Save my Mind(Avengers)-Lady/Moon

he nodded. "he is the one with the blond face right?" he asked, still feeling a little confused about the people in the tower. he kept forgetting their names. "i agree, Shakespeare was a very impressive writer." he admitted with a smile. "i can ask the Teevee to show me. it follows orders! so do the lights!" he admitted, looking highly impressed. "and the air conditioner." he admitted with a smile before he sobered. "'s..." he hesitated. "how can i be upset about something i don't remember? it's like being told you where abused as a baby. you might find it slightly upsetting, but not traumatic. how can it be when it doesn't truly affect your life? without the memories of it..." he shook his head. "i'm sure it's just not soaked in yet..." he admitted with a sigh. "i'm sure i'll be more upset when i'm not so tired and not in so much pain." he admitted softly. "for now... i'm still not sure that this isn't a dream." he admitted with a shake of his head. "Teevee, will you play Shakespeare's a Midsummer Nights dream?" he asked, smiling as the show started. he didn't want to talk anymore apparently. more upset then he let on.
“Yes, he is. Don’t worry. You’ll probably forget names for awhile, at least until you seem them more.”Merry reassured smiling slightly. “Ah, a TV that follows orders. That’s pretty awesome.”Merry agreed grinning a little, impressed herself, having forgotten about Tony’s AI running his house. Wincing a little as she considered that. “Well...that’s true. You understand it, know it, but it really doesn’t affect you because you don’t remember it happening....I have to tell you loki, I help alot of victims, but I’ve only had one other amnesic to help, so you’ll have to work with me okay?I’m almost out of my element...but I will help you, I promise.”She smiled softly biting her lip before studying him. “Thank you.”She said thanking the ‘tv’ as she settled in to watching the movie, willing to let him think she didn’t know he was upset, for now, wanting to just get him to trust her, and that meant letting him talk when he wanted to, and not talk when he didn’t want to. She just hoped he would talk to her if he became to upset.
he nodded a little. "...i forgot your name.." he admitted sheepishly. "yeah, the TV is awesome! it can even prevent annoyances from trying to change the channel... i'm not sure what a channel is, but the sarcastic one was insistent i do so." he admitted as he smiled. "yeah..." he muttered as he watched her. "it's alright. i don't think there are a lot of people who could deal with the problems i'm sure to have. i know i'm going to remember. and i'd rather have someone here to handle my trauma, rather than my memory loss." he admitted as he settled in to watch the play, falling asleep twenty minutes later. looking so peaceful it hurt, knowing that he was in such pain. he woke long enough to eat dinner, grumbling sleepily the entire time before he slept the night away.

in the morning he was sitting up, he had taken a bath and his long hair was still damp when someone checked on him for breakfast. he was smiling as he played with Acorn, some random cartoon playing on the TV. something called Digimon. he was wearing only a pair of pants, since his back was still too sensitive to wear cloth, but he was looking much happier than he had yesterday.
“Merry.It’s merry.”Merry said smiling quietly, looking at the man before grinning. “It sounds like you have the best tv then. And a channel is what the show is being shown on. Lots of channels, means you have alot of shows to watch.”She smiled looking amused before settling, relaxing a little. “Well, I can help with that, when you remember.”She squeezed his hand before settling in to watch the movie.

Tony smirked as he walked in, raising a eyebrow as he glanced at the tv.”I’m going to have to introduce you to something besides cartoons.”he snickered a little looking amused as the badass that thrown him out of a window, sat there playing with a hamster. It was fairly endearing really. “Hey. Did you know your brother is awkward around woman?”Tony asked before wincing.”Sorry...I meant...of course you don’t remember...”Tony winced, looking upset before smiling. “Sorry. Anyways, your brother, definitely awkward. He’s upstairs flirting with your doctor.”He snickered a little as he carried the breakfast tray in.
Loki grinned. "i do have the best TV... oh, so it's like... picking up a different book." he decided. "each book is something different, so every Channel is something different." he mused with a smile as he looked at her. "thank you." he muttered softly.

"i like Cartoons. the blond face... forgot his name again, showed me how they work with this itty bitty drawing of a cat bouncing around." he admitted happily. "Brother?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "from what little i can recall, he was a hellion. a real ladies man. a new one every night." he admitted as he ticked Acorns belly and then fed him a grape, grinning as the furry creatures cheeks bulged because it had shoved two of them into it's tiny cheeks. "flirting?" he asked, looking amused. "he's actually flirting? that's new." he admitted with a chuckle. "he must really like her." he stated with a chuckle as he took a tint, tiny little brush and tried to make Acorn's fur lie flat.
"Steve.and yea,hats hoe he explainrd to thor to.he really is so good at drawing."tony smiled slightly before laughing."I could believe that.hes good looking enough to be a ladies man....maybe its a cultural thing.I don't think she's understanding he's flirting."tony snickered befire smirking at the brush amused at loki's hamster."does he enjoy that?the brushing I mean?"he said smiling as he sat the food tray down,"time to eat.had acorn here,we'll bond while you eat."
Loki smiled and nodded. "he really is." Loki agreed with a smile. "i still have it, he let me keep it." he admitted as he reached over and picked up the sticky note pad that Steve had used, flipping through it quickly so Tony could see the dancing cat. "probobly not. Flirting in Asgard mainly consists of flexing muscles and subtle praise of another persons skills. it's... weird." he admitted with a smile. "and i think so, he's not fighting it at any rate..." he admitted with a chuckle. "remind me to get some hamster sand at some point though." he ordered as he gently settled the hamster into Tony's hands and picked up his tray of food, all but inhaling it. "i like this stuff. what is it?" he demanded as he tore into another piece of Bacon. he loved the 'flat sweet bread things' too. pancakes in syrup had been the first to be eaten, though he didn't particularly care for the bowl of apple sauce. he was delighted at the bowl of mixed seeds that had been included for Acorn and the hamster, not all that hungry, was having fun stuffing the seeds in it's cheek pouches and rushing over to his little 'den' in the cage, spitting them out and returning for more. Loki thought it was hilarious, even if he knew he'd had to clean the cage again so the seeds didn't attract bugs.
“He’s good like that. He’d probably draw you something else if you wanted.”Tony smiled a little before tilting his head, laughing a little. “Ah, she’s probably just taking it as him being nice. This is going to be interesting, watching thor how to figure out how to do mortal flirting.”Tony snickered shaking his head a little before nodding. “I will.”he said gently stroking his hand against the hamster’s head. Amused as he watched the other inhale his food. “That’s bacon, it’s a kind of meat. And the bread things are pancakes.”he said smiling slightly before laughing as acorn ran back and forth with the seeds.
he beamed. "you really think so?" he asked hopefully. "maybe he'll draw me a bird. i like birds." he admitted with a chuckle. "she probobly does. she's a great girl but i get the feeling she doesn't get a lot of attention of a sexual nature." he admitted with a smile. "i think someone should just tell her that Thor is interested." he admitted with a chuckle. "she'll never realize otherwise." he admitted as he tore into another piece of bacon before getting into the hash-browns. "mmm i like these too." he admitted as he scarfed down every last bit of food, leaving only the Apple Sauce, grinning as he watched Acorn bouncing about with his cheeks so stuffed with food they bounced right along with him. "so, i was wondering..." Loki admitted, looking hesitant. "could i... maybe wander about a bit? i'm tired of sitting still." he admitted, looking ever so hopeful.
“I’m sure he would. He’s a boy scout at heart like that.”He snickered a little before raising a eyebrow. “Poor merry. She’s to pretty to not get hit on.”he grinned at the thought of just what he could get up to with having a naive girl in the house before making a face. “Must we?I’m sort of enjoying watching this.”he snickered before laughing as acorn’s cheeks bounced, looking amused before startled. “Well...Yea. I guess.”She said looking worried a little at that, before frowning slightly. “You think you can sit up?I have a chair you can sit in and push around.”
he blinked. "what's a boyscout?" he asked, his head tilted. "she really is pretty." he agreed. "it's no wonder Thor's so smitten... though, you do have to be concerned about how sex would work. i'm pretty sure he'd split her in two." he admitted with a chuckle. "well, we don't have to of course." he admitted with a chuckle "yeah, i'm sitting up now aren't i?" he asked with a smile. "i even made it to the bathroom on my own... though i had to rest for a good long while, but i did enjoy the bathtub." he admitted. "and the water stayed hot!" the bathtub had heating coils to keep the water at the preferred temperature. run by Jarvis of course. "your house is amazing." he admitted as he carefully settled into the wheelchair, wincing as his back touched the hard leather back. a pillow took care of that. "hey Tony? thanks for letting me stay here."
“It’’s a really good guy, you rescues kittens out of trees, and helps grandmothers across the street and does nice things just to be a nice guy.”He snickered amused at the idea, and knowing his best friend was going to kill him if Loki told him that description before wincing. “...She is fairly tiny isn’t she?It kinda makes me want to record them having sex, just to see how it works...”he said before making a face. “You are, but you’re sorta in bed laying down to.”Tony smiled as he helped loki into the wheelchair before smirking. “The water will always stay as hot as you want it. I have the most amazing house.”he smirked agreeing before smiling, “You’re welcome. When you see how much room I have here, you’ll see why I don’t care. I could fit a whole town in the house, and not see anyone. You really are welcome to stay,even after you heal.”Tony smiled as they headed for the living room.
Loki blinked a little, clearly not fully understanding. "why would you put a kitten in a tree? still, he is very much a nice guy." he admitted with a nod. "very tiny... has she some elf or dwarf blood in her?" he asked curiously. "i wouldn't mind watching." he admitted with a smirk. "and give helpful pointers of course." he admitted with a snicker. "you do! this house is great! i still don't understand how the TV works..." he admitted with a frown. hey he got the word right this time! "but i do like the Gloogle." he admitted, looking delighted. "the angry man gave me a flat thing that let me gloogle anything i wanted." he admitted. "i now know how pipes work." Angry man, Clint probobly. even though Loki was a victim, Clint hadn't really gotten over the whole 'he took over my brain!' thing. "i'd like to stay." he admitted with a smile as he leaned his head against Tony's arm. "i like being here with you... oh WOW!" he gasped, staring wide eyed out at the massive city, swallowing thickly. "it's... amazing! is this your kingdom?"
“Kittens climb trees on their own. Sometimes they get stuck.”Tony smiled a little before looking thoughtful. “I dunno. Do humans mate with elves or dwarves?”tony said looking interested in teh idea before nodding, snickering. “Of course giving pointers. It would only be fair, if we were going to watch.”He smiled a little. Looking pleased though that loki got the words right, smiling at him. “Google. And the tv works, because I built it to answer you. And run the rest of the house.”He said simply, wondering how to explain jarvis before grinning. “Clint is good at helping others find things on google.”he said not about to mention why clint was so angry, because he knew why he was. Starting a little as loki rested his head on his arm he looked down at the other, smiling. “No, this is definitely not my kingdom. This is just the city where I live.”
he blinked a little. "oh." he muttered, considering that. "well... i suppose they must not be very smart then." he mused. "i dunno." Loki admitted. proving that he was indeed picking up language and habits from the people he was interacting with. "well, they would be grateful for the pointers of course, masters at the craft that we are." Loki stated with a sniff. even if he wasn't sure he'd ever had sex aside from... but he didn't want to think about that. "your TV runs your entire house!?" Loki demanded, looking at Tony as if he was quite certain the other was teasing him, or trying to make a fool out of him. "oh. i thought Thor said you where the King." he admitted with a shrug. yes, the King of Technology was Thor's unofficial nickname for Tony. "it's a beautiful place." Loki admitted with a smile before he gasped as he asw the place burning, exploding, buildings falling as massive THINGS tore the place to shreds. Loki shrieked, tossing himself backwards as the vision exploded and he lifted his hands to defend himself from things that where not there. "t..Tony?" Loki whimpered, terrified as the images vanished, leaving only the beautiful view and a lingering terror and guilt deep in Loki's gut.
“Hm, we are masters aren’t we?We’d give amazing advice.”Tony said smiling quietly, looking at the other amused, though there was some worry in his eyes at how the man was handling things. “Well, no. My house runs the TV. Jarvis, say hello.” “Hello, Sir Laufeyson.”Jarvis said. “If you ever need anything and none of us are down here, just ask jarvis for help. He can get anyone in the place to come help.”Tony smiled a little before smiling. “Oh. Thor calls me a king because I create alot of things, not because I run the whole place.”He said before crouching down, resting his hands on loki’s shoulders hands resting over loki’s. “Hey, hey I’m here. What happened?”He said dark brown eyes concerned and worried, having not considered that they were standing in front of the window loki had thrown him out.
Loki chuckled a little. "brilliant advice." he agreed with a nod. he squeaked as Jarvis piped up and he twisted in his chair, looking for the source. "did your house Just talk?!" he demanded, more than a little stunned. "that's so COOL!" that was so a Clint speech right there. Clint said something was 'cool' all the time. even Steve rolled his eyes at the assassin. "oh. so it's a term of endearment." Loki mused. "i shall call you My Liege!" he decided, sounding amused. then everything went to hell as Loki 'saw' what he had done to the city. "there where. things! the city was burning! buildings falling, metal worms in the sky!" Loki gasped, eyes flicking from one end of the massive window to the other, as if terrified the creatures he had seen would come for them as he clung to Tony, terrified and timid. "i threw you out of that window." Loki whispered, voice tight and traumatized. "why? why would i do that?!"
"Its a computer program but yes,my house just talked.J makes sure I don't do something stupid like blow myself up or something...or entertain people when I hole up in my lab...hes pretty much the perfect butler."tony smiled snickering at loki's words."I'm limiting the time you get to spend with clint if you're going to start talking like him."he teased before wincing turning to make sure ths city really wasn't under attack before sighing quietly,holding onto the other,stroking his back."they're gone.its been a year since then loki...and were pissed at me. Threw me head over heels out.but I think you knew it wouldn't kill me cause I got my suit on as I no harm done."he said soothingly just wanting him to calm down."j?get merry."

"Loki?"merry asked in a few minutes walking into the room,looking worried.
Loki grinned a little. "that's fairly awesome." that was a Steve phrase right there. "Clint is the angry one right?" he asked, still having issues with identities. he remembered Tony, most of the time. but when he'd only met the others once, maybe twice, he kept forgetting who was who. he trembled as he clung to Tony, shaking his head. "you're lying to me." he whispered, voice trembling. "i tried to kill you. i knew it. i wanted you dead..." he whimpered. "i'm sorry. i'm so sorry i tried to kill you and the city!" he wailed, horrified by himself. he was clinging to Tony still when Merry came in, Thor watching from the doorway as Loki kept trying to beg forgiveness for trying to kill Tony, no matter how many times Tony tried to console the man, Loki just kept apologizing right over them. clearly he was in a state of severe shock, horrified by what he had done.
“It is. I’m a awesome sort of guy.”Tony grinned shaking his head a little, amused that loki was picking up his friend’s catchphrases. “Yea, that’s clint.”he said smiling slightly before wincing. “I never lie. Ever. At least, not alot.”Tony muttered gently stroking the other’s back, trying to get him to relax, resting his head against loki’s. “I know, I know you are.”he muttered. “Loki, we’re going to take you downstairs okay?”Merry muttered crossing the room letting tony pick the man up, heading back down to the med lab. Hoping that not seeing the city, would calm loki down. “Loki, you’re safe, you are.”She said sitting down on the edge of the bed next to loki as the man settled him onto the bed. Looking worried, just trying to sooth him her voice soft and gentle, it was a very good thing the woman was used to working with traumatized people.
"you do. you lie. a lot." Loki muttered, trembling against him. "i can feel it, i know it, when you tell a lie." he muttered as he shook his head and simply trembled in Tony's grip. he didn't respond as they started down the stairs, he didn't even seam to realize he was being moved. he curled up on the bed, wrapping himself around her, desperate for touch, for contact. unaware of who he was holding so desperately, only knowing that they where warm and didn't seam to care. it took a long while for him to calm down and fall asleep, and by then Steve had brought all three of them some lunch.

"...Tony?" Loki asked softly, sounding rather listless. " i evil?" he asked softly, looking up at the other with wet eyes. "is that why someone tortured me? because i was evil and i deserved it?"
“Hm, well I’ll keep that in mind, and try not to lie.”Tony muttered as he settled in bed with the two of them. Glad that it wasnt a normal hospital bed, simply big enough for the three of them to snuggle. “Thanks steve.”Merry muttered shifting to get the food, wincing at loki’s question, going quiet, letting tony handle it, because loki seemed to be connecting with him more, would accept what tony said.

“No.”Tony said simply looking down at him, gently running his fingers through the other’s hair. “No, they tortured you because THEY were evil, not you. From...from what I understand, you had some severe shocks in your life, that led you to attacking the world Thor loved. You were acting out loki, like a child would. But being you, you had to do it on a grander scale....did I ever tell you about what I did before I became Iron man?”
Loki sniffled and wiped his eyes as he snuggled more firmly into tony, listening to the others heartbeat, "...i was so angry. i remember that. i was so angry because everything i knew was a lie. no one loved me, and i didn't belong anywhere, and it wasn't fair that thor had two homes when i had none..." he muttered softly. "no. whats an iron man?" he asked softly, confused. he'd heard that name before, Iron man, but he didn't really understand what it meant. he was nibbling on a slide of the sandwich that Steve had made them though. even emotional trauma couldn't keep Loki away from food.
“Yes, I got that feeling. The whole time you were here, you were just a angry godling.”Tony sighed quietly before smiling. “I’m iron man.” “Here. Loki, this is what Tony does for a living. He builds things, and plays superhero wearing this.”Merry said showing Loki a picture of tony as iron man on the tablet. “he’s a good guy these days.” “Hm, what she’s not saying is that I was a weapons maker before I got kidnapped myself, and was responsible for millions of deaths as I sought to create better weapons every time I made something. Millions of people died loki, for my ego.”Tony said eyes sad, which just made merry look at him. Maybe loki wasn’t the only one she should be helping, she’d never had considered tony took responsiblity for every death his weapons had caused, only had known he’d changed after afghanistan.
he nodded. "it's frightening... being so angry." he whispered with a shudder. "..." Loki blinked and looked at the Teblet, his head tilted as he watched the Red and Gold robot face thing flying around, blowing up bad guys, his head tilted as he took the tablet and examined it. "he makes things like Jarvis." Loki mused. "things that make life better for living." he decided as he watched Tony taking on some freak with wild hair and two glowing whips. "...i killed a lot of people too." Loki whispered. "you at least thought you where helping... i just wanted them to die..." he muttered as he cuddled in closer to Tony. "i'm going to take a nap... i don't feel well." he admitted softly.

a half an hour after they thought he was asleep though, Tony got word that Loki was accessing the server, looking up himself and was trying to see video of when he was attacking the earth. Loki was nothing if not stubborn, and soon had the videos even though Jarvis was doing his best to block him. amnesiac or not, Loki was a sorcerer of the highest degree. he would get what he wanted.
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