No Regrets (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Nieve's brow furrowed, not responding. Gin had been an unwanted third wheel for a while, always interrupting Tesla and her when they tried to share an intimate moment, it was becoming frustrating.
Nieve didn't respond verbally, instead she shot a bala at the camera, sighing heavily. "He won't leave us alone.."
Nieve frowned heavily, then got an idea. Moving back over to Tesla, she leaned up and kissed him deeply, pulling herself closer. The activity was rather quiet, and plus, Gin never let them have any alone time.
Gin stared at the static on the camera in the kitchen, slowly scowling. He didn't like the silence. Tesla blushed but returned her kiss, pulling her closer by her hips
Nieve placed her hands on both sides of his jaw, closing her eyes and holding the kiss, her chest pressed flush against his.
Gin shunpo'd down to the kitchen, peeking inside to see what was happening. His eye opened slightly, red iris' glowing with rage. Tesla made a low noise, hands sliding to the small of her back
Nieve made a weak noise and slowly let one hand travel down over his shoulder, down his chest, over his stomach and toward someplace lower.
Nieve pulled away from Tesla, letting out a small groan of annoyance. "And it's not very nice how you've been interrupting us everyday."
Nieve clenched her fists and moved over to Gin, who towered over her by a good foot. "What's your problem? You won't leave me alone and you're always watching me! Do you watch me when I shower too?"
"Well I wouldn't put it past you!" Nieve shot back. "Isn't that what you do with everyone? Why would it be any different for me? I'm just another Arrancar, and you're a... Shinigami." She spat the word out with such hatred, but it wasn't all directed toward Gin. It was mostly directed at the Shinigami who had uprooted her life and destroyed her home.
The corners of his mouth twitch, threatening to drop his wide grin, but he kept it up, "Ya aren' even a real Arrancar~ jus' born from some chemicals and a test tube~" He tone was venomous as he hissed out the last words
Nieve's eyes showed anger and hurt, the corners of her mouth tugging down into a scowl before she punched him hard across the face; he had hit a raw nerve. "Shut your mouth, Shinigami. If it weren't for me, your corpse would be rotting in the desert with small hollows picking out your eyes." Her tone was deadly, her words as sharp as a katana that was meant to cut deep.
Nieve's rage flew over the handlebars and she uppercut Gin as hard as she could, but her assault didn't end there. When he stumbled back she delivered a kick to his chest, then she swept his feet out from under him before pinning him and punching him in the face repeatedly. Yellow eyes glowing with her unbridled rage, her sharp teeth bore at the silver haired man as she tried to cave his skull in, her reiatsu flaring wildly.

"Nieve!!" Tesla reached to grab her but Gin's reiatsu exploded, crushing him to the floor and knocking Nieve back. Gin pushed himself up and held his bleeding nose, scowling darkly as he pushed his reiatsu down on her harder
Nieve landed on the ground with a grunt and tried to get up, but then he rose his spiritual pressure higher and she was flattened to the groun, her ribs groaning under the weight of her own body. She ground her teeth and wheezed hard, glaring up at Gin, trying I fluxuate her own spiritual pressure to knock him back and let up on her.
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