No Regrets (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Nieve's stomach sunk, she had never meant to hurt him beyond a few punches. "Let me see." She moved over, guilt overwhelming her. "Did any of the rubble land on you? Are you bleeding?" She asked.
Nieve stopped, but only for a moment. "You're mad at me, I get it, but you can't just sit here and let whatever wound you have go untreated." She said, grabbing his wrist to take him to somewhere more properly lit.
"You're hurt!" She snapped. "You need medical attention and I'm not leaving until you get some! Either let me deal with the injury and turn the lights on or go see my father!"
Gin clenched his jaw and sat back down in his chair, snapping his fingers. When the lights snapped on, his left leg was soaked in blood, his tibia poking out of his severely broken leg. "I can deal with it. Lemme alone."
Nieve's eyes widened and she clamped her hand over her mouth. "Oh gods.. I did this.." She muttered before going to quick work. She kneeled in from of him and rolled up his hakama pant leg, tearing her sleeve off and tearing it into long strips. "How long has it been broken? How much blood did you loose? Did you hit your head or get any internal organ injuries?"
"It's been broken since a piece of tha ceilin' dropped on me." He pointed to where his work station was, the ceiling over where he usually sat was missing a chunk with some other chunks threatening to fall. A rather large piece was sitting a foot from the desk, blood caked to it. "Iunno how much blood I lost, I passed out after I teased ya a li'l moar. I didn' hit mah head on anythin' an' mah insides are fine."
As he spoke she went to work wrapping the leg up with the torn strips of shirt, frowning while he talked. "Why didn't you tell me when it fell on you right away?" She asked, tying the last knot and standing up. "I need to get you to my father... I can't do anything here, and plus, it's dangerous to be here anyway, the ceiling could come down at any second."
"You aren't fine! Gangrene is a high possibility and you need to set your leg!" She said, tone heavy with worry. "And of course I would have believed you! This is serious!" She pointed to his wrapped up leg. "Please, come see my father so he can fix it."
Gin huffed, he would get no peace from this annoying little child. "Fine. Will ya leave me be after that? I'm sure Tessie is dyin' ta be in your company right now."
Nieve ignored his comment and helped him walk back to Szayel's lab. "Otou-sama!" She called, helping Gin sit on a table.
Szayel looked over from giving Reina a check-up, making sure she was as healthy as an Arrancar should be. When he saw Gin, he turned his attention back to Reina as if he saw nothing to begin with.
"He isn't dead so he'll be fine. Get him out of my lab, now, before I punish you." He stated firmly. Reina blinked and looked between Szayel and Nieve.
"His leg is broken, he is a patient and he isn't leaving without treatment." Nieve scowled softly, not budging an inch on the matter.
"I'm not treating him." Szayel said firmly, "That's final." "Ano...if I could intervene?" Reina piped up, "I can heal him." "His tibia is so broken that it is trying to leave his body." Szayel stated flatly. Reina raised her pointer finger, asking for but a moment as she reached for her zanpaku-tou, "Violetta is a very odd thing. She has told me her second release and upon working with it, I have deemed it something that I cannot use in battle." "And why is that?" Szayel asked with a huff. Reina unsheathed the violet and green colored katana with a smile, "She can heal long term injuries and even revive the dead." "Bullshit." Szayel spat.
Nieve stared a bit unbelieving, a small flame of jealousy riding in her chest. "I didn't know a second release was possible for a self-made Arrancar.." She said, never have heard of such a case before.
"Its possible, it just takes longer for them to hear their zanpaku-tou." Szayel stated. Reina smiled a bit uneasily, "I've been around a lot longer than I care to admit. But if you will permit me, Ichimaru-sama, I can heal you." "Keep callin' me that and you gotta deal~" Gin smirked
Nieve's cheeks flushed and she averted her eyes. "I have training with Grimmjow today, excuse me." She said softly, bowing to them before turning and leaving to find Grimmjow.
((I thought she sat him on the table! D: ))

Nieve entered the training hall and moved over to Grimmjow. "Hit me." She growled, standing still in front of him.

"When I brought the ceiling down to trap him in his cave, I broke his leg. Hit me. It's only fair." She said, scowling softly.
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