No Regrets (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Nieve unzipped her coat, shrugging it off to show her multiple bruises all over her abdomen. "I think a few of my ribs may be broken, and my sternum definitely is." She muttered, tossing her coat onto one of the tables and sitting down, feeling her bruised sides, knuckles bloody.
Szayel frowned and left the machine to its work, grabbing some familiar serum and filling a syringe with it before injecting it into her arm, "There. Give it a few moments and you should be as good as new."
Nieve nodded and pulled on her jacket again, zipping it up with a heavy sigh. "How's Reina?" She asked quietly.
Nieve nodded, getting off the table. "I have to get back to Tesla, but I'll check on her later." She said before heading off to the kitchen.
"Its all right.." He smiled softly and cute the chicken straight down the middle, giving her her half, "I trust we won't be hearing from Ichimaru for a while?"
((Gin can hear everything, too, so he's probably sitting there just hating the both of them right now. Fuck wooing Nieve at this point, he's lucky if he feels anything for her now. :'S ))

"Hai." Tesla smiled softly, "Alone and at peace."
((Angry tension sex..?? I mean, she does still love him, but he's being kinda a douche~))

Nieve took a bite of her chicken and made a noise of enjoyment. "It's so good..!"
((Tesla hasn't made jokes to her expense and he makes her feel real~))

After that day, Nieve went by the surveillance room daily to see if Gin had tried to get out or not, and by the looks of it, he hadn't even tried to move the door handle. Frowning, she got to work removing the rubble, it taking her twenty minutes to get to the door and open it. Peering inside, she saw nothing but computer screens dimly illuminating the room, so she entered.
((Gin bought her an expensive fucking dress!))

"Welcome, Nieve, ta mah cell...~" Gin greeted from his chair in the corner. He looked as he always did; cocky and sly as fuck, but there was a bitterness in the aires he put off, "Fergive me, I didn' know I was gonna have company sa I didn' make any tea."
((So~? Just cuz he bought her something fancy doesn't mean she owes him~))

Nieve frowned softly and turned to face him. "I've come here to apologize." She said. "I was rude, and what I said was hurtful and mean, I'm sorry."
((Gin did absolutely nothing before hand; he treated her nice and was basically her only fucking friend. Then he gets friendzoned and loses the girl he likes to a blonde little shit who treated her like shit when she was younger...! I know that it was my idea, but fuck! x'D))

Gin merely shrugged, saying nothing as he watched her stand there in his little den
Nieve frowned softly and shifted uncomfortably. "Ano... Are you okay?" A thought then struck her. "You didn't get hurt when I brought the ceiling down, did you?"
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