Misguided Genius(lady/moon)

"of course i don't share well. i can just imagine you with the ability to use magic, it's a terrifying thought." Loki admitted with a roll of his eyes before chuckling as Steve went bright red at the joke, but he'd walked into it so he couldn't really say anything about it. "yes well, i changed my mind." Loki stated as he examined his fingernails. "you mocked my manicure." and indeed, Loki's fingernails where perfectly sculptured. as if he'd had it professionally done. considering it was Loki, he probobly had. he took his popcorn up to Tony and smiled at the man. "it went well today. you clearly scored some points with the rooms." he assured the other. "have some popcorn."

"it's kind of shocking how well he and Tony get along." Clint muttered as he shook his head. "...and there's no saying that he's sober." "no. he's sober. he doesn't stink of alcohol." Steve admitted. "being that my sense of smell is twice, or even three times as strong as yours is, i'd know if there was liquor on his breath. i think Loki's keeping him sober. at least the little bastard is good for something." Steve grumbled. "good. thanks Bruce." Steve stated as he offered the other a small smile before he blinked at Natasha, hesitating. "yeah, sure." he agreed. "just to be clear... you think it's kind of creepy too right? how much effort Tony put into our rooms?.... you don't think he's like, a stalker do you?" Steve asked, looking concerned. "i really hate Fury..."
“I’d be a amazing sith lord. Could you imagine, I’d be great. Darth Vader lite.”Tony snickered because he so knew that the joke would annoy the others, but it was a long standing joke between him and loki, because he’d make a terrible sith lord. Truly terrible. “EVERYONE mocks your manicure.”He said before shrugging as he slumped into the couch as he turned on the movie, turning on battleship-for once not a magical related movie, though it did have aliens- to weary and upset to just make fun of loki. “Good. They’re still unhappy, but its okay.”Tony shrugged a little as he started eating, simply settling into watching tv for once instead of working.

“It really is.”Natasha agreed before tilting her head, glancing at steve. “Thank god. If he has to be here, at least he can keep him sober. Tony’s even more annoying drunk.”She muttered before smiling. “Let’s go then.And yes. It is. And probably not, I mean, he’s listened to you complain about tech for two years, he probably didn’t want to listen to it in his own house,besides, he buys everyone things when he wants something. He’s just trying to get onto the avengers. Don’t worry.”She reassured before agreed.”Me to.”

And despite his desire to get along with them, and make friends, it wasn’t until three days later that tony emerged from the lab, and the slightly wet curling hair and fresh clothes said that loki had finally gotten tired of him hiding from them all and dragged him out. And tony had been hiding simply because he wanted to apologize, but he’d been hiding and not sure how to connect with any of the people living with him, so he’d been hiding. Not realizing the others might take it as him sulking that they were here, simply pissed that they were there. He’d simply been trying to deal with what to do next. Which, was why he was holding a box as he walked into the common rooms, a slightly pained smile twitching his lips as he watched the rest of his team playing video games-even inept steve was using a game controller- to play mario cart. And bruce while not playing, was still in the room reading over folders of work. “hey guys.I have stuff for you.”He said lifting the box, the mask of flashy genius easily settling into place to hide the hurt that he hadn’t been invited. “Lots of stuff, spy stuff. Toys. They’re kinda fun.”He said rambling a bit.
Loki rolled his eyes. "you make a terrible Dark Lord. i mean honestly." he scoffed. "my Manicure is not for mocking! you now have to listen to no radio for four weeks." he stated with a sniff as he headed up to watch the movie. sitting entirely too close to Tony, offering him comfort.

Loki walked in a little bit after Tony and Clint studied Tony, his head tilted. Steve didn't bother to look away, he was trying to make his little cart do as commanded, glaring at the screen as he went off the edge again. he hadn't made it more than ten feet at a time. he'd been in a much better mood lately at least, so hopefully he was adjusted to living in the tower. maybe. "....why am i going backwards!?" Steve demanded, glaring harder at the TV. "i really don't like this game." he grumbled, yet he kept trying as Clint glanced at Natasha, curious about what Tony had made. that, at least, the Avengers where used to. Pepper had commented about Tony locked up for days after inspiration. Clint and Steve both thought tony had been sulking, but at least he had been productive. "i don't have presents for you." Loki promised them all. "i'm making a special dinner tonight though, so you'd all better be there or i'll turn you horrible colors." "why the special event?" Steve asked curiously, Loki just sneering at him. today had been Peppers birthday. Loki intended to celebrate it for Tony's sake, because she deserved to be remembered, and honored.
Tony grinned as he watched steve trying to drive, snickering a little. “You’re pushing the lever in two different directions at once.”Tony pointed out looking amused at steve not being able to drive as he eased further into the room. Natasha shrugged a little looking at clint, pausing the game so they could see what their resident genius had come up with. “.,,,hey wait, you didn’t say I had to come up for a stupid party. I’m going back to the lab after this.”Tony whined looking decidely unhappy about having being included in this team building excerise. And while he wanted to get along with the team, right now, the man wanted to sulk and mourn and brood in his lab because it was the first birthday he was celebrating since pepper died, and he wanted to do it in his own way, not theirs. “Nothing. Just Loki being demanding.”Tony said deflecting, because he so didn’t want the looks of pity he knew he’d get once they realized what the day was. “Okay, presents first, then we’ll eat loki’s stupid food.”He huffed.

Reaching into the box, Tony grinned as he pulled out the handful of arrow heads, “Titiantium-gold, the same stuff my suit’s made out of, but this is the coolest part.”smiling happily, this was tony at his best, sharing and giving his presents to his team, for their protection. Letting the arrows fold out in his hands.”Figured you could carry more if their simply just arrow heads until you need them.”He said before dumping them in clint’s lap, then picked up a wrist watch and holding it out towards steve, biting his lip, letting the hologram spring to life between them, a perfect shield.”While it’s not as strong as your real one, it’s enough to use. I mean, you can totally throw it all the time, and...well, you’re not always going to have your suit and shield. I thought you could use a everyday thing since you do go out sometimes.”Tony shrugged before grinning at natasha who looked vaguely uneasy.”And you, lovely natasha, light of my life, get a dress.”Tony grinned as he pulled out the evening gown, “What does it do tony?” “It’s armor. Like the undersuit to the iron man. It’s strong enough to stand up to stabbing and guns, but for every day wear on missions.”
Loki chuckled as Steve glared at the controller. "this thing is too complicated." he grumbled, sulking as Natasha paused the game. "no your not." Loki stated simply. "you can go back tot he lab after dinner. you need to socialize." Loki stated, shooting Tony a look. one that even Natasha couldn't read, but that Tony would know instantly. Loki was worried about what would happen if he left Tony alone. "i'm always demanding." Loki stated with a smirk as he nudged Tony with his shoulder.

Clint blinked as he was given the arrows, shocked. those where so... so... useful! not like the usual crap Tony made that only rich bastards would ever want. he flicked one out to full length, amazed by them to say the least "okay. i'll admit it, these are pretty cool." Clint admitted, looking vaguely impressed as he examined them, already itching to go try them on a target. after all, if they didn't fly straight, what good where they? but he didn't want Nat to yell at him, so he tucked them into his pockets and watched as Steve accepted the wristwatch, yelping when Loki suddenly threw something. a pillow, which bounced off quite harmlessly. "Tony, do you remember that talk we had about flirting with people who obviously want to kill you?" Loki asked with a grin. "that applies here." he wasn't about to point out that Tony was sharing technology. not only that, but sharing Iron Man technology, which he had never, ever done before. "how do i turn it off?" Steve asked, poking at his watch. "i'm kind of amazed that it tells time." Steve admitted. "and it's not ugly." "whatever. Dinners in an hour." Loki ordered. "anyone who doesn't show up, will be dragged into place." "is he always like that?" Clint complained as Loki stalked off. Loki was grieving too though, he had really liked Pepper as well. she had helped him a lot and he wanted to honor her memory, which meant making everyone honor her memory, even if they didn't know they where honoring her.
Tony smiled a little as he watched steve, his mind already turning over ideas to simplify the controller for the super soldier before slanting a glance towards loki.”...They don’t want to socialize with meHell, you don’t want to. You just don’t want me near a arc welder.”Tony scowled in a foul mood because it was indeed pepper’s birthday, and he wanted to brood even if he knew loki was worried about him.

Tony hummed a little, pleased at clint’s reaction, “Also, they’re balance in case you want to use them as throwing knives to. So yea.”Tony shrugged smiling as loki threw a pillow. “Don’t worry. It can stand up to something stronger then a pillow. I threw punches at it with the suit, and dented the suit before I broke the shield, and of course it can tell time. Whats the use of having it then.”He huffed before pouting.”Finnnneee.No flirting.”He sulked though his grin said he really didn’t care and he was nervous about sharing the iron man stuff, even if it was just the underarmor and not the whole thing. It still made him twitchy, and only the half pleased smile on natasha’s face as she considered the thoughts of what she could do, made it okay. “Yea, usually. Now, I’m going to go drink until dinner’s ready.”Tony paused looking at them all, before poking steve in the shoulder. “Come talk to me.Please.”The billionaire muttered looking decidedly out of sorts even as he headed for the bar near the wall, not waiting for a answer as he poured himself a drink and headed out onto the balcony. Forcing the issue now, because well, it was pepper’s birthday, and she was always, always after him to be polite, and he figured it was time to apologize, even if he knew he was going to sound like a idiot.
Steve studied tony. the man wasn't usually that bad. "of course they want to socialize with you Tony." Loki chastised. "and i do want to socialize you. you missed Movie night." he complained, sulking at Tony. "i had to pick my own moie and it was crap. i am never listening to Jarvis's suggestion that i watch a documentary on Earth history ever again." "documentary?" "it's like a history lesson on TV." Loki explained to Steve. "they're boring as hell." he admitted, but that only made Steve more curious. he could catch up on some of earth's history that way. "really?" Clint asked, pulling one out and glancing around for a target, Loki rolling his eyes as he picked up a pillow and made a target out of it before he tossed it into the air, the arrowhead flying through the air and hitting dead center, making Loki whistle. it was an impressive shot. "...you dented Iron Man on that thing?" Clint asked, looking stunned at the shield. "shit. i wonder how it would hold up against Thors hammer?" "let's not find out." Steve ordered. "i don't want it broken." he stated before pausing. "we should test it against bullets though." "already did that." Loki stated. "honestly, you think Tony wouldn't test it against things that happen on a near daily basis?" Loki scoffed. "please."

"only one drink Tony." Loki ordered. "and it had better be a normal sized drink!" Loki commanded, Steve looking surprised as he was asked for a private chat. he bit back an annoyed sigh. he had wanted to go get high before dinner, but Tony had been acting weird, even for Tony. "yeah sure." Steve agreed as he stood up, latching the watch into place. "thanks for the watch." hey, he was always polite at least. even when he didn't want to be. he wasn't sure what Tony was up to, but he was certain he was up to something. was he just trying to score brownie points or did he want something? whatever it was, Steve was a little bit annoyed that Tony thought he could 'buy' Steve, no matter that he loved his room and rather liked the watch, he wasn't sure he wanted anything to do with whatever it was that Tony wanted.
“...You deserved it. I still haven’t gotten my radio back, and I’m tired of speeches loki!Even if they’re my own.”Tony scowled before snickering. “Oh, so he did get you to watch how the earth was made. I really hadn’t thought he’d pull it off.”Tony snickered. Natasha rolled her eyes watching the men, wondering why tony was being more antagonistic then normal. “Of course....and well, just the gloves. I wanted to make sure it’d hold up, and wasn’t about to punch it barehanded.”Tony shrugged listening to the other’s.

“...All my drink’s are normal sized drinks!”Tony shouted back from the bar, the tumbler he picked up nearly twice the size as a normal one, because it was such a rarity he drank these day,sbut he figured he could be forgiven for drinking tonight. “You’re welcome. I meant to have it done awhile ago, since you got in that fight a few months ago, but....”He shrugged, because he knew steve knew what happened. It’d been right before pepper died, and his world had ground to a halt. Shifting as he leaned against the balcony railing he sipped his drink, a slight frown between his eyes.”I/...I should have said this years ago but...well,...ask anyone, I’m horrible at saying sorry, even when it should be said....I mean, it’s not that surprising I’m horrible and well...”he sighed quietly staring down at his drink before downing the whole thing, which was amazing in itself, because a normal person would have been on their ass drinking that much, that fast. “....You’re not a science experiment, Rogers. Even when I said it, I knew it wasn’t true. Not everything special came out of a bottle....and don’t yell,I’ve already been read the riot act for not only putting this off this long, but for saying it in the first place....”He sighed, huffing as he stared at the city, avoiding looking at the other man not about to admit that it was pepper who’d totally chewed him out, before shrugging.”So yea...sorry.”
Loki smirked a little. "that one wasn't so bad. it's fascinating how long it took your scientists to figure out how your planet was born." he admitted as he picked at his nails. "i need to go and get another manicure." he admitted with a sigh. "you should come with me this time. you'd adore it. they give you hand and feet massages and put this really nice smelling stuff on your face and they even rub your head." hell, Loki didn't go to a nail salon, he went to a spa!

"no they aren't!" Loki yelled back. "...yeah." Steve agreed to why Tony hadn't finished the watch. he could sort of understand why Tony hadn't been working on a shield when Pepper was dead. "Tony?" Steve asked, looking rather shocked. either Tony was going to confess his love, which would be hell. or Tony was going to apologize, which would also be hell. "oh... uh, well you weren't exactly wrong. i mean... i was a science experiment." he muttered, fidgeting because he didn't want to have to apologize himself. not because he didn't want to, but because he wouldn't mean it. he still believed everything he'd said on the helicarrier. sure, Tony had risked his life, but really, he was sure that too had been rather selfish on the man's part. Tony never did anything unless it was in Tony's interest. "i'm not going to yell." he promised, sighing a little. "thanks for the apology, but you didn't have to. i don't even really remember what was said..." that was a lie. it had stuck with him every step of the way. he was nothing more than a science experiment, without the serum, he would be nothing. just like Tony was nothing without his suit. "do you think Loki will really make us sit at Dinner? i was hoping to lay down for a while." he admitted. "i didn't sleep well last night." that was a lie of course, he just wanted to go shoot up, but he wasn't about to admit that.
“Yes, they are!”Tony yelled not about to admit he knew he was being stupid. “Yea. Well. Don’t look at me like that. I know you don’t like me. Doesn’t matter, pepper...pepper said I needed to apologize, so here. You were a science experiment, but everything that made it work, was you.”Tony twitched a little because he was so so upset about this. The only reason pepper had harassed him about it, was because she’d known just how much being friends with steve had mattered to him, as a teenager, when his father abandoned him to search for steve, to always be compared to the perfect steve rogers. So to suddenly find him shoved in his face, had made him lash out, and he knew he’d ruined their chance of being friends, which had simply fucked up the genius even more when it came to things that involved the good captain. “Uh...probably. He’s celeberating Pepper’s birthday, so yea, he’ll probably want dinner. But I’m going back to the lab. So, yea. Whatever. Go lay down if you want..”Tony said bolting for the door, uncomfortable enough with having apologized and known steve still meant all the abuse he’d hurled at tony-which in reality, was all the man had already believed. To have Captain America, think he wasn’t worth the effort to get to know, just proved to tony, that he wasn’t worth anything. No wonder Loki was mad at them all, when he had seen over the last months what their exclusion of the billionaire had down to a already self hating man
Steve hesitated. it wasn't that he didn't like Tony... he just... didn't like Tony. "...oh hell." he muttered, stunned to realize what they where having a party about. "...fuck..." he muttered, sighing a little as he headed down to his own room. he couldn't beleive he had been so mean to tony when it was Peppers birthday. he needed to talk to Natasha... after he got high. he wasn't about to deal with this emotional roller-coaster sober, hell no.

twenty minutes later he was feeling nice and happy, as well as numb and he knocked on the door to Nat's room. "can i talk to you?" he asked hopefully. "i think i might have hurt Tony... like, a lot." he admitted, rubbing the back of his head. "did you know it's Pepper's birthday today?" he asked, feeling quite scattered. "i sort of told Tony i meant everything i said on the Helicarriar... you know... how he wasn't anything without his suit and that he wasn't worth life and stuff..." he muttered, feeling rather ashamed of himself now. "...i'm, uh., not sure what to do now because... well, it's sort of true..."
“...Go away loki. I mean it.”Tony said as he turned off the arc welder her was using, not bothering to look at the glass from where he could see loki glaring at him, even if jarvis hadn’t announced his presence, he could feel the annoyance. Having locked down the lab so no one, especially not a guilt ridden Captain could visit him, because he’d known he’d made a mistake admitting to what they were celebrating, so he had no doubt that steve would be down here soon enough being all apologetic and sad, and so damned good it hurt. Because he so didn’t want that. Well...he did, but he knew it was just pity, just like he knew loki moving in was pity and dammit, he was tired of everyone pitying him. “Go away!”He ordered, sounding drunk, which was never a good sign considering it was tony, and well, he could outdrink thor somedays.

Natasha nodded opening the door, “Come on in. I was just getting ready for dinner.”She said because while she had no idea why they were celebrating, she’d attend. “What?How? A-”She stopped, eyes widening a little. “Today?”She gaped a little for once at a loss, before sighing quietly. “Well, it is.And you’re not telling him anything he doesn’t already know, Cap.”She pointed out, before sighing. “..Don’t apologize unless you mean it. If anything, that’ll just make it worse. Just...”She paused thinking, “Go down and keep him from drinking himself to death, if you’re feeling that badly about it.”She said because she hated that she hadn’t realized what today was, and even more because she didn’t know how to make it better, or was totally sure she wanted to. After all, tony stark was a ass, both to everyone and most especially pepper. Sort of made her want to lash out at him.
Loki sighed as he watched Tony through the Glass. he wasn't scowling exactly, but he was very frustrated. "Jarvis tell the others that the special dinner is canceled and not to bother me or Tony for the rest of the night. tell them i'm being an emotional asshole or something." he ordered before turning his attention back to Tony, stepping through the glass as if it didn't even exist. "you're drunk so i'm going to ignore the orders coming out of your mouth." Loki decided, moving over to the other and sitting down, but he didn't speak, he knew the other wouldn't want to yet. not drunk enough. instead Loki handed over... or rather, set things next to Tony when he needed them as he worked on... whatever that was.

"thanks." Steve muttered as he walked in, nodding. "yeah. today. i don't know how i could have forgotten that." he admitted with a sigh. "at least Tony's sulking makes a bit more sense now. i was so confused why he would pout at having us here when he put so much work into our rooms..." he admitted, shaking his head. "i know, but that's why i feel so bad about it... the look on his face right before he left was..." he shook his head. it was a look he knew all too well. "i don't think he'd really like having me down there right no..." he paused as Jarvis piped up, stating that the dinner was canceled and that he had Pizza on it's way for Dinner because Loki was being an overly emotional asshole. "...i didn't know robots could lie..." Steve muttered, shaking his head. "...what if i made Tony even more manic than he clearly already is? there's something wrong with him, i know there is... but i can't seam to bring myself to care... does that make me a bad person?"
“...You wanted to celebrate. Go to your stupid dinner. I wasn’t coming out anyways. So it really doesn’t matter if I’m not there or not.”He grumbled even if he didn’t protest more simply settling in to work on the new gaunlets for his suit, even if he had no business doing it while drinking. “...I already knew Rogers hated me, so it’s not that horrible. I mean, I’m drinking because Pepper’s gone, not because captain america isn’t the childhood fantasy I had. Really, I should have expected this. I mean, my dad hated me, is it really any surprise his hero does to?”He muttered focusing on his work before slumping, resting his head on his folded arms, to much of a mess to consider keeping it together in front of the one person who knew he was a mess.

“...I don’t know how I did either.”Natasha said kicking herself for daring to forget this, having written off tony’s sulking as the billionaire’s normal pouting, instead of emotional trauma. Thinking over steve’s words she paused before answering, listening to jarvis before sighing. “Robot’s don’t. Tony’s AI on the other hand, does, if he’s protecting tony.”Natasha let out a frustrated sigh before running her fingers through her hair. Because like steve, she knew she should care, but tony made it so hard to care, because he was such a asshole so much of the time. Even the brilliant woman, was incapable of seeing past tony’s masks most of the time. “No, I don’t think so. If you haven’t noticed, there are very few people that care about him.”She pointed out, before huffing a little. “Obviously he’s not fit for company tonight. But if he’s not at breakfast, go check on him in the morning. Just in case he’s being stupid.”
Loki chuckled a little. "you're such a jerk." he complained affectionately. "i'm not going to leave, it's not safe to leave you alone right now." he stated simply. "the last time i did you blew up half the tower." well, he'd blown up half the lab. "Rogers doesn't hate you Tony, he just doesn't know any better." Loki stated, already planning to go and beat the man up. not that he'd tell Tony that. the billionaire would talk him out of it. "your Dad was an abusive Jackass who wanted a mini Steve for a son. you don't have to be exactly like Steve to be worth something Tony. you're twice the man Steve rogers is." he knew Tony wouldn't beleive him, but he believed it. he figured, eventually, Tony would start to have faith in Loki's judgement, since he couldn't trust his own. "i Love you, you know. you're my best freind." Loki admitted with a smile. "you're like the brother i always wanted." he admitted with a smile. "come on. lets get you into bed before you puke all over those pretty new gloves of yours."

Steve sighed a little and shook his head. "why can't Tony have a normal house. all this technology makes me cringe." he admitted, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "will you look at my Cillphone? i think it's broken." he admitted. "and Fury yelled at me for not using it." well, Jarvis had read the Email of chastisement to him when he failed to be able to figure out how to get onto the inline. "yeah i guess your right." Steve agreed. "i'm going to go read a book and then go to bed." he decided as he stood up. "thanks for the help Nat." he stated, nudging her shoulder before he headed for his own room, looking around at all the wonderful things, feeling even worse. in a fit of rage, he trashed his room and curled up amidst the rubble. in the morning, he'd lie and tell them all he freaked out because there was a mouse in his room.
“I know. Which is why you should go away.”Tony grumbled annoyed at not being left alone. Resting his head on his arms he frowned a little, thinking over loki’s words before sighing.”Well, he’s obviously not wanting to try, so it’s fairly obvious he hates me.”He pointed out before sighing. “Leave him alone, Loki.I mean it.If he gets beaten up, I’ll be disappointed and I’ll refuse to show you any more crappy movies and simply make you watch documentaries for months.”Tony said proving that he knew his friend well enough to guess what he wanted to do, not bothering to say anything about the rest, because he didn’t believe loki. He knew he’d failed on some epic level at not being good enough. “Well, considering your actual brother thinks we’re screwing, does that make this friendship incest?Which is weird and odd to think about really, cause you know, you’re kinda cute, but not anything I want.”Tony muttered rambling as he let loki take him up to bed, letting the other settle him in to sleep, even if he was still rambling as he drifted off.

“Because he’s tony. There’s nothing normal about that.”Natasha pointed out before nodding, taking the phone from him.”I’ll get it fixed.”She said before patting his shoulder, “Your welcome.Go get some sleep, and try not to be to upset. Just go see him in the morning.”she smiled watching him go.

In the morning tony was back in the lab within moments of getting up, the door locked and barred to anyone not loki, as he really couldn’t bar loki stepping through the glass, but he could avoid the rest of the world. And as jarvis had told him rogers’ had trashed his room-after all the man had been upset, jarvis had been worried- he especially didn’t want a guilt ridden apologetic captain down in his lab. It was already bad enough he knew the other didn’t feel bad for telling him he was worthless and only would apologize for rubbing it in on pepper’s birthday, he so didn’t want to hear that steve was more apologetic over his room then other that.
Loki snorted. "i'm not leaving." he stated simply. "and he doesn't know any better Tony. he's still stuck on this image of you." he admitted. "it's like when you first braught me home. remember how you thought i was still an evil bastard? bent on world domination? it wasn't until i broke down and sobbed the whole story all over you that you realized i wasn't what you thought i was. it's the same for Steve, he still thinks of you in a specific way." he admitted before he sighed. "fine. i won't beat up the filthy bastard." he grumbled. "my actual brother is a filthy pig." Loki sneered. he had never forgiven Thor. not really. "Tony incest actually indicates that we fuck. and that's not happening, no matter how desperate you are." he stated with a chuckle as he carried Tony up to bed and gently tucked him in.

"...true." Steve agreed as he handed over the phone. it wasn't broken, he just hadn't figured out how to charge it. as far as anyone could tell, Steve was adjusting well tot he modern era, but some things where still beyond him. the truth was that he wasn't adjusting at all, he was just getting very good at hiding it.

in the morning, Loki was cooking breakfast and he looked up at Natasha and Clint as they walked in, narrowing his eyes as he looked away, clearly, they where getting the cold shoulder. proven as such when he only made three plates of food. one for himself, one for Tony and one for Bruce, who did go out of his way to talk to Tony on occasion. "...why is Loki mad at us?" Clint asked, looking confused as he watched Loki walk through a wall, no doubt scaring the shit out of Bruce before Loki headed down to the lab, not even bothering to wait for Tony to notice him, he just walked in and sat down next to the other. "Breakfast Tony. eat up. and don't worry about Steve's room. he gave some bullshit about a mouse and i fixed it." he promised. "if he does it again, he'll just have to live in rubble." he stated with an angry huff as he handed over a small screwdriver before he munched on his oatmeal. Tony got an omelet, bacon, hash-browns and three piping hot cups of coffee that would stay hot and fresh for hours. meaning Tony wouldn't need to leave the lab to get Coffee until at least noon, and Tony would know that Loki would bring more down then. clearly Loki wasn't about to make Tony leave the lab. "hey. i got you something." Loki admitted as he set down a second stereo. "this way, if you want to listen to music, you can, and you won't have to worry about deleting Pepper's playlists." he admitted, smiling at Tony, stroking the man's hair.
Natasha winced looking at the god, swallowing hard. “....Steve said something to Tony that he didn’t take well.Apparently loki’s taking his side.”Natasha muttered because she was actually curious if tony was actually mad, or simply hiding out. Sighing as she got up she searched for some cereal to eat. Smiling slightly when steve walked in.”I got your phone charged. You just forgot to pug it in.”She said handing it over.

“Thanks.”Tony muttered as he absently nibbled on his food between working, not withdrawn, simply in a manic working spree, spurned on by knowing the others didn’t want to be around him, so he was simply working instead of taking care of himself, or wanting to talk to anyone. Snorting a little at that. “I kinda wanna let loose a mouse now.”he muttered smirking a little before glancing at the stereo, smiling pleased leaning his head into loki’s hand for a moment before pulling away.”Thanks, loki.”He muttered rubbing a hand over his face, smirking at loki. “Wanna make a bet?I bet Rogers’ spends a hour standing outside the lab before going away.”He snickered because he’d tinted the windows so it was obvious he didn’t want company, but also that he was going to be enjoying watching whoever came down trying to get in. Because despite loki not making him leave, or that things were already taken care of, he doubted steve would be able to not want to apologize. Though if he did, it'd mean tony was more fucked and worthless then he alredy thought he was.
Clint blinked a little. "but why is he mad at us! we didn't do anything! and he made breakfast for Bruce!" he complained, sulking as he watched Steve come in. "...uh... plugged in? like a lamp? but there's no cord..." he complained, blinking at the now glowing phone. it made a good flashlight at least so it was at least good for something. "...where's breakfast?" he asked, looking baffled before he grimaced. "oh... Loki's mad at me then... figures."

Loki smiled a little. he knew Tony wasn't going to take care of himself, that was why he was taking care of him. "go ahead. i'll even pick up another three for you." he promised. "i'll let them loose in Natasha, Clint, and Steve's rooms and watch the mayhem, it'll be fun." Aah Tony, the King of Pranks and petty revenge. "you're welcome." Loki chirped, pleased that his present was well received.... even if he had bought it using Tony's money. "i'm not going to take that bet because i don't have money to loose." he admitted with a chuckle. "you know, for being America's sweetheart, he's really kind of a dick." Loki admitted. "i don't like him." Loki admitted. "are you sure i can't beat him up? i really want to." he complained, pouting a little. "by the way, i'm cleaning your room today. i need to do your laundry." he admitted. that had been the agreement. Loki did all of the housework, Pepper did the company stuff, and Tony paid for everything. well, now Loki was doing all of the housework and the paperwork because 'Pep 2.0', AKA Tony's secretary was a useless little airhead of a bint. "Have Jarvis come get me if you need anything." he ordered, kissing Tony's forehead before he headed back up into the community section where he settled into his place and started working on paperwork while a Clone picked up Tony's rooms and gathered up the clothes while a third vacuumed the communal sitting room. Loki loved being him.
“No, but neither do we go see tony. Apparently that’s enough to have him pissed.”Natasha shrugged a little before smiling slightly.”You should have gotten a cord to go with it. But nevermind, just bring it to me when it dies again and I’ll plug it in.”she said before nodding. “Yep. I wouldn’t count on breakfast for awhile.”

“...That would be awesome. It’ll be great.”Tony snickered enjoying the thought of revenge, even if he probably wouldn’t do it. Already moving over to fiddle with the stereo and get some AC/DC playing before snickering. “Well, if you remember, most american’s are dicks these days.”Tony pointed out before sighing, slanting a look at his best friend. “No, you can’t.”tony sighed a little before snickering. “Good. Make sure my work clothes get cleaned.”He said settling in to work, having spent most of his time down in the workshop, he really didn’t have any clean clothes,”I will.”he said already settling in to work, loki’s presence forgotten as he worked. Pretty much everything forgotten as he lost himself in building the phone he was working on.
Clint blinked a little. "Tony's an asshole and he's always in his lab. it's not our fault he doesn't want to socialize." he complained, sulking. "i'm hungry." he complained as he poked around in the three fridges for something he could eat. he was delighted to find leftover lasagna. it was the vegetarian, but what did he care? he was hungry. "or lunch. we might be lucky and get dinner." Steve admitted, well aware that Loki could hold a grudge. he had a feeling that life was going to be hell for a while. but he wasn't going to apologize, not if he didn't really mean it.

Loki chuckled a little and nodded. already sending a clone to the pet store. he knew Tony wouldn't do it, but he could, and would. "this is true." Loki agreed with a smile. "and i already said i was going to be cleaning your room... make sure to take a shower, you're starting to smell." granted, as sensitive as Loki's nose was, the others wouldn't notice Tony was a bit unwashed until tomorrow or the next day at least. ten minutes later Loki approached Natasha, scowling at a long ledger for the month. he didn't say anything, he just handed it to her, waiting to see what she'd make of it. she'd notice the problem right away, there was over three thousand dollars missing somehow. someone was stealing from Tony's company, and worse, they thought they could get away with it just because Pepper was dead. "find them." was Loki's only order. he didn't care how she did it, so long as the thief was found. at least he trusted her to do what was right even if he didn't like her, he knew she would protect Tony for Pepper's sake if nothing else.
“Then get something to eat clint.”Natasha rolled her eyes a little before nodding. “Maybe.”She agreed with steve, sighing quietly.

“I will, I will.”Tony said already distracted by work to really be listening to loki. When the hours past and not even steve appeared, tony snickered at the crushing disappointment. It wasn’t like he wanted to accept a apology steve didn’t mean, but well...at least now he knew he wasn’t even worth a fake apology.

Natasha looked up startled as she took the ledger from Loki, raising a eyebrow as she looked down. Making a slight sound of annoyance she nodded.”I will.”She said already settling down at the table to work.

When Tony emerged from the lab it was late afternoon, his hair sticking up every which way, fresh from a shower as he flounced into the kitchen, looking pleased to find his whole team trying to make dinner. “How about we order pizza, and have a movie night? It’ll be a team bonding thing, I know Cap over there is all for that.Team work and all that good old fashioned american team stuff. I’ll even let you guys choose the movie since you didn’t like my last choice.”Tony said his usual abrasive self, and if you hadn’t known him and Cap had had words, you would never seen evidence of it. Though he was watching them, that weary and ready to back away look in his eyes saying that he was prepared to be rejected. Because he was prepared for rejection, but loki said he had to risk it, but he was tired. So tired of not having anyone having his back except loki, when all he wanted was to be part of this team. Even after two years, he was aware of just how outside of their group he was.
later that night Loki was still working on paperwork, ready to kill that secretary bitch. she had tried to do paperwork and she had fucked everything up. he told her she had three days to quite or he'd make her quite. she was 'thinking about it' but he knew she'd be gone by morning. Steve just scowled at Tony a little before looking away, clearly ashamed of himself but he wasn't about to do something he knew would just hurt Tony even more. not that he didn't deserve to be hurt, but Steve didn't like to be the one who was doing the hurting. "we are watching something with violence in it." Loki ordered as he walked in, looking extremely frazzled. "your secretary has been fired." he informed Tony. "i will do the hiring from now on." he decided as he glared at Clint. "go pick a movie." Clint looked quite pleased to choose his own movie and went to select a gory Zombie apocalypse movie World War Z. "You! make popcorn!" he ordered... himself. the second Loki just rolled his eyes and set to work and Loki paused. "...yeah. i'm talking to myself..." he shook his head. "i need a vacation." he grumbled as he helped his Clone make massive batches of Popcorn. "i picked up more Soda." Loki informed the crew. "everything you wrote on the list is there." Clint was really the only one who added to the list, instead of just putting up what they used the last of. Clint had listed everyone's favorite Soda and Loki had delivered, despite being angry with them. "there's ice-cream too. it's in that new freezer there. what movie did you pick?" "World War Z." "...war movie?" Steve asked, looking hesitant. "Zombie movie." here Steve perked up. "Zombies!?" he and Bucky had loved Zombie movies. he was in. Clint, being that he had picked the movie, was clearly in. Loki, having demanded the proper movie, was in. Tony, having offered, was in. all that was left was Natasha and Bruce. Loki had no doubt they'd join in. bonding time was a go.
Tony tensed as he was scowled at, already backing up a step, looking ready to leave before looking at loki, relaxing a little. Well, at least here was one person he could get along with, now if the other would just show up...cause he was such a asshole sometimes, he couldn’t pass up making Cap uncomfortable now that he’d given up on making the man like him. “What?Really?”Tony sputtered a little at the idea he was getting a new secretary before shrugging.”Whatever. Hire Natasha.” “No.”Natasha said shaking her head. “Well okay, then find someone you like.”Tony shrugged completely content to let loki handle things before snickering at loki’s orders. “You are insane, Reindeer.”He decided perking up at the mention of the movie. “Oh, good. That’s one I haven’t watched yet.”He said sounding pleased as he headed for the living room. Glancing at the god the last two sighed, nodding.”The movie sounds interesting. Hey tony, what’s the chances of getting a zombie apocalypse?”Bruce said and soon enough the two scientists were chattering hyperly as they waited for the movie to start when the elevator oepned. Craning his head back Tony grinned widely, the happiest they’d seen him in probably days.

“Storm!Come on, just in time for movie night.”Tony said edging into that manic attitude that few would realize was him truly trying to relax and responding to being hurt, instead of his normal mania. And having only invited Johnny over because he he wanted a buffer between him and the other’s, because between loki and johnny, he figured they wouldn’t have a chance to freak out at his presence, not that he told johnny what had happened, but he was sure if given the chance, loki would. Not that he particularly wanted johnny to know, but he doubted he could stop his friend from lashing out at his look-a-like.
Loki offered tony a grin. he knew exactly what the other was doing. "Natasha is too busy being a super spy." Loki stated simply. "plus i hate her." he pointed out. "i planned on it Tony." Loki teased with a chuckle before he rolled his eyes. "we already decided that i was insane Tony."he pointed out. "it's been proven, often. no need to keep bringing it up." he complained, smirking. "the pink elephants will squish you if you don't stop picking on me." Steve blinked, wondering if there really where pink elephants in the room? nah, it was just the drugs talking.

"Hey! Stark!" Johnny storm chirped, grinning as he slung an arm around Tony's shoulders. probobly the only man in the world who could get away with it. "what's up man!? sorry i'm so late! i meant to be here three hours earlier, but Doom started trying to break the city again." Loki scoffed. "he's a terrible super-villain. i mean honestly. he should just stop trying." Johnny snorted. "you mean like you?" "hey, i got my ass handed to me and i'm happy to admit it. you won't be seeing me doing evil things anymore... well, i might steal candy from a baby, get a cat stuck in a tree or kick a puppy, but nothing too hardcore." Johnny just snickered, well used to Loki's odd sense of humor. "so! this is the Avengers! very cool, look at all those cute guys." both Clint and Steve flushed quite brightly, stunned at being hit on.
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