No Regrets (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Nieve shook her head, understanding why he was so upset. "It wasn't something you did, Tesla... You were perfect... But, I'm more like my father than I really realized.."

((She's trying to say she got bored and moved on to something more interesting, like Szayel would with an experiment. :/ ))
Nieve watched the wall crumble and smolder in the spot he had hit, running a hand through her hair before leaving to find Gin.
Nieve had stopped just around the corner, listening in silently, wondering what they were talking about.
"Sa ya were stuck in a knot fer how long?" "A week." Reina giggled, "I took me so long to finally untangle! And after that, I had to hide away because I was weak from using up all my energy!" Gin laughed and shook his head, "I'd love ta see a snake coiled inta a knot, that sounds amazin'." "Its painful, Ichimaru-sama!"
Nieve kept herself pressed against the wall, frowning softly. She had made a huge mistake, of course Gin wasn't interested in her, he had used her. She should have listened to all of the rumors.
((They're kinda just...talking and cleaning... >.> ))

"Snowie?" Gin peeked out at her, having felt her reiatsu, "Ya here ta help clean~? How nice of ya~"
((No I know~! She's panicking cuz she loves Tesla still, but loves Gin as well and can't decide, but she's kinda stuck with Gin now, but feels guilty about what she did to Tesla~))

Nieve perked and gave him a sad smile. "I did make the mess, so I came to lend a hand." She said, moving inside.

"Ya sa nice~" Gin slunk back in and Reina looked when Nieve entered, smiling softly. She was wearing the new clothes Szayel had made her; a long sleeved leotard type top with the traditional hakama, "Ohayo, Nieve-san!"
Nieve gave a small wave and a smile to Reina, working on clearing a large boulder. "Ohayo." She said.
Nieve simply moved the larger pieces that covered the smaller ones, picking up the rubble in silence.
Nieve shook her head, not looking up from moving a large slab of stone. "I, uh... Told Tesla we shouldn't see each other anymore. He seemed really upset."
"I think it's best if I gave him space though." She said softly, clearing out another large slab. "I'm just hoping we can still be friends, but I'm doubtful."
Nieve shot Gin a stern glare before looking to Reina, giving her a soft smile. "Could you give us a moment..?" She pleaded.
Nieve rubbed her temples and looked to Gin. "Is there something you want to say? I understand you were jealous of Tesla, but now you're being cruel."

((Is it nearly time~?))
((Yass~ The Gin naughty thing~))

Nieve gave him a skeptical look, but nudged him lightly. "Just let up on him, okay?"
Nieve nodded and kissed his cheek, sighing softly. "Sorry for destroying your surveillance room, you'll just have to punish me later..~" She teased.
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