The Key to Going Green(Avengers)Lady/Moon

Steve blinked a little. "that must have been hell." he admitted, shaking his head before he paused and hesitated for a long time and then. "...i won't be settling down with a girl Buck..." he admitted softly, wincing as if waiting for an explosion of rage before he let the applesauce thieving distract him. "but i'm still hungry!" he complained. "you don't even like applesauce!" he protested, firmly ignoring Bucky's reaction to basically being told that he was gay. "Jarvis will get you if anything happens." he promised. "and he probobly is. he's pretty worried about how your going to react." he admitted with a smile. "just trust in Bruce, he's a big influence on the Hulk. Bruce adores you, so Hulk will too." he promised, watching her leave. "" he muttered, finally chancing a glance at Bucky.

Bruce was indeed in the Lab with tony, examining a slide under a microscope. Tony was in his part of the lab working and Loki was in his corner, muttering to himself as he traced invisible circles and designs in the air, often checking with a book for references. busy and productive. or at least that's what it looked like. Erin could tell right away that Bruce wasn't focused at all on what he was doing, he was just hiding.
“It was. Cold to.”bucky made a face before his eyes widened momentarily before settling into that easily calm face, even if he was panicking inside. Really?They were right?Maybe? Could it be true? He swallowed shakily before laughing at steve. “I don’t care!I want it, and I’m craving it. Get your own.”Erin ordered before sighing, nodding slightly. “Kay. And I will.Always have.”She smiled. Bucky rolled his eyes a little watching her go as he stared at his plate, opening his mouth to respond intelligently to steve actually saying he was gay, sort of, but what fell out was such classical James Barnes idiocy that it was like they were teenagers again, and he was telling stevie about the first time he had sex. “I fucked Clint.”

Erin smiled a little looking amused as she watched them, shaking her head a little, looking worried for her boyfriend, before smirking. “Steve just confessed to being gay to James.”She said sounding pleased, grinning as the small explosion of the repulsors tony was working on went off, startling the genius as he looked over at her.”What?!Nooo. That ruins the surprise. No!You’re wrong. They can’t confess yet.” “...Why?” “I bought them something. They need to get it first.” “....I don’t think I want to know.You guys busy?”
" just don't want to share!" he complained. "your using your pregnancy as an excuse and i won't stand for it!" he complained, sulking at her before he smiled at her and watched her leave before he stared at Bucky. "you did? but what about Coulson?" he asked, looking confused before he rolled his eyes. "never mind. being that he's dating Clint...." he muttered, well aware that the other had fucked Clint, but he wasn't ready to tell Bucky that he was in love with the other. not yet.

"...did he really!?" Bruce asked, stunned. "...Tony, what did you do!?" Bruce demanded, Loki looking highly amused. "oh, you'll love it." Loki chirped, snickering. "really. Tony sunk about fifty thousand dollars into that pretty thing." " i'm even more worried." Bruce muttered, shaking his head. "what in the world did you buy that costs that much!? an entire sex room?" he demanded, lifting an eyebrow. "...." "no were not busy. you wanted to meet Hulk, right?" Loki asked, Bruce hunching in a bit. he really was worried about how Erin was going to react to this. thankfully, Tony had made Hulk pants that he wore under his normal clothes. it stretched and shrank with the Hulk. no more naked Bruce.
“No I’m not!I want applesauce, and you can’t have any!”Erin said laughing. “Watching you two is always amusing.’Bucky muttered before nodding, flushing as he stared down at the table, still nervous, still waiting to get yelled out as he stared at the table, nodding a little. “Permission....Clint didn’t want to take me out to find someone with how close the Soldier was to the surface...not to mention...well, he’s sorta had a crush on us both. Total fanboy really.”Bucky said babblign a little in typical James nervousness.

“Yes, he did. James made a comment about him marrying a girl and well...yea.”Erin snickered before staring at tony, looking at loki before groaning. “Nooooo. Please tell me you didn’t.” “What?He’s a artist. He’ll appreciate fine art.” “Not when the only scrap of clothing between them is his shield!”Erin scolded looking amused though, maybe it would be a good thing.”If you have to give it to him, give it to steve alone, not with James there.”Erin said knowing she wouldn’t be able to disuade the genius before nodding a little, “Yes I did.”Erin said looking at bruce worriedly, gently nudging him, running her fingers through his hair.
Steve sulked at her. "but i want it!" he complained before sticking his tongue out at Bucky. "i am not amusing! how dare you!" he complained, looking amused before he sobered. "...was it... nice?" he asked, sounding more curious than anything else. he knew, in theory that Sex was supposed to feel good. really good, but the rape... he'd cum but he hadn't enjoyed it. not really. "...they WHAT!?" he asked, sounding stunned as he flushed bright red. "....Clint's been... he... he really?..." he asked, shocked before he fidgeted a little. "well... that explains a bit..." he muttered, more than a little surprised. he had known that Phil had a bit of a fanboy thing going on, but he hadn't anticipated sexual desire. he felt sort of warm and tingly inside now. he still wasn't used to people finding him attractive.

"wow. very good. they'll be able to maneuver around each other a lot more now." Bruce mused with a smirk. "they'll get together soon enough, you just watch." he ordered with a smirk before he paused, confused as he looked between them both. "...i'm missing something." he admitted with a shake of his head. "it's for the best. i can't be held accountable if i don't know about it." he muttered with a chuckle before he sighed a little as he stood up at the nudge, leaning into the touch before leading the way to what was affectionately called The Hulk Room. it was painted in all sorts of fun, bright colors, was so large Hulk could actually run around a little bit, and filled with Hulk friendly toys and walls that Hulk couldn't break and a huge glass window that Hulk also couldn't break, even if there where holes punched through it so Hulk could smell and hear the people on the other side. Bruce hesitated on the outside before he took a deep breath and headed inside the tiny door that he just barely fit through and started to take off his clothes, folding them up before standing there in his purple stretching pants. "...ready?"
“It was. Very.”Bucky said blushing ever so slightly, for once not going into detail about his sexual exploits, not only because he was aware of steve’s rape, but because he wasn’t about to tell him just how rough and violent it’d been, not when he’d been so hurt. He didn’t want steve afraid of him after all. “Yea. Totally wanted to jump me. I’m just that popular and you...well, I’m not the only one they like. But they know better.Don’t worry about them steve.”Bucky said his features growing anxious, worried that steve would worry about them, blushing as he considered that maybe he wasn’t the best person to be guarding steve no matter what anyone said, since he wanted so much to be that person to steve.

“Exactly. And hopefully. They’re driving me insane.”she said grinning before laughing at bruce’s words. “Probably better that one of us isn’t going to know, cause they’re going to freak when they realize tony bought them what amounts to porn.”she snickered a little following him into the other room, looking around biting her lip a little. “Yea. As ready as I’ll ever be.”She said watching him looking a little nervous.
he smiled a little. "...good. you looked a lot better when you came back." he admitted. "not so..." he paused, searching for the right word. "blank." he admitted. "it's Clint. he wants to jump everyone." he pointed out, looking amused. "i'm not worried. they won't touch me without my permission." he admitted. "i'm not used to being... you know..." he indicated himself. "walking sex, i think is how Tony explained it once." he admitted with a chuckle as he shook his head. "in any case, i doubt i'd be able to have sex with them anytime soon even if i wanted to." he admitted with a sigh. "it would be weird too." he admitted.

"they're driving everyone insane." Bruce stated with a grin. "so long as i don't get in trouble." he ordered with a snicker before he took a few deep breaths, closed his eyes and in an instant, he went from cute aged man to massive Green Giant. Hulk took a deep breath and let out an eager roar at being free and stalked over to the window and flopped down into a seated position in front of the window. "Pretty!" Hulk informed her, examining her with his head cocked. "I Hulk!" he informed her. "Hulk Like You!" Loki just chuckled. "well that's certainly good. it took him a while to warm up to me." Loki admitted, Hulk huffing. "Puny God." "....we're working on that."
“So I’ve been told. Cigarettes and sex, you always said I had problems with both.”He teased a little before shrugging, snickering a little but relaxing.”he does want to jump everyone, you’ve ruined my delusion I’m special, punk.”He pouted a little before swallowing hard, looking the other over, snickering.”Hm, tony would describe you as walking sex. I mean come on, your shoulder to hip ratio is utterly ridiculous. You look like a human dorito.”Bucky teased to hid his reaction to the idea of steve not having sex. Not that he thought the man should anytime soon,but if he considered it weird with clint and phil, he couldn’t imagine what they would think of it with him. Feeling a little crushed he sighed quietly, glancing at the other, “Can I call Clint, tell him to bring your pup back down?I’m sure he’s missing you.”He said, needing to change the topic, needing to think of anything but steve and sex.

Erin looked up nervously as he stalked over, smiling as she looked up at the hulk, laughing quietly before blushing.”Thanks. You’re fairly cute yourself.”she smiled before laughing, “I’m Erin. And we don’t know the little one’s name yet.”She said pointing at her stomach before laughing, smirking at Loki.”well, compared to thor in size, you are puny.”she teased as tony muffled his laughter.
he huffed. "you do have problems with both." he teased, shaking his head. "and yes, you are special. while he WANTS to jump everyone, Coulson wouldn't let him have sex with just anyone you know." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "my shoulder to... huh?" he asked, looking baffled. "Dorito? isn't that a chip?... your not making any sense. are you high or something?" he asked, frowning a little before he went tense at the mention of Clint coming down. "...i'm going to hide in the bathroom. then he can come down." he decided. yes, it was indeed a bad day. but at least he was taking precautions to prevent another panic attack. he headed into the bathroom as Bucky texted Clint, feeling a bit guilty that he was taking up all of Bucky's time.

Hulk grunted. "Hulk not cute!" he protested. "Hulk Monster! Hulk Smash!" he declared, looking very pleased with himself. "Puny God!" he declared. "Woman with baby inside." he agreed with a nod as Loki glared at her. "i can throw you in there." he warned, Hulk pausing as he considered that. "Woman with Baby inside Play with Hulk?" he asked curiously as he tried to offer her a massive jug of finger-paints through the glass. of course, there was no paper, Hulk usually just painted the walls and floor when he felt like being a painter.
“I do not. I have control.”Bucky made a face before smiling. “True. Okay, I feel better now.”Bucky snickered before snickering at steve’s baffled look, holding up his hands, “Your shoulders are like massive compared to how narrow your hips are. Like a chip. It’s a triangle, you sorta look like one....okay, I need to stop using tony’s descriptions of things.”Bucky made a face before wincing at steve’s reaction nodding as he texted. “He wont stay.”He promised smiling as he went out in the hall, smiling at clint as the man came in.”Was he a good pup?”he smiled as Madden leaned into him.

“Hulk smashes, hulk cute while smash.”erin said smiling before laughing at his descriptions before shrugging. “Not totally scared by that.”She said looking at loki before nodding a little, “If you want me to, Hulk.”he said smiling up at him laughing quielty as he tried to give her the paints. "Hold on, I have to come in before I can use them."
Steve rolled his eyes. "no you don't." he scoffed. "if you had control you wouldn't sleep with every woman that crosses your path and smoke three packs a day." he pointed out looking amused before he stared at the other. "you should never repeat anything Tony says." he stated with amusement. "i know he wont. i just... can't..." he admitted, biting his lip a little as he headed into the bathroom. "...he was a bad dog." Clint groaned. "he devoured my couch!" he complained. "he dragged me down the street! and pissed on a cop car! i almost got arrested! and he pissed in my shoes again!" he complained, shaking his head. "you've trained him to be mean to me haven't you?" he demanded, sulking.

Hulk nodded. "Hulk smash good!" he stated happily as Loki huffed and followed her into the room where Hulk was unscrewing the lids to the rainbow of colors. "Pretty!" Hulk informed her, gently patting her on the head with a strength that seamed nonexistent. a butterfly landed harder on her than that finger had before he dipped his fingers in the paint and smeared them across the floor and watched her, waiting for her to do it too.
“I haven’t slept with anyone but erin and clint since I woke up. And I still smoke, but its not so bad, it can’t kill me anymore. And I do remember to not smoke around the others unless I ask.”Bucky said making a face. “Okay. Just relax, I’ll go get him.”Bucky said looking a little worried before snickering at clint’s misfortune, scratching madden’s ears. “No, not just you. You’re just the last person to figure out the commands to make him stop.”he snickered, because he was a asshole, and he enjoyed making fun of his friends when he knew they’d take it as a joke and not freak out to bad. After so many years of not being able to, he enjoyed simply being himself. “Try different languages next time you ask him to stop.”he grinned, because he might tell him,but totally wouldn’t tell him what language.

“You do.”Erin smiled as she walked in, blushing a little as the hulk tapped her on the head, looking amazed that she had barely felt the touch. Wondering if it was because she was pregnant, or if he was this gentle with everyone. “Thanks, hulk.”She said grinning as she walked closer, dipping her whole hands in the paint and starting to draw.
Steve looked more than a little shocked. "seriously?! damn no wonder your so moody. your going through withdrawals." he teased with a grin. "yeah. turns out cigarettes are really bad for you." he admitted with a shake of his head before he offered Bucky a trembly sort of smile before he hid himself away. "...That's Not Fair! i don't speak other languages!" he protested. "Bucky! you're mean!" he complained, crossing his arms and sulking before he looked worried. "hows Steve?" he asked, noticing the other wasn't in view. "Jarvis said he had an attack of some sort..."

Loki smiled a little as he watched, leaning on the wall. they would never leave Hulk alone with someone in case he got too excited or agitated, but the big guy didn't seam to mind. in fact he seamed to love all the attention. "Flower!" Hulk grunted, pointing at a massive blob on the floor. "Flower for Erin!" Loki nearly collapsed. Hulk had never, ever used a persons real name before, EVER. "wow... he REALLY likes you..." Loki muttered, Hulk glancing at him. "Puny God." "Awesome God!" "Puny God." "Glorious God!" "Puny God." "....Gonna blow you up and turn you into a Fish God!" "Puny God!" this seamed to be an old argument.
"I am not.I'm perfectly capable of not being grouchy when not having sex.I just smoke more."bucky twitched a little because it was a total lie. Even if the others thought he was a man whore it wasn't the sex that he cared about, and while it was fun,it was those few moments when he didn't have to think beyond pleasing the person that he was with that he loved. Smirking at clint he grinned."what kind of spy are yo?no languages really?even stevie knows a few."he teased grinning."you miht be able to bribe erin into telling you the commands though."he grinned before growin serious looking at the bathroom before nodding."panic attack,used to get them all the time ..and hes okay...well stable for the moment anyways."he muttered though he still looked worried.

Erin grinned as she fingerpainted the hulk before blushing,looking shocked at the use of her name."thank you hulk...are you goi.g to be using my name now?cause I am still the girl with the baby."she said looking curious before busting out laughing at the argument.her worry at meeting the hulk totally gone.
Steve just chuckled. "your such a liar." he teased as he headed off. "....your mean." he complained. "i'm going to make Bruce take the dog out from now on." he grumbled. "i was almost arrested Bucky!" he complained. "besides, why do i need to speak another language when Natasha and Coulson both know dozens?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "i'll do tht then. i know what she likes... Girl-scout Cookies!" he admitted with a smirk before he sobered. "it's because he saw me when i picked up the pooch isn't it? i'm sorry..."

Hulk grinned at her, baring all his teeth. "Erin is Erin, Baby is Baby." he stated simply before he huffed and poked Loki who scowled and poked back. so Hulk was just as Gentle as everyone else. "I'm going to tell Bruce your being mean to me!" Loki complained, Making Hulk Shrug. "Bruce think Funny. Bruce Laugh. Call you Puny God." Loki cursed and hulk did something truly funny. green eyes widened and he clapped his hands to his ears, making Loki snicker. "Hulk don't like you, Hulk Tired, Hulk take nap now." the mighty green man stated with a huff, reverting back into Bruce who looked sluggish but amused. "i need a nap... and food. lots of food." it took a lot of energy to become the hulk and back to Bruce.
"Shouldnt be a new experience for're almost always arrested."bucky pointed out before laughing."well when you put it that way it makes sense."he smiled before laughing."and ice cream.rocky road.she bem eating it by the gallon."he said before making a face shaking his head."no.yes.some. it was just a bad day and seeing you startled him...don't loo so upset."he said smiling at his friend.

Erin grinned back,quietly pleased at how well it had gone before laughing."bruce does find it funny."erin snickered before nodding."good.ight hilk."she said patting his arm before reachi.g out and holding bruce's arm so he wouldn't fall."come on.leys go get some food and sleep."she said walking towards the door.
Clint rolled his eyes. "that is so not true." he complained, shaking his head. "only sometimes." he grumbled before he smirked. "i'll get her both then." he decided with a snicker. "did you know there's a Girl-scout set up right outside the Tower?" he asked with a smirk. "all the R&D people are going nuts." he admitted with a laugh. "i'll buy them out." he decided with a grin. "using Tony's money of course." he mused. "i think a hundred of each box should last us a month or so, you think?" he asked before hesitating. "i know i shouldn't be upset about it, but i am. it sucks that Steve's afraid of me." he admitted with a sigh. "still. he was able to handle Tony. he IS getting better." he promised with a smile. "and he doesn't seam all that affected by you. that's good."

"Night Night." Hulk grunted, Bruce staggering a little before she steadied him. "yeah. food." he agreed, shaking his head to clear it as he let her take her where she willed. he inhaled more food than Bucky could and immidiatly went to sleep. a typical reaction to changing into the hulk. "you did a good job." Loki admitted with a smile. "Bruce never got over his childhood. and he never got over how his fiance left him after his accident. how everyone left him after his accident." Loki admitted. "he's still not used to the idea that all of us here at the Tower being loyal to him, liking him.... more importantly, not being afraid of him."
"Only sometimes."bucky snickered shaking his head a little before laughing."I know. I think tony bribed them to set up out there so he could get them when he wanted some."bucky snickered rolling his eyes a little before shaking his head."it might but between erin and to ny they'll be gone soon."he looked amused before sighing."I know...and he is scared of me sometimes. And erin.and tony...but he is getting better."he said looking a little happy,pleased with it.

"Thanks."erin smiled at the man worry gone as she considered him before swallowing hard."well I'm not leaving him.wouldn't have even if it had gone him to much...I'm just glsd this was better then he thought it'd be."
he snorted. "no. they just know this is where the best money is made. everyone in this part of town is rich. the girls take turns and split the profits between the different Girl-scout troops through the city." he admitted. "that way every single Girls-cout troop here in New York gets an equal share. and some from Manhattan and Brooklyn come in and get their fair share too." he admitted before he smirked. "i was an honorary Girl-scout you know." he admitted. "since the Cub-scouts wouldn't let me in because i was 'girly'." he grumbled. "that's why i'm hiding my share." he pointed out with a smirk. "he's not scared of YOU Buckeye. just your other half." he pointed out. "and he's not scared of Erin, she's too small and pregnant to be of any threat to him." he admitted. "i'll have Dum-E bring up the cookies for you. any preferences?" Steve would want Samoas of course. he'd been addicted to those creamy caramel and coconut cookies since he'd tried them after waking up. he and Bucky had always managed to scrap up enough money to buy a box of cookies as kids. granted they had only been sugar cookies back then, but they had been so good, and so worth it. granted, they hadn't actually been 'girl-scout cookies' back then. they didn't start making the girl-scout cookies in boxes until the 1930's. before you actually had to go to a Girl-scout cookie store to buy them.

Loki nodded. "i know your not. but he's had a lifetime of abandonment and abuse to get over. it takes a while." he admitted with a smile. "i knew it wouldn't be bad. Hulk adores you." he pointed out. "he adores all of us really. Hulk's never had 'freinds' before." he admitted. "Hulk is finally starting to learn right from wrong too, so that's helping a lot. Hulk and Bruce trust us, it's just that they don't trust themselves, that's all." he smirkled. "it's amazing how gentle he can be, isn't it?" he asked. "he always does that, where he taps you on the head. it's because i did it to tony, and now Hulk is convinced that's how you say hello to people." he admitted with a snicker.
"..."bucky stared at the assassin before snickering."tou are such a girl."he teased looking amused before nodding."somosas and sugar cookies."bucjy smiled taking madden off thr leash shooing him inside."just text me when tou got them"he grinned before heading back inside to find steve,"stevie!we're getting cookies delivered!" He grinned happily as he knocked on the bathroom door.

"I know.its just hard to know I can't do anything more to prove I'm not running away from him."erin said smiling slihtly before staring at the god before starting to laugh."and tony knows that?" "I think its hysetical hes greeting everyone like that now.rven the good captain."tony snickered shaking his head amusement.
Clint huffed. "i am not a girl, as you very well know!" he complained before stalking off, his nose in the air as he went to get hundreds of boxes of cookies. it would be glorious! "...cookies?" Steve asked, sounding delighted as he bounced out of the bathroom. "where are they? what kind?" he asked, narrowing his eyes. "i thought you said we had cookies. i don't smell any cookies." he grumbled as he roughhoused with Madden a little.

Loki nodded. "he'll be a lot more willing to accept it now." Loki admitted with a chuckle before he smirked. "he does. it's hilarious. especially since i only patted Tony on the head because i was mocking him." Loki admitted as he examined his fingernails, his head tilted as they cycled through a few different colors. Loki was in an indecisive mood apparently. he finally settled on a dark green before he smiled at her. "so how did you like the Hulk? he's a bit of a sweetie isn't he?"
"They're not here yet.clint ran down to get them from thr girl scouts. And hes bringing you your somosas I promise."bucky said even before the man could adk grinning as he settled on thr floor with the two and played with madden to.

"That's awesome."erin giggled a little amused that the hulk was greeting them like that rolling her eyes at loki's indecisive mood before nodding."they're both really sweet. I had fun helping him paint."
"oh... Girlscouts!" Steve gasped, nearly drooling as he realized just what kind of cookies was being brought up. shortbread and Samoas. his two most favorite. though he'd leave the shortbread alone until his where all gone. then he'd raid Bucky's. he was all over Clint when the man knocked, about ten boxes total in the plastic bag. "hey! woah! calm down! what the hell!" Clint complained as he was knocked to the floor by a manic Steve who ran off with the cookies and locked himself into the bedroom so he could stuff himself sick without bucky's mothering intervention. it wouldn't work but he'd get a damn good head start.

"it is awesome." Loki agreed with a snicker and a shake of his head. "Hulks sweet. Bruce acts sweet but is really bitter and hard." Loki pointed out. he knew she had seen it. Bruce was layered. on the outside he was a teddy-bear, on the inside was a protective cast iron casing, and on the very inside was a very hurt man who was bleeding inside and ignoring it in the hopes that it would stop hurting someday. "very few people would know it, but Bruce had a very high profile because he could very easily become a sociopath, or a gang leader, or a serial killer. the Hulk was just an excuse to have him contained and watched. Bruce could easily have gone super-villain if he'd ever had the inclination. he was just too... aware of other people to be able to do that. "he doesn't often feel like painting, usually he just wants to break things." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "we have an entire floor devoted just to Hulk Smashing things."
"Uh huh. Dozens of them.hrs buying them out."bucky snickered amused as clint nearly got glomped,actually lauhing so hard he had to brace himself against the couch as he watched before grinning as steve left.he'd give the brat a few minutes to think he'd got away."never get in the way of a super soldier and his somosas."bucky snickered as followed after steve frowning as he walked in"brat,what do you think you're doing?(

Erin winced looking down nodding sadly.because once she'd realized it was there she'd been able to pry off the mask rnouh to see more,even if it hurt her heart to know she wasn't trusted enough yet to see everything."I know...but I'm going to help him.if I can talk james off a ledge,I'm sure I can help Bruce.."she muttere before laughing."we'll,maybe he painted cause I can't smash things with him.I'm sure he'll smash things later."
Clint blinked a little. "i didn't know he was going to do that. i thought he was still hiding in the bathroom." he admitted. "well... at least we know how to calm him down. just give him a girl-scout cookie." he muttered, looking amused as he left, shaking his head. "i'm not doing nothing!" Steve stated, just as he always did, through a mouthful of cookie. there where very few things that Steve got very excited about. baseball was one. he would punch you flat if you cheered for the wrong team too close to him. within hearing distance was usually too close. another was a vintage motorcycle. he would do nearly anything to get his hands on a favored brand or style. and then there was the girl-scout cookies. hoarded and adored even more than a crack head did his drugs. "go away! i mean it! i can kick your ass! leave my cookies alone!"

Loki nodded. "you've seen more of him than anyone else has." Loki admitted suddenly. "i only know the most about him, because i peek into his mind sometimes to make sure he's not contemplating anything... stupid." Loki admitted. "i know he's tried, and failed before but he has a lot more chances and opportunities for new ways now. it's best to keep an eye on him. in his favor, he's never considered it. he's thought about it, but it was more in a scientific mindset than a suicidal one. if anyone can help him, it's you." Loki promised her with a smile. "i'm sure he will. Hulk will sleep now though, it exhausts both of them to do that." he admitted. "without the adrenaline to kick start it, the process is very draining."
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