Misguided Genius(lady/moon)

Steve shook his head. "no. just the.... people didn't... hit each other when i was..." he swallowed thickly. "there's a big difference between abuse and what Johnny does to you. i understand that now... sort of." he admitted. "i think..." he admitted, biting his lip a little. "i... he's... i still don't like him..." he muttered, sulking a little before frowning at Tony. "...can i have some sugar?" he asked, wondering how sugar would feel directly injected into him before he shook his head hard. "uh..." he racked his brain hard and then shook his head. "no. i don't remember that." he admitted. "i just haven't been hungry." he muttered. "i guess that's because of the Cocaine huh?" he asked softly before swallowing thickly. "i can't even have a little?" he asked. "just to make the ache stop? it wouldn't be much..." he muttered, bargaining because, well, he needed it. then Tony got up to leave and panic flooded him, relaxing only when Tony both sat down and promised not to leave. "you can't... you can't leae me." Steve pleaded, choking on tears, where they came from he didn't know. "please don't leave me Tony i need you." Steve pleaded. "i know i'm messed up and you don't like me but please d..don't leave me alone." he pleaded, trying to cry, but he couldn't hide his hands in his face because te chains where too short because he had tried to claw his face off.

"No. not Howard. i'm not sure when the last time you where awake was, but it's the year 2014. Howard's been dead for some time. no, Tony's with Howards son, Anthony. he goes by Tony, he's very different from his father... he's a lot like you actually, though he'll deny it just as much as he denies being like Howard." he admitted with a smile. "hush now." Loki counseled. "Steve had a... i forget what it's called... i'm not sure if he remembers that we found you right now. you could set back his recovery, or worse, throw him into another fit." Loki warned. "let me get a hold of Tony and we can see how Steve is right now. if he's... stable, we can let you see him." he promised already pulling out his phone and sending a Text to Tony, asking him if Steve was aware enough to be visited by Bucky, who had just woken up and was demanding to see Steve.
“Ahhh...”Tony smiled a little, looking amused because he wasnt about to explain kinky sex to the captain, not when every nerve ending was begging he just show him. Oh yea, he was so going to get johnny to beat him bloody just to get this mental image out of his head, because despite the man relying on him, he had no doubt that when he was more with it, steve would go back to hating him.”Well, if it makes you feel better, he doesn’t like you any better. He finds it a little creepy you two look alike.”Tony snickered before raising a eyebrow.”Uh...yea.I guess, I’ll get you something to eat after you have soup.Bruce is bringing soup. Loki’s been cooking to relieve anxiety.”Tony smiled a little before nodding, “Yea, it fucks with the eating. The fact that you usually have to eat four times a normal person, was probably just worse.”He sighed softly, before his features shuttered a little. “No. And I’m not baragaining with you about it, Cap.”He said before pausing, as he settled into the chair, looking confused and uncertain, and so lost. “I’m not the one who hates the other in this relationship, Cap. You just can’t remember that. Just-”Tony said starting to babble because he was so wanting away before steve remembered he hated him, before looking down at his phone, his heart breaking as he realized what this meant. “Steve?”He said quietly, wanting his attention.”Do you remember who came back with me?From Sweden?”He asked, wondering how to ask if the crash had taken the memory of bucky away.

“...Fuck.Uh....Fall of the soviet union?” Ah, so 1989.Damn, he’d slept a long time. Before frowning slightly.”Anthony....I had heard he had a son.Always in the news.”Bucky said, mostly to himself, trying to piece together what he knew before frowning.”Me?”He said sounding bemused before frowning harder, looking worried at his friend’s condition, and having no idea what to think before nodding tightly, “Fine.We’ll wait.”he said though he wasn’t doing well waiting patiently, as tony texted back to give him a few minutes to figure it out.
Steve nodded. "yeah..." he muttered. "yeah.... it's creepy. i don't like him." he complained. "it's almost like he's a clone of me or something. it's weird..." he admitted, swallowing thickly. "...i'd like some soup." he agreed. "you've eaten right?... of course you've eaten, Loki would have made you." Steve muttered. "still, you look like shit, you should eat some soup." Steve decided. "i'd rather Loki's cooking rather than trying to take over the world." he admitted before he sighed at Tony. "it's not fair." he grumbled, even if he knew Tony was only doing what was right for both of them. "no. you hate me." Steve admitted. "because i treat you the way i treated Howard... but your not Him... i just, couldn't see it at first." he admitted before he frowned, struggling to remember before. "Bucky..." he whispered. "you brought Bucky home... i thought it was a.... 'dream'." he admitted softly. "i... he's really here?" he asked, stunned. "you really brought him home?"

Loki blinked. "i don't know what that is." he admitted simply. "i'm from another planet." Loki admitted before he nodded. "yeah, that's Tony. he's a child prodigy, he was smarter at the age of Two than Howard was when the old bastard died." he admitted. "try not to talk about Howard in front of Tony okay? he's pretty sensitive about it." he admitted as he looked down at his Phone. "Tony's talking to Steve about it right now. he'll let us know in a few minutes if Steve's okay to see you." he promised. "in the meantime, i should tell you what's wrong with him." Loki admitted. and with that, he as gently as possible, explained to Bucky that Steve was extremely depressed, and had been using modern Cocaine and that it had very nearly killed the super soldier and he was still 'coming down'. "for the last three days, he's been hallucinating pretty bad... he nearly killed Johnny Storm when he came in, and he tried to Kill Clint and he's attacked Tony a few times. he's also nearly killed himself, so we have him strapped down until we're certain he's stable enough to be trusted not to hurt himself or others."
“Hm, considering we fight aliens on a regular basis, I think the least of your worries is if Storm’s your clone bent on taking over as Cap.Let me tell you, he’s only interested in bossing me around, not the team.”Tony snickered a little, simply because he could, and he knew it’d make steve blush before nodding.”Of course. As if Loki’d not feed me.”He snickered a little before smirking.”MAybe that’s the idea. He’s going to cook his way into being in charge of the world.”He smiled before shrugging. “I’ve been told I’m not really a fair kind of person. That’s your kink, captain vfairness, not mine.”He teased lightly, though his smile was uncertain and anxious, not sure how the other would accept the teasing, and trying to. Frowning, looking even more uncertain, not sure what to think of this admittance to not hating him but shelfing it in favor of getting bucky up here, because he knew that it would end whatever friendship him and tony were having, so it wouldn’t really matter if steve liked him or not, once he had his best friend back. Cause who’d want tony, when you could have bucky? “Yea, he’s downstairs, awake and being demanding. Wants to know if it’s okay if he comes up.”tony said biting his lip a little, glancing up at steve. “he’s not in much better shape then you are, but loki says he wants to see you.”

“Uh.....20 years, maybe?”Bucky frowned looking thoughtful before looking thoughtful, snickering. “Good. Idiot should know he wasn’t the smartest person around.”Bucky said looking pleased before nodding,”I wont.”he said before frowning, settling in to listen to what was wrong, tears filling his eyes as he slumped over, crying quietly as he realized he’d failed his friend, wasn’t here when he needed him. “But-but he will recover?I mean, his body...is rejecting the drugs?”He said sounding anxious and staring at the phone in loki’s hands, as if he could will it to ring simply by looking at it.
Steve huffed. "Storm is probobly an alien and that's why he looks exactly like me." he grumbled. "is Johnny very bossy? Loki is Bossy... you have Bossy freinds." Steve muttered. "i bet Loki could go to one of those fancy cooking shows. he watches those you know. like Iron Chef, and Chopped, and things like that." he admitted. "he was watching them in here and was taking notes... but, that might have been a dream..." he admitted. "you're a dick." he agreed. "but that's okay, because it's good for me, even if i don't like it..." he grumbled. "if i give you sex, can i have some? you like Sex... i'll let you hit me... i think i'd like it." Steve admitted with a nod before he cringed. "i don't want to see him... he'll hate me. i made him die..." Steve protested, tugging on his restraints. "i don't wanna see him.... don't make me see him. he'll hate me." he whimpered.

Loki shrugged. "yes well... he took it out on his son unfortunately." Loki admitted before he wrapped an arm around the man, holding him as he cried. "he will recover. physically, he's already halfway there. once his body clears out all of the drug, it shouldn't take more than another couple of days, then we can start building his meals back up." he admitted. "he's fairly emaciated at the moment but it shouldn't take long to bring his health back up." he promised Bucky. "Mentally... there's a lot of problems and he hides them very well. the only reason why we found out he was doing Drugs at all was because Tony noticed his degraded physical appearance after leaving to take a vacation and to go find you. then Steve had a total meltdown and he started to come down and Tony recognized the symptoms." he admitted, looking down at his phone as it went off, cringing. "...Steve thinks he killed you and that you hate him." he admitted to Bucky. "i'm not sure it would be a good idea for you to see him, i think he's still crashing a bit..." Loki admitted, biting his lip and then he tapped a response to Tony. "i'm going to take Steve some Soup, you'll wait outside and if it's safe i'll let you come in. even if he can't see you, you'll be able to see him." he decided. "will that work?"
“,...oh gods, I need to go have sex with my boyfriend just to make sure he’s not a alien now. Thanks cap, for that idea.”Tony whined before snickering, “He is. Sometimes. And loki’s a god.....not bossy, simply overprotective and way to demanding...okay maybe a little bossy.”Tony smirked before craching up.”That would be awesome. And he was definitely taking notes. I’ve had to watch more cooking shows in the last year then I ever wanted to know about.”Tony whined before staring at him, looking at a loss. Before pointedly ignoring the offering of sex, because well, there just wasn’t anything to say to that even if his stomach ached with how hard he’d gone so fast, curling up in the chair a little to hide slightly he sighed as he texted.before swallowing hard to get some control.”Cap, I’m not taking you serious right now, seeing as your still crashing.”Tony said, his voice shaking ever so slightly before refocusing. “Okay, okay he’s staying downstairs. Though I wouldn’t count on him staying away forever, Steve. Even if he’s a god, I’m fairly certain your boy toy can throw Loki around the room if he wants to.”Tony warned before hesitating, before scooting the chair closer, ignoring the arousal that strained his body tight, closing a hand around steve’s, absently stroking his thumb over steve’s knuckles.”Shush, Cap, it’s okay. Loki’s bringing food, just relax.”Tony muttered softly.

Bucky shuddered leaning into the other, swallowing hard. “..Okay...well, that’s good. The punk never did eat enough..”Bucky grumbled before shuddering, just thinking about his own years on the ice, of the assassinations he took when he was awake, and now to know his best friend was alive, and that he wasn’t doing well was a kill in the stomach. “...We’ll help him.”He said sounding unsure, wanting so desperately to help steve, not questioning why tony had known the symptoms, he could guess why before swallowing shaking his head.”It wasn’t his fault, the idiot.”he muttered before looking up at loki, nodding. “It will. I just....need to make sure it’s real,...you know?”Bucky said because he was fairly certain he was dreaming, letting loki help him up and glad that someone had gotten him normal clothes if the jeans and sweater he was wearing was any indictation, at least he was warmer, and not in what he normally woke up in. Leaning on loki as he let the other help him upstairs.

”Hey Reindeer. Have you come to be bossy?”Tony muttered as he heard loki coming in the door, though his eyes were focused on the man in front of him.
Loki nodded a little to Bucky. "yes well... the Drugs he was taking make him feel as if he's not hungry and he needs about four times the calorie intake as most people." he admitted. "we will hep him." he agreed with Bucky, smiling. "he doesn't like me much though so if he attacks me, don't be surprised." he warned. "it wasn't his fault no, does it really surprise you that he blames himself anyway?" he asked, lifting his eyebrow at the other before helping him to stand and walk to the next room where Steve was being restrained. Soup appeared in Loki's hands and he glanced at Bucky to make sure he was staying put before he walked into the room.

he huffed a little. "as if you'd be able to tell." he scoffed. "besides, you're you. you don't need an excuse to have sex." he admitted with a grin. "a lot bossy." he corrected, a little shocked to realize that he was rather enjoying the conversation. he knew he was still a bit high, but he couldn't bring himself to care. "Cooking shows are nice. they drone." he admitted. "and speak things that make sense. i understand cooking shows." he admitted before he paused. "what's a Mango?" he asked before looking at Tony. "you...i don't understand. i'm not crashing into anything..." he protested, looking confused before he shuddered and shook his head. "don't want him here Tony... don't want him here..." he pleaded before panicked as the door moved, jerking, trying to get free so he could hide, relaxing when he realized it was indeed Loki. "hows he doing?" Loki asked softly before wincing as he examined the tears on Steve's face. "not well... damn." he muttered. shaking his head. "is he stable enough to have the chains lengthened?" he asked Tony, Steve scowling as he tried to understand what that meant, though he was enjoying how Tony's hand was touching his. it was warm. "of course i'm being bossy." Loki scoffed as he studied Steve, his head tilted as he examined the man. "can you try to eat something Steve?" "not hungry." "what if Tony helped you to eat?" "not hungry." "Steve. you need to eat." Loki pleaded, handing the bowl to Tony, yelping when Steve tried to swipe at him, the chain jerking his hand too short to even come close, but it had startled the godling. "that's not nice." "i hate you." Steve hissed, glaring at Loki, yanking at his chains before settling again. "you took them. you Stole them! give them back!" Loki just sighed and glanced at Tony. "try and get him to eat. Natasha's going to take over tonight. you've been on duty long enough. go play with Johnny for the night at least, get your own Stable back." he ordered, kissing Tony's forehead before heading out of the room, sighing a little as he smiled, strained, at Bucky. "i'm the one who went through his room and got all his drugs. he took it personally, he nearly killed Clint for the same thing." he admitted, shaking his head. "come on. you need to sit down before you fall down." he warned. "and you really need to eat something. we'll try again tonight."
“...Stupid punk.”Bucky grumbled at the idea steve had done something so stupid, even if it had been the drugs fault. He knew he had to eat, so he should have. Ha, well at least it was obvious Bucky fussed over Steve as much as steve fussed over himself. Huffing out a sigh he shook his head.”No, not really.”Bucky said as he stayed near the door watching loki walk into the room, his face closing down on the emotions he was feeling when he saw steve.

Tony winced a little as he shrugged, taking the words as a complaint about his sex life but smirking a litle.”No, I don’t,but it’s always good to have one.”he said refusing ot let the other know he was hurt at the idea of steve thinking him just a slut, because well, it was true. Twitching a little he glanced up at him.”Well, next time reindeer watches them, you can watch them instead of me.”He said before laughing quietly. “Crashing is what we call this. Cause coming down off the drug is like a crash landing...I know, I wont let him come in, steve”Tony said smiling slightly before glancing up at loki. “He’s doing better.”Tony said, though it was obvious he wasn’t doing that well, it was indeed better then he had been.Leaning back in his chair he toko his hand away,rubbing it over his face. “Go ahead. Lengthen them.”Tony said shrugging a little, though he wasn’t overly sure it was a good idea, he thought it was time to find out how the captain was doing. Yelping a little startled as steve took a wipe at loki, even as his own hands closed around the bowl. “Stop it, Cap. You are going to eat, and eat well.”Tony said, and while he preferred submitting, he was a switch, and enjoyed being bossy at times to, slipping up and showing just how much he wanted to dominate the captain, even if he wasn’t really aware of it, he simply wanted to take care of steve. “I’ll try.”tony said glancing up at loki before frowning. “I’m fine Loki.”he said frowning, though it was obvious he wasn’t as even kilter as he normally was. While he could usually go a few weeks without being utterly dominated, the current situation had felt him reeling and struggling for control, so he really, really wasn’t as stable as he normally was. Watching loki go he sighed quietly. “Steve, eat. For me. Please.Otherwise you’re going to get beaten by natasha and ordered to eat. I’ll be nicer about it.”tony said smirking at the captain.

Bucky shuddered as he slumped against the wall, offering loki a equally strained smile. “So I can see. He’ll feel bad about it later.”Bucky snickered a little at the idea of his best friend, knowing steve was to nice to hate most people before frowning. “I’m not going to fall down.”He grumbled looking annoyed with the idea even though he did hussle back to bed because he was going to end up on his back if he didn’t sit down soon.
Loki chuckled. "he is a stupid Punk." he agreed as he led the way next door.

"i wish i could be like you." Steve admitted suddenly. "you don't care what people think about you. i wish i could be like that." he admitted before he twitched a little. "yeah. that makes sense. Crash. i don't like it. i really need to make it stop. i need some..." he scowled at his shackles. if he was free, he could just go buy some more. not that he was actually going to say that. "...there will be an automatic shrinking, if he tries to attack anyone or hurt himself they'll go back to the length they are now." Loki explained. "i'm not taking chances." he admitted. "not when he tried to do that to his face." he pointed out before smiling as Cap froze, staring at Tony with a look of stunned surprise and almost... it wasn't delight but there was something close to it and he almost immidiatly settled at the order and blinked at him. as if he wasn't sure he was seeing what he thought he was seeing. "...yeah. okay." he agreed as Tony's voice changed, but Steve still had that look on his face, as if he wasn't sure that Tony was actually Tony. he ate his soup without further complaint.

Loki shrugged. "i doubt it. i tried to take over the world you know." he admitted. "killed a lot of people and made it personal." he admitted. "the only reason why Steve hasn't beaten the shit out of me is because i'm freinds with Tony and he thinks Tony can control me." Loki admitted, looking amused. "he'll feel bad about Clint though." Loki admitted with a chuckle as he helped Bucky back into his own room and plied him with soup and got him anything else he might need and got Bruce to look at him to see if there was any lingering effects from being frozen and all around mother hen-ed the assassin.
Tony looked startled studying the other man for a long moment, not sure what to think on the judgement of of his sex life before smirking. “It’ll stop when you burn. And Cap, if I have to go through this again, of de-toxing your super serum’d ass, I’m making johnny sit in here with you, and regaling you with tales of sex and stupid shit he does. Just so you know.”Tony said though the tone was joking, the sentiment of not wanting to do this again was real. “Awesome. I wouldnt ask you to take the risk. He’s to pretty.”Tony muttered joking because he was to upset to be truly serious before pausing, staring at Steve as he realized he’d been obeyed without questioning. Now that was hot. Groaning a little tony smiled as he settled into his chair with his book, and ignoring the man he was with. Having every intention of just relaxing. And by the time Natasha showed up, the man was nearly jittery, so far off his own point zero calm point, he was actually more jittery then normal. “Loki said I’m allowed to use force to make you leave tony. Johnny’s already upstairs waiting.”natasha said calmly looking at the billionaire, knowing tony needed to get away from steve, if only for a few hours(cause she doubted they could keep him away longer) but he needed a chance to just calm down. “....Steve?You going to be okay if I leave?”Tony said even as he stood looking at the man. Not looking happy about being forced to leave, but also aware that he needed it to.

“..Hm. And can tony control you?”Bucky snorted in amusement as if he doubted the idea before smiling as he settled into bed with everything he needed, eyeing the god in slight amusement as he was mother hen-ed.”Oh for the love of all that is holy, you’re being worse then Steve, and he mothered me more then my own mother did. This is a horrible nightmare of some kind.”Bucky grumbled, oh yes, he was a horrible, horrible patient, made even worse for the fact that his own body was used against him, as the serum allowed him to be frozen, but didn’t stop his body from acting frozen. He’d be okay, it’d just take time to recover. Sitting up he looked at the god, tying his hair back with a hair tie loki had given him.”You said we can try again tonight. It’s evening. Let’s go see steve.”he said, no wonder him and steve got along. They both could be bossy when they wanted to be.
Steve blinked at Tony. "Burn?" he asked, looking completely confused. "....i don't like Johnny." he growled, scowling. "he looks like me and he gives me these looks. he's trying to take my place. he's an Alien Tony!" Steve protested, as if he couldn't understand why Tony didn't hate Johnny as much as he did. he sucked down the soup and the three glasses of fruit juice and the dozens of energy shakes that had been brought over the course of the next few hours. anytime he protested all Tony had to do was tll him to 'drink it' and he would. by the time Natasha appeared Steve had settled down even more and was even dozing, though he kept jerking awake from nightmares of aliens, Johnny hitting him and replacing him, and Loki trying to murder him. "...huh?" Steve asked, jerking awake and blinking sluggishly. "i..uh. yeah." he agreed even though it was clear he didn't know what he was agreeing to because he snuggled right back into sleep. too exaughsted to stay awake anymore.

Loki smirked. "on occasion. it depends on the situation. most of the time i do what Tony says because it fucks with peoples heads." he admitted with a chuckle. "i do what i want, but i don't like to upset Tony so i usually do what he tells me." he admitted. "sorry." Loki muttered. "i'm just... i'm not used to how fragile humans are yet. you're the first injured human i've ever had lengthy interaction with." he admitted with a shrug. "we can go check. he'll probobly be a lot more calm ow that he's been awake all day." he admitted as he smiled at the other. "and maybe when you're feeling better, i could make you a more... special dinner?" he offered. hey, he had to admit, Bucky was hot.
“uhh...sorry. Crash and burn, sorta slang. I’m going to shut up now.”Tony blushed looking bemused and annoyed with himself for using slang when steve wasn’t together enough to follow before grinning. “Good. Then you’ll be eager to not have to spend a length of time listening to sex stories. And he is not a alien, stop it.”Tony rolled his eyes at the idea, slightly annoyed that steve was expressing such a distaste for someone tony cared for, even if he knew he had no right to expect any of them to like both his friends, considering his friends consisted of loki and johnny. By the time he was getting ready to leave, tony looked even more worn, having jerked awake himself every time steve did, muttering soothing things the whole time, or getting him to drink it.”Okay. I’ll be back.”Tony muttered studying him for a long moment, before looking at natasha, the look on his face saying to call him if he was needed before walking out. Pausing in the doorway to his bedroom he huffed out a sigh.”The captain is a submissive to the point I can just look at him and he’ll do it. He’s going to drive me insane, Johnny.Even if I don’t want to try this out, knowing that is going to be insane to know. Especially when he’s so much captain fucking america, and dominates every fight he walks into and-oh bloody fuck. I am so fucking screwed.”Tony grumbled, looking at the other man, looking more then a little freaked out and scared, having wanted to tell johnny about steve simply because he knew johnny would find it amusing, but only after he’d said it did he realize he was angsting over it because he really did want it. Walking across the room he drew the other into a kiss. “This isn’t fair to you, you know.”he muttered looking him over, because he needed his balance back, but felt the need to give johnny a out if he found tony’s new found crush weird...not realizing, everyone had known it...except him. And steve.

“Hm, I enjoy fucking with other’s heads. It was always amusing to watch the USO girls hit on steve, and know I was going to go home and bend him over the table after.”Bucky hummed a little, not realizing he was outting steve, having figured that since they were steve’s friends they’d probably known about it. Before smiling slightly. “Well, if it makes you feel better, I’ll heal faster then other humans. Steve to.It takes seriously fucking up to lay us out longer then a day.”Bucky said looking thoughtful before nodding, “Let’s go.”he said moving to the edge of the bed, and while he was still gingerly moving, the man was better then he’d been just hours ago.”A special dinner huh?I guess the punk outted me. Which should bother me more then it really does.”Bucky snickered a little looking over the other, tilting his head, even as he headed for the door. “We’ll discuss dinner later. I need to see steve first.”The man said because he was still the guy who had spent so many years looking after a punk who had been to stupid to realize he was to small to fight. Always a little obsessive with taking care of steve, even when he’d realized they’d never make it as lovers, simply because they didn’t love each other that way.
Steve blinked at him a little. "he IS an alien!" Steve protested, closing his eyes. "he is. he's just got you're brain all mushed up and you can't tell." he muttered. "i like Loki better... but he took my stuff so i'm gonna beat the shit out of him." Steve decided. "i've wanted to punch him in the face ever since you let him move in here." he admitted. "all those sly smirks... but he takes care of you, and us too even when he hates us, so he's not so bad." Steve decided.

"...submissive? really?" Johnny asked, looking surprised from where he was laying on the bed on his belly playing a game on Tony's Starkpad. "...shit Tony." he muttered, mouth dry at the thought of Captain America being so submissive he'd do anything Tony told him to.of course it's fair to me. i have other people i can go to if i need pain." he admitted with a smile. "come here." he ordered, holding an arm out to Tony. "you need snuggles. and then you need sex, nice hard sex." he smiled at Tony. "i'm eager to do anything you need me to. you know that." he admitted. "just tell me what you need."

Loki chuckled a little and then. "Not everyone here knows Steve is Gay." he warned. "i think only Natasha knows officially and Steve sort of told Tony while he was crashing." he admitted. "but the others don't know yet." he admitted. "what, really?" Loki asked, looking surprised. "well i guess that's not so bad." he agreed with a smile before he snickered. "in his defense, he thought you where dead. also, not ten seconds ago, you told me you used to bend Steve over so..." he looked highly amused. "besides, you just scream 'i like to give it up the ass'..." Loki teased with a grin. "it's quite accepted in this day and age you know." he admitted with a smile and a shake of his head. "come on then." he promised, leading the way back to Steve, who was dozing again. "Nat. how is Steve at the moment? do you think he'd be up for seeing our visitor?" "is it Johnny?! he's an alien you know. we need to make him go away before he replaces me." Steve muttered sluggishly.
“...Yea, he makes my brain mushy, but not because he’s a alien. And no beating up loki, he doesn’t enjoy it.”Tony said smirking a little as he considered the other man, resisting the urge to really, really consider what all that super soldier muscle could do to his body when used to dominate him. Especially when he was faced with his submissive captain. “Well good. Just rest steve.”Tony muttered rolling his eyes a little.

“Uh-huh. It’s seriously insane how submissive Cap is.”The man shuddered a little, snickering as he saw Johnny reacting to that thought, moving over to the bed, climbing up in it with him. “That wasn’t why I was saying it, but okay....its not fair when you look so much like him, you know.”He muttered even as he shifted to snuggle against johnny, pressing his face into the other’s shoulder, shuddering as he just took comfort in his presence. Swallowing hard, “I need you to flog me, Johnny. I need...I need to forget about Cap being submissive, if...if I have to help him, I can’t keep thinking about it...”Tony whimpered quietly setting his teeth into the other’s shoulder, refusing to think about everything he’d learned about steve, about the man being gay, because it made him want and he was fairly certain that of everything in his life, having captain america not want him like that, would completely destroy him. “Help me, johnny.”He muttered squirming a little.

“...Ah. Okay good to know.Though I’m not quite sure how he’s kept it hidden, the little punk.”Bucky snickered, because even pre-serum steve had been a mouthy top, which had amused bucky enough that he’d almost always been submissive, and while he’d never told steve,but when he thought of their younger years, bucky always compared it to a Chihuahua mounting a pit bull, the size proportions so out of whack, but it had worked for them. It had always amazed bucky no one else had ever figured out steve wasn’t that into the girls. ‘Yea, I broke my ribs a few times during the war, like bad enough to worry about a nicked lung, but within a day I was healed...it was around then that we figured out Schimdt’s version of the serum had worked some....though since I did fall, I guess it makes sense that he expected I hadn’t survived. It was over a 2 mile fall down a mountain.”Bucky sighed before wrinkling his nose. “Yea, I guess I did. I don’t think I’m all together yet..though, for the most part, steve's the one who topped.it was kinda cute, though I did like dominating him to...we really just rolled with it...”Bucky frowned, looking vaguely annoyed that his mouth was running away with him more then normal, because while he was normally mouthy, but he usually had some filter. Until he was feeling better, and fully awake, he’d have no brain-to-mouth filter.

Blushing ever so slightly before he shrugged looking thoughtful on it being accepted before following. “..No, it’s not johnny.”Bucky said ducking around loki before the god could stop him, or natasha could answer. “And why is this johnny replacing you?”He said frowning a little, nearly lashing out when natasha grabbed his arm, stopping himself from hitting her. “hey its okay.”She muttered looking worriedly at the two men, before looking at loki.”he’s been doing better...Tony told him to get some sleep...And Tony’s upstairs to.”She muttered looking relieved a little that the billionaire was taking care of himself.
Johnny smiled a little. "well, he is doped up a bit. he probobly wants someone to tell him what to do. after all, isn't he always the one giving the orders? always making the call? i'm sure he's never had a chance to truly relax." he admitted as he smiled. "i know. but isn't that a small part about why you like me?" he asked with a smile. "i know it's only a little part. mostly it's the awesome fucking we do." he teased, running his fingers through the others hair before he nodded, kissing the others forehead before he sat up. "alright Tony. go to the chest. get what you want." he ordered, as he always did. he always made Tony pick them out because it was a bit more humiliating for Tony. "then you'll strip naked and kneel in front of the bed." he ordered.

"it's less that he kept it hidden and more people don't want to see it." Loki pointed out. "i mean, it's glaringly obvious but people see what they want to see." he admitted with a smile. "that's extremely impressive. you heal nearly as fast as an Asgardian does." he admitted. "honestly, we all thought you where dead. i'm pretty sure Tony stumbled across your files completely by accident." Loki admitted with a smile and a small grimace. "your not fully healed yet. physically or mentally. you need time." he admitted before he smirked. "...wasn't Steve like... tiny?" he asked. "i find it hard to beleive he could pin you down and 'give it to you like a man' when he couldn't even breathe." he pointed out. "don't worry. i won't share any secretes you might accidentally spill." he promised before groaning as Bucky just walked into the room, Steve gasping as he tried to cringe away from Bucky. "Johnny's not replacing him." Loki assured Bucky. "Johnny looks a lot like Steve and in his... daze, he things Johnny is an alien intending on taking his place. i think he's just angry that Johnny's touching Tony." he admitted with a smile as Steve started to sob that he was sorry, so sorry that he'd gotten Bucky killed and to please, please don't hate him.
“Hm, he is always giving orders. And he’s so good at it.”Tony muttered shuddering a little at the idea before smirking at johnny, blushing. Cause yea, that’s why he’d started being friends with the other man, and from their teenage years, it’d just developed into more. “Hm, we do some fairly amazing fucking don’t we?”He snickered a little before shuddering as he got up, picking out what he wanted, tossing the gag, flogger and bar onto the bed, while he did enjoy the handcuffs and chain, he was more interested tonight in forcing himself to hold the bar, to willingly make the choice to submit, to know that he’s allowing johnny to beat him when he could stop at any time. It was a whole other level of humiliation that being chained didn’t have. Stripping down he knelt in front of the bed, looking up at the other man with a smirk,waiting to see exactly what his night was going to shape up into.

“And they want to see the great Captain America as all they see as good, and not what he really is.Idiots.I so can’t wait to see what happens if one of the anti-gay groups talk to him.”Bucky snorted a little, despite being on ice, he’d been kept up on politics and what was going on in the world. Before wincing a little.”Well, I’m glad he did stumble on them. It’s not pleasant being on ice...I wasn’t...really aware, but I was...it was weird.”Bucky said shuddering a little before smirking. “He was. And okay, maybe I topped from being on bottom sometimes, but watching him try was so adorable and cute I just had to watch him try.”Bucky snorted but relaxing a little at the promise to not spill secrets. Looking at loki he nodded tightly, glad he wasn’t really going to have to worry about this johnny before frowning at steve, slumping down onto the bed next to him, resting his head on the other’s shoulder.”Shut up, Steve. It wasn’t your fault and I could never hate you. Stop.”Bucky said, his voice naturally slipping into the voice of command, because even when he wasn’t steve’s lover, he was still the second in charge for the howling commandos, he was used to being in charge, and he’d always been able to boss bucky around.
Johnny smirked a little. "oh, come on Tony. i'm not stupid and neither are you. we became freinds because i looked like Captain America and because you where Tony Stark." he pointed out. "we wanted each other and that was it. all friendships start out purely for selfish reasons." he pointed out. "i will always be there for you when you need me." he promised, kissing Tony gently before he watched Tony pick out the things he wanted. "the Ring too." he ordered. "and the pink Plug." he ordered, licking his lips a little, sensing Tony needed humiliation wasn't hard after all the years they'd been together. "and Stop that filthy smirking Slut before i slap it off." he ordered as he examined what Tony had picked out for him before he picked up the Gag and forced it into Tony's mouth. "that should keep that smart mouth of yours Shut."

Loki nodded. "precisely." he admitted. "one of them already has. i think he was high at the time because he smiled real sweet and whispered something to them that made them run off in quite the hurry. Steve's shockingly sadistic." he admitted with a smile. "very bloodthirsty." he admitted with a shake of his head. "it's like sleeping." Loki stated softly. "it's like dreaming a dream that's so real, you can't tell what's real and what's not..." he glanced at him. "talk to Clint sometime... he'll say the same thing..." because that was what being trapped by the Chitauri felt like too. "well, i promise to let you Dominate me all you want." Loki teased with a smirk before watching as Steve reacted to Bucky, silently lengthening the chain on one hand and unlocking the other. this would keep Steve from trying to escape, but wouldn't hinder him from hugging Bucky. Steve shuddered at the command to shut up and stop and he took in several deep breaths, swallowing thickly as he stared at th other with wide stunned eyes. "are you real?" Steve asked, soft, terrified that Bucky was just a hallucination.
“Good.I mean-good.”Tony muttered kissing him back, slumping utterly relieved with the news that despite everything, johnny still wanted to be with him, even if they weren’t having sex, they’d be like this. Friends, close. Shuddering at the orders he dug out the others, before the smirk widened, looking up at johnny, groaning as the gag was forced into his mouth.Smirking as he tried talking around it, cause he so couldn’t help it. Whimpering quietly as he looked up at johnny, tense and waiting to see what he’d do next.

“Hm, he can be. It’s amusing because he was like that before the serum to.”Bucky snickered before nodding. “yea...something like that.”He said raising his eyebrows, but not asking who clint was, before shuddering at the idea of dominating the taller man. Looking startled as the chain legthened, he raised a eyebrow a little before shifting to wrap his arms around him, brushing a kiss against steve’s forehead. “You know, the last time we had this converstaion, I thought you were supposed to be shorter, remember?”He muttered, running his fingers through blond hair. “Yea, I’m real. Your boy Stark found me under ice.”Bucky said looking at the other, looking bemused and wondering how steve of all people was acting around someone who’d known howard. Because he remembered what the two had been like, even when they got along to make things, howard and steve had always butted heads, over everything
Johnny smiled. "sorry Tony, you're stuck with me for life. i pick you over my own damn family all the time you know." he pointed out with a chuckle before settling into his 'Dom Role'. he watched as Tony tried to talk around it, and smirk and he reached out and slapped Tony hard across the face. not hard enough that it would bruise, but it would be red, and sting and ache and burn and he reached over and picked up the metal bar and settled it into Tony's hands, making him hold it. "you drop that, and the game ends." he explained, because he always made Tony respond, to show that he understood his way to Tap out, because if he doesn't, then Tony won't use it if he needs to. "you're already so hard. little slut." he scoffed, shaking his head as he reached down and put the cock ring in place, tight. Tony won't be cumming anytime soon.

Loki chuckled a little and nodded. "Clint is one of the Avengers. you'll meet him later. he helped me take Steve's drugs so he's avoiding Steve right now." he explained with a smile. he didn't mention that Steve totally kicked Clint's ass. "...yeah..." Steve muttered as he watched the other as he relaxed into the familiar words and the familiar touch. "Tony's amazing like that." Steve agreed, swallowing thickly as he held the other, clinging to him. "i hate Tony so much, but he's really not that bad..." Steve muttered because he did hate Tony still, for being so smart, for fitting in, for being so attractive. "don't leave me alone." Steve pleaded as he settled in, Loki smiling. "you can stay here if you want. you're strong enough to fight him off if he decides you're not real and need to be dead." Loki admitted, warning Bucky that it could happen. had happened even.
“I know. And I love you for it. I’d choose you over the others to.”Tony muttered looking up at him, before they settled in. Swaying to the side as he was slapped he groaned, swallowing hard as he watched johnny with wide eyes, fingers closing around the bar, twisting it in his hands a little before nodding. Showing that he understood how the game ended, because sometimes in the beginning, he’d refused to tap out because he thought he’d deserved to be hurt worse, but johnny had always made sure he did, taken care of him even when tony wouldnt take care of himself. Whimpering as the cock ring was slid over him, he swayed on his knees, trying so hard to fight against it, giving himself totally over to johnny and whatever the other man wanted to do. By the time they finished, tony was a panting, whimpering mess clinging to the bar in his hands as he collapsed forward against johnny, shivering quietly, drenched in come, sweat and tears as he rested his head against johnny’s thigh as the man stood in front of him, shuddering as he slumped, closing his eyes, and forcing his hands open to drop the bar, so tired he could barely keep his eyes open, and definitely fucked beyond his endurance.

“I’ll look forward to it.”He smiled slightly though he looked a little nervous about meeting more people. Smiling quietly when the other relaxed, he rested his cheek against the other’s head, “..Hm, I’m sure he’s to much like howard to get along with.”Bucky muttered looking thoughtful, and curious as to what the man who’d probably gone out of his way to find him was like. “I’m not going anywhere, even if Stark kicks me out, I’ll always come back for you Steve.”Bucky promised before looking up at loki, nodding slightly to show he understood before shifting, “Get some sleep, punk.”he muttered shifting to get comfortable, feeling tired himself.
Johnny smiled at Tony. "i know." he agreed, his voice soft and affectionate. "even if we don't fuck Tony, i will always be there for you." he promised, gently kissing the man's nose before 'flipping the switch' and ordering Tony about. he had felt like such a dick in the beginning, when Tony wouldn't tap out because he thought Johnny would leave. wouldn't Tap out because he thought he deserved to actually be hurt. but they had a good system in place now. Johnny wondered if Steve would know how to do this? would he have to teach the super soldier? that could be all kinds of fun. by the end of the scene, Johnny was a bit worried. he hadn't worked Tony over this hard in awhile. years maybe. he scooped up the bar and put it away before undoing the gag and pressing a straw into Tony's mouth, helping him to guzzle down the apple juice, as much of it as Tony could swallow. he cleaned the flog and the gag and put them away as well before carefully helping Tony to stand. he had removed the cock ring and the ass plug during their play, and now he worked on soothing the bruises and the welts, smiling. he knew Tony felt better, he could tell because he was quite limp and wasn't trying to mouth off like he usually did after a softer play. he snuggled into Tony and smiled. "night Tony. sleep well."

Loki smiled a little as he watched Steve and Bucky. "he's nothing like Howard." Steve muttered softly as he tucked himself into Bucky, glad for the contact. "Tony won't kick you out." he promised softly as he started slipping back into a doze. "love you Bucky." he murmured, Bucky would know it was a brotherly love. they had decided a long time ago that they wouldn't make good lovers, but Steve missed it. missed wrestling in the dirt to see who was going to top That night, missed masking bruises with pathetic excuses of getting into fights. missed being gagged so that the others wouldn't hear. he fell asleep with dreams of Bucky and Tony fighting and Loki trying to kill him. he woke with a shattered cry as Bucky killed Tony and Loki killed Bucky and then turned on him with hissing harsh words Look what you did Rogers! Look what you did!.
Tony shuddered a little as the other undid the gag, looking up at him with wide and unfocused eyes, despite being fairly okay, the man wasn’t in any shape to make any decisions for himself beyond swallowing whatever johnny was giving him. Stumbling slightly as johnny helped him to his feet he leaned against the man before settling into the bed with a contented sigh. Definitely not mouthing off like normal.”...always do...thanks...”He muttered even as he shuddered in aftershocks of the care, content to just be with the other, and just sleep. When he woke he rolled to his side, stretching onto his side as he looked at the man slowly waking up.”..you know, it’s a good thing I don’t have to go in public today...my board of directors might think I was trying to get myself killed...”he snickered as he looked over his body, looking pleased and loose limbed, completely relaxed still. Leaning down he kissed the other awake slowly, “Rest if you want. I’m heading back downstairs.”Tony said though he was still relaxed, he didn’t like leaving a still crashing steve alone, even if his own sanity had demanded the seperation for the night.

“Good.”Bucky huffed glad that they wouldn’t have to deal with another howard, and that he wouldn’t have to worry about a place to stay.”Love you to.”Bucky muttered back, settling into him to sleep. “Steve?What’s wrong?”Bucky jolted awake, hand held out in front of them, as if he’d been holding a knife, a instinctive reaction to being jolted awake, looking around him to figure out what had made steve scream like that before looking at steve.”Steve?”
he smiled a little and chuckled at Tony. "yeah. but imagine how the public would react." he muttered. "BDSM would be the new cool thing..." there was a pause. "which is a horrifying idea." he admitted with a shake of his head. BDSM could be very dangerous if not handled with care. all those impressionable teenagers, ugh, they'd do some serious harm to each other. "besides, i'm not convinced you weren't. it's been a long time since i gave you a workout like that." he admitted. "you're feeling alright?" because Johnny had to check. "go check on Steve." he ordered with a yawn. "i'm going to see if Loki won't make me food in a few hours after i sleep some more." he promised.

Steve panted a little, his eyes flicking wildly as he tried to understand where he was before he sagged, relieved. "i'm okay... bad dream." he muttered. "nightmare..." he admitted. "no i don't want to talk about it." he muttered as he shook his head, tucking his face into Bucky's chest. "do you think they'll let me up long enough to take a piss on my own?" he asked. "...and is there anymore soup?" well, at least Steve's appetite was coming back.
“Hm, it would be. With all the bad repercussions to go with it.”Tony said shuddering a little as he considered just how many people might try it to just say they were wild in bed, and end up seriously hurting themselves or their partners when they really didn’t understand the rules. “I wasn’t. I was just...so far off my ideal normal, that I was like multiples of ten away from zero”Tony muttered because they’d come up with a system of figuring out just how manic or depressed he was, when johnny had realized he wasn’t always the best at protecting himself if he was feeling especially out of it. Zero being his normal, regular even keeled self, with positive being way into the manic side of things with negative being depressive, the higher the number the more likely you were to find him on the extreme edges of both emotions, instead of flipping between them. “I was aware, don’t look so worried. I feel fine. Sore, tired, and achy enough that I’m glad I don’t have to go out, but after this week....I feel better then I have in days.”he shrugged a little reassuring the other that johnny had indeed been okay, knowing johnny was worried about him.”Probably was so bad since I went so long without taking care of myself. But I’m fine, johnny, really.”He reassured before leaning down to kiss him. “See you when you get up.”He said smiling as he left.

Bucky winced a little shifting, looking around leery, not sure about that before relaxing, slumping as steve snuggled into him, wrapping a arm around the other as he shifted to get more comfortable, putting his own body between steve and the door, physically protecting the man because he couldn’t stop him from dreaming. “Okay.”He muttered at the words he didn’t want to talk about it before snickering quietly. “Probably. Your babysitter should be down soon enough probably.We’ll ask.”bucky said before smiling widely. “Well, at least you’re hungry again.”He muttered before frowning slightly, shaking his head.”No, no food.” “Loki’s making stuffs, he said he’ll bring it down when he’s done.”Tony said as he flounced into the room before stopping, staring at the sight in front of him, emotions flickering across his face to fast to follow before shutting down completely, sliding easily behind his usual carefree pleased mask. “Hey Barnes, glad to see you up. And Steve. Anything you two need, now that I’m here?”Tony said smiling at them.
he nodded. "yeah. not a good thing." Johnny agreed with a chuckle and a yawn before he relaxed. "Hell Tony, you need to tell me these things." he complained as he kissed the others forehead. "though, i should have guessed the way you looked." he admitted. "as long as you where aware." he agreed, shaking his head as he examined the bruises before giving Tony's ass a smack and waving him off with a grin.

Steve huffed. "i don't need a babysitter." he growled. "i need my drugs. it's not fair that they took them away... you'll get them back, won't you Bucky?" he asked hopefully, well aware Bucky would tell him no but Steve had to try because he still ACHED for the peace and the blissful emptiness and the ability to feel something other than pain and depression. "Tony... Tony i have to piss." Steve protested, yanking at the chain on his wrist. "i don't want to use the Bedpan again Tony." Steve protested. "and food. i want food. like, a lot of food. hamburgers, and pizza, and milkshakes." "i don't think so." Loki stated. "you'll get sick. you're quite emaciated Steve, your body will rebel against such heavy foods." "shut up. i hate you." Steve growled at Loki who rolled his eyes and unlocked the wrist Shackle and let Steve go to the bathroom. Steve almost didn't make it his legs where so shaky, but he'd always been a stubborn asshole and made it to the bathroom on his own, biting back a curse as he realized that he wasn't in his own room and even if he had, Loki had probobly found the stash hidden under the false panel under the sink. filthy bastard. he was half tempted to see if he could get through the window, but he knew he wouldn't. he'd have to play nice until he could escape properly and catch up to his dealer. he wasn't sure how long that would take though. in the meantime, he could smell food and heard Loki badgering both Bucky and Tony into eating and decided to take a shower before he got his own food.
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