Love and Adventure in Kalos(Dals Way x Vetchic)

Kate shrugged and looked ahead of her. "There isnt much to say, i moved to VaniVille from the city, kinda like getting a fresh start." she looked back at Tom as they entered the forest. "What do you want to know?" she asked with a smile.
"More just a general thing, nice to get to know someone that'll likely be spending some time with." Tom replies with a small shrug. The two are soon interrupted by two monkey Pokemon, one green and one red, a Pansage and Pansear. "Welp, guess get a choice, which would you prefer?"
Kate looked between the two, deciding she liked the Pansear better. "The red one." she answered him with a smile as she grabbed the first Pokeball hooked onto her belt, her Fennekin. She threw her pokeball in the direction of the Pansear, releasing her Pokemon. "Zar, use Scratch!" she ordered, and her Pokemon obeyed, leaping forward it scratched its opponent. It took a few try's, but by the end of it, Kate had the Pansear trapped inside a Pokeball. "Your turn" she smiled and looked at Tom.
"Ryu, Pound!" He called as he sent out his Froakie and soon had the Pansage caught, taking him a tad longer due to the type disadvantage. "Quickly building up a team here, should certainly have a full team before we get to the professor." He comments, hooking the balls back to his belt. He glanced up at the sky noticing the light starting to fade. "Not too much light left now."
Kate watched with a smile, hooking her pokeBalls back onto her belt. Once he had caught his Pokemon she looked up at the sky, he was right. "We should find a place to camp for the night." She added onto his comment before looking around at their surroundings.
Tom nods and looks around, searching for a decent spot to camp. The found a sheltered area by a few trees, the treetops covering them from the elements somewhat. The area had quite abit of shrubbery around the perimeter, giving them some privacy. Tom set his back down and streched slightly. "Seems like a good enough spot."
Kate followed him, the area would do for the night. She set her back pack down and sat down on the grass, looking around to make sure no wild Pokemon were binding in the bushes. "It'll be good for the night." She agreed, looking up at him she grinned. "So, tell me, what does the mysterious Tom do for fun?"
Tom sat down by his pack, looking to her. "Well tend to like to read and explore, made this trip often, just not with Pokemon by my side." He comments, leaning back against a tree. "How about you?" He asked.
Kate smiled and thought for a moment. "I like to read, or go for walks. I like to read about Pokemon to." She looked over to him and shrugged. "Should we build a fire? To keep warm during the night." She asked.
"Certainly, I can go gather some wood, I imagine you can handle the fire starting itself?" Tom asked, with a chuckle, referring to her two fire type Pokemon she had.
Kate grinned and nodded her head, surely she could get the fire started with the help of her two fire type Pokemon. "Don't get lost." She teased with a small laugh before leaning against a near by tree.
Tom nodded and headed out to get the wood. It didn't take him too long to come with a handful of sticks and logs, enough to make a small fire for them. He kneels down, setting them down and in place for a fire for them. "Alright, rest is up to you." He says with a smile, leaning back and watching her.
Kate waited until he came back and set up the sticks and logs for her. She smiled and unhooked her first pokeball, releasing her femnekin. "Zar, a little fire please." She grinned, watching as her Pokemon lit the fire before returning to its pokeball. "Have you ever played 20 questions?" She asked, looking at Tom with a grin, trying to think of ways to pass the time.
Tom sat himself down, watching her light the fire. "Uhh, no actually... Isn't that just asking questions to each other?" He asked, trying to figure it out for himself. He sat up against the tree again, removing his jacket so he didn't get too hot around the fire, but the hat remained on.
Kate nodded her head. "Yeah, but no matter what the question is, you have to answer. No mater how embarrassing." She thought for a moment before adding. "Or we could play truth or dare. That's always fun. " she grinned and looked at Tom. "Or if you have any ideas on what we could do to pass the time."
Tom smiled with a small chuckle, thinking about it. He gave a grin as he thought about it before turning back to her. "I'd say Truth or Dare sounds like fun." He replied with a smile, curious what she'd go for. "Guess I'll be first, so give me a truth."
Kate thought for a moment, considering what she would ask him. "Ok, heres my question; Do you have a girlfriend?" She asked with a small smile, curious as to what his answer would be.
Tom shook his head with a smile. "No girlfriend, not now. Few years ago did for awhile, but didn't really work out." He replied, admittedly he had wanted one again of course. He figured out easily what he'd ask her, whether she went truth or dare.
Kate smiled as he answered. "I choose dare." She told him with a grin. She brushed her hair out of her face, wondering what he would ask her.
Kalos grinned and sat forward. "I dare you, to lift that sweater up." He replied with a grin. He really wanted to figure out what exactly she had on her legs, if anything at all.
Kate grinned at him, he certainly didn't waste any time. She reached down, and grabbing the hem of her sweater, bagan to slowly lift it up to just under her bra. Under her sweater she wore small black shorts, just big enough to cover her ass, just slightly bigger then normal panties. She had on a white belly shirt, it covered her bra but left her belly bare. "Happy?" She asked with a grin, letting him take a long look before lowering her sweater.
Tom watched giving a small grin as she did. He gave a small whistle as he admired her, taking the moment she gave him. "Very nice..." He comments before looking back at her face as she puts her sweater back on. "Well then, since I can't go Truth right away, give me a Dare." He replies, wondering what she'd go for.
Kate blushed slightly as he whistled before grinning at his comment. It wasn't the first time she had heard that. She thought for a moment, wondering what to dare him to do. "I dare you... To take off your shirt for the rest of the game." She grinned and looked at him.
Tom smiled, giving a nod. "Certainly." He removes his hat a moment before peeling his shirt off. As he pulled it off she could see his bare chest, being nothing too special but he was in no way bad shape, all his time walking showing somewhat. He puts the shirt with his jacket before putting his hat back on.
Kate watched as he removed his shirt, taking a few moments to examine him, or at least what she could see. She gave an approving smile before looking up at his face. "I choose dare"
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