No Regrets (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Nieve stopped herself before she even spoke, shaking her head. "We should probably just get the food, huh?" She said, moving away from the window.
Nieve glanced back at the short, low cut black dress, cheeks flushing. "It's... It's a little revealing desu.. And I don't think Tou-sama would like it.."
Nieve chewed her lip and glanced at him. "Would you... Buy it for me?" She asked, eyes pleading.
Gin approached the cashier and grinned, "Ohayo~ that black dress ya got in the window, I wanna buy it fer my girlfriend~" He said. The cashier smiled brightly, "Kawaii~! Of course! Will that be all?" "Hai~" "100,000 yen please." "Yare~! Tha's a lot." Gin pulled out a few bills before handing them over. After paying, the woman went and grabbed the dress in a size that looked like it would fit Nieve
Nieve looked up at Gin. "Gin-sama.. What's a girlfriend?" She asked quietly while they waited for the cashier.
Nieve's cheeks flushed red again and she averted her gaze, smiling when the woman came back with her new dress in a bag.
Nieve's entire face went red when he took her hand, but she didn't pull away, following him outside and taking the bag. "A-Arigatou! ... Ne, do I put it on now?" She asked.
"Hai! Where to next, the grocery store?" She asked, liking the feel of her hand in his.
Nieve nodded and followed him to the grocery store, looking around in amazement. "And you can buy all of this?"
Nieve nodded and grabbed a basket, which she spent a good minute checking it out before going around and picking out things she thought they needed and things that just looked good.
Gin followed her, pointing at a couple things that he wanted or he thought looked good. He grabbed a small red box and tossed it into the basket before continuing to look around
She looked the box over before putting it back in the basket, which was growing pretty full. "What do they taste like?" She asked.
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