No Regrets (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"Tesla and I were going to go to the world of the living, but he needs a gigai.." She said. "Could you perhaps create one for him?"
Nieve nodded and moved over, grabbing an orb and moving back to Tesla, handing him his. "Just crush it and it should work." She said, crushing her own and waiting for they gigai to form before entering her fake body.
Tesla nodded and squished the orb between his fingers, looking surprised when a shell that resembled him formed. "Amazing!" He said before stepping into it
Nieve smiled and nodded. "It is quite amazing... But that's out next problem, when I first went to the World of the Living, Gin had taken me, and I don't know how to create Garganta yet."
She nodded. "Thank you." She said, looking to Tesla. "Ready to go?" She asked, then perked. "Wait, we don't have any human currency."
Nieve caught it and eyed her father. "I'm not gonna ask why you have this." She said before turning. "Arigatou, Tou-sama!" She called, heading out with Tesla.
Nieve started through, walking through the black plain of endlessness. "It's been a while since we've been there, but I read that it should be around winter there." She said.
"I've read that it's a bitter sweet thing. Humans love it but they can't do much because the cold is hindering and it's potentially lethal..." He answered
"Hm, that's an interesting way to put it, but I suppose that's different for Arrancar. Hypothermia is typically the cause of human death related with snow, yes?" She thought aloud. "But for Arrancar it's so much different.. We aren't even supposed to have 'hearts', even though physically, we do have a heart."
"That's probably true." She said, exiting the Garganta into the human world, her shoes crunching in the ice below her feet. "Sugoi..." She breathed, looking around at all the snow.
Tesla, too, was in amazement at the pure blanket of white that covered the ground, "Its so...beautiful..." He reached down and grabbed a handful, examining it, "Amazing!"
Nieve crouched down and touched the cold white powder before scooping up a handful. Then a lump of the stuff hit Tesla in the side of his head, Nieve covering her mouth and grinning widely. "Oops."
She stumbled and swiped the snow off her face, grinning and grabbing a large amount of snow, throwing it at Tesla and hitting him in the shoulder.
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