Love and Adventure in Kalos(Dals Way x Vetchic)

"Fuck!" Tom yelled out as he slammed their hips together as he came. He held deep inside as he began cumming, painting her walls with his seed. Her walls milking him prolonged the experience, till he slowly pulled out with a wet pop.
Kate moaned loudly as he pulled her hips down, and began to paint her walls with his warm seed. She shuddered slightly, never having had someone cum inside of her before. She opened her eyes and looked down at him, panting softly as he slowly pulled out. "Fuck..." She panted with a grin.
"Had.. fun?" Tom asked, panting as he looked up at her. He rested his head on the bed as he looked up at her, slowly letting go of his grip of her hips. His member now resting between the two.
Kate slowly nodded her head as he let go of her hips, he had been gripping on to her so tightly she figured he left bruises, not that she cared. "Yes... I did" she panted softly before resting her head on his chest happily. "I know you order a room with one bed on purpose" she purred with a grin.
Tom smiled and nodded. "What's the sense in a second bed when I can share one with a pretty girl like you?" He asked, running a hand idly up and down her back gently.
Kate smiled and looked up at him as he rubbed her back, the motion calming her. "So you just assumed I would get in bed with you?" She asked with a grin, opening her eyes she looked up at him. "Well you were right." She added. She lifted her head and pressed her lips against his happily, her eyes closing.
"At worse I'd sleep on the floor, well worth the risk." Tom replied with a smile, pressing his lips against hers. He held the kiss and closed his eyes with her, taking his time to enjoy the contact.
She smiled and returned his kiss, after a few moments she slowly broke the kiss and moved so that she was laying beside him on the bed. "We should get some sleep, we have to face the gym tomorrow." She yawned, looking over her shoulder at him.
"I suppose you're right." Tom said, shifting to get comfortable beside her. He began to get to sleep with her quickly after, not taking too long after the energy they used.
Kate yawned softly, she pulled the blanket up and over them before resting her head on the pillow and falling asleep, being tired from the days work and from the pounding he had given her.
The two woke the next day in the late morning. Tom slowly waking first and smiling as he looked over the naked Kate next to him.
Kate woke after him, slowly she moved so that she was laying on her back, yawning softly. She looked up at Tom, noticing he was already awake. "Were you watching me?" She asked with a grin, he would have a good view of her now since she was on her back.
"For a short bit." Tom replied with a smile, looking her over. "A nice sight to wake up to." He adds on as he sits up in bed.
"Like what you see?" she grinned and slowly sat up, stretching her back as she did, giving a small yawn. "I swear you bruised my hips." she added with a smirk, not seeming to mind, infact, she liked it rough. A few love bruises here and there turned her on.
"Love it." Tom replied as he looked her over, a small grin at her bruises. "Think I got a tad carried away, sorry about that." He adds, reaching down and planting kisses over the bruised area.
Kate purred softly as he kissed her skin gently. "Don't be sorry... " she grinned and moved so that she could whisper into his ear. "I like it rough." She added before moving her lips to the nape of his neck, picking a spot she began to suckle on his skin.
Tom smiled and grinned as she said that. "Do you now?" He mutters aloud, giving a gasp as she began suckling on his neck. "Well... will have to keep that in mind for next time, now wont we?"
Kate grinned and continued to suckle on his neck as he spoke. "Yes we should" she agreed with a purr. By now she had left a decent sized mark just above his collar bone.
Tom soon noticed and gave a small chuckle. "That's going to be difficult to hide you know." He points out, feeling how big a mark she was creating on him.
Kate grinned and looked down at her work. "Opps." She chuckled, not to worried about it. She sat on the bed beside him, grinning as she looked him over slowly. "Why hide it." She teased, looking up at him.
"Well... no reason." Tom replied with a shrug. However he quickly got a mischievous look on his face and before she could question it his lips were at her neck. He began suckling on her neck, leaving a mark of his own on her.
Kate shuddered and gave a small groan as his lips found her neck. She leaned back slightly, letting him mark her neck freely. "Tom.." She shuddered again as she turned her head to look at him. "Now now, mustn't get to frisky. We don't have all day, or do we?" She teased with a grin.
Tom pulled back from her neck with a smile, looking at her. "Well we were never given a time limit for this... So, can get up to whatever we want really." He replied with a grin, moving back to plant another kiss on her neck.
Kate grinned as he spoke, liking where he was going with this. "I suppose your right." She purred as he moved to kiss her neck again, causing her to bite her lip, clearly she liked the attention she was getting on her neck. "What do you purpose we do?"
Tom grinned as he kept kissing her neck, trailing them slowly lower and lower, looking for the sensitive points to aim for. He pulled away a moment to speak. "Well maybe can explore anything more... 'non-conventional' to try. I'm sure a girl like you has some kinky desires." He suggested before moving back to kissing her neck, curious on what she'd want to do.
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