Save my Mind(Avengers)-Lady/Moon

“It’s my tower!I’m allowed being naked in my own lab or hall if I want to.”he pouted, because it was often that he did indeed stumble half asleep and mostly undressed out of the lab, having stripped down because he got oil or fire or other crap all over his clothes he didn’t want to track elsewhere.”Hmmm, kinky.”He purred at the threat of a beating before nodding. “She did. And then took my toys away, she made me not work on a suit for a week!”He pouted. “That...that is disturbing.”Merry said shuddering at the idea of being a squid before laughing, rubbing a hand over her face at the idea of how much was true about asgardians as human had wrote. “Well....that’s mostly what our legends say. Though it has some nasty ideas about Ragnorok, and how Sleipnir was really born, instead of alchemy....”Tony said biting his lip to keep from laughing at the idea, because he just knew loki wouldn’t apperciate what humans had said about him.
Steve snorted a little. "you would enjoy a beating wouldn't you?" he teased back. "maybe i should get you a paddle for your birthday?" yeah, Tony was really a bad influence on the Super soldier. "Tony, you have more toys than a spoiled two year old." Clint pointed out. "there's no way she could have taken ALL of them." he pointed out, looking amused. "Ragnorak? ah yes, the supposed end of the world. yes all cultures have such a story, though ours won't come anytime soon." Thor admitted. "we know when the End will come thanks to our truth seers. they won't tell us an exact date, but what do we care? we'll all be dead of old age before it happens anyway." and when the oldest of them was a hundred thousand years old, it was a long, long time. no Aeser had died of old age yet, so there was no telling how long it would be before the End came to be. " do they think Sleipnir was born?" Thor asked after a moment and Clint smirked. "he was buggered by a horse, of course." Loki just hit his head a few more times on the table as Bruce smacked Clint for the terrible rhyme.
“I would. And if you want, but I already have one.But I’ll share if you want to beat me.”Tony said smirking at the super soldier, oh yea, they were a bad influence on each other, because the more steve said naughty things, the more tony wanted to get him to say them. “Hm, but she took the best ones!”Tony whined a little. “Each culture has a end of the world, I just find it amazing that they all have things in common though it’s all different to.”Merry said looking amused before looking startled, grinning. “well, as long as we’re going to be dead and gone, let the world go.”Merry said snickering at the idea before wincing at clint’s words, looking at loki. “Don’t do that, you’ll injure yourself, and I like your brain.”Tony said rubbing loki’s back, “besides, if you had had sex with a horse, you could have said it was the most well hung lay you ever had...even if the idea makes me a little weirded out...I mean....a horse?”Tony said shaking his head. “I wonder what the norse were thinking, really.”he snickered slightly.
Steve flushed harder but replied anyway. "i'm sure you wouldn't be sitting down for weeks if you let me paddle your ass." he teased, making Clint choke in surprise and Bruce start laughing. out of all of them, only Bruce had heard Tony and Steve quipping back and forth like this. "yes well. the statement about being a spoiled two year old stands." Steve mused with a laugh. "i studied mythology in school." Steve admitted suddenly. "i looked up even more when i realized some of it was real." Clint nodded. "what other pantheons are real?" "i am pretty sure the Celtic ones are real. the Elder Fey and the winter courts and such." Thor admitted, Loki perking up. "oh yeah! Queen Mab, i remember her. she's scary as hell!" "well. you did kidnap her son." "i only wanted a kiss." Loki complained, sulking. "he was begging to be kidnapped! wearing those pants." "he later became the father of Vali and Nari." Thor admitted, sounding amused. "he hated you for a thousand or so years and kidnapped you back. apparently you seduced him and when he was sleeping off sexual exhaustion you stole all his clothes, turned his hair pink and came back home." Thor snickered. "he still tries to kidnap you once and a while." "fun." Loki mused, looking rather like he wouldn't mind a game like that. kidnap each other, have sex, and then ignore each other for a while. perfect.
“Hm, but not sitting down might be worth it. If only I could stand the thought of sleeping with my best friend.”Tony gave a dramatic, overplayed shudder, the amused smirk twisting his lips saying he was being serious about not wanting steve. “Are they like this all the time?”Merry said looking thoughtful, looking at bruce in amusement before laughing a little at steve’s words. “I did to.”She said looking interested. “...What pants?”Merry said, sounding curious, but a cautious curious as if she was sure she was going to regret the question when loki answered. “...does this mean I have to worry about a Fae prince showing up to kidnap you away?”Toyn said eyeing loki, unsure enough of their relationship enough to be unsure if it was okay he was feeling jealous or not.
Steve smirked a little and suddenly it was obvious why Steve didn't mind verbally 'flirt sparring' with Tony like that. it was because Tony was 'safe'. Tony wouldn't take it seriously, so Steve could take comfort in that fact and learn how to interact on a more 21'st century level. "i've never seen them like this before." Clint muttered, Loki nodding his agreement as Thor shrugged. he wasn't entirely sure what was going on in the first place. "i doubt it." Thor admitted. "Ash probobly won't want to be in contact with you for some time after trying to take over what he views as 'his world'." Thor admitted, Loki shrugging. "oh well. if he does kidnap me i'll just tell him i'm otherwise indisposed." Loki decided, thinking about Tony. he doubted Tony would like it if he went and slept with other people. and he really liked Tony. he didn't want to blow his chances.
Tony smiled relaxing at that, glancing at loki. “Well, at least that’s one thing not to worry about.”he said looking amused before raising a eyebrow. “otherwise indisposed are you?”He muttered curious as to what the other was thinking. “oh gods...awkward genius flirting, this is amusing. Ten bucks says tony seduces him first.”Merry muttered to clint, looking amused and flirting with clint, not really aware of doing it, about as socially awkward as Tony was.
Loki nodded. "oh my yes. indisposed, as in highly interested in another party." Loki admitted with a nod as Clint snickered and shook his head. "no way. Loki actually knows what he wants. twenty on Loki doing the seducing." he muttered back as Thor lifted an eyebrow at them. he knew enough about humans to realize that Clint and Merry had a something. he wasn't about to get between that. no way. "are you telling secretes?" Loki asked suddenly, shooting the two curious looks. "you act like your telling secretes." being who he was, Loki loved to know secretes. mostly for blackmail and humiliation purposes.
“Ah, man. If you wanted to date Spangles, all you had to do was say something. He’d be highly interesting, not to mention nearly as old as you.”Tony snickered, simply teasing because he was blushing slightly to know loki wanted him like that. Even if he had guessed, it was nice hearing it. “Hm, no. It’ll be tony and there’ll be alcohol involved.”Mery said snickering before looking up at thor, a small flirty smile on her lips, flirting with him to, because 1, she knew he was trying to flirt with her so she was trying to respond in a way he’d know, and 2, he was good looking and kind. Something she wanted and needed in her life. Kindness to be able to face the emotional trauma she dealt with on such a regular basis, now that she knew he was flirting, she could see being with him. It was nice to consider. “What about you?Who do you think’ll be the one to make a move?”She muttered before startling at loki’s question, grinning at him. “I was just asking Clint if he thought Cap would mind having one of those capsicles Tony got made for him.”She said, primly and knowing lying to a god of lies, knowing he’d know it, but it wasn’t fun simply telling him they were talking about him.
Loki snorted. "too much muscle. yuck." he stated with superior sniff. "there's no way in hell." Clint muttered back, smirking a little as Thor grinned at her. "oh. i better not say." Thor admitted with a snicker. "it would be unfair of me, being that i know him so well." he admitted with another snicker and a shake of his head. "....excuse me?" Steve demanded, staring at the, "what did you just say!? did you just say that Tony made capsicles!?" he demanded turning to glare at Tony, which was the only warning the Billionaire got before Steve was lunging at him, fully intending to administer that promised beating. "Get back here Tony! i'm going to pound you into a paste!" "kinky." Loki mused, looking like he wanted to laugh. "should i be stopping them?"
“Hm, but it’s such good looking muscle.”Tony snickered a little looking down at loki, amused, showing that he knew what loki was talking about, even if he didn’t admit it. “Hm, that’s true.”Merry said thinking about that, before lookingat thor. “You agree with clint don’t you?”She pouted shaking her head.”No, tony’s totally going to do it.”Merry snickered before wincing, having really thought steve had already known, before nodding hesitantly. “....Yess.....” Tony yelped as he scrambled out of his chair, running for his lab, yelling behind him. “No!I wont get back there, and the popsicles are amazing!It’s not my fault the raspberry- blueberry- cream flavored mix looks like your shield!And it’s not my fault Pepper asked me to name the things when I was half asleep and the popsicle company called!Steve!Leave me alone!Capsicle, stop!”Tony howled, though running. “...We should...though tony probably deserved it since he did call the things capsicles....”Merry said before getting up, then pausing looking at thor. “You’d be more able to stop them then I will. They’re both bigger then me.”
Loki huffed. "i don't like a man that's got more muscles than me." he complained. "i'll be smashed." he complained before glancing at Thor almost accusingly. "...i was hoping you hadn't remembered that." Thor admitted sheepishly. "i used to sit on him when he annoyed me." Thor explained with a chuckle. "TONY!!!!" Steve raged as he was told the flavors of the Ice-cream. "GET BACK HERE!!!" he demanded, tackling Tony on the hall and proceeding to hold him down and rub his face playfully into the Carpet. "i'm not getting in between the Good Captain and his Prey." Thor stated. "he is one of the few who can win against me in a fight."
“”You sat on him?”Merry sputtered looking amused, “How old were you?”She snickered already imaginging the kid loki and thor doing stuff like that. “What!Steve!Stop!”Tony yelled laughing a little as he wastackled, trying to get away, “Steve!Get off!You’re heavy you brute, and totally not the person I want pinning me down. Get off!I’ll share the popsicles if you want them that badly!”Tony said though his protests were given to be fake because he was laughing more then he was really annoyed with it. Merry raising a eyebrow at thor’s words. “really?That would be a fight worthy of the bards then.”She said giggling a little at the idea of the utter hottness of watching the two blonds wail on each other
Thor chuckled. "sixteen maybe?" Thor mused. "it's hard to remember that far back really." he admitted with a smile. "he used to freeze my feet to the floor." Thor admitted with a chuckle. "and once, he froze the water while i was in the bath. if took three days for me to get free." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i won't stop! Take it like a man Stark!" Steve ordered with a laugh as he wrestled with Tony on the floor. he finally let Tony up once he mussed up the man's hair well and proper with a noogie and hummed happily as he headed back for the kitchen to try his ice-cream. "we will have to show you then!" Thor agreed, all too happy to show off as Clint snickered and munched on his second bowl of soup.
Merry laughed at that giggling a little as she considered what the other was telling sibling fighting,times was amusing."he froze you in the bath and didn't help you out?"she giggled at that shaking her head in amusement."no!I won't atop.let me up,rogers."tony whined pouting as he was let up,fussing with his hair, trying to straighten up even if he just made it worse really."that would be good to see."merry smiled a little.
Thor grinned. "well. considering he froze me because i hung hum upside down from the top of his bedroom ceiling i think i deserved it a little bit." "a little?" Loki demanded. "oh alright, a lot." Thor admitted with a chuckle. "you look a mess.. did you get properly trounced? or did you get shagged?" Loki asked, looking highly amused as Clint smirked. "Tony doesn't like Shag carpets." "pity. there's nothing better than a good shag." Loki agreed, nodding as Steve stuffed his fist into his mouth to hide his laughter. as well as his bright red face.
"Well,steve would be a good shag. But he's got my hair all messed up."tony sulked though he looked amused glancing at loki,raising a eyebrow."a good shag would be really volunteering?"he snickered a little. Merry smiled nearly stuffing her fist into her mouth to not laugh at them.
Loki smirked at Tony. "you look good with your hair like that. like you just crawled out of bed." he admitted, licking his lips. "of course i'm offering. i'm a healthy young male, and your sexy as hell. why wouldn't i offer?" he asked with a smirk. "you'll have to be gentle with me though, i don't remember losing my virginity." Thor started to choke on his soup and Clint started to laugh. it was hilarious.
“Hm, I do some of my best work in bed.”Tony grinned before laughing, turning to look at Steve. “Hear that?I’m sexy as hell, and you’re to muscley. I think this is a day to go down in the history books.”he snickered before grinning at loki.”I can be as gentle as you want.”he said snickering as thor choked on his soup, starting to laugh. It really was to funny.

“Captain?There is a James Barnes asking for you...”Jarvis said sounding, as bemused and confused as only Jarvis could be. After all, according to all the information he had, James Buchanan barnes was dead.
Loki smirked. "yes. me to... or so i assume anyway. i bet, being as old as i am, i'm absolutely marvelous between the sheets." Loki mused with a smirk as Steve rolled his eyes. "not much history. a lot of people like you more than me." which wasn't entirely true. the people who wanted Tony over Steve, wanted Tony because he was rich. not realizing that Steve actually had more money than Tony did. Peggy had taken over Steve's accounts after the war, and started investing. every single penny. Steve owned stocks in Stark Ic. Microsoft, Apple, Nintendo, Wal-Mart and other very well to do companies. and Jarvis was actually continuously doing the same. helping Steve make money. so long as Steve had about 400$ a month, he didn't care where his money went.

"Excuse me!?" Steve demanded, whipping around to stare at the door, the fresh pot of soup dropping to the ground as well. burning the liver out of Steve, not that he cared, it was already healing and he didn't feel pain much anymore. "what the hell did you just say!? Bucky is DEAD! i'll kill the fucker whose trying to claim to be him!" "Friend Steve. please, no killing." Thor pleaded. "i will go and fetch the imposter, yes?" "yeah. you do that. make sure to rough him up a little."
“Hm, probably. We should put it to test sometime.”Tony smirked at the other man before staring at Tony, rolling his eyes. “True, but I get people because they want me to buy them things, you get women because they want to take a bite out of your muscled ass. And you so help with the fantasy, as you do wear spangled spandex.”He snickered because he really was that insecure sometimes. He knew why most people wanted him, not for him, not for looks or personality, but for his wallet. And while he knew steve was richer, and made sure jarvis took care of things, he figured the simply man from brooklyn wouldn’t apperciate knowing just how rich he was these days, so he just made sure he had money, and never said anything.

Merry yelped as the soup splashed over her bare toes, jerking her feet up and looking startled as jarvis spoke. “He said that he has been mostly dead for years.”Jarvis said, sounding unsure if he should be qouteing the princess bride at the time, but it had been what Barnes had said so....”We’ll go see him.”Tony said already moving towards the door to leave with Thor, looking a little worked up himself. From howard, despite their issues, he’d heard every story there was to know, and from peggy he had heard of bucky barnes. And when he returned he looked shaken. Because much like steve, Barnes looked like he hadn’t aged a day, and that was truly disturbing.

"Steve....Come here.Merry to."Tony said waving steve and merry towards the door, not looking sure about it, but it would be the easiest way to figure out what jarvis and his own eyes were telling him, that this was the real james barnes.
Loki smirked a little before he frowned, confused. "why would people want you to buy them things?" he asked, confused. Asgardian's did not have a 'money' concept. they shared everything they had. no one was above another. well, save for the hierarchy thing. even then, no Asgardian would go hungry, be without a home, go without clothes, or need for medicine or health care. yes many of them had to work various jobs to ensure that the food and goods kept flowing. but if there was a bad crop for a farmer, that farmer wouldn't starve because of a lack of money. they would get food from neighbors at the very least. "..." Steve went bright, bright red at that biting' comment.

"sorry Merry." Steve muttered before jerking at the 'joke'. it was an old one from their childhood. they had read the book together and Bucky had gone about his drunken years complaining that he felt 'mostly dead' after waking from a hangover. "..." he refused to comment. it wasn't funny, he was going to kill the bastard who was pretending to be his dead best friend. Steve took a moment to try and force himself to calm down before he followed Tony and could only stop and stare as he realized that the person before him did look a horrific lot like Bucky... a son? no. it would have to be a grandson. he took three steps foreward and punched the imposter, hard. "how DARE you!" Steve snarled. "i don't know what you want, i don't know why you look like him, but he's DEAD and i won't let you make a mockery of his name, whatever your trying to do here!"
“Because I have more stuff then they do. I can get more things for them then they would on their own.”Tony explained snickering as steve went bright red.

“It’s okay.”Merry muttered inspecting her toes, while they had been burned a little, it wasn’t bad. Looking worried as she followed steve into the room, she looked at Tony, trying to decide what to do, grabbing steve’s arms as he pulled back from the punch, stopping him from landing another one. Bucky took the punch, stumbling to the side, his head snapping to the side and hitting one knee, hand landing on the back of the couch to catch himself from falling all the way to the floor. “Fuck, Rogers, it’s about time you learned to throw a punch, but must you punch me?”Bucky snarled, well slurred, blood filling his mouth, and it had definitely loosened a few teeth, and it was a common complaint from bucky. That if Steve insisted on getting in as many fights as he did, he could at least punch right, even if the skinny bastard really couldn’t hit as hard as some. “I’m trying to get help you bastard.”Bucky snarled glaring up at him with those icy blue eyes, and through a fringe of brown hair, staying where he was, half kneeling on the floor, not about to move when he knew steve was on the verge of hitting him again
Steve uttered a short snarl as Merry stopped him, but he didn't try to go after 'bucky' again just yet. he moved to punch again when Bucky spoke and then froze as the words permeated his brain, his eyes narrowed. how did this person speak so well like Bucky? there was only one test that he could be sure of. "i thought you where dead." Steve spoke, voice suspicious. but when he got the expected response his eyes widened and he dropped his arm. staring at Bucky. "Y...You aren't dead. you're really you... damn i punched you!" Steve gasped, rushing over to the other. "i'm sorry! i thought, i mean. i didn't... you where DEAD! i saw you die! you fell out of the train! no one could have survived that! what the FUCK!? i need a second..." he stuttered, turning and striding out of the room, bursting into furious french. cursing wildly as he paced back and forth and tore at his hair before calming himself and returning. "i feel better now... let me see." he ordered, gently examining Bucky's face. "i'll get you some ice." he promised. "....and pay for the dental bills... i think i can afford that." he admitted with a shake of his head. "sorry... i just. i thought you where some punk pretending to, you for some wicked purpose." he admitted, looking incredibly ashamed.
“So did I, for awhile.”Bucky twitched a little as he ignored the people staring at him, gently pressing against his teeth with his tongue, trying to decide how loose they were before nodding. “So you did.”Bucky said as tony helped him up into the chair, slumping into it with a sigh looking at Steve. “YOU could have survived that fall.”He pointed out watching steve leave and the look on merry’s face, wondering just what was going on. Not realizing that she was a doctor, not steve’s girlfriend. Looking curious and thoughtful, wincing, jerking back from Steve’s hand as he touched his face.”Fuck, Steve, stop.”He growled before raising a eyebrow. “So I gathered. And I would have done the same. Now will you stop talking, and get me some damned ice?”He growled from between bloodied teeth, tired of the look on steve’s face, and wanting to numb his jaw. “Here.”Merry said quietly handing him the ice pack, before looking at Tony. “we’ll let you two talk.”The doctor said looking at steve and bucky worriedly before leaving the room with tony, heading back to the kitchen. Simply staying close by if something should happen.
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