No Regrets (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

She nodded and stood, heading to the bathrooms to wash up, closing the door behind her and unzipping her coat, she set it on the towel rack, working on her obi.
"Stop right there, Arrancar filfth!" A shaky voice came from behind Szayel, the last Shinigami standing; but he held someone in front of him: Nieve. She was half naked and had a good-sized bloody lump of the side of her head, half conscious of her surroundings. "You'll let me leave or, or this one's gonna die!" And he wasn't bluffing, held firmly against Nieve's throat was his zanpakutou.
Szayel stopped and turned, gold eye betraying his calm demeanor. "You can't be serious." He said lowly. "He seems hella cereal, Apporro~" Gin chimed as he walked up. His grin was malicious,hands in his sleeves, "Whadda cowardly thin' ta do~"
He had had enough talk. "Shut up! I just want to go home! I just-!" Grinding his teeth hard, a crazed look in the fellows eyes as he yanked the blade hard across her neck, making Nieve stiffen and her eyes go wide. An arch of blood sprayed from her neck before he pushed her forward, Nieve dropping to the floor like a stone as blood pumped from her neck quickly.
Gin opened his eyes as he readied Shinso, Szayel preparing a Cero blast. Both attacks met the poor Shinigami lightning quick; the blade pierced his heart before the Cero practically disintegrated him
What was left of the poor man fell to the ground, the only sound was the eerie death gurgle sounding from Nieve as she struggled to breath, she only had moments to live.
Szayel moved over quickly and scooped her up, using sonido to get to his lab to fix her. Gin just stood there, scowling darkly at the mush that was once a Shinigami
Nieve stared up blankly at Szayel, her struggle slowly getting weaker and weaker as well as the blood flow from her neck. It was a single large, clean cut that cut through one carotid artery as well as her windpipe, which meant she was also choking on her own blood as well as losing it.
Szayel covered the wound as he quickly worked on making a serum to speed up cell reconstruction. Gin stood by the door watching; Szayel didn't care to close the door behind him on his way in
Nieve never took her eyes off of Szayel, tears starting to well up in her eyes before slipping down the side of her face, eyes growing glassy before she fell completely still.
Szayel was losing precious time, injecting the serum into her neck and watching the cells hurriedly reform and close up the wound before he started to kickstart her heart.
Nieve convulsed at the shock, once, then twice before she finally came to, gasping in a large breath, but it was cut short by all of the blood. Rolling onto her side she quickly regurgitated whatever blood remained in her airway and stomach, hacking and panting.
"Nieve doesn't feel good." She muttered before slipping over the edge of the table and landing with a thud on the floor, completely unconscious.
Nieve laid completely still, chest rising and falling slowly, pale as snow with dark circles under her eyes. Even though the serum had closed up her neck, the new flesh still created a thick scar across her neck.
They continued to bounce and chant her name as Szayel went to work. Gin had left the doorway, going to find the fraccion Szayel had let escape his mind
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