No Regrets (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Nieve made a noise, looking him up and down before getting into her own fighting stance; now he was speaking her language. She still might have not mastered her release or the feel of her sword, but she could still put up a good fight, and right now, she needed to blow off steam. Making sure her hands were in loose fists, she rose her arms, glaring him down.
Nieve ducked the punch and jumped back up, swinging hard for his ribs, one hand still raised to protect her right side.
Nieve nearly doubled over, but she remembered what Grimmjow had tought her: tough it out and stay up straight. She ground her teeth at the unconsciousness that threatened to take her, but when she did manage to beat it she jumped right back into action, aiming a high round-house kick to his jaw.
Grimmjow barely ducked, her heel hitting him in the head and sending him stumbling to the side. He gave a feral grin, "Not bad!" He praised before charging forward at lightning speeds before slamming his fist into her sternum.
Nieve brought her arms up to cushion the blow, but she still felt her sternum crunch under his fist, sending her stumbling back against the counter.
Nieve held out her hand. "I'm fine." She said, taking up a position again and throwing a left hook, putting her weight into the punch.
Nieve ground her teeth and delivered a hard blow to his nose. "That motherfucker is always watching me! He never leaves me alone, and whenever I'm around Tesla he always messes everything up!" She aimed a kick for his ribs. "He humiliated me!" Another kick toward his head. "And he is always prying into my personal matters!" She elbowed him hard in the gut, tears well in her eyes. "He threatens Tesla!" Nieve threw another punch. "I'm real! I'm not a fake Arrancar! And I'm not a slut!" She screamed in rage, throwing one last punch. "I'm real...!" She was breathing hard, fighting her tears.
Grimmjow took every punch and kick with nary a grunt, built to take a good beating and keep fighting. "What do you wanna do about it, then? Wanna lay down and take it, or rip him a new one?"
Nieve caught her breath and looked at him. "I just want him to leave me alone.. Got any ideas for how to do that? You seem pretty good at getting people to leave you alone.."
Nieve nodded, glancing up to where the camera once was. "Got it." She nodded, wiping a bit of blood from her lip.
Grimmjow moved away and headed for the door, "Maybe I'll hit up the World of the Living and eat somethin' there...that fight made me even more hungry."
Nieve looked to Tesla, giving him an apologetic smile. "Mind if I step out for a bit?" She asked.
"Thanks." She said before leaving, using Sonido to get down the hallway, as she went, thinking of a plan to block him in. Once she reached there, she jumped up to the ceiling, making a handhold before hanging against the wall, then she swung upwards and kicked the fueling with everything she had. Jumping down to the ground and rolling away as the ceiling came down in large slabs, blocking the door.
Nieve got up and brushed herself off. "How about stay in there and do what you do best; be a creep." She said, turning on her heel.
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