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Mend the Scar

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Listening, Zetrin doesn't make out any words, but the sound of wheezing can be heard from down the stairs.
Gnalus will (carefully this time) walk up near Zetrin and try and gaze over his head "anything? I know I heard a screech, it was cut short as if it just disappeared quickly" he said under his breath, still unsure the stairway beyond was safe to enter.
"If we're going to go in, let's go now" Xian said impatiently. "I was promised a hard cock and I can't wait to get out of here"
(sorry guys, stressful times abound recently)

Zetrin opens the door farther open, and starts to make his way down the stairs. He would have sneaked down, but they had lost all sense of surprise, so he just takes it slow going down to the next level.
Gnalus follows, still trying to remain quiet, though his idea of the word and his companions would be greatly varied.

"So what might a necromancer want in the city? besides all the corpses" he mused, not really anticipating an answer or wanting one, merely anticipating the nasty awaiting them somewhere in the bowels of this crypt.
"Would that no be enough reason for any necromancer?" Xian asked, walking slowly. Even with her fancy heeled shoes, she still managed to stalk like a silent predator.
"Relics and powerful magics that crypts tend to hold. Par for the course power grabbers." Zetrin shrugs out just before he gets to the door. He follows the routine and listens at the door.

(Preception 18+10+2=30. I swear I'm not fudging these. Though i might need to start rolling twice and take the lower to even everything out)
When he would get to the door,it would be cracked open enough to see inside. On the floor was a sharp metal pole. A man would be impaled on it, looking like it had pierced his lungs, though he seemed alive. His gasping is what was heard. His body seemed withered and shaking, stripped as a few of those bandana's seemed like they were pooled at his feel. Nothing else inside could be seen and the sarcophagus in the back looked like it had been pried open, though at this angle, nothing else could be seen from it.
"Whoa" Jerico says and he rushes to the aid of the man pushing the door fully open but not checking the room for more inhabitants. "We need healer." He calls out as he rushes to the man, but doesn't remove him from the pole quite yet.
Gnalus readies his shield again but approaches the man as well, not convinced that it as it seems "Be careful Zetrin, lets confirm he isn't going to bite us before I heal him" he instructing, if there was any doubt Gnlaus could heal before it was quickly wiped away, he was a paladin even if he did not immediately seem like anything but a warrior.
The man's injuries looked quite apparent, quite real. He remained on that pole, impaled and still gasping. Wrickled flesh seeming like it had seen better days, but the look in his eyes shown more youthful inexperience than that skin displayed. He would cough. As Zetrin would come closer, he would notice a tattoo located on the back of his neck. The man was shaking, his body showing signs of shock.
"Well at least SOMEONE is getting penetrated" Xian muttered to herself, walking towards the man with a cold expression. "Hes not going to survive that, we should be merciful"
Gnlaus shot Xian a bit of a disapproving gaze, when he sees that the man indeed appears human he will raise a hand, light blue energy filling his palm which he will then press against the mans shoulder.

(3d6 = 9 for lay on hands, I get a bonus one if they don't have an affliction that can be healed with my mercy)
"You might want to pull him off the spike first before healing him"

Xian said, shaking her head.

(I can roll perception to look around, see if there's any sign of an exit or other people? check is 19)
(it was more a keep him from bleeding out sort of thing XD I have like 8 of them so not a big deal, we'll get him off when zetrin gives me a hand)
(Just checking, your Paladin is level 3. Lay of Hands is 1d6 per 2 Paladin levels rounded up [2d6] an amount per day equal to 1/2 your Paladin level , rounded up, plus Charisma mod. So 5 more times. Thank you for publicly mentioning the healing on the poll. I was waiting to see how that was going to go. :D )

The wounds somewhat healed, he would raise his hand towards Gnalus slowly, shaking. His voice harsh as he pleaded.

"Help me."

His movements seemed shakey and fear was present in his eyes.

Xian would end up noticing what seemed like a heavy stab of stone leaned against the wall and a light shown from behind it as if there was a passage behind it. It was leaning against it so that she and possibly the others could squeeze through if needed.
"Whoever did this escaped through here most likely" Xian said, ignoring the man's plea. "I wonder where it leads, did you see who did this to you?" She asked the impaled man, crossing her arms.
(I also have greater mercy which gives me an extra d6 if it doesn't heal a status effect)

Gnalus will begin trying to lift the man up off the spike, an awkward thing but he tries his hardest.

(nat 20 on strength check =23)
Gnalus pulls the man off the spike as he would screech. The wounds were healed but some ripping was heard as that process reopened the would. His hand would point towards the direction where Xian located the doorway.

"He...went that way."
Gnalus will once again touch the mans arm with a glow palm, thanking him quietly for the assistance and wishing him well, thankfully he was not deep in the crypt and they could quickly get him out.

Somewhat discreetly, Gnalus will scan the area for evil presences, making sure to catch the man in his gaze as well, just to be safe.

(4+5+1=10 for a second healing)
(sorry guys, away from the house a lot today.)

Zetrin stays out of the way mostly. He wasn't a healer in any sense of the word for an injury of this magnitude. Seeing that Gnalus didn't really need help, Zetrin rans up to the crypt door and called for a healer to tend to the man more properly. He comes back down with a few men and the town healer. "Here he is." Zetrin points to the man who looks much better then the state he left him in, but still in some danger.

"Sorry for leaving you, but i would have just been in your way." Zetrin apologies to Gnalus. He looks over at Xian and says. "Seem i really owe you this time."
A few moments later, a few members with the City Guard would arrive with a healer from the local temple. One of the guards would approach, his armor showing that he was of a higher rank, perhaps captain, would approach, hi arms lifted almost in gratititude.

"We'll take care of it from here, but we will make sure you are well rewarded for turning this threat into the authorities. He will be properly tried, and we will make sure that he is processed immediately so it is handled before the Festival. If you come down to the Presinct, we'll get you the reward money for the bounty."

The guards would take the man, still wheezing, into their custody, shackles placed on the individual's wrists as they go to escort him out. The Captain would turn, speaking before leaving.

"A bit brutal in your methods, but it will drive fear into such criminals. You've done the city a service today for your deeds."
"We didn't do this sir. We found him like this." Zetrin says, shocked that they were just accusing this man on the spot. "And I have a feeling that we still have someone in here that is actually guilty of Necromancy."
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