Save my Mind(Avengers)-Lady/Moon

Loki blinked a little. "what does being blond have to do with intelligence?" Loki asked, looking baffled. "i'm Blond sometimes." he admitted before blinking at him. "he's a model?" he asked, examining Steve. "well, he certainly has the body for it." he admitted with a smile. "too much muscle though." he admitted as he gave the tiny hamster a tiny blueberry. "i'm hungry now though... will Steve make me some food now?" he asked hopefully.

Clint chuckled a little. "i was always good at reading people." he admitted with a smile. "like Thor for example, is trying very hard to flirt with you. but he's using different flirting techniques than what humans are used to." he admitted with a grin. "oh, and Steve really is Gay, he just wont admit it because he thinks me and Tony are homophobic, like most people where back in Steve's day." he admitted, sounding amused. "though i only know that because he doesn't know how to delete computer history."
“’s a saying here on earth, about blond’s lacking a few braincells.”tony laughed a little before smirking, “Well, sort of. His daytime job is a superhero, but he does it in spandex, so he models it.”Tony snickered before nodding. “Come on. We’ll go see if he’ll make something.”He said helping loki into the wheelchair, before flicking a glance towards the vents. “Clint, you better come eat to, before Cap worries you’re starving.”Well, so tony had been aware clint was spying sometimes, though not that merry was with him.

“...Really?”Merry flushed at that, looking at him, biting her lip. “Ph...well then...”She swallowed hard, thinking that over. Before startling a little, looking at clint, “...Are you serious?Has he met tony?”she snickered at the idea before pausing, thinking that over.”...what has he been watching?”she asked, curious before laughing a little at tony’s words.
Loki blinked a little. "well that's silly..." he muttered with a shake of his head. "what does hair color have to do with intelligence anyway?" he grumbled. "superhero?" he asked, sounding skeptical. "like superman? really? that's pretty... weird." Loki admitted, shaking his head. "great! i want..." Loki paused to ponder that. "i want this thing called Soup." Loki ordered, pulling it up on Google. "there's all kinds of Soup!" he admitted, looking quite happy before looking around. "Clint? he's the angry man.... he's not here Tony, are you feeling well?"

Clint smirked a little, refusing to admit that he'd rather like to flirt with her too. he'd never make a good boyfriend. "yes, but Steve is sort of blind sometimes. he sees what he expects to see." he admitted with a shake of his head. "he'll realize sooner or later that it's alright to 'be the way he is'." here Clint snorted. "he's kind of ridiculous actually."
“It is, and no idea, but it’s a earth saying still.”Tony shrugged before nodding. “Just like superman...and how did you hear about superman?I’m so much cooler then superman.”Tony sulked at the idea of not being the superhero loki thought of before grinning. “We can do soup. He’s good at soup.”Tony said before nodding, “He is. And I feel fine He spends time in the vents.”Tony said pointing to the vent cover, “He wanders around the building using those.”

“Well, he is out of time. I guess that would be understandable that he’s not realizing it’s okay....though Tony jumping Loki would probably prove its okay.”He snickered looking amused as she moved back towards the nest, nudging him. “Come on, I want food.”
Loki blinked a little and held up the Tablet. "saw an ad." he admitted. "buy Superman Figurines today!" Loki quoted. "Jarvis told me it had a virus and to not click it. i didn't want to get sick, so i didn't." he admitted. "are you a superhero Tony?" he asked, looking curious. "do you have a cape?" he asked curiously. "i like capes." of course he did. he'd only worn one the entire time he'd tried to take over the earth. "what are vents?" he asked, frowning a little. "those holes in the walls? i'd wondered about those, what are they for?" he asked curiously. "he must be pretty nimble to scurry around in there."

"he'll figure it out eventually." Clint agreed with a chuckle. "where are you going?" he asked, blinking at her. "Tony already knows we're here. come on." he popped the vet open, the thing was hinged. it was as if Tony had Clint in mind when he'd built the tower. course, he hadn't known Clint at that point. "here. i'll lower you down." he carefully settled her onto Loki's bed and then dropped down himself, using a pointer to swing the vent back closed, collapsing it down and sticking it back in his pocket. "come on. lets go watch Thor try to flirt with you." he teased.
“ buying superman. He’s not cool enough.”he sulked before grinning, “hm, you wouldn’t get sick. Just the computer. The virus is a computer thing.”He said before grinning, “I am and no. I wear the suit....and you like capes, Shakespearean drama queen that you are.”Tony teased pressing a kiss to his forehead before nodding. “They are. And they circulate new air into the room so it doesn’t get stale...and let clint go places without anyone knowing...and he is. He grew up in the circus.”

“Back...Oh. well.That’s true.”Merry said flushing a little at having not thought about simply getting out of the vent before nodding, taking his hands and smiling as he helped her down. “Thanks.And that was pretty cool. Almost like he had you in mind when he put the vents in.”she teased a little as they headed for the kitchen, following after loki and tony. Flushing a little. “I still don’t think he is, but I’ll pay attention now.”
Loki blinked a little. "oh. right. i knew that." he agreed with a smile. "it makes the computer sick." he hadn't known that at all! "suit?" Loki asked, confused before he looked down. "Jarvis? Tony as a Superhero please." and with that he watched as the red and gold suit kicked ass. "oh wow! that's amazing! you are cooler than superman!" he admitted before looking up at Tony. "oh, that's what makes the house cold!" he mused, examining the nearest vent. "did he really?" Tony would know this, but Clint had actually spent a good long time in the circus. learning a lot of different things before he joined Shield. "Blond Face! i mean, Steve!" Loki stated, pointing at the man who lifted an eyebrow. "...blond face?" "your the best person ever, can i have some soup?" Steve stared at Loki for a moment before glancing at Tony. "...he gets that blatant manipulation from you, you know. what kind of soup?" "the kind with noodles in it!" "....Tony what kind of soup does he want?"

Clint chuckled a little and shook his head a little. "hey, it's a vent. no one thinks of these things. i'm just weird." he admitted with a chuckle. "i know right? i'd accuse him of it, but he didn't know me when he had this place built. i think he did it for the maintenance." he admitted. "easier for him to get in and out." he admitted. "these days, i do most of the vent maintenance." he admitted with a chuckle. "oh, he is." he stated with a grin. "he so is." "Lady Merry! you look radiant today!" Thor declared, beaming at her. "Loki is requesting Soup, what is this?"
“Yes, suit.”Tony grinned looking amused, grinning as loki got jarvis to show pictures of him. Laughing at loki’s praise. “I am so much cooler then Superman. And the Captain. You’ll have to tell steve that, okay?That I’m cooler.”he smirked a little before nodding, “It is. And he did. Most of his high school years actually.”Tony said smiling slightly before choking on his laughter at loki’s words, “Blondie, when I manipulate people, I’m so much more subtle about it, Captain.”Tony grinned at his best friend before smirking as he listened to the two, “Just make chicken noodle soup.”

“You are weird. But it’s a cute weird.”She teased before smirking. “probably. I mean, it’s tony. Easier is better.”She snickered before laughing harder waggling her eyebrows a little. “Easier in and out, I wonder if that goes for his women to?”She snickered to amused by tony’s sex life to really realize she was talking about it. And until he was ready, she wasn’t about to try and talk to tony about anything. Grinning at thor she blushed, smiling at him.”Thank you, Thor.It is like broth, with noodles in it.”She said as they headed for the kitchen.
Loki smiled a little. "you are cooler than Superman." he agreed. "i'll tell him that." he agreed with a nod. "whats a high school?" he asked, his head tilted. "...and what a circus?" he asked, frowning a little. "as if." Steve teased. "you're as obvious as Thor is when your trying to manipulate people." Steve teased, Loki snorting. "Thor can't manipulate things." Loki scoffed. "by the way, Tony's superhero is better than yours." Loki stated to Steve. "i know." Steve admitted with a sigh. "i'm working on it, but the spandex is the only think that doesn't get in the way when i fight. and it doesn't snap when i twist wrong either." Steve admitted. "Tony is supposed to be helping me, but he keeps getting distracted." he teased as he started making some chicken noodle soup.

"bah. there's nothing cute about me." he stated with a snort. "and you have a point. Tony is so lazy sometimes." he admitted. "i'm surprised he hadn't made a robot to handle the venting." he admitted with a snicker. "besides, Tony only goes through women the way he does because he doesn't want to admit he's more gay than Steve is." he admitted with a smirk as he moved into the kitchen. "i like Broth." Thor admitted with a smile. "but we do not eat it often, as it is a hassle to make." he admitted. "Clint! what's a circus?" Loki demanded, making Clint blink. "it's a moving theater with different physical based shows. comedy acts, balancing acts, animal shows and things like that." he admitted. "i wasn't aware you knew i was in the circus for a while." he admitted, sounding amused. "Tony told me. what's a high school?" "it's an education system. people go to high school after middle school. middle school after elementary school. you go into each level depending on age, and if you where smart enough to complete the schooling you need to to go on." Clint explained, Loki pondering that before nodding. at least Loki seamed to be getting their names right. "Tony's superhero is cooler than yours is." Loki stated, making Clint snort. "all of the superheros but Natasha are 'cooler' than me."
“I do not. It’s not my fault I agree with you, spandex makes your ass look amazing. I really don’t want to change you out of it.”Tony leered at his best friend for a moment grinning a little as he watched Clint explain the circus and school. “You’re doing better remembering names.”Merry said beaming at loki, smiling pleased that the man was remembering better. “....why not natasha?”she paused looking at him, looking curious. “...she’s going to strangle you with her thighs for saying she’s the same as you, birdbrain. Seriously. Look forward to it.”Tony piped up snickering a little.
Steve stared at Tony, eyes wide and face as red as a tomato. " Tony stop being a sick pervert and fix my uniform damn you!" Steve complained, still flushed and embarrassed as Loki blinked, looking from Tony to Steve, wondering if he was witnessing a courting ritual of some sort? "it's getting easier." Loki agreed, beaming at Merry as Thor beamed at them both. "Natasha is the only woman on the avengers, but she's often overlooked, same as i am, because we're fringe fighters, not front liners." Clint explained. "we don't get seen as often." he admitted as he picked up the morning paper and started to reed. "Tony, quite being a perv before Steve has a heart attack." "heart attack?" Loki asked, looking quite baffled. "you can attack a person's heart?" "no. it's a disease, when a clot forms in the blood and get's stuck in the heart. it's often fatal and sometimes certain things can set one off, like stress, anxiety, and other high output emotions." "...i don't think Aeser get those." "nope." Thor agreed. "we do have problems where the heart just stops working for a few heartbeats though, very painful." "palpitations." Bruce piped up. "it's a common problem here too."
Tony grinned at steve’s blush, before nodding.”I’ll start working on it as soon as the soup’s done.”Tony smiled amused before grinning at loki, tilting his head a little. “He blushes. It’s adorable.”He pointed out, because while he found steve attractive, he wouldn’t touch his best friend with a ten foot pole. He vauled steve as a friend to much to ever sleep with him, self aware enough to know he fucked up any relationship he ever got in, so he wouldn’t risk fucking that up. “Ahhh...that makes sense.”Merry said smiling a little, tilting her head.”And no one gets as much attention as Tony. Attention whore.”Merry teased the billionaire. “Hey, its not my fault reporters like me. I’d actually be okay with them liking me a little less.”Tony said before making a face. “Fine, fine I’ll leave grandpa alone. And yes a heart attack, it’s...”Tony trailed off as bruce explained before smiling a little.
Steve snorted a little and shook his head. "no you won't. you'll get distracted and start working on that new shield, or Clint's bow or something." he teased, rolling his eyes. "it is kind of cute." Loki agreed, looking amused, and sort of, just a tiny bit upset. he didn't want Tony to flirt with Steve. "what's an attention whore?" "someone who hogs the spotlight and does whatever they can to get any kin of attention. usually because of neglectful parents or because they are entirely too spoiled." Steve stated with a scoff. "people like Miley Cirus. she shaved her head to get some attention." " does that get her attention!?" Loki demanded, looking baffled. "she's a celebrity i guess, some sort of singer." Steve admitted, Loki scoffing a little and shaking his head. "i'll chase the reporters away." he assured Tony. he wanted to impress his freind after all. "that smells really good." Loki admitted as Thor picked up the box of broth. "this is broth?" Thor asked, stunned. "where did you make it?" "we didn't. someone else makes it, and we buy it." Steve explained. "it smells good. is it done yet? i'm hungry." "almost." Steve promised with a chuckle. "the vegetables have to finish cooking and the noodles are still a little tough." Loki just whined.
“I will not. The shield is already perfection, and clint doesn’t need a new bow yet. He already got one.”He snickered a little. “Don’t worry loki, tony flirts with anything that moves, he means none of it, except when he’s being serious. Steve, thor, clint...they don’t mean anything beyond friends to him.”Merry muttered to loki, seeing that he was upset a little before laughing at tony. “So, which are you, neglected or spoiled?” “Neither. I’m not a attention whore.”Tony made a face before grinning at steve, “I would love that. It’d be epic to watch captain america chase reporters expressing their first amendment rights.”He smirked a little before smirking as loki inspected the food. “Just a few more minutes.”Tony said smiling as he settled at the table.
Steve rolled his eyes. "i'm sure." he stated with a scoff as Loki blinked at Merry before offering her a smile, relaxing. he was glad that Tony didn't mean anything by the flirting. he wasn't sure why, but he suspected that he was in some serious 'like' with Tony. he wanted to pin Tony to the bed and fuck him senseless until Tony never wanted another person ever again. "....i'm not going to protect you." Steve scoffed. "the more attention they pay to you, the less attention they'll pay to me." Steve admitted, indicating Loki. "he's the one whose going to protect you." he stated with a scoff. Loki offering him a scowl. "what's an amendment?" "it's part of our law system. the amendments where the starting guidelines for our country." Steve explained. "soups done." he stated, Loki perking up happily as he took his bowl when Steve handed it to him and took a tiny sip, completely unbothered by the heat of it. "i like soup!" Loki decided happily as he dug into his meal. eating four bowls all on his own. compared to Thor's six. good thing that Steve made a massive pot.
“You should protect me, capsicle. I mean, I’m awesome, and I got you your own popsicles.”Tony chirped looking amused. “Watching loki tell to kneel and obey, isn’t nearly as entertaining as watching you tell them off. Do you remember the one you threatened if you had to hear about my sex life again you’d do something disastrous? That was awesome.”Toyn grinned before laughing as he ate his own soup. Looking amused as he looked at his friend.” Loki, how in the world do you eat it all?You’re not fat, I have no idea how you two eat so much.”Tony snickered a little.
Steve rolled his eyes. "your hardly worth the effort." Steve admitted. "you'll just attract their attention again in a matter of hours. you can't do 'low profile' if your life depended on it." he stated simply as he dished up the soup. "Tony. they posted every single time you kissed a girl. considering you kiss dozens of girls a day, i have every right to be annoyed. i want to read news, not gossip." he stated with a roll of his eyes as Loki grinned ad sucked down his own soup. "i'm healing, i'm a god, i use magic, i'm awesome." was Loki's quip. "more please." Steve started to laugh. clearly Tony was a bad influence on Loki.
“I am worth every effort!I can’t believe you just told me that. I’m going to develop a complex or something.”Tony sputtered. “ mean you don’t already have one?”Merry smirked. “Who asked you?Don’t you have someone else to be analyzing...and I don’t kiss EVERYONE. I haven’t kissed you, or merry, or loki, or clint or....well, everyone in this tower actually.”Tony frowned making a face at him, before smirking. “I do not kiss dozens of girls every day...its only a few, and only because they throw themselves at me...What else am I supposed to do?”tony whined as he ate. “...Was he always like this? This might be a bad idea if he’s going to start picking up my bad habits.”
Steve snorted a little. "you already have a Complex Tony." Steve stated with a roll of his eyes before he flashed Merry a smirk as she repeated his own statement. sort of. "she's analyzing you. you're a very fascinating subject to study." Bruce commented, sounding amused. "i'm writing a thesis paper on you." he teased. he wasn't of course, and they all knew it. but he liked to 'spar' with Tony, who didn't treat him any differently than he did anyone else. "well, you could always tell them no." Clint pointed out, looking amused. "i agree. Loki's not allowed to hang out with Tony anymo..." Clint paused and actually cowered a little at the level of the glare he was getting from Loki, making Thor snicker. "i think you will fin it very difficult to keep Loki away from Tony." Thor admitted, sounding highly, highly amused.
“I do, and it’s called I’m amazing, and you’re all jealous, so you make fun of me.”Tony grinned at them all before staring at bruce, before smirking. “It better be called ‘how to have amazing sex, instructions by tony stark’ otherwise, I’ll have to say you don’t get to write it.”Tony said loftily, because he knew talking about his sex life drove steve insane, and he loved messing with his best friend. The only way he treated bruce different, was he tended to try to annoy him, simply because he could, and wanted to see the limits of the hulk/bruce relationship. “...uhh...have you seen some of the women who throw themselves at me?Who’d say no?” “Me.But I like my men muscley, instead of dumber then bricks.”Merry snickered a little before starting at loki’s glare, watching them. “Ha! This is awesome. I have something that shuts up birdbrain, this is awesome.”Tony grinned at clint, looking amused as he looked between clint and loki, amused at the man’s reaction.
Loki nodded. agreeing with tony. "nope. it's called "how Tony Stark sleeps with dozens of women so Captain America doesn't realize that Tony wants to..." "if you want food, you won't finish that." Steve warned, shooting Bruce a glare. "you're not allowed to have Tony time anymore." Steve stated, making Bruce pretend to pout. they all knew that Tony and Bruce where science buddies. there was no keeping them apart because as soon as one or worse, both of them started smart babbling at them, they'd shove them to the other so they wouldn't have to deal with it. "you are not going to be able to keep Loki away from Friend Tony so easily." Thor teased with a chuckle. "shut up Thor." Loki ordered. "i'll turn you into a Squid." "been there, done that." Thor stated dismissively making Loki blink. "...i've turned you into a squid?" "indeed. it was very... odd." Thor admitted with a shake of his head.
“What?What?Noooo, you can’t think that. I mean, I see him mostly naked every day, spandex leaves nothing to the imagination, but I don’t want to really see him naked!”Tony whined looking amused at steve’s warning though before grinning. “Hmph. You stop my bruce time, I’ll make your suit even more skin tight.”Tony threatened looking amused though, knowing the ban on no more tony time, wouldn’t work. “ did being a squid feel?I mean...that’s...weird.”Merry said staring at thor, looking immensely curious.
Bruce blinked at Tony, his eyes wide as Steve started choking on his sip of soup. "you see him naked?" Loki asked as Steve glared at Tony, bright red. "if you would KNOCK before coming into my room!" he complained, even if he knew Tony was talking about how Steve had a habit of running around shirtless. hey, Steve had quite a while to adjust... he could tease back!... sometimes. "besides, you know you want me." Steve teased. "you want me to cook, and clean, and stop talking." he teased, Loki laughing. "as long as it doesn't make me look like i belong in Disneyland." Steve stated simply. "it was extremely difficult." Thor admitted to Merry. "to have ten limbs when i should only have four was... disconcerting. i couldn't figure out how to do anything so i just sort of laid there and glared at my oh so loving brother." "you probobly deserved it." ", not really, you where pregnant at the time..." Loki started to choke violently on his soup. "i was WHAT!?" "oh yes. very irritable." "no, no. i'm a guy!" "well, yes. we where all quite surprised really, when we found out you where capable of carrying children. but that's what you get for transforming into women." "WHAT?!"
“Sometimes.And if you would be a normal human being and NOT run around naked, I wouldn’t have to worry about it.”Tony whined looking amused though, before his eyes widened at the other’s teasing, rolling his eyes a little. “Well, if you put it that way, you could do that stuff naked. I should at least get a lovely view while you do housework. It’s kinda like that time I asked pepper if she’d do all my housework naked...”Tony said looking thoughtful at the idea before grinning, “Nothing like mickey mouse then, got it.’ “...that’s so weird, definitely would be weird. I don’t even want to consider how difficult that had to be.”Merry said shuddering a little at the idea of being a squid, blushing a little as she looked at thor. “But at least you got back to being yourself, you look better this way then a squid.”She said, blushing, because as badly as thor flirted, merry was just awkward, as she so rarely got to do it, she had no idea how to flirt. “....That part of the legends are true? ALL of them?”tony said staring, sputtering a little at the idea of loki being pregnant, looking at thor.
Steve rolled his eyes. "says the guy who staggers out of his bedroom in nothing but boxers every morning." he commented with a shake of his head. "shut up Tony before i beat you to death with my plastic ladle." Steve ordered, making Bruce snicker and Loki giggle. "i bet Pepper hurt you for that comment." Clint mused, looking like he wanted to laugh at Tony. "i really am going to hurt you Tony." Steve grumbled with a sigh as he handed out the soup. Thor just nodded to Merry, ignoring everyone else around them. "oh yes, it was very difficult." he admitted. "at least Loki was kind enough to ensure i would not suffocate, being that we where miles away from a body of water big enough to contain me." Thor admitted with a chuckle. "i don't know. Loki claims it was a vast improvement to my looks." Thor admitted with a chuckle. "he turned me back after three days because the Warriors three complained that i couldn't help them practice with me indisposed. i guess Loki got so annoyed with them he did as they said." he admitted with a grin. "Thor paused. "i am unsure." Thor admitted. "i know that your people where once very interested in our people and made records of our lives. but i am unsure how accurate the legends are." "....i was pregnant." Loki squeaked, horrified. "yes. you have Jormungandr, the eldest. he just turned six thousand. then you have Fenris. he just turned five thousand five hundred or so. then there's Hel, your only daughter. she just turned five thousand even. then you have the twins Narvi and Vali. they just turned four thousand. and i have to tell you, they're worse than you ever where about pranks." Thor admitted, sulking at Loki. "and then there's Sleipnir, though i'm hesitant to actually call him your son...." "why?" "he was somewhat of an accident. you where messing around with Alchemy i think and where trying to create life... a plant i think, and ended up with Sleipnir instead"
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