Save my Mind(Avengers)-Lady/Moon

“No you’re not. And no pranks. We have a god of mischief in the house, don’t get him started by doing tempting pranks.”he whined looking amused though before smirking. “It was still impressively hot.”Tony snickered.

“It is. See?”Tony shifted, turning it a little so tony’s own reflection showed. “It’s what humans use to take pictures, memories to remember of a moment.”Tony explained before smirking at the other. “Not as much as I do. I have smarts, looks, AND money. I’m amazing...and you wouldn’t do that. I wouldn’t be nearly as much fun as a five year old. I think I spent my childhood doing ridiculous boring crap.”Tony said looking amused as he shuddered at the idea of being in a dress with braided hair. “You two make me glad I’m a only child, if that answers your question about not getting along.”Tony said simply, easily hiding his own reaction to the two not getting along smiling slightly. “Tony, why did I have to go pick up a hamster?”Natasha said as she stepped into the room, the small hamster curled up in the palm of her hand, the cage in the other, having wanted to cuddle the itty bitty thing as she walked. Wondering just what the billionaire was up to.
Steve smirked. "might be good for him." he teased.

Loki looked quite impressed. "wow, that's amazing. what's a picture? is it like a painting?" he asked curiously. "...i'm better looking than you are." Loki complained, offering the other a small sulk. "and you'd be totally fun as a five year old. you'd color with me and we could do nail painting and makeup parties and all kinds of fun stuff." he teased with a smirk. "ah, so we squabble often. good, i like to squabble." "yes. yes you do." Thor grumbled, making Loki grin. "Hamster?" Loki demanded as he perked up and looked over at Natasha, staring at the tiny creature. "oooh it's so much cuter in real life!" Loki muttered, holding his hands out for it, beaming as it settled into his hands. "it's name shall be Ratatoskr." Loki decided, making Thor twitch rather violently. "'re calling your hamster Rat?" "no! he's not a Rat!... your right..." he muttered. "he needs a better name. hmmm." loki muttered, biting his lip as he stroked the hamster's head. "Acorn." he decided with a smile. "because he's as little as an Acorn." loki decided, beaming at Tony and thor, clearly pleased with himself.
“It is.”Tony agreed at the idea of a picture, before making a face.”No, I think I’m better.”He teased a little looking amused before sulking. “I would not. I was a boring five year old. I just built things for most of my time.”Tony twtiched a little at the idea of being five against before smiling. “You do.It’s fairly amusing really.”Tony said before smirking a little at the small creature in natasha’s hands. “Thanks, Tasha.” “Welcome.Though it makes me wonder, why are you willingly allowing small rodents into the tower?” “It’s not a rodent. It’s a hamster. And It’s fine. Just a pet to keep him company when I cant be down here.”Tony protested, not about to admit he had a soft spot for the god, because really, he so didn’t want to think about that. Before smirking. “I like acorn better then Rat.”He agreed smiling slightly.
Loki chuckled a little and shook his head. "i am so better." he teased with a grin. "i have long shapely legs." Loki informed Tony, looking back at himself. "and wide hips with a narrow waist. and creamy skin. yes, i am much more pretty than you." Thor choked back laughter as he realized that his brother was doing the 'i'm more gay than you are' thing he so loved to do. he'd done it even while trying to take over the earth. "yeah, it's a hamster! Rodents are for eating, don't you dare eat Acorn!" Loki complained, glaring at Natasha and Thor both, Thor snickering. "they do not eat rodents on this planet." he informed Loki who blinked. "planet?" "yes. we are on Midguard. you are from Asgard." Thor explained. "it is safer for you here." he explained at Loki's confusion. "and i can trust the people here." "oh." he muttered before he smiled and returned his attention back to little Acorn. "he's so cute!" Loki gushed as he took a corner of the sheet and tore it off, transforming it into an adorable little emerald green bow which Loki carefully tied around the tiny neck. amazingly, the Hamster didn't try to eat it. "there, now he's perfect! and people will know he is owned, so they won't try to eat him."
"Well...if you're going to put it that way,yes you're prettier. I'm fairly certain you'd look better in drag then I would."he rolled his eyes a little before wrinkling his nose."I have no desire to eat acorn,even if you gave him a name of something humans do eat.."he smiled a little."don't worry. Hes not big enough to make a good meal."natasha said."that whole thought would disturb me more if I didn't knoe you were teasing."tony pointed out looking startled as loki created the bow." you remember how to use magic?"
Loki smirked a little and shook his head. "i'm always going to be prettier." he teased with a grin before he paused, his head cocked to the side. "what's drag?" he asked. "you're not going to drag me about are you? because i don't like that idea." he complained. "good! i'll hurt you if you try." he warned with a smile as Acorn started to bathe himself. he did offer Natasha a small glare at her quip though before pausing. "Magic?" he asked before turning to look at his fingers, looking a little stunned. "i... i hadn't realized..." he admitted. "Loki has been using magic for so long, it's more of an instinct. much like he knows how to read, write, and hold his bladder." Thor explained. "it's the same way a Kung Fu master still knows King Fu even without memories. they have been doing it for so long, the body remembers even if the mind doesn't remember learning." "i'm a mage..." Loki muttered, flexing his fingers. "that's why i know i could turn Natasha into a gerbil if she tries to eat Acorn..." he muttered, head tilted. "i'll have to study that." yep. Loki was still Loki after all.
Tony stopped before shaking his head, laughing quietly. “Sorry...Forgot you weren’t from around, I’m not dragging you around. Drag is what morals call men dressing up as women. You’d look better in a dress then I would.”He said snickering a little. Natasha smirked a little as Loki glared at her, shrugging a little. “much like after afghanistan I hadn’t remembered how to work my car to describe it, but sitting in it I could do it without drying.”he said looking thoughtful at the idea, before snickering. “You could turn her into a gerbil. You might get two pets then.”He mused before snickering, rubbing a hand over his face, despite sleeping, the man had gone to long without really resting, to PTSD ridden to actually really rest.
loki blinked a little. "aaah, yes i would look good in a dress. a green dress." he mused with a smirk. "whats an Afghanistan?" he asked curiously. "i could turn her into a gerbil. Acorn probobly wouldn't like her though." he mused, tickling his hamsters belly. "my back hurts. can i have some more hot pads?" he asked hopefully, Thor moving first to get the new pads, plugged in and warming, trading them for the cold ones on Loki's back, who flinched as his skin was touched, but calmed as soon as the heat soaked in with a sigh. "i'm tired. i'm going to take a nap." he admitted as he gently handed Acorn to Tony. "don't let Thor or Her eat him." he ordered, offering them both a suspicious glare before he settled in for another nap. "...he reminds me of when we where children." Thor breathed softly. "before he realized that the world hated him. before he turned bitter and hateful." Thor admitted, swallowing thickly. "it is such a... shock, to see him so... cheerful."
“You would look good in a dress. I might change your whole wardrobe for dresses, loki.”he teased a little before sighing. “It’s a country here, where I spent a few months in a few years ago.”he said before moving to let thor put the pads in, smiling slightly as he took acorn. “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of him.”He promised before looking up at thor, raising a eyebrow. “He’s a amnesic. He is a child, mentally. Right now. None of what we know happened, has happened to him.”he sighed a little shifting to lay back in his chair, the small hamster resting on his chest.
Thor sighed a little. "i am beginning to think it is a good thing we do not truly know what has happened to him. i spoke with Heimdall. there is ritual magic still stuck to Loki. i think they went beyond simply torturing him." he admitted. "though it means Loki's life is even more at risk. black magic rituals that require so much evil, usually require the victim to be dead. which means when they failed to kill Loki, their ritual probobly failed as well. they will either seek Loki to complete the ritual, or they will seek a new victim. neither of which are good." Thor admitted, looking very disturbed. "i am frightened, Friend Tony." he admitted. "even Father has found nothing. which means that whoever has done this, is probobly not a creature of the nine realms." which meant it might have been the Chitauri. or worse, whoever had actually sent the Chitauri. no one was stupid enough to think it had been Loki in control of the filthy creatures. "i think i would prefer him to be this way though. happy, you know?" Thor asked softly, watching his brother sleep. "you should get some rest Tony. you look exaughsted."
“Probably, I have enough nightmares as it is.”Tony twitched a little before frowning, “Would the magic attatch to him, enough to be traced here, if they look for him?”he asked, wondering if it was possible to guard against something like that, if they were tied to loki. “I think we’re all frightened thor. The Chitauri were bad enough, I don’t want to consider who was in charge of them.”Tony shuddered a little before looking at thor, then loki. “I know. But I’m afraid of when it ends....amensia doesn’t always last.”he muttered frowning slightly, before wincing, making a face. “I’m fine thor.”he growled, his voice booking no arguments. The only way they usually got him to sleep was enormous amounts of alcohol paired with utter, total exhaustion. His PTSD was to bad for anything less.
Thor shook his head. "no. Heimdall has been blocking it until now, and it's too faint to be noticed now." Thor admitted. "but from what i understand the black magic residue is why Loki is healing so slowly. it's hampering his own magic. he should be fine in a few days now though." Thor admitted. "i don't really understand magic all that much, but Heimdall explained it to me." he admitted, sighing a little. "the Chitauri where a hive. like a bee nest. only a select few actually did the thinking." he admitted softly. "i hope Loki can handle it if he does start to remember." he admitted softly, swallowing thickly. "your not fine, but i won't push you." he promised. "Bruce said that he was calling in mind healer for Loki." Thor admitted. "do you think it will help him?" he asked hopefully. "if he starts to remember, a mind healer will help, right?" clearly the other didn't really understand what a mind healer was.
“Oh. Well that makes sense. I mean, about him healing slowly.”He shuddered at the idea of how much loki had to be suffering simply because his own magic was being blocked. Shuddering a little. “That’s a disturbing thought about the chitauri. I really, really, don’t want to know who was in control. But I think we’re going to find out.”he muttered before nodding. “Bruce’s find is good. I’ve met her in the past, she’s among the top mind healers in Europe, I am sure she’ll be able to help.”Tony said smiling, remembering what he could about Meredith-Merry Castova. He wasn’t about to tell Thor what her specialty was, because it would make him worry more. Merry specialized in sex crimes, helping victims, if anyone could help Loki, she could.

Later Meredith smiled as she stepped into the tower, white blond hair sliding over her shoulder as she headed up to the floor she’d been directed to, knocking lightly on the glass to get thor and tony’s attention. “Bruce sent me up to talk to you guys. Tony, good to see you again, you are...thor, right? I’m Meredith.”She said reaching out a hand to shake thor’s, while she was tall for a woman, she was thin and lithe, and next to thor, looked downright petite.
Thor nodded a little. "it is." he agreed softly. "control a queen. control all of the Chitauri." he agreed softly. "she will?" he asked, lookin utterly delighted. "she'll really be able to help?" he asked hopefully, deciding to help her with anything she needed, so long as she could make Loki okay. as in, not insane. so long as Loki could function, he could recover... hopefully.

Loki was still sleeping when Merry appeared, sleeping peacefully unaware of the people who worried about him. "Yes, i am Thor. it is a pleasure to meet you Lady Meredith." Thor greeted, his voice soft. he had 'boomed' earlier and Loki had woken with cries of terror and it had taken them twenty minutes to calm Loki back down, who had been confused and frightened of his own extreme reaction. he was holding Tony's hand again, which was the only reason why Loki had gone back to sleep. " is very amazing how tiny earth women are..." Thor admitted to Tony, staring at Merry. "such pretty hair." he muttered, astonished at how pretty the woman was.
“I am sure she will.Merry is one of a kind.”Tony said, though he wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not. She was brilliant, but the doctor came with her own quirks. There was a reason the woman was good friends with bruce, and got along with some of the world’s most dysfunctional people.

Meredith smiled a little, looking up at him, really looking up. Not quite used to looking so far up to meet someone’s eyes. She wasn’t used to being the short one around. “Meredith, or Merry is fine thor. No reason for Lady.”She said smiling as she took her hand back, raisign a eyebrow as she saw tony holding hands with loki. “I can be nice you know, it’s not totally restricted to the bedroom.”Tony smirked a little as he looked at her, because they’d talked, because they shared a mutual friend, and talked to keep each other informed on bruce’s welfare, since they both knew he didn’t tell them everything. So between the two of them, they took care of bruce. “She is fairly tiny isn’t she?”Tony added snickering as he watched thor and meredith, amused because he was so going to have to ask if bruce had been playing matchmaker along with getting loki help. "T-thank you."Meredith said stuttering a little at the compliment.
Thor beamed at her, pleased that she was here to help his brother who he loved very much. "well you do seam very cheerful." he agreed. "i beleive i shall call you Merry, with your leave?" he asked hopefully. "Loki became very upset earlier when i woke him." thor explained to her. "he is very affectionate, Loki is. he would not calm down and go back to sleep until Tony held his hand. he often used to do such things when we where children." he admitted. "very tiny..." he muttered, looking almost worried, as if he was a bit concerned he might break her on accident.

"Back hurts." Loki groaned, Thor moving as soon as Loki spoke and settled the hot pads onto his back, ignoring the timid whimper and the flinch. Loki's fear was always strongest just after waking. when he wasn't sure where he was or who was with him, still sleep fogged. "...who are you?" he demanded, voice frightened and tired. "it is alright brother." Thor promised and Loki relaxed, realizing there was someone he recognized still in the room. "she is a mind healer." he explained. "she's going to help you with your fear and amnesia... i think. i am uncertain how mind healing works." he admitted sheepishly and Loki chuckled. "where's Tony?... oh, there you are." Loki muttered after he had turned his head, :i had a horrible dream." he admitted. "i was yelling at you, and i threw you out a window." he admitted with a shake of his head. "it was terrible. i was bragging about having an army and about how you where pathetic and all sorts of awful things."
"Merry's fine."she assured the tall blond looking amused then frowning slightly."what happened?" "Thor spoke in his normal voice and scared him.we've learned soft noises are better."tony said tilting his head a little. Merry nodded agreeing with that."until he's sure who it is,he's going to be nervous with loud stuff.its normal I promise."she reassured the two worried looking men before flushing at thor's words "well,we all can't be giants can we?"she said looking up at the taller man.

"My name's merry. Tony asked me to come and help."merry said having quickly realized that tony stark was someone loki trusted,so letting the man know she was here with tony's permission was a good idea."yea.I'm do you feel?"tony asked looking him over. "We work like any other doctor, but we do more talking. I'm hoping just talking,rying to get him to remember will help."she said before pausing looking at tony as he considered loki's words. Well,maybe the memories weren't buried that deep if he remembered throwing tony out of a window."well,you're not the first person to want to throw me out a won't be the last.."tony said wanting to tell him the truth but having no idea on how to do that without upsetting him,glancing at thor for help
Thor looked quite ashamed of himself. "i am normally very loud. though i suppose i did not realize it. i get excited sometimes." he admitted sheepishly. "giant? oh no, i assure you, i am nowhere near as large as a giant." he assured her. "they out span me by many feet." he admitted with a smile.

Loki studied her, relaxing a little more when she mentioned Tony. "i hurt again." Loki admitted. "but the hot pads really help." he admitted, smiling at him. "talking?" Loki asked, looking delighted. "i like to talk." he admitted. "...i don't think i want to remember." Loki admitted softly. "my dreams scare me. i don't think they're all dreams..." he admitted softly before he grinned a little at Tony. "i would never throw you out of a window. if i did that, then how would i seduce you?" he teased before he paused. " told her not to eat Acorn right? where is Acorn!? Natasha didn't eat him right?!" "he's right here Loki. eating his lunch." Thor promised, indicating the cage sitting next to Loki. they'd had to move it, since Loki was laying with his head at the foot of the bed so he could watch TV while laying on his belly. "oh good." Loki muttered, his own stomach growling loudly. "i'll go see if Steve will make you food." Thor promised Loki with a chuckle as he headed off to get Loki something to eat and give the man some privacy while Merry did her doctor thing. "Tell him to make me those flat bread things!" "pancakes, he calls them pancakes." "i don't care what their called." Loki complained with a roll of his eyes.
“Yes, talking. It’ll be fun. I’ll tell you everything that’s been going on in the world, and how everything is, and we’ll just talk.”Merry smiled a little. “NO, they’re not all dreams. But we’ll help you deal with them okay?”She said reaching out, gently touching loki’s hair, tucking it behind his ear, looking worried. “You plan on seducing me, do you?”tony snickered a little before nodding, grinning. “Of course I told her not to eat acorn.”He said reassuring the man. “It’s a very cute hamster, loki.”Merry smiled before settling into the chair next to loki. “I’m going to go get some sleep, and some work done okay?I’ll be back soon.”Tony said smiling as he looked down at loki, before stepping back, looking nervous about leaving, but needing to get some sleep, knowing thor would be back soon enough.
Loki blinked a little, looking curious. "that's right. i'm not from here." he mused. "i would like to learn about things like the Teevee." Loki slurred the strange word, but it was better than Thor's 'possessed talking box' assessment. "Tony says that Hello Kitty and Hamtaro are not real, but i am certain he is wrong." he admitted with a nod. he flinched violently when she reached out to touch him, and looked quite baffled by the reaction before dismissing it as unimportant. "of course i plan on seducing you." Loki stated, as if Tony was stupid. "we are the two most gorgeous people in existence. it's destiny." he stated rather mischievously. "acorn is adorable." he agreed happily. "have good dreams tony." Loki ordered with a smile before looking at her, biting his lip. "...someone hurt me bad didn't they?" he asked softly. "that's why i can't remember anything, and why i'm so scared."
“I will love to teach you things like the TV. Though tony might get jealous if his role of teacher is taken away.”Merry snickered a little before smirking slightly. “No, he’s right. They are the creation of a man in Japan, which is a company far away from here. He thought of the idea and put it on know, like how characters in books dont really exist.”merry explained, smiling slightly wincing when he moved away, upset at the reaction but not showing it. “....Well, we are undeniably amazing to look at.”Tony said making a face at the stare he was getting, rolling his eyes a little before smiling. “I’ll try. Merry, yell if you need anything, Jarvis will hear you and get me.”Tony said yawning as he walked out. Merry flinched looking down at Loki, before nodding quietly. “They did. And yes, it’s why. But it will come back...and I’m here to help you as you start to remember.”
he blinked a little. "but Tony has to teach me smart people things." he stated. "like human chemistry. And Physics." he admitted his eyes glittering with amusement. clearly flirting with the other. "...but how do they make them!?" he demanded. "they talk! i can see them, so they are real, aren't they? books can't talk." he complained. actually, this was what had Thor so confused. they'd never com across something that could speak on it's own, move on it's own, that wasn't 'real'. even illusions where based on something real, and the had short recording capabilities, but those where based on 'real' too. it had actually been Steve, who made a little flip book drawing that Thor had finally understood the concept of 'animation'. he watched Tony leave and looked at Merry, swallowing thickly. "...what did they do to me?" he asked softly. "do you know? does anyone?" he asked, looking upset. "how do you know you can help me when you don't know what i might remember?"
“Ah, well, I’ll leave the smart people things to tony.”Merry snickered a little. “I’ll teach you whatever you want.”Tony smiled looking amused. “They draw them. And real people are doing voices, speaking for them. Like actors in a play?You know what plays are right?”she said studying him, smiling softly. “...I don’t know. No one knows for sure. I know tony and thor suspect what happened, and are still looking for answers...”She sighed quietly looking worried, before smiling slightly. “I might not know what happened exactly loki, but it was terrible. I’ve seen terrible before.”She bit her lip, “Tony told you I was a mind healer. I am. But I only take certain kinds of cases. Like victims of rape....of torture...of war...I take those who have been made victims, and help them live again. I’ll try my damnedest to help you to.”She promised, hesitating, before holding out a hand, leaving it up to him to take it or not.
Loki smiled a little at Tony, looking wicked. "i'd love to call you teacher." he purred with a grin before he frowned. "drawings can move?" he asked, looking baffled. "yes, i know what Plays are." he agreed with a smile. "i enjoy them immensely. i remember going to see Shakspere. he was a brilliant director. very heavily influenced by the Wild Fea he could see." he admitted. "a lot of the other humans thought he was mad though." he admitted with a chuckle. "

Loki studied her for a moment. "'s why my back hurts so bad..." he muttered. "they tortured me, didn't they?" he asked softly. "and i can feel it, inside sort of. they raped me. i think they tried to impregnate me too, but it failed." he admitted softly as he poked at his stomach, just under the swell of his belly button, where a woman's womb might have sat before he studied her hand and then looked up at her, studying her face before taking the hand. "thank you."
“Yes. I’ll have Cap come down and show you. He’s a artist, he can explain the moving pictures better then I can.”She smiled, having heard about the flip book he’d made to show thor, before smiling. “Shakespeare is amazing. Even centuries after they were first written, the stories are very popular now. You’ll have to ask tony if he can show you some of them, they’re on tv sometimes.”She smiled a little.

“Yes. It is.”She said watching him, tilting her head a little. “You are welcome.”She said closing her fingers around his, squeezing gently. “You are doing well, with knowing what they tried to do....”She said studying him, looking worried.
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