No Regrets (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

It took Nieve three days to get back into her feet, and even then, she still had a bit of a hard time speaking.
"Are you alright, Nieve...?" Tesla asked, checking on her for the third time that day. After he heard what had happened to her, he felt the need to make sure she was comfortable
Nieve nodded, giving him a small smile to show she was alright. "Could we continue with our lessons? She asked, writing out her question on a piece of paper.
Nieve nodded and stood slowly, steadying herself before looking to Tesla, though her legs still shook a little.
Nieve nodded and sat, closing her eyes and focusing on Tesla, a soft frown on her face.
((*waits for Gin* >:3c))

Nieve nodded and let out a soft breath, then she sensed something, but it only lasted a second. Perking she opened her eyes and looked at Tesla, grinning to show she had made progress.
"Well done. You have improved." Tesla remarked. This was praise in his dictionary; praise from Nnoitra was an insult or two. This seemed better than demeaning her. Gin stood at the doorway and watched; he didn't like seeing Tesla with his Snowie, not at all
Nieve smiled more, not noticing Gin as she went back to practicing sensing Tesla, eyes closed.
"Oi, Tesla~ what's ya next li'l encouragin' comment~? 'Keep it up an' ya can sleep with me in mah bed tanight'~?" Gin taunted. Tesla jerked and looked back, blushing, "Urusai!"
Nieve looked to Tesla with confusion clear on her face, unsure as to how her gender affected any of this.
Nieve moved forward, curious to see what Tesla was upset about, reaching out to take the envelope.
Tesla snatched the envelope and fumed, "Leave!!" He shouted a Gin. The silver haired man smirked, "She won' suck yer dick, Tesla, she don' know how~" "GO!!"
Nieve's cheeks flared red and she looked down, flinching slightly when Tesla yelled, staring down at the ground.
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