Love and Adventure in Kalos(Dals Way x Vetchic)

"Turnabout is fair play." Tom replied with a wide grin and chuckle. "You never said to completion after all." He adds on, smirking as he watched how frustrated she got with him, likely as much as he was before hand.
Kate grinned and slowly propped herself up with her elbows. "Fine Mr.tease. its your turn to make me do something because I choose dare." She growled playfully.
"Well seeing as only just got you to tease yourself and me already. Will give it another round... Soo... I dare you to go commando tomorrow." He said with a grin, deciding to may aswell bring it further till he teased her again. "Now my turn for a dare."
Kate grinned and nodded her head, biting her lower lip gently. "Ok. I dare you make me cum." She nearly whinned, wanting release more then anything at the moment. He had built her up and denied her the pleasure of climax, and that's what she wanted.
"Well since you asked so nicely." Tom replied with a grin, moving himself back in place. He brought his head down between her legs again, starting where he left off. His tongue dived right in and a finger began to play with her clit, working her quickly.
Kate groaned happily as he began to work her again, her legs parting more as she laid back. She moaned between pants, her back arching happily as she neared her climax, his previous teasing had helped. "Fuck yes!" She moaned loudly.
Tom kept on working, his tongue pressing deep into her. His fingers became more rapid, stimulating her clit further. His work all working harder to get her to climax now, burying his face fully into her now.
Kate groaned loudly, her fingers digging into the ground. It didn't take much more of his work until she reached her climax, Moaning loudly, her body shook slightly as she did. "God.. Yes!" She moaned, her head rolling form side to side, her eyes closed. Slowly she began to calm down, smiling she slowly raised her head to look st Tom. "Your Ex is missing out on a lot with you." She grinned down at him happily.
Tom smiled, closing his eyes as he licked up her juices happily. He slowly pulled back and sat up, watching her come down from her climax. "Too bad for her, all the more for you." He replied with a grin, sitting back as he watched her.
Kate grinned and looked down at him. "You are all mine now." She purred before sitting up and reaching for her sweater. "I'm cold." She pulled her sweater on quickly. "So, I think the game has run its course. Or do you still want to play?" She grinned and looked up at him.
"I'd say we can call it here for tonight, no reason can't play this again." Tom smiled, the cold starting to get to him now aswell. He got his clothes and got dressed again, the fire only somewhat helping with the cold night air.
Kate slipped into the rest of her clothes, except her panties. She moved closer to Tom, wanting to keep warm. "We should get some sleep" she smiled up at him and gave a small yawn.
"Agreed, think we used plenty of energy tonight." Tom said with a smile, putting an arm around her to help keep her warm. He gave a yawn and slowly got to sleep...

The next morning the two are awoken by the sound of song birds. More specificity a pair of fletchlings perched just above the two, singing to the new day in.
When she woke she smiled and slowly sat up. Kate stretched looked up at the fletchlings happily. "Good morning birds." She yawned before looking down at Tom to see if he was up yet.
Tom was awake, woken up like her by the bird song. He looked over to her with a smile and stretched. "Had a good sleep then?" He asked, slowly getting to his feet once more, offering her a hand to help her up.
Kate smiled and gladly accepted his help, standing she stretched again before looking at Tom. Grinning she reached over and stuffed her panties into his jean pockets. "You can keep those." She growled playfully before reaching for her bag.
Tom grinned as she did, giving a nod. "I'll happily take those." He smiled, glancing up at the two Fletchling above them. "Think we should catch those two?" He asked, his mind getting back into the adventure.
Kate looked up at the two bird Pokemon, giving a small nod. "You can go first." She smiled and looked to Tom, waiting for him to make his move.
Tom nods pulling out Ryu's Pokeball. "Let's go boy." He calls, sending the frog out who swiftly blasted a barrage of bubbles at the bird, followed by a Pokeball. Just like the rest, it was caught with ease.
Kate waited until he had caught his Pokemon before releasing her fox Pokemon. Just like before she ordered it to attack before following up with a pokeball, catching the bird Pokemon quickly. She smiled and attached both the pokeball to her belt before looking at Tom. "Shall we be going?"
Tom nodded and got moving with her once again. The rest of the trip is fairly uneventful for the rest of the forest. It is around midday they exit the forest, reaching Route 3, the outskirts of Santalune City itself. The day was sunny and calm, the typical weather for this part of the region.
Kate walked with him through the woods, thou nothing to exciting happened. As they exit the forest she smiles and looks around, simply happy. They where almost to Santalune city and she couldn't wait, but she hoped that after they talked to professor, Tom would stick around. "Route 3" she commented quietly to her self.
"Yep, another route after Santalune and we'll be in Lumiose City." Tom comments stretching and tipping his hat to block the sun from his eye. "Hear Santalune has a Gym leader we could face before we leave." He offers, looking over at Kate.
Kate smiles and continues to follow him. "Sure, why not it sounds like fun." She agrees and looks over at him happily. "Anything we should do before we go to the gym?" She asked.
"Train our guys up somewhat, maybe pick up another couple of Pokemon from the routes around here." Tom suggested with a shrug. He was in no rush to get to Lumiose, was happy enough to just spend more time with Kate.
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