Misguided Genius(lady/moon)

Johnny smirked a little. "i'm good at being an asshole." he admitted with a chuckle as Steve blinked at Natasha. "...i feel as if something very big happened and i missed it." he admitted to her once all of the people where gone. "your right though, as much as i don't like him, he does make the most incredible stuff." he wasn't about to admit that his Watch Shield had saved his life when another junky had tried to mug him for his fresh bought stash.

Loki chuckled a little and shook his head. "sure, i can get that." Johnny promised. Reed had tons of the stuff laying around after he'd accidentally recreated it. Loki had explained to Johnny what was really going on and Johnny really wanted to light the other Avengers on fire. instead, he'd wait and see and if things got too bad, he'd take Tony to Africa for a vacation or something, let both teams sit in their own messes for a while. "oh please! i'm not muscle bound!" he protested even as he picked up the bag with a grunt, Loki carefully lightening it with a spell so Johnny didn't hurt himself as he carried it up to the training room where Steve was already in, trying to clean up the mess he'd made when the punching bag he'd been working on exploded all over the place. Loki ignored him, but was secretly amused by how much the man was struggling to work the piles of sand into a manageable single pile. he did however, clean the mess with a flick of his fingers before Tony arrived so Tony wouldn't yell at him for picking on Steve again.
“Me to.And I’m not quite sure what.”Natasha frowned disliking not knowing what they’d missed before nodding.”he does.”She agreed smiling a little.

“You’re more muscle bound then me, and definitely more then Loki.”Tony grinned as he darted close, stealing a kiss. “Thanks, prince charming, for carrying everything for me.”He grinned amused because he hadn’t heard what the other’s had been talking about as he worked. Simply having been aware that loki and johnny were in the room with him. “Capsicle! I have something for you.”Tony said, still nearly manic from working, though he was starting to calm. Wrinkling his nose a little as he saw what was left of the punching bag he smiled,”Come here Johnny.Help me.”He ordered looking pleased himself as he switched out the hook and bag, before turning to look at Steve. It was obvious he’d come straight from the lab, his hair every which way, and that bright amused look hiding a need for steve’s approval of the new toy. “Go ahead. punch.Though test if first, I’d hate to have you break your hand.”Tony grinned as he scampered off the chair he was standing on, settling on the floor to watch steve, biting his lip because he wasn’t sure it’d work. While in theory the rubber from reed’s suit, the sand and a solid core of a titanium-adamantium about 9 inches wide should hold up to a super soldier’s punch, but he was still waiting for it, preparing for disappointment.[/align]
he grinned. "why thank you, i work hard for this body." and he did. he worked out, every day, without fail, harder than anyone else on his team did. they all thought he was a lazy man whore, but he worked very hard to manage his body. and he managed what the press did, and did not release as well. anytime they had something on Reed, Ben or Sue, he did something extravagant and outrageous and all attention would be drawn to him. he even did it for Tony, when he could. "must you call me that?" Steve complained, sounding annoyed as he studied the thing in Tony's arms, impressed despite himself. "you got it." Johnny agreed, grunting as he struggled to lift it enough for Tony to hook it in place, sighing in relief when Steve quickly moved to assist. "it's heavy!" Steve muttered, a little shocked that Johnny had managed to carry it so far. "...er..." Steve hesitated a little and then threw a careful punch, slowly getting harder and harder until a normal punching bag would have been dust. Steve couldn't help it, he grinned, a bright, happy cheerful grin and he turned to Tony with honest gratitude. "thanks Tony. this is the best!" he admitted, Johnny smiling a little, glad that Steve was at least properly appreciative. "well now that we're done, with that, i need to sit down, i think my arms where turned into noodles." Johnny admitted with a chuckle as he flopped onto his back to catch his breath.
“I know. And I apperciate it.”Tony said smirking at the other, flicking a glance over the other, because he knew what johnny did sometimes for him,even if he did it for johnny to, and the rest of his team. They really were well suited to being friends. Tony flinched a little at Steve’s words, shrugging a little.”No, I guess not.”He said before smirking at steve’s words.”Of course it is.Had to figure out what wouldn’t break.”Tony said tilting his head pleased as he watched steve punch, a equally bright smile crossing tony’s face. “You’re welcome.And if you manage to break that, well, I dunno what I’ll do, but something.”Tony snickered a little before looking down at johnny, smirking as he stood over him. “Hm, at least it’s just your arms that are limp.”he said looking amused before smirking at loki.”Just relax, Storm. I have training anyways.”Tony said rolling his eyes as he fiddled with his bracelets, resisting the urge to suit up as he turned to look at loki.”Well, let’s play then.”He said looping easily over to the sparring ring even as he called for jarvis to turn on music, his smirk fierce and amused as Nickelback’s ‘figure you out’ started blaring. While he wasn’t admitting to finding cap attractive, he wasn’t above seeing how long it would take to make him uncomfortable.
Johnny smiled at him, equally affectionate. they would always probobly be intimate, even if they weren't fucking, they where too used to being 'touch friendly' with each other. "well it's great Tony, really. i appreciate it. i was just going to ask you for the money to buy some more, this is about twenty times better." Steve admitted before pausing. "Training!?" he asked, stunned. Tony trained?! when the hell had that happened?! he rdidn't say anything though, mostly because he was curious. Loki stepped into the ring, shedding his own outer clothes as he did so. "....uh, is this song talking about Sex?" "of course it is Captain." Johnny scoffed. "that's the best kind of music." "..." Steve didn't bother to respond to that, too busy watching Loki show Tony some... amazing maneuvers. he was stunned at how skilled Loki really was as he showed Towny how to break a grab and then flip someone over their shoulder. "Johnny, come up here." Loki ordered suddenly. "Tony, i want you to try and kick his ass." Loki informed him. "you've advanced quite quickly, especially being a human." he teased Tony with a grin. "i want to see how well you put everything you've learned into a 'real life scenario'. Johnny, don't hit him in the face." "....i don't wanna hit him at all." well he did, but now while in the company of others. Johnny crouched a little, examined tony and then struck. but Johnny was a hard hitter, Tony was a sneaky sneak and Johnny found himself on the ground, blinking stupidly at the ceiling. "woah... what just happened?"
“Uh-huh. Asgardian hand to hand. It’s fairly awesome, so can’t wait till he lets me suit up and see how much I can do with it on”Tony said responding to Steve’s question without even really paying attention, snickering as the song switched over to animals, slanting a glance towards the captain even as he blocked a punch to the face. “If you think I’m getting my ass kicked to jazz or something, you’re insane.”He said panting only a little as he worked to keep up with loki, it’d taken alot of practice to do this with the arc reactor weighing down his chest, not to mention having to work through the panic of having loki anywhere near enough to bust it up. Startling a little as he stepped back he smirked. “I’m always advanced. I’m a amazing student.”He grinned before smirking at Johnny, “You don’t want to hit me?I’ll have to remember that.”he snickered even as he sneak attacked his friend, crouching down, one foot resting on johnny’s chest and holding him down, the other balanced on the floor. “I just won. Do I get to claim a prize now?”He said, for a man who normally subbed for johnny, he was sounding awfully dominate. Except he was always, always a mouthy brat.
Steve blinked a little, wondering if maybe he shouldn't be a bit more afraid of the two people in the ring. Loki used weird movements to do things to people twice his size that shouldn't have been possible. "Jazz is the best music ever!" Steve complained, sulking, not realizing that this was the closest thing to a conversation he'd ever had with Tony that didn't involve insults. "you are an amazing Student." Loki agreed before smirking as Johnny smirked at Tony, eyes flashing playfully. "you're right, i do like hitting you." he agreed with a laugh, making Steve pause, confused. was that normal to joke about things like that? "...hold on..." Johnny ordered, still a bit dazed. "what did you say? my ears where ringing." he admitted, making Loki laugh as he repeated Tony's suggestion, Johnny smirked. "you can do anything you want to me tonight, hows that?" he teased, because he was always happy to sub for Tony anytime Tony needed it. Johnny wasn't fussed either way. "can i get up now?" Johnny asked, sulking. "and make sure Jarvis never breaths a word about this to anyone. Sue's already on my ass about 'practicing'." he scoffed. "like she can talk, i haven't seen her so much as take a walk." he growled as he slowly sat up, Steve tilting hi head as he considered Johnny. "you don't like your team?" "they don't like me." Johnny stated with a scowl at Steve. "why bother putting effort into making someone like me, when they'll never see me as anything other than an attention seeking man whore?" Steve frowned, confused. he had a feeling that Johnny was eluding to something bigger here but... he was too high to really figure it out. "c'mon Stark, having you kick my ass turned me on." Johnny admitted, making steve splutter and finally leave.
“Yea, if you’re over 95 years old.”Tony shot back, well aware this was the most normal conversation they’d ever had. “You and the rest of the world’s population anyways.”Tony added looking at the other, snickering at johnny’s complaint, flushing a little.”I think I like that.”he said amused before smirking, standing. “Of course, though it seems parts of you are already ‘up.’”Tony muttered before smirking again.”Does anyone ever see the invisble girl do anything?”he pointed out slanting a look towards johnny as him and steve talked. “Storm.”he warned he knew where he was going with this talk, and he so didn’t want to go there, not when for once, steve was in a room with him with yelling, frowning slightly as he considered his captain before sighing. “Hm, it did, did it?”Tony smirked leaning down, wrapping his hands in the other’s shirt and dragging him up.”Loki, do me a favor, go start dinner?We’re going to be a little while.”he smirked even as he kissed Johnny, already pushing him back towards the showers, having every intention of putting the locker room to good use.

"...You look upset."Natasha said raising her eyebrows as she looked up at steve as he walked into the room, looking at her friend in bemusement, the whole time in the tower, leaving her feeling out of sorts, and she was struggling to get her bearings.
Steve huffed. "i'm not Old!" "just old fashioned?" Loki asked, smirking a little as Steve sulked. "...well.... maybe a little.." Steve admitted. hey, he'd be the first to admit he was still trying to live in the 1930's. Johnny started to laugh at the Invisible girl comment, that was hilarious, it really was! shame Sue wasn't here to hear it. "yeah yeah, i know." Johnny grumbled, sulking a little as he scowled at Steve who just got the impression he was missing something big. really big. "sure. i'll make something nice." Loki decided, pondering what to make as he wandered off as Johnny hummed into the kiss, smirking a little as he reached down and cupped tony's ass. "god you're a sexy bastard." Johnny moaned as he wriggled against Tony, smirking. "you won, so i'll follow any order you want." which was a change, like Tony, Johnny found it very hard not to be a mouthy bastard.

Steve looked up at her, a bit startled before shaking his head. "it's nothing... at least i think it's noting. i'm not sure. both Johnny and Loki keep making these... comments." he admitted. "have you noticed? and Tony will get, not upset but... sort of? and make them stop. i think they're trying to say something without saying it, and i'm just not catching the references..." he paused. "is it normal to joke about hitting each other?" he asked curiously. "i mean, they where sparring but.. it seamed a bit weird to me." he admitted, sighing as he shook his head. "Nothing in this world makes sense..."
Tony rolled his eyes a little at johnny’s sulking, knowing better then to think he could stop him from sulking, he was actually figuring it was amazing that he got him to shut up for awhile.”Hm, it’s good for you know remember that.”Tony smirked looking amused.”We really are a good match. You just can’t shut up can you?”Tony teased as he turned on the water, and pushed johnny to his knees, even as he undressed, leaning back against the wall as he let the water slick his hair down, relaxing under the water. “Suck, storm.”He order dragging johnny towards his cock,”I have a better use for that mouth rather then talking.”He ordered closing his eyes, while he knew he could have anything, and probably would later, for the moment he was just enjoying a blow job before tugging the man off his cock, dragging him up and pinning him to the wall,growling quietly. “What do you want Johnny?”He muttered slipping his fingers into him, stretching the other slowly, holding his hands in one of his, pinning them above his head, glad that while johnny was taller, he wasn’t that much taller then him. Pinning him there as he thrust into him slowly, groaning as he felt johnny tightening around his cock.”...hmm...so good...”he muttered hands tight on the other’s wrists, rougher then he usually was, still riding the high of being johnny in a spar, and of getting steve to be so happy with something he’d done. Really being rough with the other, because he knew johnny would tap out if he was to rough.

Natasha frowned a little before nodding.”I know.I don’t...it’s like I almost understand what they’re getting at, but not.”Natasha huffed sounding frustrated.”And he is.Tony’s upset without being upset. It’s fairly annoying.”She grumbled. Before looking startled. “...no. Not unless you’re clint, usually.”Natasha said looking interested and wondering just what kidn of teasing was going on, before smiling,”Are you sure they weren’t talking about hitting on each other?I mean, they are sleeping together.”Natasha pointed out before sighing softly. “Are you okay?”She said studying him, also worried about him.
Loki chuckled at the two, shaking his head a little. "of course i can't shut up. i just live to talk." he admitted with a smirk as he licked his lips playfully before shivering as he was pulled down and ordered to suck. and suck he did, using his extraordinary talents to good use. he whined as he was pulled off of Tony's cock and moaned as he was pinned to the wall, spreading himself for Tony. "Anything." he moaned. "anything you want. hurt me. pleasure me, i don't care." he admitted. so long as Tony gave it to him, he would take anything. "Fuck. Tony. so good. it feels so good." he moaned, open and pliant under the other, panting eagerly as he let Tony be as rough as he wanted. it took a lot more than that to make Johnny tap out, who was a lot more of a masochist than Tony was. "bite me. please, Tony bite me, bite me bite me..." he moaned, eager for his own Orgasm. being bitten was one of Johnny's most favorite things when he was on the Sub side. and as rough as Tony was right now, Johnny knew it would leave a bruise, just like he wanted.

Steve nodded. "oh good. i'm not the only one whose noticed then... Tony's hiding something then and Johnny and Loki are trying to clue us in to it... did you know that Johnny doesn't like the others in the Fantastic Four?" Steve asked, looking rather horrified by the idea. "that's what he said anyway. i mean, the look on his face when he said it, it was like he just hated them." he admitted, biting his lip. "it's kind of sad isn't it? having to work with people you hate. i wonder if we could offer him a spot on the avengers? he's a bit of an asshole but he seams to keep Loki and Stark in line at least..." delusional little asshole. "could be. i think they where flirting with each other at any rate." he admitted, making a face. "Tony was playing sex music again the little bastard." he complained. "...did you know Loki's been teaching him how to fight? like honest to god, hand to hand fight. he just tossed Johnny about like the man was a rag doll."
“Hm, you live to do soemthing.”Tony snickered a little, closing his eyes, moaning softly as he thrust into the other’s mouth.”so it does.Aways good.”Tony muttered as he fucked him, nosing the other’s neck with his nose, nuzzling him a little as he fucked him,growling as he sank his teeth into the other’s neck, high along his neck, just under his jaw, just a tad to high to be covered with a shirt,nearly drawing blood as he came, shuddering as he fucked the other through his orgasm, hand closing on johnny’s cock, stroking him off as he shuddered.

“What?Really?”Natasha looked startled before tilting his head. “I know we’re missing something.”She said huffing frustrated be nodding.”I twould suck to work with people you don’t like...I mean, it’s bad enough with tony, but he’s okay.he’s never around.”Natasha pointed out looking thoughtful about that.”You know, that’s not a bad idea.”she said before laughing.”He usually is. He enjoys the music, and enjoys making you uncomfortable.”She pointed out before her mouth fell open a little. “Wearing the suit right?”She said because she couldn’t imagine tony stark doing physical workout without the suit.
Johnny moaned, arching into the touch, wriggling as he was bitten, a sharp cry leaving his mouth. the same cry he always used when he really, really liked something. he came hard, spilling his seed across the shower stall with a jerk and that cute little mewl he was so good at. "f...fuck." he moaned, leaning back against Tony because he wasn't sure he could support his own weight at the moment. "Fuck Tony." he muttered with a smile. "i think you drew blood." he admitted, grinning as he touched the mark on his neck, pulling his hand away to check for blood. nope, none. darn. "you know, people are going to see this." Johnny teased with a grin as he stretched and groaned. "that was awesome. we should go to the bedroom and do some more." he teased with a smile.

he nodded. "i know. missing something big." he grumbled. oh those poor oblivious bastards. "he's an asshole." Steve grumbled before he smiled at her stunned shock. "i was shocked watching it, i can't imagine how your feeling. no suit. no padding. just fists and feet. Tony flipped Johnny like the man was a rag doll." he admitted. "....then they left to have sex." he grumbled, making a face. "in the communal showers." he growled, annoyed that there where now three man whores in the building. no matter what they said, he was sure that Loki was fucking Tony, maybe even Johnny too. sluts.
Tony grinned widely as he heard the mewl,brusging his lips over johnny's skin tenderly as he wrapped a arm around his waist,holding him up as he drew out of him.more then anything he could have said,that involuntary sound reassured tont he was doing okay. Smirking at johnny's words."do you actually care if someone sees?I don't."tony shrugged carelessly."everyone who matters already knoes I'm fucking you stupid."he snickered before his eyes brightened more."that was awesome...I'd been thinking about joining the others for dinner but I think I'll just have loki bring it to us later.lets just go to bed."he said snickering as he pulled on his jeans, dressing only enough to not scandalize the reat of the tower residents before heading to the bedroom.

"He is but again,he hardly leaves the lab.limited exposure to the ass."natasha shuddered a little before looking both intereste and disturbed."you know,id say you were lying but your the captain...."she teased a little looking amused and a little disturbed,patting steve's arm."xont get so annoyed.if he knows its bothering you more then he already guessed,it'll just get worse."she warned sighing quietly knowing tony was twisted enough to enjoy screwing with cap.

Though it was morning before tony emerged from the bedroom, though fairly early. Freshly showered and just in a pair of cargo shorts he paused blinking srupidly at the stupid soldier cooking. He'd gotten up to get something to snack on while he worked on his tablet while johnny slept and counted on the early hour to not see anyone.of course,he'd forgotten about stupid super soldier schedules. And so had forgotten to tug on a shirt to hide the bruises decorating his torso,because no matter how easy you used it,you were going to leave bruises under pink stripes if you used it long enough,and between him and johnny they'd spent enough time switch hitting last night to look like they'd gotten in a fight instead of having sex. Starting a little when he realized he'd been staring stupidly at steve he swallowed hard looking away and nodding towards some of the eggs steve was making."will you make me some of that?please."
Johnny smiled a little as he shuddered as Tony drew out, muttering about how amazing that felt. "no, not really." he admitted with a chuckle as he rubbed his neck, just to feel the sting, humming happily. "this is true. by the way, Sue thinks you're an abusive lover." he admitted with a chuckle. "it took me several hours to explain BDSM to her." he snickered again. "i've never seen her so red in my entire life." he admitted with a smirk. "it was awesome." he admitted with a grin. "i agree. no point in joining them." he agreed as he dragged Tony to the bedroom.

Steve nodded. "...sort o bothers me though, how Tony hides all the time. you think he'd be strutting around laying weird rules down. it IS his house after all." he admitted. "i try not to get annoyed." he admitted with a shake of his head. "sometimes it's just so hard to keep calm." he admitted with a huff.

"....oh my god Tony!" Steve gasped, dropping the bowl he had been mixing eggs in. "What the hell happened?!" he demanded as he moved over to tony before rage tightened his features as 'he connected the dots'. he connected the wrong dots of course, but hey, he was old fashioned. "i'm going to kill him!" Steve growled. "why didn't you TELL anyone he was beating you Tony!? Jesus Fuck you looked better after the battle with the aliens!" Steve was completely freaked out and so furious that he wasn't sure what to do. he wanted to go turn Johnny into Paste, but he also wanted to fuss over Tony. he had seen girls covered in bruises like that back in his day after men had hit them. they had often hidden from people, had been shy, snappy, bitches and such so to Steve, all the 'signs' fit to Tony being beaten by his 'lover'. "...i'll get Bruce!" Steve decided. "do you have any broken bones?! are you coughing up blood!?" "...what's with all the yelling?" Johnny demanded as he walked in and Steve saw red. he roared, he did scream, he didn't snarl, no, he roared, like a lion, and was on top of a screaming Johnny in seconds. a Johnny who Flamed just enough to get Steve off of him and tried to flee, which drew in the attention of Clint, who saw Tony's bruises, saw Steve attacking Johnny... and took Steve's side in thinking Johnny was the enemy. the Flame Man had to leap out the window to get away, he wouldn't go far of course, and he wasn't hurt aside from a few more painful bruises, but he was more than a little pissed that he had been attacked.
Tony rolled his eyes a little as johnny rubbed his neck, knowing why the man was doing it, before snickering. “Poor sue. She probably didn’t know you could have sex in more then a missionary position in bed. Which is sad, considering she’s married to a real-life stretch armstrong.”Tony snickered, just because he liked embarassing johnny, smirking a little. “but I would have paid good money to see it.”Tony snickered

Tony startled at the sound of the bowl hitting the floor looking confused and oh so sleepy as he considered what the other was talking about.”Kill who?”he muttered starting to wake up more before looking down at himself, finally realizing what steve was talking about. He was way to tired to deal with this. “I-no. I’m fine.”Tony said even as Steve talked over him, wincing a little as johnny walked into the room, fucking hell just what he didn’t need. “Enough!”Tony snarled as he shifted to block the view of the window, turning to glare at his teammates. Looking all the more impressive for being half dressed and more then a little exhausted. Ignoring both bruce and natasha as they ran into the room, though it was unwise to ignore the hulk when it was obvious he was close to coming out, but for the moment, his whole temper was focused on the men in front of him. “You-you-”Tony stopped taking a deep breath, before hissing between clenched teeth, and natasha winced as she watched him. This wasn’t the usual flashes of temper and pettiness, this was what Coulson had warned her was under all that flashy pride and temper, this was the cold rage that had allowed Tony to walk away from things most people wouldn’t survive, and she wondered just how hurt clint and steve would be after Tony was done, because it looked like the man had finally lost his control.

“You, Steven Grant Rogers, already think I’m worthless?Is this not what I deserve?And Barton, it’s so good to see the good puppet back, instead of thinking on your own.”Tony snarled, lashing out at them, because he’d finally lost his temper bad enough to spew some of the sarcastic viciousness he’d been shoving aside in favor of trying to accept people in his life, but at the moment he couldn’t. Before deflating a little, studying the two for a long moment before shaking his head.”Fury said I had to let you live here. He never said I had to be here. I’m going to LA for the next week, and NO ONE-that includes you loki- is to visit me, unless you can convince Loki your truly apologetic and understand why this was totally unacceptable.”Tony snarled from between clenched teeth, before stepping back off the broken window ledge, knowing he was going to freak them out, totally, but it was well worth it as he free fell, grinning as the suit closed in around him. “Storm, feel like a cross country race?”He called as soon as he got jarvis to track down the other.
Steve had never been more furious in his entire life. Johnny had gotten away and now Tony was defending him! and then he saw the look on Tony's face and felt fear. it was entirely too close to the look he had gotten from Loki a time or two. true, and total, complete loathing. hatred. tony HATED him. why did that hurt so much!? Clint was much less impervious to the looks and was practically trying to crawl inside of himself. Steve jerked, stunned as he stared at Tony and suddenly... everything the other two had tried to explain suddenly made sense with Tony's next words. it wasn't that tony hated them, it was that he thought they hated him... fuck. and he wasn't wrong, the Avengers did dislike Tony and had said so, and shown so often. "...Tony. come on man, it's Cap! he doesn't attack anyone..." Clint tried to justify himself. "i thought..." but he hadn't so he just shut up. Loki just stood there, leaning against the counter, his eyes promising severe, and painful retribution. "i will ensure they understand Tony." Loki promised the man as he studied the man. "take a vacation, you deserve it. i'll take care of everything." he promised. "if you need anything from here, just Text me and i'll send it to you." Loki promised. "be gone at least a month. maybe when they realize just how much you actually do for them, they'll realize just how much they fucked up."

Johnny smiled at Tony. "they think i'm beating you, don't they? i sent a text to Sue." he admitted. "she's not very supportive of me being in a BDSM relationship, but she won't like it what the Avengers tried to beat me up because of it either. could be fun. in any case i'm sick of being a good boy. lets go take a vacation." he agreed, shaking his head.

it only took a week for the Avengers, and the Fantastic Four to realize just how much Tony and Johnny had done for them. Natasha had apparently gotten pregnant three times in the last week. with Tony's child, Steve's Child and Clint's child. Bruce's most recent Hulk Out was everywhere with rumors alive about why he'd done it, whether or not he should be 'put down' or 'put in a Zoo'. everyone was asking where Johnny Storm and Tony Stark where and why they no longer felt like they could go back to their own homes. Sue Storm had indeed come into the Avengers tower and screamed at Steve and Clint for a good hour about hitting people without proof of anything and left only because Bruce talked her calm. Loki refused to speak to any of them after his attempts to explain that Tony wanted, and een needed a bit of pain to calm down failed. and was activally refusing to clean, cook, or even set foot in the Tower unless Tony needed something. Loki was now 'living' at Stark Industries, mostly and the Press was all over that as well, so needless to say, the Avengers where having a hell of a time.
Tony raised his eyebrows staring at clint, the words on the tip of his tongue to speak, the glare saying what he’d been about to say about clint following other people’s actions but even now, restrained enough to not dump the helipad incident in his lap.Even now, he wanted to be liked. “Good.And a month sounds awesome. Later.”Tony said not even bothering to say goodbye to the other’s, knowing he’d be able to get ahold of loki if he needed to.

“Yea, they do.It would have been better if I hadn’t been so tired. I would have figured out what he was talking about sooner.”Tony winced a little before smiling a little. ‘Your sister amuses me. And I definitely plan on being very bad on this vacation.”Tony snickered as they left.

When wrinkled his nose as he stepped into the avengers tower, because while he was away he’d also given it some thought. Signing the tower over to the avengers, so that if something did happen, they’d still have a home after he was gone. But also he wasn’t going to tell them, because he was sure he’d be kicked out. But it was there, just in case, along with everything else he’d taken care of while he was gone, even if that was the only one that was involved with the avengers. For the most part, he’d stepped back and watched everything go to hell. Wrinkling his nose he was glad he’d convinced both loki and johnny to let him come home alone first, simply wanting to get back to the tower as quietly as possible, and see how everything was before he dealt with anything else. Pausing as he considered what to do, he sighed, knowing it was now or ever, knowing jarvis hadn’t announced his arrival home, so he’d see how things were standing now. Getting jarvis to take him to the gym level where the others were,(well, steve and clint, as natasha was at Shield headquarters and bruce buried in the lab) he took a deep breath and stepped inside. "Urgh. It smells in here, you two."He grumbled to himself though he was walking towards the other two sparring.
Johnny had absolutly adored his Month off and it showed. Johnny had always beena little pale, a little too thin, stressed from dealing with people who didn't like him and didn't want him around day in and day out. now he was flushed, had a very healthy tan, had put on a few pounds and looked hotter than ever. and thanks to Johnny fussing over Tony almost constantly, Tony was looking ever too healthy as well. Johnny had found a sadistic delight in watching the Fantastic Four suffer some of the stuff he had saved them from, though he had very nearly gone to help them with Doctor Doom when he'd showed his face again and they found it very difficult to face against him with only three of them. then Loki showed up, had a quiet word with Vincent Doom and the bad guy had just shrugged and wandered off, making the Fantastic Four look like assholes with no skill. it had Johnny laughing so hard he nearly pissed himself. he promised Tony he'd call him later, gave him a kiss and headed to his own home now that Sue was calling more than once a day.

"Tony?" Clint asked, looking a bit started and oh, so very relieved. "well. we're big men and we sweat heavy and... well, cleanings not what we're good at." he admitted sheepishly as he crawled out of the Ring, hesitating before. "Tony i'm sorry. i never should have attacked Johnny without figuring out what was going on. i can't... say that i understand, but... as long as your willing, i won't say anything about it, and i certainly won't hit him again unless you give me permission.... or he touches Nat... or me... because i'm sorry but if he fondles me all bets are off." Steve stayed in the ring, and to be honest he... looked horrible. his eyes where shadowed from a serious lack of sleep. he was much thinner than he should have been. his hair was limp, and a little too long and his eyes where bloodshot and he looked like he hadn't shaved in weeks. how had Clint not noticed how crappy Cap looked? of course, the changes had happened slowly, over the course of a month, they hadn't noticed because it wasn't slapping them int he face like it was Tony.
Tony grinned, because while the month off had been pretty much a vacation simply to get away, and though it was a vacation he had spent some time doing some work. And he was looking forward to telling cap...well, sort of. He was actually nervous, be still, he was happy to have taken the time off, just been with johnny, the two fussing and taking care of each other because that’s what lovers did. He to, had taken delight in watching the avengers not only deal with loki, but some of the other small time bad guys showing up, but despite not sure what he was going to find at home, he was glad to be there.

“Uh, yea. Billionaire playboy here.”Tony said pausing, stopping, looking nervous about the other’s relief at having him there, a quiet confusion showing on his face, a uncertainty of having them glad he was there. “Uh, thanks. And the only one he wants to fondle is me.”Tony said at a loss for what to say to the archer, before glancing up at cap, waiting for him to say something before taking a second look, “Cap?”he said his eyes widening before turning to look at Clint, shoving at him. Looking annoyed and angry.”What the hell did you guys do?Fucking hell. If you would have told him Cap was looking this bad, Loki would have cooked.”Tony said looking anxious and worried, responding as if they were all friends, instead of him desperately wanting it, and always locked out of the friendship that existed between the rest of the avengers. His news for the captain forgotten in favor of figuring out what happened, even as he texted loki to ask what happened when clint didn’t answer quickly enough.
Clint smiled at Tony, relieved that Tony wasn't mad at him anymore. "so long as he keeps his hands to himself." he paused and then smirked. "...just answer one thing for me... is it true you got Johnny to wear a nurses outfit?" yes. yes it was. he looked stunned as he was shoved, and then angry himself. "Tony!? what the fuck!?" he demanded, looking at Steve. "i don't understand. he's just growing a beard. i think it's a good idea! Beards are completely american, you know?" Steve snorted a little. "i'm fine Tony." Steve promised, shaking his head as Loki replied that there wasn't anything wrong with Cap as far as he knew. he'd been dropping off food every week that even Clint could make and that he'd checked in on them without them noticing to make sure they hadn't killed each other or anything and had picked up just enough to make sure the house didn't stick and piling up filth. "...seriously." Clint complained, examining Steve a little harder, making the super soldier fidget as he slid out of the ring. "whatever. i'm going to go take a shower." Steve muttered. it wasn't hard to tell he was running away, though he was trying to hide it. failing, but trying. "...i hadn't noticed but he does look a bit... rough." Clint admitted, looking extremely ashamed that he hadn't noticed before. but then, neither had Bruce or Natasha or Loki.
“He will.You don’t play rough, you sissy.”Tony said still looking a little unsure about being included in this new friendship whatever it was before smirking. “Of course. And many other things to go with it.”Tony smirked slightly before looking at clint, looking uncertain. “I-I guess.”Tony said looking like he wasn’t sure, maybe he wasn’t as people good as he thought?Probably. Looking relieved though when Clint agreed with him, before nodding, “Barton, I just spent a month staring at a look-a-like. I think you can be forgiving for not noticing, when I had a healthy version to stare at.”Tony grumbled a little biting his lip a little. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll talk to him. I have things to tell him anyways.”And there he was looking nervous again about telling him, before sighing.”J?Will you have Cap come up to the medical floor when he’s done?”He said pausing before looking at clint. “Come on. I could use some help.”He said looking vaguely nervous himself, not because he was worried about what was waiting for him, but he was going to put someone between him and steve just in case the man had a violent reaction to what tony had found while he was gone.

Quiet, fidgeting as him and clint went upstairs, because despite wanting to be friends, and accepting that the other was trying, he was still horrible with people, and after having them hate him for so long, he didn’t exactly trust this new attitude. “So. I found interesting things to do while I was gone.You know, hacking Shield, going on adventures, making Storm de-ice things for me...”Tony said rambling a little, because he always did when he was upset he gestured to the bed, wincing again at the sight of James ‘Bucky’ barnes sleeping. Well...sleeping was one word for it. A coma was another. Frankly, Johnny thought he was insane for having only given in and let the two of them go after the winter soldier once he’d discovered his location in shield’s files, but he’d wanted a chance to judge if it was worth waking him up, before he’d gotten steve involved.
Clint snorted. "i'm sorry if pain doesn't get me off." he shuddered. "i've been tortured one too many times for it to ever be sexual." that was true, he nearly had a panic attack several months ago when he got tangled up in some ropes. he'd been in a full blown flashback by the time the others had come to rescue him. "...it just..." he frowned. "i hadn't... i don't understand how no one noticed." he admitted. "you don't think he's sick do you?" he asked, looking worried. "why's he trying to hide it anyway?" he groaned,s crubbing his face. "this sucks! i finally solve one problem and now there's another... not that you where ever a problem, just how i was treating you." he promised Tony. "i never realized just how much crap i was giving you... i really am sorry." Clint admitted before he bit his lip. "...how did Tony make Victor Doom stop?" he asked curiously. "because that was kick ass." Loki claimed it was Blackmail but Tony knew he was lying.

he followed Tony up and was more than a little shocked to see who was laying on the bed, gaping at the man, mouth open and eyes wide. "Tony. is that who i think it is?" he asked softly, stunned as Steve stepped in, slightly damp but dressed... even if there was a bit of soap in his hair. "hey. what's up?" Steve asked, glancing at the bed before going completely frozen, staring at the man laying there for a long, long time before he blinked and poked Clint. "do me a favor?" Steve demanded, Clint blinking. "....stab me? i think i'm dead..." Clint snorted and shook his head. "you're not dead." "are you sure?" "very sure." "....i think i'm dead." he sounded a bit... off too but that could be explained away as shock.
“It’s a true tragedy, that me and Johnny will be more then welcome to make up for your lacking in.”Tony teased a little before shrugging.”Well, I dunno,but it’s easier to see change when you don’t see it every day as it changes.I mean, it was a gradual thing for you, for me, he looked like himself when I left.”He pointed out before tensing, his features shuttering closed, closing off at clint’s words, despite the reassurance, the man was emotionally fucked up enough to alawys think he was the problem, no matter what anyone told him. “It’s okay.”he muttered brushing it away, because he thought it was okay. No one could ever give him as much shit as he gave himself. The fact that the other’s were now aware of just how serious he could take things, went right over his head, not realizing loki had clued them in on their resident self-hating billionaire. “Hm, promises of amazing, immortal sex.”Tony said snickering a little, because he knew loki was enjoying screwing with the avengers over how it had happened, and him and johnny had a bet on who would figure it out first, the avengers or fantastic four.

“Uh-huh. Dethawed and fresh from the former soviet union.”Tony said before glancing up at steve, “...you have soap in your hair.”The billionaire said focusing on that instead of what he should be doing, because he was to anxious about steve’s reaction to not focus on the small things before smirking a little, shaking his head, hesitating for a moment before pushing Steve into a chair. “Nope. Not dreaming. Dad...dad had suspected the tampering Schimdt had done to him in the camp resulted in something like your serum. Well, they all thought you survived. I took his thinking one step further and figured if you survived, he might have to. Took me awhile to track down where he was, but yea, he’s alive. Well, kinda. He’s still on ice, we couldn’t dethaw him quickly, and I had to bring him back here, to do it.”Tony rambled, well that explained why he was back a few days early, and rambling because he was so, so not looking forward to telling steve exactly what else he had found in shield’s files, wasn’t sure what he thought about it himself. Made him wonder just how deep the corruption in the agency went, and left him feeling lost on who to trust, even his team. Though he knew that was a stupid thing, their treatment of him, had left him feeling at a loss on who to trust besides loki and johnny.
Clint snorted a little as shook his head. "hey. you have your issues and i can have mine." he stated with a smirk. "yeah i guess. i just, now that you mention it, he does sort of look like crap and i don't think i've really seen him eating anything. i just figured he was making food in his room but..." he bit his lip a little. "it's not okay Tony." Clint muttered. "it really isn't. especially when i didn't een realize i was doing it. i was an asshole. and while i like being a dick, i like to do it on purpose." he admitted with a small smile before he stared at Tony. "...your joking Right? please tell me your joking because if Loki is tapping... that, i have to hit him... just on principle." he pointed out.

"...soap?" Steve asked, reaching up to touch his hair, grimacing. "dammit... i'm not used to Showers yet." he admitted. "Bucky had one when we where kids... well, until we forgot to turn the burner off and the water heater blew up... boy his mom was pissed." Steve muttered, still staring at Bucky. "...Howard was a dick. i hate Howard... i wonder if Peggy would get mad if i pushed him off the jet? probobly..." someone was clearly in shock. mix that with the fact that he'd been getting very high in the shower, well... Steve was trippin hard. "...i should get Bruce, shouldn't i?" Clint asked, looking at Tony. "there's actually something wrong with him, isn't there?" "huh? no no. i'm fine... just a shock." Steve admitted as he stared at Bucky, too stunned to really say anything. "...how did you find him? he must have been hidden..." there was a long pause and then Steve carefully reached out and touched Bucky. "shit... he's cold..."
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