No Regrets (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"That's not very nice." "Shut up, Jaegerjaques." Szayel growled before grabbing Nieve's arm roughly, "You will go back there and you will clean up your mess or so help me, I will take away your coveted chicken until I feel you deserve to have it back."
Nieve whirled around and smacked Szayel across the face as hard as she could, tears of anger in her eyes. "That dress was the first thing anyone has every gotten me, and you just dumped acid on it like it was trash!"
Szayel grabbed her by her throat and lifted her off the ground, "You listen and you listen well; you are my creation, you are apart of my flesh and my blood. I will not tolerate this behavior and I certainly will not tolerate you spending time with that manipulating pile of shit you dare call a friend. You will go back to the lab and you will clean up the fucking mess you made or I will devolve you back to your mentality of a thumb-sucking infant. Do I make myself clear?"
Nieve gripped his wrist tightly, making a strangled noise before nodding, tears in her eyes as she glared at him. She was so angry she wanted to cry, she wanted to hit him again, but neither of those would help her at all.
Nieve got to her feet and rubbed her neck, coughing as she left the training hall, slinking back to the lab like a scolded dog. Using water to dilute anything hazardous, Nieve began wiping up the mess.
After she wiped up all the spilt chemicals and swept up the glass she crossed her arms over her chest and kept her eyes off of him. "Can I go now?"
"I have training today!" She protested, uncrossing her arms and staring at him in shock. "I have to go!"
Nieve let out a frustrated, muffled scream before storming off again, traveling by sonido as far from Szayel's laboratory as she could as fast as she could, making her way all the way to the farthest end of Las Noches, Starrk's territory, sword left behind in her cage. She slumped down in one of his bean bags and put her head on her knees, hugging herself. Then she felt a very familiar spiritual pressure, her head shooting up as a Senkaimon opened ten feet away. Scrambling to find a hiding spot, Nieve hurried into a closet, closing the door and sitting down, hand clamped over her mouth as footsteps sounding in the room. "Alright, spread out, we're only checking this area this time, and each one of you science lackies will be accompanied by two of us." A gruff sounding woman said. "Keep a sharp eye out for any dangers, blah, blah, blah, now let's get this over with, and if you find any Arrancar, make sure you take them alive this time or Kurotsuchi-Taichou will have my head on a platter." The foot steps sounded again before fading down the hallway. Nieve waited until it was silent again before standing slowly and opened the door to leave and warn Szayel, but when she opened the door she was face to face with a large, rough looking woman. "Hey sweetheart, where are you going?" She grinned.

((*shrieks in confused terror*))

Gin perked and looked towards the kitchen door striding out. "Ichimaru?" "Stay here, Tesla." Gin stated before disappearing down the hall
((I'm sorry! :C))

Nieve had been pinned with her arms behind her back, the large woman attaching reishi suppressing handcuffs on her before yanking her to her feet and pushing her into the large cart like cage and locking the door. "Now just sit tight girly."
((M'wife, it's ok! I was just really confused~!))

Gin made his way through the halls, a small scowl on his face for the first time in a while
Nieve kicked he bars hard, screaming loudly for someone to hear, anyone, terror in her eyes. "Otou-sama! Tasukete!" "Shut it!" The Eleventh Division me ever rose her hands and aimed at the cage. "Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south! Hadō number 31, Shakkahō!"
"Ikurose~ Shinso~" A wakizaki pierced through her chest, barely missing her heart, "How rude of ya ta try an' hurt a defenseless girl~ I thought Juuichibantaichou-san frowned on that sorta thin'~"
The woman's Hado was interrupted as the blade went through her back and stuck out her chest. "I-Ichimaru... Taichou..?" Her squinty eyes widened in fear and shock as she looked back at the tall man behind her. "Gin-sama! There are others, you have to warn Otou-sama!"
Gin grinned slightly, but it was cold and dark instead of his usual teasing grin, "Hai~ I reckon he a'ready knows~ Apporro ain' one ta be caught unawares~"
Nieve felt a shiver run down her spine and she nodded. "You bastard, I thought you died a traitors death!" The woman growled and drew her zanpakutou, pulling herself off of the blade and swinging at Gin.
The woman stumbled and fell to her hands and knees, pulling out her soul phone. "Emergency, there's a bigger problem then we thought! It's Ichi-!" Suddenly her head was slammed into the ground by two fists, head exploding with blood and brain matter, splattering Gin and the offender: Nieve. She looked up at him, eyes wide and hands trembling, covered in the Shinigami's blood. "I-I didn't mean to...." She whimpered. "She was going to hurt us.."
Nieve wiped the blood off her face, but it only smeared more blood across her cheek, hands still bound by reishi suppressing hand cuffs, the cage she was previously in bent apart. "What if they send more? Or the others come back!"
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