No Regrets (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Nieve dodged it and scooped up a handful, spinning to throw it at Tesla, but she stopped, her breath coming out in cloudy puffs, the smile falling from her face as her eyes locked onto something behind Tesla.
Nieve dropped the snow she had in her hand, trying to tear her eyes away. "Perhaps we should go somewhere else? We can go and see the shops..?"
Nieve pushed the jealousy and hurt down further, trying to forget what she had seen as she enjoyed her time in the World of the Living with Tesla.
"They just smell like meat and oil though.." She frowned, but ordered a couple for her and Tesla anyway.
Nieve sat and looked out the window at the snow. "It's so pretty... I wonder why humans don't like it." She said softly, though under the table, her leg trembled slightly with rage.
She smiled softly and shook her head. "No, just.." She looked out the window again. "I wish it snowed it Hueco Mundo." She said.
((Lettuce speed this along~))

After eating and enjoying the snow more, they headed back, many different human appliances in their possession. Nieve entered Las Noches and pulled on a glove, removing Tesla from his gigai before removing herself, both gigai returning to orb form. "Oh! I just remembered, I have a few things that need seeing to, will you excuse me?"
Nieve nodded, kissing his cheek before heading off down the hall, as soon as she was out of sight, the smile dropping from her face, replaced with a heavy scowl as she made her way to Gin's monitor room. Once she was there, she brought up a hand, clenching it into a fist and charging her cero, which was a rose color, sending it's the monitors. After cero'ing the monitors, she went back and destroyed any surviving ones, smashing it under her heel before working on destroying the walls, not bothering to move out of the way when the roof came down, she simply cero'ed the rubble as well. After ten minutes, the entire room was nothing more than a pile of rubble, not a single screen or wall remaining, breathing hard before sitting down in the rubble, wiping her forehead with her sleeve. "Asshole." She ground out, but she was crying again, clenching her jaw.
Nieve drew her zanpakutou, spinning and pointing it at his head, the tip an inch from his nose. "Are you done? Or would you like to make your point more clear?" She asked, not bothering to wipe away the tears. "I get it, I'm a terrible person for liking someone."
"Urusai!" She hissed. "All the teasing, getting in between me and Tesla, are you doing that all for fun..?!" She demanded, staggering to her feet. "Why won't you just leave me alone if you hate me so much!?"
Her sword lowered slightly before being brought back up to his throat. "Are you trying to say you like me?" She pressed it against his Adam's apple hand trembling.
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