it." he admitted as he examined the painting, shaking his head. "i'm glad you got the painting. i'd rather no one else knew about this... have to wonder about how they knew about Bucky's birthmark though..." he admitted before he smirked at Tony. "yes well... it took me a while to admit that being Gay was okay. i was convinced Bucky would hate me for it." he scowled. "...and then he went and fucked Clint... remind me to hit him." he ordered, looking vaguely annoyed as he tried to make the painting sit straight. "Tony you're wall is crooked!" he complained, sulking as the painting lilted slightly to the left again. "besides, that's what makes it so fun. he always comes in here and gets a glass of juice and turns to check the date on the calender that's supposed to sit here. he'll do... what is it called, a spit take?"

he chuckled a little and nodded before he grimaced at the sympathy in her voice. he let her do what he wanted, waiting for pain at the very least. instead he got a wonderful woman in his arms an he found that hard shell he'd built up crack and his mind seamed to slid and suddenly he was weeping, his face pressed into her shoulder as he cried nearly thirty years worth of tears. he knew Hulk had saved him, but he had never forgiven himself for letting his father hurt him. he had always felt like it was his fault, because he had been such a little freak, only to grow up to be a big freak. part of him though, realized how wrong that was. and that was the part of him that was sobbing all over his potential girlfriend.
“...Your welcome.but you know I don’t do it for appreciation.”Tony muttered before grinning. “Uhhh, you remember just how many women have seen him naked?I wouldn’t be surprised if the artist tracked one of them down.”Tony snickered a little before grinning wider. “So he did. I’ll remind you to hit him if you help me remember to totally just nuke the gym and rebuilt it. Walking in there and smelling sex was horrible.”Tony whined a little before sulking. “It is not!I put the walls up myself. They’re not crooked.”he huffed a little before grinning. “Yea, a spit take. I’m going to totally make Jarvis record that to.It’ll be epic.”Tony muttered wincing as he saw the brunette walking in, dark hair sticking up every which way. “Do what?”Bucky muttered as he shuffled in, tired and worn as he walked towards the fridge, getting himself a glass of juice, totally not realizing tony was nearly stuffing his fist in his mouth to keep from laughing.

ERin sighed softly, shifting to get comfortable, gently running her hands through his hair, rubbing his back as he clung to her, just being there for him, waiting until the sobs abated enough that she could talk and hope he’d hear her. “...IF you got snot all over me before the baby gets here, I’m going to be depressed. It’s bad enough I’m going to get snot all over then, Bruce.”She teased lightly, gently stroking his hair. Not sure what to say, but knowing she needed to talk to him, needing to take care of him.
Steve smiled. "i know. but i appreciate it anyway." he admitted with a smile before he scowled. "...he always was a bit of an exhibitionist. probobly had a naked photo of him somewhere." he grumbled. "you can't nuke the gym without taking all of us with it. just call a Hazmat team." he suggested. "or set up an alarm system. anytime they try to have sex outside of their rooms Jarvis can make the alarms go off." he smirked. "that would be pretty awesome. i know you can do it, because you have them set so that anytime Loki tries to eat more than a tub of Ice-cream at a time they go off." he pointed out. "it's crooked! it won't stay in place!" he complained before smirking at Bucky. "Tony wants to record the next time Clint sits Madden." he lied. "my good boy is such a menace. yes he is." Steve praised Madden who wiggled in joy.

he sniffled and then gave a weak chuckle and a shake of his head as she spoke. "i won't get snot on you." he promised softly as he straightened himself out. "...god. i haven't cried since...." he paused, struggling. "i can't remember. the last time i remember crying was when i locked myself in a closet and my father pulled me out and gave me a sound beating for 'making noise'." he admitted, shaking his head. "thank you. i've never told anyone that before. it felt... good, right to get it out." he admitted. "...i'm glad that Coulson made me come back here." he admitted with a smile. "i'm glad i was able to meet you."
“...Probably. Really wouldn’t be surprised.”Tony snickered at the idea before making a face. “If it got rid of the image of barnes’ naked ass on my gym mats, it might be worth it.”Tony whined a little before grinning. “Oh. I’m setting the alarm. And playing porn music for it. It’ll be epic.”Tony grinned before rolling his eyes at the complaint but not responding as bucky blinked stupidly. He was always fairly adorable when he was just waking up. “Oh. Madden is a menace.”Bucky snickered as he sipped his drink even as he turned to look at the calendar, his mental way of reassuring hismelf what day it was, what year before choking, coughing on the liquid. Sputtering before turning to glare at the grinning billionaire. “I thought you two needed some awesome art.”Tony said refusing to move or be intimidated before the brunette stalked out of the room, the sound of his bedroom door sounding a moment later. “...I’m amazed he simply didn’t combust he was blushing so hard.”Toyn snickered watching him leave.

“Good.”Erin smiled as she leaned back to look at him, gently stroking his hair, before smiling a little. “You’re welcome...if you ever want to talk, need to....just find me.I’ll listen.”She promised pressing a kiss to his forehead, before smiling pleased. “I’m glad I met you to.”she said snuggling against him.
he snickered a little. "well just make sure you give me a copy of that image before you destroy it." he ordered with a chuckle. "good. that means he won't have sex too." he stated with a smirk. "he's too dumb to realize it'll only happen in undesirable locations." he stated sagely. possessive little bastard that he was. then again, he knew he'd let Bucky go to Clint and Coulson, at least until he could take over himself. he wasn't ready for sex yet. he started to snicker at Bucky's reaction to the painting, snickering a little as he watched Bucky flee. "i know. he was an unusual shade of red." he admitted as he took the painting down and put the calendar back before hanging the painting in more of a place of honor in the living room. "he'll forgive you someday." he promised with a snigger.

he smiled a little. "i will." he promised as he leaned into the touch, sighing. it had been so, so long since he'd had proper human contact that every touch was like heaven. "...Erin?... could i take you out on a date sometime? just the two of us?" he asked. "i really... like you." he admitted. "more than i probobly should." he admitted with a lopsided grin.
“No. If you would just tell him, you could see him naked all you want.”TOny huffed rolling his eyes a little before smirking. “He is fairly dumb sometimes.”Tony snickered rolling his eyes a little, grinning as he watched Steve put the painting in the living room. “It was a very alarming shade of red I agree.”Tony smirked watching before standing up. “Someday. When you’re not hanging that thing in his living room. Or when you’re fucking his brains out. I’m fairly certain he’s going to kill himself if he keeps running into that painting everywhere, you’re going to kill him.”Tony snickered shaking his head. “Now. You take it easy, relax, sexually harass barnes, I’m going to the lab.”Tony grinned as he left, just imaging what steve and bucky’s time was going to be spent every time Bucky found that painting in a new place.

“Hm?”Erin hummed a little looking down at him, smiling quietly, blushing brightly before nodding.”I would enjoy that.”She smiled before looking a little hurt, tilting her head. “More then you should?”She said gently stroking his cheek, leaning down for a kiss lightly.
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