Save my Mind(Avengers)-Lady/Moon

“It will be.”tony grinned at that, smirking. “Hm, he probably would, considering how much I flirt with Steve without meaning to...if I actually try to be absolutely serious, we’re going to freak them both out.”Tony grinned, loving the idea of trolling his best friend, because it was such a rare thing these days that he got to completely surprise Steve. “I do.”he said eyes widening a little as he looked at the blond hair reaching up to tug lightly on a curl.”That’s amazing.”He purred before leaning back. “Jarvis?Can you ask Cap to come down here, after he’s done with Bruce?Tell him I want to try out his new suit”Tony said even as he settled in to working on the suit, smirking at loki. “Go. He wont believe I’m actually flirting if your hanging over my shoulder. Besides, Merry could probably use some advice on flirting with Thor.”He snickered stealing another kiss.

“...Fine.”Bucky frowned before nodding tightly as the other explained things, settling in to do what was wanted from him, paling slightly as he considered the MRI but by the time it was done, he had relaxed some, enough to start thinking over what he’d seen in the kitchen. Surely steve and tony were just friends right? “Captain?Sir requests your presence down in the lab when you are done. He also wants you to know that your suits mostly done, and not simply because he’s bored and wants someone besides loki to talk to.”Jarvis said, following tony’s directions, also in on the prank. Oh poor steve and bucky, they never stood a chance against a god of mischief, tony stark, and Jarvis. “go. I’m fine.”Bucky said looking up at Steve looking slightly amused, remembering the conversation about spandex.
Loki smirked a little. " mean all that flirting is just you being you?" he asked, blinking a little. "you are like, the coolest person ever." he admitted with a grin. "it's going to be awesome." he agreed with a chuckle. "it is awesome." he stated, looking smug. "especially since i'm not entirely sure how i did that." he admitted as he examined the hair in a mirror. "i'm gonna go flirt with Bucky." he stated with a grin as he kissed Tony and then skipped out.

Steve smiled at Bucky and patted him on the shoulder before he glared at the voice. " my suit Pink? Jarivs you make sure that Tony knows that if my suit is crap i'm taking out his spine. the hard way." he warned before glancing at Bucky. "and Bucky will help!" "Tony's being mean!" Loki whined as he strode into the room. "he made me get out." he complained with a pout as he stole Steve's seat and sulked before he smiled at Bucky. "you know. you look good on your back like that." Loki flirted, making Steve make a choking sound, very unhappy as he turned on his heal and stalked out to find Tony.
“Oh yes. Though I actually do enjoy flirting with you, I mean, that’s intentional, everyone else?Not so much. I flirt simply because I can without being really aware of it.”Tony sputtered sounding anxious to make sure loki knew that tony was aware of flirting with him, instead of simply being lumped in with everyone else, which proved that yes, tony really did care about the other before laughing. “I am the coolest.”He smirked a little before smirking. “We’ll have to experiment later to see what else you can do.”he smiled watching loki go.

“...Sir says that you already threatened him with a popsicle today, it is not kind doing death threats this early in the morning.”Jarvis said, before reassuring. “Though I did check captain, the suit is not pink.” Bucky looked startled as he looked up at the man standing next to him, frowning ever so slightly. “Just on my back?I look good in every position.”he said, flirting not because loki flirted, but because he was like tony, and flirted as easily as he breathed. Was it any surprise that steve hadn’t realized it yet?

“Captain, strip, you have to put this on.”Tony said holding up the finished suit, the lightweight kelvar, leather and metal a beautiful peice of artwork as much as it was a suit of armor. On a similar lightweight version of his own suit, the metal worked into it strong as iron man’s suit, but more flexible, up for the amazing feats teh good captain was known for.
Loki grinned. "i know." he admitted. "you flirt sort of different when you flirt with me." he admitted with a grin. "it's cute." he admitted. "i agree. it would be pretty awesome if i could turn into a woman." he could, he just didn't remember how.

Steve snorted. "it's not a threat if i carried it out Jarvis." Steve pointed out before glaring at Loki as the godling flirted with Bucky. "of course you do." Loki purred with a grin as he ran his eyes up and down Bucky's body as Bruce rolled his eyes. "Bucky you have a calcium deficiency and you're anemic." Bruce informed him. "you'll be given oral vitamins to help with this and you'll need to drink a glass of milk a day at least and eat as much red meat and dark greens as you can." he warned. "you'll be quite sluggish and your bones will ache for a few days to a few weeks, but once your body starts stabilizing it should be fine... the Serum you where injected with is also holding stable. it's not as effective as Steve's is, but that's probobly a good thing." he admitted. "you where already physically fit before, so the full strength serum would probobly have had pretty disastrous results. in either case i'll want a blood sample once a month so i can keep track of it. there's no telling what it might do. come here Loki, take off your shirt, i want to look at your back." Loki sulked but stripped off his shirt and let Bruce poke at his back for a moment. "it's healing well. any pain?" "sometimes. when people poke at it." Loki complained, shooting Bruce a sulk when the man snorted.
“Captain, strip, you have to put this on.”Tony said holding up the finished suit, the lightweight kelvar, leather and metal a beautiful peice of artwork as much as it was a suit of armor. On a similar lightweight version of his own suit, the metal worked into it strong as iron man’s suit, but more flexible, up for the amazing feats teh good captain was known for.

“It’s a good thing I don’t mind swallowing things then.”Bruce smirked at his orders to take vitamins and milk, sighing softly. “I’m usually sluggish when I first get up.”he said running his fingers through his short cropped hair, because he’d never really been awake long, so teh long term effects of both the serum and his time under the ice, was going to be interesting. “It would have been horrible if I’d bulked up as much as steve had, with a real serum.”Bucky shuddered at that looking amused though before tilting his head, looking bemused as he glanced at loki, “What happened?”he asked, curious simply because he was glad to not be the center of attention anymore.
Steve lifted his eyebrow at Tony before taking the suit and fingering the material carefully. "wow. Tony this is... amazing." Steve muttered before he started to strip. you lost all sense of modesty when you joined the army, and show biz, the way he had. he slid the costume on and fastened it in place and flexed a little. "shit. this is amazing Tony. like... hell." he admitted as he stretched, feeling the material flex with him, throwing a few punches. "hey. lemme borrow Dummy for a sec." he ordered, moving over to the machine. he'd done this before, testing various materials for Tony. the machine swung hard, literally punching Steve in the gut. "ooof... i barely felt that!" he admitted, tapping his belly, his head tilted. "alright. i'll say it." Steve grumbled with a sigh. "your a genius... how do i look?"

Loki smirked. "i have something you could swallow." he purred as Bruce lifted an amused eyebrow at the godling. "you'd probobly look like Thor if you had." Bruce admitted. "or like the Hulk." Loki admitted before he paused, frowning a little. "what's a hulk?" he asked, looking a little bit baffled. "i can't remember." Loki admitted. "Full on Amnesia... some things are coming back, but i really hope i never remember what happened." "he was tortured." Bruce explained softly to Bucky. "they literally skinned him alive. he was missing all the skin on his back when he came in. he was... assaulted, as well." Bruce admitted, Loki wrinkling his nose a little. "OUCH!" he complained when Bruce touched a tender spot, turning to glare at him. "sorry." Bruce muttered, looking amused.
\”You sound surprised.I’m always amazing.”Tony snickered resting his chin on his fist as he watched the other, smirking slightly. He didn’t want his friend, but he’d have to be blind and dead to not want to watch a super soldier strip down. Steve was just to good looking for that. “Go ahead.”He said grinning as the kevlar and leather held up for a punch, grinning. “Good. I had hoped the metal and kelvar stuff I used in the suit was enough to stop a blow.”Tony said sounding relieved, having not been sure the combonation would actually work before smirking.”Spangles. The leather looks even better then the leather, though not as skintight. I mean it is, just so it doesn’t stop your movements, but it’s a little a little looser simply because I think the spandex did restirct your movement a little, simply because it was so leather. A happy medium between to loose and to tight. And now you have pockets, the pants are more like Clint's cargo jeans for his suit, rather then the spandex glory that it had been."Tony smirked to himself as he 'innocently' reached out, sliding a hand along his thigh, tugging on the edge of a pocket to direct attention to the slender pockets."They wont hold much, but you could fit a knife or two, or a few bandages or something without it getting to bulky."He said pretending he hadn't simply groped his best friend, because it was such a innocent move, and something he would have usually done without really being aware of that he was intentionally flirting, steve was in soooo much trouble.heh. this was going to be fun

“Hm, sounds fun.”Bucky smiled as he looked at bruce, wincing a little.”Probably. Not that you aren’t a good looking man Doctor, but I have no desire to give Steve another reason to make fun of me. And being that muscle bound, would definitely do that.”He said having been awake long enough to know exactly what the hulk was before wincing, looking at loki. “Sometimes, that’s better. I don’t...remember alot. Its a bunch of pieces, but it’s still hard.”Bucky said shuddering a little at the idea of being skinned alive, wincing at loki’s complaint. “Hey. Talk to me. Tell me something you do know. I haven’t been back here since I was young, tell me something I missed since I was asleep.”Bucky demanded looking at loki, having every intent of distracting him from what bruce was doing.
Steve snorted a little and shook his head. "and a head so big i'm not surprised you made much bigger doorways, else your head wouldn't fit." Steve scoffed as he shook his head, well aware he was being watched. he was used to that too, the men in the army always watched him, amazed at his body, amazed at his abilities, amazed that he was there in their presence. "honestly, i think this thing could take a hit from Thor." he admitted, stroking the material. "this is great!" he admitted with a nod. "your right, the Spandex was too tight, i kept tearing it when i tried to move too fast." he admitted as he flexed. "this is tight enough, but not so tight i have to worry about it impeding me or ripping." he admitted. "Pockets?" he asked before going stiff as he felt that hand on him. he knew it was silly to react, Tony didn't mean anything by it, he never did... but Tony was a very nice looking man, and he was very close to the other. it was hard not to react to the physical contact. "i could strap a few throwing knives to my arms now too." he admitted. "Tony. you can remove your hand now." Steve muttered dryly, flushing brightly.

Loki smiled a little as Bruce laughed. "i'm not good looking." Bruce stated, looking amused. "i look like i'm always sick. and the Hulk is pretty hideous." he admitted. "besides, you'd be bigger than Steve again." he admitted with a smirk. "somehow, i get the feeling that it annoys you." he teased as Loki giggled. "i think he's the perfect size." Loki admitted, licking his lips playfully at Bucky. "...Merry thinks i might remember everything." Loki admitted softly. "she's been helping me a lot, but i'm still scared." "Merry's Loki's primary psychologist. you should consider talking to her as well." Bruce admitted. "and Loki didn't grow up on Earth." he explained to Bucky. "he knows less about human history than you do right now." Bruce admitted with a grin as Loki nodded. "the last i remember of being on earth was watching Shakespeare, Live." he admitted. "the man was a pompous little asshole but he was a great director." he admitted with a smile. "i have a book signed by him... or, i think i do..." he admitted, looking a little baffled. "where is my stuff anyway?" "probobly still up in Asgard. Thor's hesitant to bring it down in case you remember too much at one time." Bruce explained, Loki nodding. "makes sense. from what i understand, immortal Insanity is not a pretty picture."
"I don't have a big head.simply aware of my worth."tony snickered a little before nodding."I know you did.which is why it took so long,I had to find something that was a happy medium between to tiht and to loose."tony smiled a little feeling the man go stiff under his hand.hiding a snicker. Maybe he was going to have a easier time flirting with him then he'd thought...and while he'd never felt particularly moved to flirt beyond normal with his best friend, the idea with his hand on the others thigh made him actually think about it.ohh...this was going to be interesting."yea pockets. Knives...condoms...lube,enough space for the essentials."tony snivkered before pouting a little at the order."fine.."tony said removing his head not wanting to make the other two uncomfortable.

"Hes not so eady to push around now that hes bigger then me."bucky sulked at that though he looked amused tilting his head to look at loki."perfect sized you say?"he said trying to decide what the other was up to before smirking a little."you might. But you have good people around'll be okay."bucky said,even if he hadn't been here long,he knew that for sure before sighing not wanting to see a psychogist but he'd consider it."maybe...and that's...weird?I guess I never considered there being other worlds."bucky muttered looking a little freaked out by the idea.
Steve rolled his eyes. "you have a big head." he admitted with a shake of his own before he smiled as he examined the outfit some more. "...Tony." Steve complained, shooting the other a glare. "i am NOT putting condoms and lube in my pockets." he stated with a roll of his eyes. "this is for battle use only." he stated with a huff as he started to consider. "i'm going to show this to Bucky... do you think you can make a replicate, only a bit smaller? Bucky's going to want to join the Avengers and he's going to need an outfit of his own." he admitted, stroking the material. he was amazed by it really, and he felt pretty damn sexy.

Loki smirked a little. "you just have to learn other ways to push him around. after all, i'm super tiny and i can still make Thor do what i want." he admitted with a smirk. "oh yes. the perfect size." he agreed with a smirk. "i'm sure i will be. i'm just... it's still scary." he admitted softly. "yeah. there's lots of worlds." Loki admitted, Bruce glancing at Bucky. "didn't Steve tell you about the Alien invasion?" Loki grimaced and muttered an apology. "don't apologize Loki. you weren't in your right mind when you did it. the more i find out about your past, the more i can understand why you snapped." he admitted, patting the godlings head. "now. i want you to wear a hot pack on your back for a few hours tonight, it seams to be helping a lot." Bruce admitted as he handed Bucky a few pill bottles. "one pill of each every day." he ordered. "i'll take another blood sample in two weeks to see if your levels are stabilizing." he explained. "so unless you get hurt, you won't need to see me in the doctor context until then."
“Hm?”Tony said smirking at the sound of his name before frowning. “Why not?Those are battle necessities. I have them in my suit. Sometimes a good fuck after battle, barely out of your suit, is awesome.”tony said, being perverted simply because he knew it bothered steve. “...Come down here with him, and I’ll make it custom fit. Yours was easy to do, since I have your spandex suit, so I knew what would fit. Bucky I need to fit, but yea, I can do it.”he said looking amused smirking as he watched steve stroke the material. “Keep that up, I’m going ot want to stroke you to.”he said snickering as he turned back to his computer, already starting to work on the new project of getting bucky a suit.

“...Yea, but Rogers is the most stubborn bastard on the face of the planet. He puts his heels down, there’s no budging him from that position until he wants to move.”Bucky snickered a little before tilting his head slightly, before shaking his head, “No. But I have been awake for awhile, so I did see the aftermath of it, even if I wasn’t sure what was going on...”Bucky sighed looking thoughtful as he considered that before smiling slightly. “sounds good. I’d rather not be in need of a doctor.”He smiled looking at loki. “I assume you know your way around here? Want to show me around since Steve’s busy?”He said looking thoughtfully at the other man.
he rolled his eyes. "they are NOT battle necessities!" he scoffed. "you're just a slut." but he grinned at Tony to take any sting out of the words. "alright, i'll go get him." he agreed, not sure he wanted Bucky down there with Tony. Tony was so handsy, his hands would be all over Bucky... fuck he was so screwed. now that he knew homosexuality was alright in this time, it was getting harder and harder to hide his emotions from Bucky. and from Tony too. "....i'm leaving now." Steve decided, going even more red as he headed straight for the stairs, leaving his clothes where they where. mostly because he'd forgotten about them.

Loki chuckled. "i think you're right. i've seen that when the others wanted Steve to go on a date." Bruce admitted. "it took three days before Tony finally gave up." he admitted. "i've never seen Tony give up on anything before." he admitted. "uh. no i don't actually." Loki admitted, shooting a fearful look at the windows. "when i look around, sometimes i remember things... so i try not to wander about too much." he admitted, Bruce shooting Loki a worried, sympathetic look as he led them out. "come on, i'll take you two up to the Commons. it's usually where everyone hangs out." Bruce explained to Bucky. "i'm sure Tony's already getting your room set up, and you'll be allowed to wander as you please of course. just stay out of the Vents. Clint's a bit territorial."
“They are to!Women throw themselves at me after battle. It is not my fault!”Tony protested even though he was smiling, smirking as he watched steve go. This was going to be fun. “Okay. Hurry back. I’d hate to have to take guesses on how tight to make this.”Tony said as listened to steve go, already engrossed in designing.

“That’s awesome. For once, I’m glad Steve’s stubborn. Tony needs to be taught he can’t have everything.”Bucky snickered a little before wincing, looking at loki.”Sorry. I...uh.. We’ll talk about something else. Cause I don’t want you remembering until you’re ready.”Bucky said looking sympathetic to, because he knew there were things he didnt’ want to remember either. Tilting his head he looked thoughtful, “For being Howard’s son, Tony’s being amazingly nice about me invading his space....and that’s not fair. I want a vent.”Bucky said frowning up at the vents as they walked, enough of a sniper to enjoy the vents for the same reason clint did. Smiling slightly as they walked into the common rooms before stopping, staring at the sight that greated them. “....Where did you get that uniform, and is it possible to get one for myself.”He demanded looking at steve, swallowing hard aroudn the lump of lust that choked him, enough of a fighter to understand what he was seeing, a tactical better then most militaries uniforms, and he saw tony stark’s genius finger prints all over it. Not only that...that ass in those pants....oh yea, he was so, so screwed. Not knowing about the homosexuality being okay these days, he just knew that seeing his best friend again after so many years was going to kill him.
Steve rolled his eyes before he grunted at the order. he was going to take his time for sure. he didn't want Tony's hands on Bucky... whether this was because he was jealous of Tony or of Bucky, he didn't know.

Bruce chuckled and nodded. "Steve's very... 'old fashioned' when it comes to dating still." Bruce admitted. "he hates the idea of a blind date, and hate's the thought of a 'one night stand' even more. he won't judge us for doing it of course, but he doesn't want to go through it himself." he admitted with a smile. "it's kind of cute actually." he admitted as Loki nodded. "Tony does have his moody moments. he's getting better though. on his bad days, he usually just holes himself up in his lab. i think he might have a... you know, a bit of a mental problem? not like depression or anything but a social disorder of some sort. some days he's fine and some days he's not." Bruce explained. "it doesn't affect his day to day life though, so i never bothered to bring it up." "if you ask really nice, i bet Clint will let you crawl about in the vents." Loki admitted. "he's an angry face a lot of the time, but he's pretty laid back." " you call him that to his face?" "i don't think so..." Loki admitted, cocking his head, uncertain.

Steve looked up at Bucky and offered an impish grin. "Tony made it for me. you like?" he asked examining himself again. "he's making you one too. figured you'd want to 'join the team' as it where." he admitted with a chuckle as he shook his head. "he wants to see you downstairs for your measurements. i'll take you down." he offered. "after i get changed." he decided.
“Hm, he was always ‘old fashioned’ even before it became a old fashioned idea.”Bucky snickered a little before tilting his head looking thoughtful. Snickering a little he shrugged, “Considering he’s related to Howard Stark, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s socially awkward to the extreme....or a alcoholic. If I had to put up with Stark Sr. I would drink.”Bucky said, remembering the in your face, over the top genius, and just had to consider what that would have been like to be his son, it was hard enough to have been simply in the war with him, he couldn’t imagine the trauma of been a child around him. “...If he crawls around the vents as much as you say he does, he’s probably heard it. If you haven’t had your face bashed in for it, he probably doesn’t mind the name.”Bucky pointed out before loki could worry to much.

Rolling his eyes at the impish grin he smirked. “I do. I want one. Then I want to see just how bad at sparring you are. Cause 70 years under ice, surely gives me a leg up this time.”Bucky smiled a little before raising a eyebrow. “When you say ‘taking my measurements’ do you mean for everything?”Bucky asked looking as impish and pleased, totally a sassy bastard, and unrepentant. Him and tony were going to kill each other, or get along famously. Neither was a scary thought to consider. Pouting a little at steve’s words. “Must you?I’m enjoying the view.”He teased his friend, swallowing hard and glad that his cargo jeans were loose enough to hide just how much he was enjoying the view. "Fine. Go change. then show me the lab of wonders."
Loki smirked a little as Bruce chuckled and nodded. "Tony's not that socially awkward, and we're working on the alcoholism. Steve's gotten very far in that particular task actually." he admitted. "he's exceptionally good at getting Tony to do things he doesn't want to do." of course, Bucky was twice as, if not more, stubborn than Tony was. Steve had a lot, a lot a lot, of practice. "true." Loki agreed with a smile. "still, it's hard to remember his name a lot. i don't have a lot of contact with him, not that i can blame him... i think i really fucked him over." he admitted sheepishly. "i don't really remember it but... there've been a few verbal hints." Loki admitted with a shrug.

Steve snorted a little. "Bucky you couldn't keep me down when i was a runt. what makes you think you have a chance now!?" he demanded, lifting an eyebrow at the other, looking quite smug before he scowled at the quip. he didn't want either of them anywhere near each other. it set his teeth on edge in a major way and he really wasn't really sure why other than that he didn't want them paying attention to each other. "yes i must, i don't want your blood staining my new suit." he stated with a huff as he stalked off Loki smirking as he watched, slipping away to go talk to Tony. "where you aware that Steve has a crush on you?" Loki asked, looking extremely amused. "he doesn't even know it, the poor brainless fool. he's up there sulking because he likes both you and Bucky and your both horrible flirts and are going to be flirting with each other. it's really hilarious to watch." Loki admitted, looking highly amused. "just thought i'd warn you, Cap's probobly going to be in a foul mood."
Bucky tilted his head, thinking that over.”Good for him.”Bucky said, for once not sounding sarcastic, actually fairly glad that tony wasn’t as at a loss as he was, and he’d been a adult when he’d started dealing with Howard. Snickering at bruce’s words he smirked. “Steve’s got a lot of practice with stubborn bastards.”he smirked a little. “Probably a good thing you don’t remember then.”Bucky pointed out.

“You lie. I always could keep you down. You spent alot of time flat on your back you know.”Bucky snickered, he was a horrible, horrible person who needed to stop flirting with a man he couldn’t have, and figure out if there was any females in the tower to seduce, needing a distraction from the guy he was so going to screw over if he let his feelings get in the way. “I think you got that wrong, you’re going to get your blood on it.”Bucky said watching him go, raising a eyebrow when he returned, shaking his head a little. “Ready to go?I want this outfit.”He said sounding eager to have something that was his.

“Hm?”Tony paused not really processing the words as he looked at the design he was making before pausing, thinking that over again, turning to look at Loki, looking at him oddly. “What?No he doesn’t.”Tony said looking a little weirded out with his best friend crushing on him. Not because he wasn’t attracted to steve (he’d have to be dead to not be attracted to the blond) before raising a eyebrow. “Really? I mean, me and Barnes are just as bad as each other?”He said looking interested, because he’d heard stories. It amused him, and while he had no desire to seduce barnes-he did have some sense of self preservation, and dating someone as outrageous as himself wouldn’t do well for his sanity- but it was still interesting. Nodding a little he sighed,”We’ll just have to see how bad Cap’s mood is going to be.”he hummed a little as he settled in to work, looking interested in what was coming next. This was going to be hilarious.
Bruce smiled a little. "yes, so i've heard. every time Tony started acting up it was usually met with a 'your not nearly as challenging as Bucky was. shut up and do what i tell you to.' it was quite amusing." he admitted with a smirk as Loki nodded. "you're delusional." Steve retorted. "too much booze and too many concussions makes you think things that are clearly not true." Steve stated simply. "i don't know how soon he'll have it ready." Steve warned. "it won't take nearly as long as mine took. entirely new technology i think, i've no idea. but it might be a few days, or even a week." he warned as he led the way. "and don't call it the wonderlab. Tony's got a big head as it is." he complained with a roll of his eyes.

Loki chuckled a little and nodded. "he does, actually. he just doesn't know it himself. he's so twisted up right now because he's not sure who to be annoyed with, you or Bucky." he admitted with a grin. "but it's just a crush, he'll calm down." he admitted with a smile. "he's completely infatuated with Bucky." he admitted. "if he was a cartoon, he'd have hearts in his eyes." he admitted with a chuckle. "and you both are. you're terrible flirts." he teased with a chuckle before pausing. "here they come. have fun. i'll see you later!" he chirped as he vanished with a grin as Steve led the way into Tony's Lab. he did, in fact, look to be in a very bad mood as he sulked.
“I am not. And you can outdrink me, you idiot. If anyone’s had to much alcohol, it’s you.”Bucky snorted looking amused before sulking a little.”Fine.I’ll just have to wait then.”he huffed sounding annoyed but not really, just calm and looking forward to having something that was his, before laughing. “Fine, not a wonderlab then.”He snickered at steve’s complaint.

“..Oh. Well. Okay....are you sure you don’t mind me flirting with him?”Tony said looking unsure about this, because it was one thing to screw with his best friend, it was quite another to play with him if he was crushing. But he’d do it, simply because it’d make steve and bucky get together. While him and steve liked each other, those two were meant for each other. Only if they could get steve and bucky with the program. “Later, loki.”he smiled, relieved at the other’s reassurance he was doing okay before smiling at the two super soliders walking in. “hey. Barnes, I have something for you.”Tony grinned as he tossed the hologram up so bucky could look at the uniform. “A disease?No thanks, I’ve heard what you do in your spare time.” “Share my awesomeness?I know, life is unfair to you Barnes, for having to share the lab with me. But you’ll have to live with it, cause I can make the most awesome uniform for you, and...”Tony trailed off as he paused to remember what he was telling him, smirking slightly as he showed the slightly different uniform, a uniform tailor made for bucky who was more of a sniper, then the close quarters fighting steve did, but also made to hold up to the close quarters fighting to. Waving a hand he smirked. “Go stand there, I want to take your measurements so I can start making it.” “Now Stark, don’t be to jealous when you get a load of one particular measurement.”Bucky said smirking, the two men were going to be horrible together, flirting without really being aware that was what they were doing as jarvis started the process of making the uniform.
Steve rolled his eyes. "i couldn't out drink you until after the Serum. i remember when a single beer would toss me on my ass." he admitted.

Loki smirked at tony. "go for it. i think it's fun." he admitted with a laugh. "and if you have sex with him, video it okay? i wanna watch... that's like, a really hot thought right there." he admitted with a nod. "you and Steve... mmm i'm gonna go masturbate." he purred with a grin. Steve scowled a little as he watched Tony and Bucky flirting even if he did snicker at the disease quip. he had to admit, the outfit was totally awesome. it was like Tony knew Bucky perfectly already. the thought made him twitch, and by the time Bucky was commenting on 'measurements' he was grinding his teeth so hard you could almost hear them cracking. "i'm going to go get warmed up." Steve declared suddenly as Tony started getting entirely too close to Bucky. he stomped his way out of the room, muttering under his breath as he headed for the Gym and took his jealous rage out on the punching bag.
“Ah, okay then.”Tony grinned perking up at the idea of not upsetting his almost lover, even if he was unsure about messing around with steve now before pausing, his mouth falling open a little, flushing slightly. “I..I...huh. Damn you. They’re on their way down here!”He growled, pouting because his tights were tight and horrible now, he so wanted to enjoy the thought of him and steve before grinning as him and bucky settled in to working together. Startling a little from where he was fitting a piece of metal over bucky’s abs he looked up at steve, tilting his head. “Okay. We’ll be up soon.”Tony said looking thoughtful as he finished working, the two men settling in to work, though both looked worried about steve.

“Hey, steve?You okay?”Merry said as she walked into the gym, having jarvis ask her if she’d go talk to steve was a weird experience, even if she’d bet money it was tony’s request she come see to steve, though she wasn’t sure why. He was pounding the punching bag fairly well, but she had no idea what caused it.
Loki smirked a little. "i did that on purpose!" Loki sing songed with a snicker as he vanished. Steve just glared at Tony, looking hurt and enraged and confused all at once before he stalked off. he was hitting the punching bag, finely refined until he wasn't supposed to be able to break it at all. but he was. the bag itself was starting to tear he was hitting it so hard. "i'm fine!" he snapped, hitting the bag even harder. "i'm totally not pissed off because i don't understand my own emotions and i certainly don't need you to help me." he assured her. not that it was all that reassuring.
Mery paused stopping away from him, trying to decide if he’d lash out at her or not. Not knowing him well enough to know if he’d hit her, before deciding that he was the Captain, and trusted him to not hurt her. Moving over she moved around the back of the bag, reaching out and stopping the bag from rocking, “That’s not overly reassuring, Steve.”She said looking worried before her eyes skated over to the door, eyes widening in surprise and understanding when she saw who was coming in the door. “Capsicle?Time to stop beating up the equipment, I have a real life doll for you to play with.” “I am not your doll, Stark.” “you let me dress you up like one, shut up.”Tony said rolling his eyes as he headed for the bench, “Now come on cap, time to be my favorite experiment again.”
Steve paused when she moved, studying her. "you really shouldn't stand there. Tony did that once and i launched him twenty feet." he admitted. "it's not supposed to be... i was trying to do the whole 'i'm a snarky bastard so you'll leave me alone'... i think that only works for Tony." he admitted with a sigh before he went tense as he heard Tony, swallowing hard and turning to look. fuck. Bucky looked... fuck. "...." he turned again and closed his eyes, forcing himself to take a deep breath before heading for the ring. "let's see how long you last Barnes. i've got fifty on two minutes."
“Well, it got you to stop didn’t it?”Merry frowned at him, having simply moved into the way so he’d stop, knowing she wouldn’t be capable of holding it still when he was swinging at it. “Lots of things only work for tony.”She snorted amused. “Well?What do you think, captain?”Bucky smirked looking pleased with the clothes as he climbed into the ring, rolling his eyes a little. “Ha!That’s what your last date said about you. Thankfully, I can last longer.”Bucky said sounding amused and tense, as wound tightly as steve was. “I put a thousand on Bucky going down.”Tony said smirking as he settled onto the bench watching. “....You’d like him going down wouldn’t you?Just shut up Tony.”Merry muttered studying the man, not realizing super soldier hearing would have both bucky and steve hearing, which just made bucky snicker as he started in a on his spar with steve. Merry looking concerned, now that she'd guessed what was going on.
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