No Regrets (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Nieve wheezed as she sat up, catching her breath. "He won't leave us alone... And I'm not a slut.." She muttered.
Nieve scowled and pushed herself up, dusting herself ff before moving sorely over to Tesla, holding her hand out to him. "C'mon... I could go for some chicken."
"Can... You teach me how to make tea?" She asked softly. "Otou-sama isn't big on tea, so I've never learned how to do so."
"It's rather easy." He replied with a small smile, "You grab a tea kettle, fill it with water," He grabbed a tea kettle and a bottle of water from the cabinet and set the kettle on the stove before filling it with the water, "Then you light the stove and let the water boil before grabbing a tea pot." He reached into a separate cabinet and grabbed a porcelain tea pot, setting it on the counter, "Then you get the tea leaves and add three scoops - two for the amount of people with an extra for the pot. Then, you wait for the water to finish and pour the water into the pot."
Tesla had to stop and think. What else did they have? There was the things for tea and the stove/oven. He had a feeling there was something else but he couldn't place it. Grimmjow strode in and peeked into the oven, "Cool, food's almost done." "Haa? That isn't for you." Tesla stated. Grimmjow gave him a look, "It is now."
"It isn't yours, make your own when we're done." Nieve scowled, not really in the mood to be bullied.
"Ichimaru." Was all she said, turning back to look at the stove. "I'm his new target of affection."
Grimmjow gave her a look that basically asked her if she wanted to have a go at him. "Are you fuckin' shitting me right now, kid? You're pissed at Ichimaru so you take out on me? Fuck it, let's go. Right now." He put up his fists and got into a fighting stance, Tesla scowling faintly, "Let's not.."
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