Misguided Genius(lady/moon)

“It’s not nice telling a super duper spy you hate her. If she like kills you in your sleep or something its not my fault.”Tony snickered ignoring the look natasha was giving him. “...There’s only one pink elephant in this room, and it has nothing to do with you.”Tony sulked pointing it out, because loki knew what he was talking about, the earth saying of something obvious but no one was talking about it.

Tony whined a little, squirming out of the man’s hold long enough to collapse onto the two person lounge chair and pulling johnny down with him. Which wasn’t really that surprising, Tony was a fairly grabby guy with his friends, even if he wasn’t actively attracted to them, and the tabloids had long known stark and storm had a open friendship-sex thing going on. All in all, the two men just found each other’s company to be enjoyable in. “Doom makes me want to cry even time I see one of those bots. I’m serious, I die a little every time.”Tony snickered ignoring the looks he was getting from his team, because he realized it was one of the first times they’d seen him truly chilling out instead of in a sarcastic war with loki simply to try and not be nervous. Slanting a look towards the two other men he huffed as bruce blushed to. “Cute guys that are so straight it makes me want to cry. It’s depressing to live with them.Not to mention Capsicle over there would probably have a aneurysm if you hit on him, Johnny.Might be worth watching”Tony snickered, knowing johnny would figure out quickly none of his team liked him, and he was deflecting attention from him because despite the years long friendship, it was still hard for him to believe Johnny liked him, so he was sure johnny would choose them-come on, one of them was Cap, who wouldn’t choose him?- over him.
he snorted. "she won't kill me because then Fury would be angry with her." he stated simply. "plus, if she kills me, then SHE has to do all of your housekeeping, shopping, washing, cooking, paperwork, money management and make sure you take care of yourself." that would stop any death threats right then and there. "oh, but i like the pink elephant." Loki teased with a chuckle, well aware that he was pissing off tony.

Johnny chuckled as he flopped down next to Tony, smirking a little. "i know right? his bots are like, horrible! yours are twenty times better." he admitted with a smirk. "have to admit though, it's very satisfying busting them up." he admitted. "oooh Popcorn! Thanks Lo!" "don't call me that you uneducated peon." Johnny just laughed. "oh Tony, you know better. no man is truly straight. i'm sure i could convert them." he stated with a smirk as he examined Bruce, Cap, and Clint before brushing them off as unimportant. Bruce was okay he supposed, but somehow he knew immidiatly that the others where somehow hurting Tony in some manner, simply because of the way they where sitting. "so what are we watching?" "some sort of Zombie movie." Loki admitted. "do you know any good secretaries?" "finally got right of the... what do you call her, a Quim? what int he hell is that anyway?" "it means basically the same thing as a cunt." Loki admitted as he sighed. "i miss tobacco." Loki grumbled, Johnny smirking. "you're still trying to be good huh Lo?" "of course. Tony hates the smell of tobacco." that was a lie and all three of them knew it. Pepper had made him quite because she didn't like Loki smoking. not because she didn't like the smell, but because she thought it was bad for him.
“Very true. Though she might dump me in Cap’s lap. I mean, he’s such a mother hen.”Tony snickered because he knew he was pissing off everyone, but he was feeling pissy, and knew they knew it. Glaring at Loki the man twitched, barely resisting the urge to kick him.

“I know. I’m amazing. Just imagine how bad it’d be if I actually decided to eb a super villian.”Tony smirked before slanting his head towards steve before leaning back, smirking. Mentally enjoying the thought of being a super villian and smashing that shield into the stupid super soldier’s face. “He’s going to kill you one date, johnny.”He muttered settling in to watch the movie, snickering, nearly stuffing his fist in his mouth to keep from laughing. “You’re right. I mean, Cap models spandex for a living. I bow to your knowledge of bisexual men, you slut.”Tony snickered, well wasn’t that rich, having tony calling someone else a slut. Tensing against johnny’s side as he realized the human torch figured out they were hurting him, waiting for the quesitons before relaxing. Watching the priviews starting to play. “Well, you took my alcohol away. You not getting to smoke is payback.”Tony scowled shifting, resting his head against johnny’s shoulder as the movie started, cuddling the man because he was feeling a little desperate for human contact, and it’d been a really long time since he’d had sex....the fact that johnny was a look alike for the man he was pining after(not that he’d ever, ever, not in a million years admit that) and who had hurt him so badly, was just a bonus when johnny was one of the few friends he truly had.
Steve just scowled at the teasing, but he wasn't about to say anything about it. it was sort of true. even when he hated tony, he was a bit worried about the fucker. "you'd make a terrible super-villain. you'd cave as soon as you saw the first tear." Johnny teased with a chuckle. "nah, he likes me." Johnny stated, smirking at Loki who rolled his eyes and settled onto the floor by Tony's legs, both him and Johnny silently supporting him against the other three people in the room even as Clint seamed to do the same thing for Steve. like usual, Bruce was probobly just glad that no one was fighting. "but Drinking is bad for you Tony. smoking isn't bad for me." he complained with a pout as Johnny tightened his hold on Tony, running his fingertips along Tony's palm before turning halfway into the movie to whisper into Tony's ear. "i'm wearing my lacy red man panties." he whispered, smirking a little as he went back to the movie. Loki, on the other hand, had his face pressed against Tony's thigh, perfectly asleep and looking so very peaceful and innocent that way. "it's funny how he stops looking like a jackass when he's asleep." Johnny admitted before pausing. "i don't think i've ever seen him sleep." he admitted, blinking. "he must really trust you."
“I would not. I’d be a amazing super villian. Sort of like Darth vader, but with better robots.”Tony snickered before smirking at loki, bemused at being pinned in his seat by the two men. “Keep telling yourself that. Someday it might even be true.”he muttered before rolling his eyes at loki’s words.”I haven’t killed myself yet. Drinking’s okay.”he grumbled before shuddering as the other graced his palm, turning his head a little to press his cheek against johnny’s shoulder, “Hm, you did come well prepared.”He muttered before snickering at the man laying on him. “He does sorta look innocent like that.”He muttered before smirking, “Nah. He’s just keeping me pinned so I don’t kill them.”He muttered before distangling himself from loki,nudging johnny, before gently shaking loki awake before looking at johnny again. “Come on. Movie’s over. I want to see these lacy panties.”he said just loud enough to be heard by everyone, cause well, tehy all expected it from him, he’d hate to disappoint. Besides, now that the movie was over, he had no excuse to be around the other’s. “Come on, flameboy.”He ordered heading for the elevator, barely waiting to see if johnny’d follow.
Johnny and Loki both rolled their eyes at Tony. it was so weird to see Tony so relaxed, Steve was pretty sure he was entirely too high, he was hallucinating so badly that tony looked human. "Drinking is not okay." Loki scoffed. "drinking in moderation is okay." Johnny corrected. "Tony can't moderate anything he does." Loki pointed out. "hell he ran on a sugar high for three days because he ate two many sweets with..." here his face twisted in disgust. "Thor." "I always come prepared." Johnny promised, smirking a little. "that bad huh?" Johnny asked, his head tilted a little, looking a bit concerned as Tony stood up, standing up with him and stretching with a grunt. "Tony, i'm Johnny Storm. i don't wear anything under these." he lied, just because the conversation was making Steve twitch. "what?! what is it!? are we dead? did the Zombies get us!?" Loki slurred, looking around wildly, clearly still half asleep as he blinked at the screen, cursing. "son of a bitch! you let me fall asleep!?" he demanded, sulking. "i missed all the good parts!" he complained as he stood up slowly, groaning as he stretched. "i'm going to bed." Loki muttered, shaking his head as he headed for the door, running into the doorjamb with a muffled curse.

Johnny smiled as he followed Tony into the bedroom, kicking off his shoes, watching the other. "Tony? how do you need it? Safe-word, or Slow?" he asked, his head tilted as he studied the man, already stripping off his shirt and unbuttoning his pants because he knew Tony needed Sex, he just wasn't sure what kind. he also knew Tony loved to look.

((these are Johnny's Panties. Warning! Explicit image! Not Safe For Work!))
(hmm its a good thing I looked at those at home. XDD)

“I can moderate perfectly. I don’t just work on a sugar high, I do that anyways.”He pointed out. “Hm, something along those lines. I’ve stopped him from killing them.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little brushing off Johnny’s concern before snickering. “Uh-huh....though, you do go commando most of the time. I guess I should be glad you did put on underwear.”he snickered realizing it was making steve twitch before laughing. “No, no zombies loki.You needed the sleep. We’ll watch it again later.”he promised watching him go, stretching as he headed for the elevator.

Tony smiled as he tossed his own shirt to the floor, turning to look at him, “Safe word.”He said running his fingers through his hair, making the strands stand up, even as he sank to his knees, tugging the man’s pants down. Snickering quietly at the underwear, “Someday, I’m going to get these for you in america’s favorite colors, and send you out dressed like Cap.”He snickered leaning forward, mouthing the other through the underwear, closing his eyes, before sitting back on his heels, looking up at him.”Complete control tonight, John. I need to not think.”He muttered his eyes begging, because more then that, he needed to feel like he was worth something, to someone.
Johnny smiled a little as he watched Tony, his head tilted as he watched the other, licking his lips. he was always too happy to give Tony anything he needed. so when he got the text asking him to come over, he knew exactly what Tony was looking for. he'd been waiting for the text ever since he found out Tony was going to be sharing his space. he had hoped that things where going well when he didn't get the call. apparently it hadn't been going well at all. "you know, it's kind of creepy how much he looks like me." Johnny admitted with a smirk as he tangled his fingers in Tony's hair and jerked his head back. "go and get the Toy Box." he ordered. "pick out what you want and bring them to me." he ordered. the Toy Box was a collection of Tony's sex toys. Johnny liked to have them all in one place, so he could access them easily. by making Tony choose what he wanted, it would give the man time to calm himself, center, and slip a little into 'subspace' that would give Tony the calm of mind he would need. "And make sure you bring out the rope, i love tying you up. you look so pretty in that pink silk."
“It is, but it amuses me. You have to stay for breakfast you realize, because captain virginity will totally flip.”Tony snickered groaning as his head was jerked back, eyes going wide, before half closing, nodding a little.”Yes.”He muttered before pulling away and going to find what he wanted, crouching down at the chest at the foot of his bed, looking for what he wanted, the silk rope, the blind fold, gag and his favorite when he was truly falling apart-the deerskin flogger that while would leave welts, johnny would really have to beat on him to really hurt him. Which was perfect, he didn’t mind pain, but not alot of it. Dropping the toys onto the bed he collapsed back onto the silk bedspread, squirming back into place, raising his eyebrows. “How do you want me?”He asked, while he wanted to be bossed around and be dominated, he was still him, he was a mouthy little brat.
Johnny smirked a little as he nodded. "of course i'll stay for breakfast. i always do." he stated. "might stick around for Lunch and Dinner... and breakfast again. Sue's out for the next few days and neither Reed or Ben knows how to cook." he admitted with a chuckle. "and Loki's food is amazing. mind if i stick around for a bit?" he asked, silently letting Tony know that he would always pick Tony, even over his own teammates. "hmmm." he murmured as he watched the other picking out the toy's, his eyes narrowed as he contemplated and then. "come here, stand up." he ordered, licking his lips. "we're gonna shut you up first." he admitted, pressing the Gag into Tony's mouth, tying it tight, tight enough that Tony would have red marks, but it wouldn't bruise or cut off blood flow. it would certain keep his mouth shut. "there. that's better. now, remember. if you drop the pen, i'll stop. if you click it, i'll back off a bit." and with that he settled the pen into Tony's hand before binding his wrists together and looked the rope to a very well hidden hook in the ceiling, forcing Tony tall and taut. unable to defend himself when he took the flogger to that milky, perfect skin. "spread your legs, Pet." he ordered, running his hands down Tony's ass and then down his legs where he tied each ankle down. he could still close his legs, a little bit, but he wouldn't be able to lift his legs high enough to protect anything but his knees and shins. "there. how pretty." Johnny purred, licking the others neck. "so helpless for me. i could do anything to you right now. i can use you however i want. and you want that don't you? you want me to hurt you. want me to use you." he smirked and he sucked on the others ear and bit, hard, pulling a few beads of blood.
“...Of course you can stay.”Tony said his shoulders slumping a little, the utter relief of being chosen first showing, showing just how much his own team’s rejection had taken the life out of the billionaire before raising a eyebrow.”You can never sh-”So like tony, to be talking even as he was fitted with a gag. Mouthing the gag because he couldn’t help it, he nodded, closing his hand around the pen, shuddering as he was pulled up, frowning a little at the taller man, feeling ridiculously short like this as he rocked on his feet a little, shuddering as he pet, spreading his legs as he closed his eyes, just enjoying the touches. Whimpering as he was bit he nodded a little depserately in response to the question,growling in frustration as he tried to press back against the other, but his own restraints keeping him from getting any closer.
Johnny smiled at Tony and gave him a small kiss at the promise that he could stay before gagging him. "mouthy little brat." he chastised. "i'll have to punish you for that. i'd make you count the strokes, but you'd just mouth off between them." he teased with a smirk as he scooped up the blindfold and wrapped it twice around Tony's face, covering his eyes, and his ears so that sounds would be muffled. now tony would have no way to tell when a stroke was coming. "Remember, click the pen when you've had enough." Johnny warned. that had only ever happened twice, Johnny was good at what he did, but he needed to remind Tony, just in case. he handled the flogger a moment, getting it comfortable in his hand and taking a few practice swings, just letting Tony fidget for a moment before he finally struck, swiping the leather cords hard across Tony's skin, leaving harsh pink lines, but no welts. that was one of the reasons why Johnny loved the flogger, it was so hard to seriously hurt someone with it. he struck again, laving pink lines all over Tony's body. his ass, his back, his chest, ribs, arms, and finally, he aimed a well practiced strike at Tony's cock and balls, hitting him twice before he paused, giving Tony a moment to catch his breath.
Tony growled around the gag as his ears where covered,protesting simply because he couldn't not, but it was obvious he wasn't in distress as he just twirled the pen in his fingers,nodding in response to johnny's words making sure he kneww he could stop. The pleasured whimpers escaping grew louder with each strike, fidgeting as he tried to figure out where it'd land and by the time johnny paused the billionaire was slumping bonelessly into the bonds,letting his full weight rest on his wrists enjoying the strain even as he tilted his hewd back, blindly trying to find the other, hips jerking a little,looking for contact. He'd let the beating go on longer then usual and didn't protest,and it was obvious johnny knew him well enouh to know when he needed to be hurt,hurt enough that all he could think of was the next blow.he'd be pink and bruised in the morning,but not really hurt.this was exactly what he'd needed. Eyes widening as the flogger fell over his cock,jerking helplessly in his bonds as he came.
Johnny smirked a little as he heard the growl. Tony was so cute when he was completely helpless. it was no wonder bad guys loved to tie people up and brag at them, it was empowering really. he let Tony's pain and pleasure wash over him, licking his lips as he painted Tony in strips. watching carefully for any sign that Tony was too deep in his head-space to call a time out. that happened sometimes, but Johnny knew how to pull Tony back out, and any time he thought Tony was sinking too far, he chattered at Tony, making him answe a question, a simple one, 'Do you want more?' Tony had to come up in order to answer, a simple nod was all Johnny needed to know Tony was aware enough to know when he needed to stop. he smirked when he watched Tony cum, there was nothing more delicious then making Tony cum without ever laying a finger on him. he set the Flogger down and watched Tony tremble for a moment, simply enjoying it before he finally moved, kissing Tony on the cheek since he couldn't kiss him through the gag. "What a good boy." he whispered, because he knew Tony craved those words. was desperate for Praise. to be told he was good, to be told he was worthwhile. he slowly slid Tony's wrists free, though they where still tied together, and carefully caught Tony, he knew the billionaire wouldn't be able to support his own weight.

he settled Tony on the bed on his belly, running his hands over the pink striped back with a smile. this was the part he loved best. putting Tony back together. taking care of him. he took out the cream that would help soothe the wounds now that tony had what he needed, and carefully placed some on every stripe, every welt and every bruise before carefully rolling Tony onto his back and repeated the process before using that same cream to slide a finger inside of Tony, finger fucking him slowly, keeping him in that head-space so that he was limp and malleable as he prepared that tight, tight little hole. out of all of Tony's lovers, Johnny knew he was the only one who got to plunder that tight, sweet little hole. he prepped Tony nice and open before sliding inside, sighing at how tight Tony always was. without fail. "mmm Tony, what a good boy you are. just taking it. laying there and letting me do whatever i want to you. such a good, good boy." he praised, stroking Tony's hair as he started to pump his hips, in and out, ever so slowly because he liked the way Tony wriggled when he went slow. and because the Orgasm lasted longer and felt oh so much deeper and better. "that's it. such a good boy. mmm you feel so warm and soft around me. it's like heaven."
Tony whimpered quietly as he came, his eyes blinking hard at the words, turning his head a little towards the kiss, wanting more, grumbling wordlessly at finding the gag in his way, even if it had been his choice to use it. Because he knew if he started talking, he wouldn’t stop until he told johnny everything, and more then loki, johnny would understand just what steve’s rejection of his apology and words had done. So he wanted gagged until he was sure he wouldn’t told. Shuddering at the man’s praise he slumped into him, shuddering in his arms. Pliant as he let the other take care of him.

Letting out a small pleasured hum every now and then as the other soothed his back,he whined high in his throat as the other slipped a finger into him,but pliant enough that he didn’t protest like he would for anyone else, simply letting his legs widen. Raising his bound hands so he could tug the blind fold up because he hated not seeing johnny when his voice was like this, soft and happy, and just for tony. Though he didn’t make any other move to get away, and indeed he wiggled as johnny went slow, mouthing his protests at slow around the gag, but not trying to make him hurry up, simply moving with him, groaning as johnny slowly fucked him into a another orgasm, whimpering in almost overstimulated pleasure as he came all over johnny’s chest.
Johnny smiled a little as he kissed Tony's cheek again, well aware that Tony was using the gag to hide secretes. he didn't mind, he had a feeling that he knew what the problem was anyway. he was going to enjoy tormenting Captain America. he smiled as he took care of Tony. as much as hurting him was wonderful, he loved this part the most. he didn't stop Tony from tugging the blindfold off, his own face soft and tender, affectionate as he soothed Tony's aches and pains. he did leave the wrists bound though, just because he liked the way the pink silk looked on Tony's wrists. "hush now Pet." Johnny murmured, because like Tony he could never say the word 'love'. Pet was as close as he came. "take it, enjoy it. you know you like it." he whispered, smiling. "good boy. such a good boy... mmmmm" he moaned as he watched Tony cum one more time, following him into orgasmic bliss. only once he had milked them both empty did he slowly pull out, undue the gag and the wrist bindings and pulled up the blankets around Tony, tucking them both in. because Johnny was a snuggler. he liked to hold Tony after sex. they would never be a real couple. they just didn't love each other enough for that. but both of them liked to feel as if they belonged there with each other. liked the intimacy and the feeling of being cared for and cared about. "Goodnight Tony." Johnny murmured as he kissed the other behind the ear, simply holding Tony until he went to sleep, following him into dreamland.
Tony glared up at the other for taking his time,growling against the gag even as he squirmed. Moaning quietly as he heard the words, enjoying being johnny’s good boy, shivering as he felt the other come. Whining a little as he pulled away he let out a tired exhausted laugh.”I always manage to forget how cuddling you are...”he teased shifting around to get comfortable.”Night, John.”He sighed tiredly. While he knew it would never be more then this, this was enough for them. Always had been,even when they ventured away to try to have real other relationships, they’d always been in each other’s lives, always circled back around to being together like this.

In the morning Tony gestured wildly as he explained the newest piece of iron man tech, having only hesitated in telling johnny he’d actually shared some of it with the others, knowing johnny would know what that had meant to him, and to still be treated like shit on their boots...yea, even as he’d said it, he’d known he was setting up the others be be tormented by a vindictive god and a equally vindictive johnny storm. Pausing when he saw the others he smiled, that bright fake smile that held just a hint of sexual satisfaction, to relaxed from the night before to be worried about finding them in his kitchen. “Morning.Anyone seen loki yet?I promised Johnny breakfast.” “Don’t you usually kick them out before breakfast?” “uh-huh, but I enjoy John’s company, which means feeding him, and probably maybe using the kitchen table.”Tony said in way to good of a mood to let natasha disturb it, even as he started to scrounge around for food, not about to attempt cooking, and not even really aware that he’d put on his normal after johnny night clothes, instead of covering up more as to not disturb his teammates sensiblities. The black cargo shorts and the wifebeater, the shorts loose enough to not agitate bruised skin, and the shirt snug enough to not rub as he moved barely covering, and if the shirt got any smaller he’d be naked,but he was to self conscious about the arc reactor to go shirtless.
Johnny chuckled at the glare, giving Tony that al too familiar 'i'm an asshole' smirk. "i like to cuddle you." Johnny muttered. Tony was the only person he cuddled these days. one nighters just didn't like it when you tried to cuddle with them and whores weren't much better. he was glad he'd always had Tony. he knew one day, Tony would probobly find a lover, and they wouldn't be able to do this anymore, but Johnny didn't mind. he was sure Loki would keep him company if that happened. besides, he wouldn't lose Tony completely, they'd always be great freinds.

Johnny was watching Tony talk with a smile on his face. he was very careful not to leave marks where the teammates could see. they probobly wouldn't understand and would make things worse by trying to 'protect' Tony from 'abuse', no matter that they had no right to do so. "oh, i'm special." Johnny admitted with a smirk as he drank a cup of coffee. "i'm actually staying for a little while. Sue's gone so i feel no need to stay with a team that doesn't really give a crap about me." he admitted, well aware that the comment would probobly go over their heads, though Bruce would probobly catch on and suddenly understand why Loki was treating Clint, Nat and Steve the way he was. "Tony." Loki stated, eyes narrowed. "why are you in the fridge. you had best not be attempting to cook." "he's not." Johnny assured Loki. "you think i'd let him after what happened the last time he tried to cook?.... whatever he made, it wasn't edible... in fact, i think it was trying to eat us instead." he admitted, Loki snorting. "get out of the way Tony, i'll make Waffles." Loki promised, completely ignoring the people in the room. "Bruce? would you like a Waffle?" Loki offered, Clint sulking. "i want a Waffle..." Clint pleaded, Loki turning to stare at Clint, an almost dead, angry look in his eyes and Clint moved to hide behind Nat. "...never mind, you'd probobly poison it." "indeed. get out. i have no wish to see you're disgusting faces this morning. and if you leave one more thing in the communal rooms that i have to clean, YOU will be doing the cleaning. have i made myself clear?!" Loki demanded, pointing at Clint with a sharp blade, satisfied when Clint nodded. "good." he stated before pausing as Clint noticed a purple bruise on Tony's shoulder. "hey, Tony you're hurt. did you fall or something?"
Tony smiled smirkign at johnny’s words.”Yea, you’re special.But it’s not polite telling you that. It’s not politically correct to say that.”Tony said ignoring Johnny’s words because he knew the other was taking jabs at his team. Bruce raised his eyebrows a little as he studied his team, sipping his tea as he considered why tony was staying,even if it was his house. “I want food. I’m sure there’s something edible and made in here.”Tony straightened, nearly cracking his head off the freezer before glaring at Johnny. “It did not. Steve, tell them to stop making fun of me.You’re the all amercian hero, save me.”Tony demanded though it was said in such a way to show he wasn’t really paying attention to what he was saying, mostly thinking about his new project before settling at the table, humming quietly. “Loki?Remember what I said?Just feed him.”Tony ordered because while he wouldn’t stop them from being snide and nasty, he would stop both johnny and loki from being to mean ,and denying clint food was to much for him to be okay with,even if they probably deserved it. Startling out of his thoughts on his morning coffee he paused to look at his shoulder, before shuddering in remembered pleasure. “Or something.”he said hoping the other would leave it at that, but knowing he wouldn’t.
Johnny snorted. "i'm no more special than you are Stark." he scoffed, offering him a sneer, it was a playful one though and there was that touch of lust in there too. "there isn't." Loki stated. "i tossed the leftovers out when someone, i can't remember who, got sick." it had been Clint, and it hadn't been from the leftovers, rather what Loki had added into the leftovers. Steve just lifted an eyebrow at Tony and then ignored him and everyone else, reading his newspaper, or pretending to anyway. he was too busy floating on good feelings to care what was happening around him. Johnny was freaking him out though, it was unnatural for someone to look so much like him... maybe they where going to replace him with Johnny? he was being silly, that would never work. Loki snarled at the order to feed them before he paused and smiled, entirely too sweetly at Tony. "alright Tony. i'll feed them." he agreed, pouring batter into the griddle and pressing it down hard. soon there was black smoke billowing out and Clint grimaced. "...i'm not that hungry...." he'd go get a waffle from a restaurant. "oh? but i went through all the effort of making you one." Loki stated, plucking out the blackened Waffle and sliding it over to Clint who grimaced. "eat it." Loki ordered as he turned his attention back to making proper waffles for the people he wasn't pissed at. "...Tony? seriously. are you okay?" Clint demanded, worried about that shudder before he glanced at Johnny who was shaking his head. "and why the hell would you so suddenly care?" Johnny demanded of the bastard. "i dropped a hammer on him okay!? i already feel like shit about it so shut the fuck up about it." Johnny demanded, Making Clint lift his hands. "easy! sorry!" "Johnny. you're on fire." Loki stated, making Johnny blink and then yelp as he realized he'd set fire to his chair. "sorry!"
“You are so much more special that way then me.”Tony twitched a little swallowing at the look he knew he was getting even without looking. Tony glared at the god, “Loki.I’m serious.Knock it off.”Tony said his voice going that icy cold that said he was indeed being serious about not being cruel to the team, even as he ran his fingers through his hair, “I’m fine”Tony said though the words weren’t mean or angry, just truthful without saying HOW he’d gotten it and showing that he’d heard the worry in the other’s words before startling, looking at johnny, “Oh for fuck’s sake...”Tony snarled his mood ruined and glaring at the flame on the chair before closing his hands around it, simply smothering the flame with his hands, sighing quietly at the brief pain before slumping back into his chair. Slumping down onto the table, resting his head on his folded arms, because he so knew they were going to deolve into discussing his sex life if they kept it up. “Tony?” “What?” “Are you okay?” “Fine.”
Johnny smirked. "True. i did only score a sixty two on my IQ test." everyone turned to stare at him. "what? it was multiple choice... i made a puppy." Steve snorted at that, for some reason, that was hilarious. "...fine." Loki grumbled, flicking his fingers at Clint's plate, making the burnt mess vanish and put a perfectly nice Waffle on there instead. Clint was still hesitant to eat it, but after he served Natasha, Steve and Bruce and none of them had any issues he tucked in as well. "sorry Tony..." Johnny muttered, catching Tony's wrists and gently kissing each one, the move hidden by the table. "Tony's just tired." Loki interfered. "he was up all night after all." here Johnny smirked and gently nudged Tony. "we'll probobly be up all night again, why don't you head down to your lab to catch a nap and i'll bring you you're breakfast?" he offered, looking a bit worried about Tony, but it was well hidden. "good, they'll give me a chance to clean the floors of the Lab." he decided. "Tony spilled Oil down there, it's a fire hazard." Loki admitted as he shook his head and started piling two waffles onto a plate and handed it over to Tony to take with him as Steve suddenly seamed to remember something. "Hey Tony? i need a new Punching Bag..." he admitted, studying the other. wanting to ask permission to buy some but not quite sure how to ask, he hadn't meant to just blurt that out though and he paused, confused with himself and nearly recoiled when both Johnny and Loki glared at him.
“...That sounds so much worse then it actually is.”Tony snickered at that mental image, smirking a little against his arms as he realized loki was listening to him, shuddering a little when he felt Johnny’s lips brush his skin.”It’s okay. It just amazes me you two are more pissed then I am.”he muttered before laughing a little, tilting his head to look at him. “Fine,fine. A nap would be nice. Followed by lab sex if you’re good.”Tony snickered because it was a rare thing he let anyone,even johnny, have sex in the lab, because it was his private sanctuary. A place no one else could disturb, smiling to himself, his mood once against balanced as he stood and took the tray, pausing to look at steve, tilting his head. “I already have a idea for one. Give me a few hours and I’ll see what I can do.”Tony said stuttering ever so slightly at the almost order for a new bag in the other’s words, knuckles going white where he was holding the tray, not in anger that steve wanted something from him after being a bastard, but a instant desire to hear that voice giving him actual commands, in that pretty deep sexy captain voice. Shuffling back a few steps out of the room he smiled waving a hand over his shoulder. “Few hours, Cap.”He called out before beating a hasty retreat to his lab.
Johnny snickered a little. "i fail IQ tests on purpose. it drives Reed insane. it's hilarious." Johnny admitted with a chuckle. "i'm not sure why he keeps trying to trick me into taking them. probobly trying to decide if i'm actually retarded or just an asshole." he admitted as he munched on a piece of bacon. "well. you never did care for yourself properly." he muttered, smiling at Tony before glaring at Cap who blinked, completely baffled as Loki sighed. "but... i." Steve complained as Tony left, Johnny lifting an eyebrow at Cap. "...i was just going to ask him for some money so i could buy some..." Steve explained. "i didn't expect him to make one..." "well. Tony's a nice guy like that." loki stated, narrowing his eyes at Steve. "not that you people would understand Tony. you don't even try." he huffed and turned away, making the last waffle for himself and leaving to follow Johnny down to the lab. ignoring the people. "one of you do the dishes." he ordered. "if your going to live here, then you should at least make yourselves useful." he ordered as he followed Johnny down to where Tony was already working, glancing at the fire starter, who was helping Tony with the mechanics and promised to go get the materials Tony needed.
“You’re just a asshole. It’s why we get along.”tony pointed out before rolling his eyes, swallowing hard as the other’s glared at steve, using the moment to recover. “You could still do that, but anything Tony makes would probably be better then anything you can buy.”Natasha pointed out tilting he head as she considered what had just happened.

“...Stop it. I can feel you two sharing conspiring looks over my head. I know you are. And I need some of what reed uses for his suit, Johnny.The stretchy crap.”Tony said even as he settled in to work on the res, and by the time he was done, both food had been eaten and his embarassing reaction to Cap was forgotten. At least by the man himself. Not that loki or johnny would probably forget, or let tony forget, but in the mania of a creative moment, sex took a backseat. “J?Will you tell Cap to meet us in the training room?”Tony said waiting for a reply before looking at johnny, pointing to the bag.”Carry that, you muscle bound idiot. You might as well be helpful since you just kept getting in the way.”He teased brushing his shoulder against johnny’s,stealing a kiss before cleaning up and heading for the gym.
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